The Resort – Chapter 02

By TklBndg516

Orientation, Day 2

In the staff section of the ferry, Peter, Dan, Jeff, Miguel, and Brad sat together as they did not know anyone else yet.  Some of them were curious about the conversation that Jeff had with Matt, but they figured it was his business and they weren’t going to ask, unless Jeff brought it up.  They engaged in small talk on the way to the island.

In the guest section of the same ferry Steve sat there with some excitement.  He and Jeff discussed the chastity device situation.  The device he currently had locked on Jeff was a relatively low-end plastic device.  Here he had the opportunity to have Jeff locked in a state-of-the-art, hi-tech device that he would be able to control when Jeff was not at work.  They agreed that they liked the arrangement, so Jeff followed the steps Matt gave him to set up the partner account.

A few moments later, Steve got an e-mail with a link to the app.  He installed it and registered with the app.  They looked at it together.  They were extremely impressed with the features.  It had excellent help information on how to use it.  Some features were currently not available because Jeff had to consent to them first.  Some of the advanced features also required that Jeff read the instructions and answer some questions to prove he read the instructions before it would allow him to consent to the feature.  Likewise, Steve would have to read the instructions and answer some questions before he could activate the features.

They both agreed that they should start slowly.  They would have plenty of time to learn and use some of the advanced features.  There were a few that Steve was interested in trying.  Jeff logged in and gave his consent to those features.  Now that Steve had activated his partner account, he noticed the setting where it asked if the device should remain on when leaving.  It said yes and the control was disabled.  It was the same for all the other options that he was able to set himself only a few minutes ago.

Only some of the options asked if he consented to using that feature.  Those were the only options that were available to him.  After consenting to the features that Steve was interested in trying, they both looked on as Steve reviewed some of the setting.  Where it asked if the device should remain on when leaving, there was a setting for who had control.  The options are “Partner only” or “Both.”  It was set to “Partner only” with “Yes” selected after that.  He set the options for which modules he wanted to include in the belt.  There were a few features that Jeff was concerned about trying.  For now, he set those modules to “Both” so that if Jeff was too nervous about trying them, he could turn them off himself.

Between remembering the night before, reviewing the settings yet again, and reading instructions for some of the advanced features, the ferry ride seemed to take no time at all.  Guests exited the ferry before staff, so he did not get a chance to see Jeff yet.  He showed his pass to an attendant who directed him to a building identified as “Slave Control.”  He liked that name.  He went in and someone greeted him and asked for his name.  The person checked his list then asked him to follow.  When they got to their destination, he introduced Steve to “Slave Mark.”

Slave Mark stood as they approached.  After the introduction he said, “Sir, welcome.  I was told you might be coming today.  Sir, Alpha Matt asked me to review the chastity control app with you until it is time for you to unlock Slave Jeff.  Please follow me, Sir.”  They entered an office where Mark directed him to sit in the comfortable chair.  Then he took a less comfortable chair at a small table near a corner of the office.  He asked Steve if he preferred to be called “Master Steve” or some other title.  Steve was not used to such treatment and said that just “Steve” would be fine.

After a reply of “Yes Steve, Sir,” he reached around his collar and tapped on the side of it twice, paused, then tapped it again.  Steve thought he heard something from the collar but could not make it out.  Then Mark said, “This is slave Mark 23.  Per instructions from Alpha Matt 96, request permission to remove jumpsuit and to set up a training link to the partner account for Slave Jeff 24.”  This time Steve could barely make out the reply of “One moment.” followed shortly after by “Training link established.  Permission granted.”  Mark replied, “Thank you,” then tapped the side of his collar twice again.  The snaps on his jumpsuit popped open, then Mark stood up and removed his jumpsuit and placed it on an empty chair nearby.

Mark turned around to let Steve see the whole device as he said.  “Steve Sir, in preparation for your visit, Alpha Matt arranged to have all the optional features of the belt installed on me today so that you could see how they look and how they work.  This belt has been linked in training mode to your account.  If you open the app, I can show you how to switch to control of my belt.  We will start with the basics of removing the belt and putting it back on then go though some of the basic and advanced features.”


When Jeff got off the ferry, he was hoping he would get to see Steve, but he didn’t.  He and the other 4 new slaves made their way to the training room.  There was still no sign of Steve.  He didn’t really expect to see Steve yet, but he was hoping.  A few minutes later Matt walked in and took a seat in front of the group.  “Welcome back.  Did you all review the code of behavior?”  There were some nods and yeses.  “Good.  We are going to do a practice exercise.  I am going to step out of the room for a few minutes, then come back in.  When I come back in, I want you to pretend that I am a Master.  Wait here and I will be right back.”  With that he stepped out of the room, waited about 20 seconds, then came back in.

When they saw him come in, they all stood at attention.  He ordered them, “Line up for inspection.”  They all moved to form a line then stood there at attention.  “Each of you in turn will identify yourself, starting with you.”  “Alpha Matt, sorry, Master Matt, I am slave Peter 28.”  “Master Matt, I am slave Dan 39, Sir.”  “Master Matt, I am slave Jeff 24, Sir.”  “Master Matt, I am slave Brad 42, Sir.”  “Master Matt, I am slave Miguel 63, Sir.”  Matt then ordered them to assume a kneeling position.  They all knelt together, placing their hands behind their back using their left hand to grasp their right wrist.  He stood in front of each of them in turn and asked, “Slave Miguel, do you have any questions about the code of behavior?”  “Master Matt, no Sir, Master Matt.”  They each responded the same way.  Matt then ordered them to line up against the wall.  They all got up together and, in a line, went to the wall, formed a line, and stood at attention.  He had them go to the “at ease” position.  Then he dismissed them and told them to take their seats.  They relaxed, went back to their seats then sat down.

Matt continued, “Very good.  You should return to using my title ‘alpha’ when appropriate.  Shortly we will be getting you into uniform.  The process runs something like an assembly line.  For the first time through, they will need to determine the correct sizes and such.  That information will all be recorded in your slave profiles so in the future the uniform process will be fast and smooth.  To help you through the process, I have recruited five current slaves to go through the process with you.  I will bring them in and get you paired off.”  He opened the door, looked out, then said, “Come in.”

Five young men came into the room.  They were all good looking.  Most of them looked like they spent a lot of time at the gym.  He had them sitting opposite the new hires.  Matt had them introduce themselves.  They were from different areas of The Resort.  One was from slave control, the same group the new recruits would be in.  There was also a domestic slave, a wait slave, a pool slave, and a guest slave.  That would give them a chance to see a variety of the colors and styles of the outer uniforms.  Most had worked at The Resort for 2 or 3 years.  The guest slave had been here for almost 4 years and was now a resident slave of The Resort.

After the introductions, he paired them off.  Usually, he would allow a random pairing, but he wanted to make sure that Jeff was paired with David, the guest slave.  He had each of the pairs sitting next to each other around the table.

The first time a slave goes through the uniform process can be intimidating.  It is much easier to do it with someone else.  And it helps to have a degree of comfort with that person, rather than a total stranger.  So, it is best to give them a chance to get to know each other, at least a little.  He usually would stay in the room for the half hour or so that he gave the new hires to get to know the slaves that would accompany them.   This time Matt excused himself and told the group he had to check on a few things and that they should talk and get to know each other better.


In another room, Mark was standing there naked showing Steve some of the inner workings of the belt.  They had already covered taking it off and putting it back on and how to vary some of the configurations, such as temporarily removing the front piece to allow access to the cock and balls without removing the whole device or removing just the back plate for access to that area.  They covered many of the basic features.  Some were pleasurable, some were not.  The most recent features they tried were ones that had Mark very horny.  He had quite a stiff erection while he was showing Steve some of the components.

There was a knock at the door and they both turned their heads as Matt walked in.  As Steve was considered a guest, Mark stood at attention and faced Matt when he came into the room.  Matt asked, “Slave Mark, how are things going here?”  “Alpha Matt, welcome.  Things are going well here.  Steve has done well at learning the basics and we started on some of the advanced features.”  “I can see he tried some of the more enjoyable features of the belt.”  “Alpha Matt, yes sir, I did enjoy it.”  “At ease.”  Then Matt turned to Steve and said, “Jeff should be ready to get into uniform soon.  We pair them up with experienced slaves, so the process is less intimidating.  Since Jeff will be getting a different configuration than the rest of them, I arranged to pair him up with one of the resident slaves who will be put into a belt with the same configuration as Jeff.”  He paused then continued, “With what you have learned, do you want to make any last-minute changes to the configuration of his belt?”  Steve replied, “There were a few things I learned that I would like to try.”

They reviewed the configuration options and settings.  They added a few options.  There were a few modules that required wearer consent.  For some of the modules, Matt was able to authorize an override to allow the modules to be installed on a one-time basis, but they could not be activated without Jeff’s consent.  Other modules required consent before they could be installed.  Matt said he would give Jeff the opportunity to review his consent options.

Returning to the training room, Matt could see that the group seemed to be getting along well.  He told them he would like them each to go to a terminal to review their profiles with their guides.  He checked on Peter first before going over to Jeff.  When he went to Jeff, he told him that Steve had learned a lot and was interested in adding features that required his consent.  He reminded him that consent was optional and that if he decided to remove consent later it would deactivate the feature.  Jeff had reservations about some of the options.  Matt told him that David would be in a belt that has all the same options.  David added that Jeff would be given a chance to control his belt to get an idea for how things work and would be able to experience some of the features himself if he wanted.  Jeff trusted Steve, and with the encouragement of Matt and David, he gave consent.  Steve must have been on the app because as soon as he issued consent, he saw the options start to change.  Matt then checked on the other three before having them return to their seats.

Matt got them ready for the next step.  With the number of slaves coming and going on a regular basis, getting them into uniform has become something of an assembly line procedure.  He told them their first time will take longer as we determine sizes.  Tomorrow will go more quickly, though they will check to see if any adjustments are needed.  After that it usually goes smooth and quick.  He would send them in pairs a few minutes apart, one new slave and one guide slave.  The guide slave will help them along the way.  First, they will go to the locker area.  They will use their card to open a locker.  They will put all their personal items and clothing into the locker.  Everything except their card and prescription glasses should be placed in the locker.  They will then use their card to close the locker.  The locker units are stored in an underground storage facility.  The container will then be sent to the storage facility and a new container will take its place ready for the next person.  Then they will get onto the trolley.  Usually only one slave would go onto the trolley, but for training purposes these are tandem trolleys.  They and their guide will put their cards into the respective slots.  The trolley will automatically adjust for their guide since his slave profile had the proper settings.  Their guide will position them on the trolley and help adjust it.  Once they are properly positioned, their guide will get himself into position.  When their guide is in position, the trolley will store their settings in their profile and proceed to the first station.  It’s pretty much automated from there, so they should just enjoy the ride.

Matt sent Dan and his guide first.  As soon as Dan left, he turned to slave David and said, “I need you to go see Slave Mark in my office.”  I want you and Slave Jeff to stay together, so take him with you.  Knock on the door and tell him you are slave David and that you have Slave Jeff with you.  Wait until he invites you in.  With a “Yes, Alpha Matt” he and slave Jeff were on their way.  Slave Mark had them wait a few minutes then told them to come in.  Slave Jeff’s face lit up when he saw Steve in there with Mark.  He started to quickly head over to Steve, then stopped.  He turned to his guide and asked if it was alright to give Steve a hug.  David deferred the question to Mark who said it would be fine.  The two embraced and kissed each other until Mark said that they did not have much time.  He asked if either of them wanted to make any last-minute changes to the chastity device settings.  He said that Steve was fully trained to use all the features.  Steve asked if the rest of the options could be enabled.  He said that if Jeff were able to stay an extra hour and half for training after the rest of his group was dismissed, that Matt gave him an override code that would allow Jeff to consent to all the options, including those for which he needs to go through training.  Being with Steve, Jeff had more confidence to allow the consent.  They both agreed that Jeff could stay the extra time.  Mark entered the override code, then Jeff gave his consent, then Steve added all the modules.

Mark then told Steve it was time to unlock him.  He asked Steve if he wanted to remove the device here, unlock it and have either Jeff or slave David take it off him just before getting into uniform or keep it locked and give the key to slave David to unlock and remove it just before getting into uniform.  Steve decided that he didn’t want someone else to unlock the device.  He wanted to do it himself.  He also did not want Jeff to be the one to remove it, so he asked if slave David could be the one to take it off.  Mark said that would be fine.  He told Jeff to pull down his pants then he unlocked the device, leaving the open lock in place to keep the device on.  Mark told slave David to take Slave Jeff back to the training room and to let Alpha Mark know that he will be bringing Steve back to the ferry now.

Five minutes after Dan was sent, Matt sent Peter then 5 minutes later sent Miguel.  Brad was the only new slave left in the room when Jeff returned.  David stood at attention and reported, “Alpha Matt, slave Mark asked me to relay a message.  He was going to take Master Steve to the ferry now.”  With a thank you, Matt checked the timer.  27 seconds left before sending the next pair.  Matt sent Jeff and David next then 5 minutes later sent Brad and his guide.


When Matt sent Dan, his guide, slave Chris, took him down the hallway and through a door into what looked like a locker room.  There were two different sized lockers.  They only had their clothes and a few personal items, so the smaller locker was fine for them.  He told Dan where to place his card to activate the locker.  They both opened their lockers.  Slave Chris began undressing and putting his clothes neatly into the locker.  He told Dan that he should do the same.  When they were both totally naked and their clothes and belongings were in the locker, Chris showed him how to use the card to lock it.  They could hear a slight mechanical noise as the locker container was taken away and an empty one was put in its place.  Chris then led him through the next door.

There was an oval platform in front of an automated door.  There were four poles, perhaps three feet long with an angled apparatus at the top that Dan could not quite make out.  They looked like they were two pairs.  Between each pair, there were shorter posts, perhaps a few inches high and spread about two and a half feet apart.  There were two slots for inserting their cards.  Chris put his card into the slot on the right.  The height and position of the apparatus on his side adjusted.  Chris told Dan to put his card into the slot on the left.  Dan did, but nothing happened.  Chris explained that the system knew the settings for him, but needed to learn the settings for Dan.

Chris told Dan to step onto the platform and stand in front of the apparatus facing away from it.  He told Dan to spread his legs apart.  Then Chris made a slight adjustment to the position of the lower apparatus.  He then asked Dan to hold his arms out at an angle.  He adjusted the height and position of the apparatus on the longer poles.  Then he had Chris turn around to look.  He told Dan that he should back himself in, placing his spread ankles into the lower part.  They would close around his ankles, then he should put his hands through the strap loop on the hands part.  The straps will tighten around his wrists.  When Dan did that, Chris adjusted the height of the wrist attachments slightly.  As Chris went to put himself into the apparatus on his side, Dan asked, “How do I let myself out of this?”  As the apparatus closed around Chris’s ankles and wrists, he replied, “You don’t.  This will keep us in place until we are in uniform.”  With that, the automated doors in front of them opened and the trolley moved through them.  Although not seen by them, once they were through the doors, a new trolley took the place of the one they were on, ready for the next slaves.

As the door closed behind them, the trolley stopped.  Red beams crisscrossed around their feet and slowly worked their way up.  Chris said these beams are taking measurements for your general size.  It will help the system to choose the right size components for most of your uniform.  And it is checking him to see if there have been any changes.  As the beams made it about halfway up their bodies an automated voice told them to close their eyes when the beam reached their neck until they were told to open them again.  When the automated voice said they could open their eyes, the next automated door had opened, and the pad was starting to move through.  When the door closed, a metal ring came down around each of them.  Chris commented, “I like this part.”

Once it reached the floor, the ring started spraying warm soapy water as it worked its way up to neck level.  There were soft ribbons that gently touched their skin.  The nozzles and ribbons adjusted to direct the spray to get all areas, including under arms and between his legs.  After reaching neck level, the ribbons and soapy water stopped.  Next, clear water came out to rinse them.  When it reached the bottom, it then started blowing warm air as it worked its way back up… The air stopped at neck level, but the apparatus continued up a couple of feet over their head.  There was a slight difference between the heights of the two of them.  Dan noticed that it adjusted for the height of each of them.  Dan felt like he had been through a car wash.  It was very refreshing, and he felt clean.  Chris commented that on the single platform, they also have a manned station for washing the hair and face, but the tandem trolley can’t maneuver properly to do that with two people on it.  The next set of doors opened, and the trolley started moving again.

The next station was apparently where they issued the collars.  As soon as the trolley came to a stop a metallic arm came out towards Chris.  There were two semicircular pieces attached to it.  They were placed around Chris’s neck and closed around him.  Then the arm withdrew leaving the collar around his neck.  Once the arm cleared, the attendant said that usually putting the collar on is an automated process, but for his first time he would verify the size first.  There was a tray of collars.  They were held vertically in slots.  One slot was pushed out from the other.  Well, they had some resemblance to the collars.  They were not as well polished and did not have the markings that he saw on the collars for Matt, Mark, or now Chris and the attendant.  The attendant took that collar and stepped onto the trolley informing Dan that this was the size the computer picked based on his measurements, but sometimes the collar needed to go a size or two larger or smaller.  He placed it around Dan’s neck then felt around it to feel the fit.  He said it seemed about right but that he might be able to go one size smaller.  He asked Dan if he would be alright with a smaller size.  He said he could try it.

The attendant put that collar back in its slot, slid it back in and pulled out the next smaller size.  He tried that around Dan’s neck.  Dan felt it was a little tight.  The attendant agreed and went back to the original collar.  He put that on Dan one more time.  He was satisfied, so he put a code in his pad.  There was a slight sound of machinery, then a few seconds later an arm came out and put a collar on him the same as it had for Chris.  The attendant checked it, was satisfied then tapped something on his pad.  Then the trolley started to move again.

Dan asked Chris, “Isn’t it a bit unnerving to be locked on here when all of this happening?”  Chris responded, “It does take a little getting used to.  That’s why they have me going through this with you, so at least you aren’t alone the first time. It doesn’t take long to become routine.  But I still think it is fun.”

The next stop was another manned station.  There was no mechanical arm coming out at this one.  There was an object on Chris’s side and a set of similar objects in different sizes on Dan’s side.  The attendant took the object from Chris’s side.  Dan noticed it was a ring somewhat like the collar, but much smaller.  The attendant put his hand behind Dan’s scrotum then his thumb over his penis.  He pulled them slightly forward and put the ring on.  There was a slight click sound when it closed.  Dan noticed that the ones on his side were different.  They looked more like the sizing collar the previous attendant had used.  The attendant took the center ring, put his hand behind Dan’s scrotum and put the ring around it.  There was no click sound from this one.  He felt around it.  Dan was getting aroused from the touching.

The attendant then put that ring back and got the next larger size.  After feeling around the ring, he seemed to think it was the right size.  He read a code from the ring and entered it into his pad.  A few moments later a ring like the one on Chris came onto the workbench.  The attendant took it and placed it onto Dan.  This time he heard and felt a click.  The attendant checked it then tapped something on his pad and the trolley began to move again.

The experience at each station was similar.  An object or set of objects were ready and waiting to be put onto Chris.  Sizing pieces were there for the attendant to try on Dan before the real item came out and was put onto him.  At the next stop a tube was placed over his penis and another piece attached it to the ring.  During the next stops, a waistband was put on, then a piece connecting the ring to the waist band then a piece that went from the back of the waistband, underneath and between his legs to attach to the ring.  A cap was put onto the end of the tube around his penis with a piece that seemed to go partway into the urethra and had a small tube attached to it.  Dan found that process a little uncomfortable, but overall, not too bad.  At another stop, a piece was placed inside his anus.  He had never had anything go in there before.  But the attendant was good at his job.  It was not painful, but again he felt a little uncomfortable about that.  There were two stops where something was put onto Chris, but not onto Dan.

Chris explained that he was a wait slave.  The one device would give him a signal when someone at one of his tables wanted something or if there was an order ready.  The guest at the table could set the level, then it would give him shocks in a pattern that would let him know what table wanted his attention.  Most guests used a mild to moderate setting, but a few guests liked to watch him squirm when they sent a signal at a stronger level.  The other item was a vibrating unit that could be used to give him pleasure.  Since the guests do not leave tips for the wait slaves, some of them like to reward me for good service by activating the vibrator.  It feels great and gets me horny, but the device monitors to make sure that I do not cum.  A few more stops and their chastity devices were complete.

Once the chastity devices were complete, next was the outer uniform.  At that station, there was a green jumpsuit on Dan’s side.  There were tan shorts, a tan tank top and what looked like a green ribbon on Chris’s side.  The attendant took the shorts and tapped something on his pad.   The trolley adjusted to move Chris’s feet closer together and the height of the poles holding his hands adjusted accordingly.  Once they were in position, Chris’s left leg was released.  The attendant held the shorts out and Chris put his foot through them then put his foot back into the holder.  When he put his foot back, it closed on his ankle again then the right foot was released.  He put that foot through the shorts then put his foot back in the holder.  The attendant then took the tank top and tapped his pad again.  Chris’s left arm was released.  He put that through the opening in the tank top as the attendant held it in place, then he put his hand back in the restraint and it closed before his right hand was released.  Once both his hands were back in the restraints, the attendant proceeded to tuck the shirt into his shorts.  It looked to Dan like there were four snaps that connected the shirt to the shorts, which the attendant connected.

He then took the ribbon and put it around Chris’s neck.  It seemed to have a snap on the back.  Dan asked Chris about the ribbon.  Chris said it wasn’t a part of his usual uniform.  The attendant said that the green ribbon indicated that Chris was on loan to the slave control department.  The attendant checked that everything was in place for Chris.  Then the attendant took the green jumpsuit and tapped something on his pad.  Dan’s legs were brought closer together and the height of the poles holding his hands adjusted accordingly.  Once they were in position, his left leg was released.  The attendant asked him to put his leg into the overalls then back into the holder.  Dan did as he was told, then the right leg was released.  The attendant told him to put that leg through, then back into the holder.  Once that was done, his left arm was released.  The attendant pulled the jumpsuit then asked him to put his arm through, then back into the restraint.  Then the same happened with his right arm.  The attendant then adjusted it on him.  What he thought were snaps looked a bit odd to him.  As the attendant was closing them, he asked about the snaps.  The attendant said they were automated locks.  Every part of the uniform is locked on while you are on duty.  The attendant checked everything before tapping the control that sent them to the next station where they were issued sandals.  The sandals were put on with one foot being released at a time.  They closed on with the same kind of locks that had been used on other clothing.

There was one more stop before they were finished.  The technician took his pad, placed it near Chris’s collar then tapped a control.  After a few seconds, several green lights lit up.  He then held it near the front of his chastity device and tapped a control.  A few seconds later green lights lit up again.  He then did the same to Dan.  Chris told Dan the technician was running a diagnostic to make sure everything was functioning properly.  The technician stepped off the trolley, then tapped a control on his pad and the trolley moved on.

The next stop brought them to a room where automated doors closed behind them.  There were manual doors in front of them.  A few moments after the trolley came to a stop, their feet were released.  A few seconds later their hands were released.  They stepped off the trolley and retrieved their cards.  Chris led him through the door.  There was a set of locker units on the wall.  Chris told him he would not need his card while he had the collar on.  Chris showed him how to use his collar to unlock the locker.  Only the outer door of the locker opened, not the door to the container inside.  Chris showed him a slot where he could store his card.  They stored their card, used the collar to lock the locker then walked through the next door where Matt was waiting for them.

Peter, Miguel, and Brad had similar experiences.  Miguel was paired with the pool slave, Jim.  He had the extra stop to get the shock device for signals, but not the vibrator device.  And his outer uniform consisted of just a light blue headband.  He did not have to be released from anything for that to be put on.  There were some very thin wires attached to the headband that the attendant attached to the collar.  When Brad went through, he kept saying, “This is so cool” at just about every stop.  Otherwise, their experience was not much different than that of Dan and Chris.


The experience for Jeff and David was a little different.  This was such a rare occasion when David did not have a collar on, so when they got to the lockers, he went to use his collar to activate it.  Then realizing he didn’t have a collar on, David remembered to use the card.  The experience in the locker room, getting on the trolley, the measuring beams, cleaning, and collaring were not much different than the experience of the others.  From there their experience was different.  The initial ring that went on was a bit thicker and had electrical pads and retractable spikes built in.  The tube over the penis also had electrical pads and retractable spikes.  Instead of a short tube in the urethra, they had a full catheter tube.  The cap to the chastity device also had retractable spikes.  The anal piece was larger than the ones used on the others and included electrical pads, both on the inside part and the outside part and an inflatable bulb.  There seemed to be some accessory that the attendant put on Jeff, but not David.  Various other electrical pads were added as well as various vibrating attachments.  There were parts placed over the scrotum.  Some were electrical pads and vibrators.  Some of the attachments could be used to apply pressure to the testicles.  Another, when activated, could give the sensation of slapping the balls.  Another would pull the balls, stretching the scrotum.  At one station, a shock attachment was added to David’s collar.  A similar shock device on a strap was placed around Steve’s neck, then a container with a retractable cord was placed on Jeff belt and the cord attached to the strap.  The strap was released from his neck and put into the container.  He found out that the shock collar was stored because it would not be used while he is working, but that it would be available for use by the person controlling his partner account.  Both of their belts had storage attachments for nipple clamps with electro and nipple suction cups.  Steve could not believe that a chastity device could contain so much, yet there was still more.

At one station there were four flat strips on David’s side.  There were similar sizing items on Jeff’s side.  The attendant tapped a control that released David’s left leg.  The attendant put one of the longer straps around his ankle.  The attendant checked that all the hinged rings folded out properly, then he laid them flat again.  As the attendant went to get the next strap David put his left foot back into the holder and his right foot was automatically released.  After that strap was placed and checked, then there was a similar process with each wrist.  When David was all set, the attendant took care of Jeff.  The attendant sized the straps for each ankle then put them on.  When he got to the wrist, Jeff could see they were metal bands, hinged something like watchbands.  After sizing the wrist, then putting the band on it, he tested the hinged rings then told Jeff to place his wrist at a certain location on the belt.  The attendant tapped a control and the band opened but stayed attached to the belt.  He flattened it against the belt then told Jeff to put his hand back.  Then they went through the same process for the other wrist.  Jeff found out that just like the shock collar, the wrist cuffs would not be used while he was working but were available for the person controlling the partner account.

At the next station, they had devices that looked like the pads that the attendants were using, only smaller, maybe the size of a smart phone.  The attendant first took the nipple clamps out of the case and put them on David.  He then took the device on David’s side.  The attendant used it to run a diagnostic on the collar and belt.  After running a diagnostic like the ones done for the belts on the others, he tapped a control then read off a list of belt features.  After each feature, something happened with the belt then David said, “working.”  When he was finished, the attendant attached the device to a holder on the belt, then took off the nipple clamps and put them back in their holder.  The attendant then got the pad for Jeff’s belt.  After running the initial diagnostic, the attendant explained that this would be a second diagnostic to make sure all the accessories were working properly.  The features would activate at a low setting.  When he feels the feature activating, he should say “Working.”  If a feature does not activate, he should say, “Failed.”  He put the nipple clamps and shock collar on David.  They went through the diagnostics.  Everything was working, then the attendant attached the device to his belt and put the nipple clamps and shock collar back into their respective cases before sending them off to the next station for outer uniforms.

At the station for outer uniforms, there was only a green ribbon that went around David’s neck and a green jumpsuit for Jeff.  Next was the station to get their sandals.  Then they were in the room where they were released from the pad.  They stowed their cards in the lockers, then walked out to where the rest of the group were waiting for them.

After Dan had come out, Peter came out perhaps one or two minutes later, then Miguel a few minutes later, then Brad about 10 minutes after that.  After waiting a few more minutes for Jeff, Brad asked Matt, “I thought I was the last one in.  How come Jeff isn’t out yet?”  Matt explained that was because they had a few extra stops to make.  It was a few more minutes before Jeff and David came out.  When Jeff and David came out, the other new slaves noticed how different David’s belt was from the others.  They saw the belt that Jim was wearing and knew that their belt and the belts of their guides were similar.  It was Brad who burst out with excitement and said to David, “Cool belt.  I bet that has a lot of really cool features.”  They did not know that Jeff had a similar belt since it was hidden under his jumpsuit.

Matt said, “We don’t usually have a guest slave with a full belt, so they were fortunate that they would get to learn more about his features.  But first I need to teach you about your collars and belts.”  He started with how to handle biological functions with the belt on.  He told them that with the belt on, they could urinate at any time, and it would be stored until they were ready to evacuate.  They had no need for bathrooms or privacy to evacuate with the belts on.  He took them to a slave waste evacuation station.  Since Jim had no clothing covering his belt, Matt used him as an example.  He had Jim stand with his back to the group and bend over so they could all see the attachment point.  He then showed them how to attach the tube from the waste evacuation station to the connector on the back of the belt.  He then had Jim stand and activate it.  Matt explained how the connector injected water into the anal tube.  There was an agitator in the anal insert that broke down the solid matter, which then got sucked out through another tube.  Matt told them it was best to urinate just before attaching the tube.  Both the solid and liquid waste products were removed through the tube.  It was an efficient way to remove the body’s waste products.  He told them that the tube also had a connection that helped recharge the belt’s batteries.  When the cycle finished, he told Jim to finish it himself.  Jim disconnected the tube and placed it in the holder.  The holder cleans and sanitizes the tube in seconds, so it is ready for the next person.  Matt then showed them the opening in the back of the uniforms to allow them to connect the tube.  He then proceeded to connect it to his own belt to show them how it could be done with the uniform on.

He had the guides take them to nearby waste evacuation stations where the guide demonstrated the process, then let the new slave do it.  He went to the station with Jeff and David.  He explained to Jeff that on the island he would use the evacuation stations like other slaves.  There is an attachment on his belt that will allow him to do waste evacuation when he is not on the island.  That function will be part of his training later that day.  When the group reassembled, he told them that for most people it only needs to be done about every 6 to 8 hours, but generally slaves were scheduled to use it about every 2-3 hours depending on the work they were doing at a particular time.

By now it was time for lunch.  Matt said they would be going to the slave dining area.  When they arrived, Matt had the guides go first followed by the slave they were assisting.  They had to use their collar and fingerprint to gain entry.  When they got inside, the new slaves were impressed.  It certainly wasn’t as grand as the dining areas for the guests, but it was impressive.  It was set up as a self-serve buffet style.  There was a salad bar where they could have a tossed salad with many items available as well as chicken salad, pasta salad, seafood salad and just about any other kind of salad they could imagine.  There was a bar with a variety of sandwiches, hot and cold heroes, wraps and such.  There was a hot foods bar with a large assortment of food items.  There was a specialty section to cover dietary needs like gluten free, vegan, kosher, and others.  And a “special of the day” that had selections that changed daily.  They got their meal, then sat together and had a good social conversation.  The new slaves were less nervous, so it was easier to draw them into the conversation than it was at lunch the previous day.  After eating, slaves were expected to clean up after themselves, stacking trays, dishes, and utensils in the designated place.  They did have staff that would wipe down the tables and remove the stacked items for cleaning.  Unlike the slaves staffing the guest dining areas who wore shorts and a tank top, the slaves staffing here wore jumpsuits.  They finished lunch then returned to the training room.

When they got back to the training room, the next topic was using the collars.  Matt started off by using his collar to call the control center.  He informed them that he was about to start a training lesson on using the collars to new slaves.  This was so they knew to handle any emergency calls from him, the new slaves or their guides as a drill, not actual emergencies.  They got to practice sending safety and emergency signals.  They sent and received messages between the new slaves and their guides.  They got to talk directly between the new slaves and their guides through their collars.  They had the opportunity to try all the features of the collar.

Matt then asked the group if they would like to know more about the features in David’s belt.  Brad got all excited and said, “Wow!  That would be really cool!”  The others seemed to agree.  Matt told them that they usually only cover a brief overview during the orientation.  Since they had a guest slave with all the features and they all seemed to be interested in David’s belt, he would spend time not just showing but demonstrating some of the features that are available to guests using one of the guest slaves.  He told them that some of the features might be intimidating to them.  The island has a strict policy of consent for using these features.  There are also tolerance levels that are set so that features do not go beyond what the person can and is willing to handle.  None of them would be put in belts with these features without their consent.

He went on to explain that the belt could be used to give pleasure or pain, to give orders and for restraint.  The master controlling it can also remove the whole belt or sections if he chooses.  He had David stand in front of the group then asked him to enable control to everyone in the room for the rest of the afternoon.  David took the pad from the holder on his belt and tapped a few controls.  Matt explained that the pad had the app that was used to control David’s belt.  Anyone with the app and authorized access could control the belt.  The pad was attached to the belt to make sure control access was always readily available.   The slave could not control any of the features of the belt unless an authorized user gave him permission to do so.  But the slave had the ability to authorize users who could control his belt.  If the slave is assigned to a guest or an alpha or slave on staff, that person would automatically be an authorized user.  If the assigned guest wanted to share control with others in his group, then the slave would have to authorize them as users.  There is always a time limit on the duration of the authorization not to exceed 24 hours, but it can be extended before the time expires.

Matt asked who would like to be the first to try controlling the belt.  Somehow, he was not surprised that Brad’s hand was the first to go up as he was bouncing in his seat with excitement.  Matt turned to David and said, “Slave David.  For purposes of demonstration, please present your controller to Slave Brad in the way you would present it to a guest.”  David placed the controller in the holder then walked over toward Brad.  He then knelt in front of Brad, removed the controller from the holder, held it up in both hands then with his head bowed low said, “Slave Brad, I offer you control over me.”  Brad took the controller.  When the controller was taken, David placed his hands behind his back and waited.  Matt thanked David then told him to return to the front of the room.  David got up and went back to his position in front of the group.

Matt went over to Brad and told him to sign onto the pad.  He then directed him to a section for slave commands.  He pointed to three options and told Brad to tap these one at a time in any order.  Almost immediately, David sat down on the floor.  Brad tapped another button and David went into a kneeling position.  Another tap then David was standing again.  Matt asked if anyone had any idea what just happened.  Dan raised his hand then said that his guide Chris has an attachment where he gets a signal letting him know which table to go to.  He asked if this might be something similar that is telling David to sit or kneel or stand.  Matt told him it was, then asked if he knew how the signaling worked.  Dan said that he was told Chris would get a shock in a certain pattern that would tell him where to go.  Matt confirmed that it was the same thing here.  The belt would “buzz” the slave with a pattern that the slave could recognize and associate with a particular action.  In Chris’s case some of those patterns are associated with the tables he is serving.  In David’s case they are associated with other orders, such as sit, kneel, or stand.

Matt then turned to Dan and asked if he would like to try something.  Dan asked if he had the other attachment that was put on Chris’s belt.  Matt said he did and asked if Dan would like to try that.  Brad handed the pad to Dan and Matt showed him where to go to activate that feature and to adjust the intensity.  Dan started at a low intensity then brought it up to about 25%.  David commented that it felt nice.  Dan brought it up and they could see from David’s face that he was enjoying it.  When Dan had it up all the way, David was moaning with pleasure.  After a minute or so he turned it off.  Dan said that Chris told him it would give him pleasure, but would not let him cum.  Is that true?  Matt said that the device on Chris would be set that way.  The monitor would automatically lower the setting to make sure the slave did not cum.  For a guest slave, it would be up to the person controlling him.  They could turn the monitoring off and permit the slave to cum, but then the slave could also be subjected to post-orgasm stimulation, which can be very intense.

Next, he turned to Jeff and asked, “Since you got to see the belt assembled on him, do you have any questions about anything you saw put onto the belt?”  Jeff said he saw a lot of things that he was curious about, then after a pause to think about it, he asked about the things on the tube on his penis.  Matt said there were several things on the tube.  There were electro-pads that could provide either a pleasant sensation or painful shock.  There were also spikes that could be extended.  The spikes had ends that were blunt enough that they would not damage the skin, but they would cause pain if he got erect.  Matt asked Dan to pass the controller to Jeff.  Then he showed Jeff how to extend the spikes.  Then he showed Jeff how to operate the electro pads to give a pleasant sensation.  At first, David could barely tell the spikes were out.  The pleasant feel of the electro started having the desired effect.  They could see he was enjoying it then it started to become painful.  Matt pointed to a control, then said try that.  Jeff tapped it then David let out a loud gasp.  Matt suggested that Jeff turn off the electro and retract the spikes.  He then asked Jeff to tap a control then tell David to put his hands in the rear locking position.  David moved his hands into position then the cuffs locked to the belt.  Matt asked Jeff for the controller so he could do the next part.

Matt thought this would be a good time to demonstrate how parts of the belt can be removed.  With David’s hands secured behind him, Matt touched a few controls that closed the catheter tube then allowed the tube and front part of the belt to disconnect.  He went over to David then removed the front section.  Most of the belt was still in place, but now David stood there with his penis exposed to the group.  Matt showed the front part to the rest of the group then tapped the control to extend the spikes.  While they were each having a turn looking, he said that the belts they were in had the same modular design, but since they were not guest slaves, the system would not authorize the removal until they were preparing to leave the island.  Matt then put the piece back in place, reattached the catheter hose then tapped the control to lock the pieces back in place.

Matt then asked Miguel if he would like to try anything.  He said he did but didn’t know what to try.  Matt suggested trying some of the anal features.  Miguel agreed, so Matt handed him the controller and showed him where to find those controls.  First, he showed him the controls for the inflatable attachment.  Miguel set it for about 25% inflation.  There was a slight buzz from his belt for a few seconds then it stopped.  Matt explained that about 25% to 50% inflation caused a slight pressure, especially against the prostate that felt good.  Settings above that level started to feel uncomfortable, not exactly painful, but like you really needed to use a toilet soon.  Miguel was reluctant to turn it up too high.  David said he could turn it up as much as he wanted.  Miguel turned it up to 60%.  Matt then showed him the controls for the electro.  There were different settings, some pleasurable and some that would cause discomfort or pain.  Miguel used a pleasurable setting.  He was reluctant to try any of the uncomfortable or painful settings.  David encouraged him, telling him that he could handle any of the setting, and besides his hands were still locked, so he couldn’t do anything about it.  Matt tried an uncomfortable setting then a short zap at 30% intensity.  Then he turned it off and handed the controller back to Matt.

Peter was next.  He asked about the attachment on his collar.  Matt told him that attachment delivered an electric shock, something like a dog collar.  It had many options and settings.  It could be used as a signal, a punishment, a proximity fence, or geofencing.  David handed Peter the controller, then showed him where to find the signal settings.  He then told him to tap a control.  When he did, David went down on his knees.  He then tapped another control and David stood up and walked over to him, standing in front of him.  Matt then pointed to another control.  After tapping it, Matt suggested he tell David to go to the corner of the room.  When David got about 4 feet away, he felt a slight tingling, then at 5 feet away, he felt a heavier jolt, then asked permission to stop.  Matt said that the intensity would increase to maximum the further we went from the controller.  It could also be reversed so that he was required to stay a minimum distance from the controller.  Geofencing areas could be set up so that he was required to stay within a certain area.  It could also be set with areas he was prohibited to go.  There were some built-in safety features, for example it would expand a geofence area to allow him to use a waste evacuation station if he had not done so within the last 4 hours.  Also, the controller would give alerts to the person controlling him when it was time to let him use the waste evacuation station or take care of other physical needs, such as food and hydration.

Matt then accepted the controller back from Peter.  He handed it to Jeff and said, since he is your guide, you may decide when to release his hands.  He told David he may return to his seat next to Jeff.  Jeff asked David if he wanted his hands released.  David said it was up to him.  If Jeff wanted to keep his hands restrained, he would be fine with that.  If Jeff wanted to release his hands, that would be fine too.  Since David didn’t seem to want his hands to be released, Jeff left them there for now.

Matt said that there wasn’t much time left to demonstrate any more of the features, but he told them about the two sets of nipple clamps, some of the other electro and vibrating attachments, the ball stretcher and ball paddle and the rest of the belt features.  He asked the group what they thought of it.  Miguel said it looks interesting, but that he wouldn’t want to try being in it.  Brad then said, with a degree of enthusiasm, some of those features look pretty cool and that he wouldn’t mind trying some of them.  Peter and Dan said they might like to try some of the features, but maybe not all of them.  Jeff was rather quiet on the subject until Brad turned to him and asked, “Would you like to be in a belt like your guide?”  Jeff looked at Matt.  Matt smiled and nodded, which Jeff took as a signal that it was OK to tell them.  He looked at David, then David’s belt and said, “Yeah, and my boyfriend would like to have me in one too.”  Matt asked if there was anything else.  Although that came out as a general question to the group, he seemed to be looking at Jeff to see if he wanted to tell them more.

Before leaving, Matt had them all use the waste evacuation station one more time, mostly for practice.  He said that they would use the tandem trolleys again to have the uniforms removed.  Their guides were scheduled to be with them again tomorrow, so they would get to go through the process one more time with a guide before doing it on their own.  They were all to meet in the training room, including the guides, the next morning before getting into uniform.  Matt sent them in pairs, this time about 2 minutes apart.

Once the other four pairs had left, Matt suggested that Jeff release David so he could begin the lessons.  Matt said he wanted to meet the others when they came out, then he would be back after that.


Miguel and Jim went first.  They used their collars to go through a door that put them into a locker room.  They used their collars again to call their lockers.  Jim explained that the system had to retrieve their locker container from the storage area then bring it to this location.  About a minute later, the lockers opened, showing the slots where their cards were stored.  They retrieved their cards, closed the lockers then proceeded through the next door.

A trolley was there.  They put their cards in the slot.  This time it adjusted both sides.  They stepped in locking their ankles and wrists into the mechanism.  The door opened and the trolley proceeded to the next station.  At this station, their clothing was removed.  The attendant unlocked the headband then put it into a laundry bin.  The attendant then unlocked Miguel’s jumpsuit and right wrist.  The attendant had him pull his arm out of the jumpsuit, then back into the restraint.  The left arm and each leg were removed in a similar manner.  The attendant put the jumpsuit in the laundry bin, checked that Miguel was properly locked again then tapped a control that sent them to the next station where the outer parts of both belts were removed.  At the next station, only the accessories for Jim’s belt were removed, and at the next station the rest of the belt components were removed from both of them.

At the next station there was only a mechanical arm that came out to their collars and removed them.  At each of the stations the machinery took the components to be cleaned and sanitized, ready for their next use.  Once the belt and collar were removed, they were showered again, then brought to the area where the trolley released first their ankles, then their wrists.  They retrieved their cards then went through the door into the locker room.  Using their card on the locker, it only took seconds for their locker to open since the system stored it nearby knowing they would be using the locker soon.  They put their clothes on and retrieved their personal items.  They closed the lockers using their cards.  When they stepped out of the next door, Matt was there to greet them.

Dan, Brad, and Peter had similar experiences with one exception.  When Peter went through, they only removed the belt from Peter, not from Joe.  The collars were removed from both.  So, when they came out, his guide Joe was still locked in the belt.  As they came out, Matt asked each of them how they were doing.  All said they were doing well.  Matt then said that David had something to do before going through the uniform removal process, so Jeff was also going to be delayed.  He suggested that they head to the ferry and not wait for him.

The eight of them headed toward the ferry waiting area.  A few minutes later they were on the ferry.  They sat together on the ferry.  Peter asked if any of them still had a belt on.  Joe was the only one who did.  Brad asked if he could see it.  Joe was glad to oblige and pulled his pants down for a moment so they could see.  He said he was so used to wearing it at work that he felt like something was missing when it wasn’t on him.  He started dating someone a few weeks ago.  His boyfriend likes it when he is locked.  He is thinking about setting up a partner account for his boyfriend, but he is not sure if they are at that point yet.  Brad asked what a partner account is.  Joe explained that for people in a relationship, they can set up an account where someone would be allowed to control the belt when they are not at work.  With a partner account, his boyfriend could decide if it would stay on or come off after work.  He could even add any of the features that David had on his belt.  They talked about some of the features of a partner account until the ferry arrived at the dock.  They all got off, said their goodbyes, then headed in their own direction.


Back in the training room, David started by showing how to set up authorized users.  Alpha Matt was an authorized user.  There would always be someone at Slave Control who would be designated as an authorized user with full administrative access and control.  Other slaves and alphas on staff, such as the attendants who install and test the belt may be authorized as limited use users based on the needs of their specific role.  For slaves that are assigned to a guest, that guest would become an authorized user for the duration of that assignment.  He would have no control over these authorizations.  The partner account would be an authorized user for an indefinite amount of time.  Then he could also designate temporary authorized users.  Earlier that day he saw that David set up the group as authorized users.  Anyone registered as an active guest, Master, Alpha or slave could easily be set up as an authorized user.  Someone who has a partner account for another slave could also be set up as an authorized user.  Others who do not fall into any of those groups can also be set up, but they would first need to register like the way his boyfriend had to register for the partner account.

When setting up a designated user, it is a little different than setting up a partner account.  On the Island, or more precisely from the staff entrance to the Ferry until returning and exiting the Ferry area, he could designate any staff or guest as a designated user.  He would be able to designate a time limit and limits on what that user may control.  Outside of the Island, he would have to designate someone as an authorized user, but the partner account could set the limits for an authorized user or determine what limits he can set for the designated user.  David had Jeff set him up as a designated user for 2 hours.

David showed Jeff the features in the app then they started trying them.  David started by using some of the more pleasurable features such as vibrators, low-level electro, and inflating the plug to 30%.  Jeff liked all of those.  David then went into the restraint options with the cuffs and belt.  There were three positions for locking the wrist cuffs to the belts:  front, sides, and back.  Jeff showed him how to position the cuffs to each of the locking positions.  The wrist cuffs could also lock to each other without being attached to the belt.  The ankle cuffs also could be locked together.  David had Jeff sit, locked his legs together then locked the wrist cuffs to the sides of the ankle cuffs.  After trying that position, he had Jeff lay on his stomach, locked his legs together then locked the wrists to the ankle in what he called a hog-cuffed position.  From there, they moved onto what could be the less pleasant features of the belt.  David showed him how he could set limits to how far those features could be used.  By default, they were at 50% of maximum, but he could adjust that.  Over time he would be able to handle more.

David said that at first, he had limits on them, but now he doesn’t have any limits with the belt.  David started with some of the electro, using a moderate setting.  He zapped him in various places.  He used some of the command settings so that David could get the feel for the patterns.  He explained the four basic commands, sit, stand, kneel, and come.  The rest of the commands are user programmable.  He went over the proximity and geofencing options.  He said that it was tied into his work schedule, so if his partner set a geofence, it would automatically adjust to allow him time to get to/from work.  There was a setting so that if he was expected to put his collar on, the device would start zapping him getting stronger and stronger until he complied.  The collar release would automatically allow him to take it off once he was in proximity to the ferry.  David was just starting to go over the nipple clamps when Matt returned.

Matt entered the room and asked how things were going.  They both said, “Great!”  Then Matt tapped something on his controller.  David stood up.  Jeff sat down.  Matt said try again and tapped the same control again.  Jeff said, “I thought that was sit.”  Matt tapped the control for sit and said, “This one is for sit.”  Then pressed the one for kneel and said, “This one is to kneel.  Don’t worry.  It takes some time to learn them.  You did pretty good.”  Matt asked what they covered.  David told them all that they had covered and said the only thing left that he could do was the nipple clamps.  Matt told him to finish that topic then he would take care of the rest.

Matt had his own pad, which he linked to the belts for both Jeff and David.  He set up a group where it would do the same for both, but Jeff was set at 50% of the intensity that would go to David.  Once David finished, Matt tapped the control on the group and they both stood at attention.  David then did the commands for come then to kneel.  They walked over to him then knelt in front of him.  He then used the control on Jeff’s belt for stand.  Jeff started to get up, but saw that David remained kneeling so he went back to kneeling too.  Matt told him that the stand signal was only sent to him.  He showed Matt how he set up the group and that he could give commands to the group or an individual.  He said that was just for practice and he was impressed at how well he learned.  He told Jeff he might make a good guest slave someday if he was interested in that path.

Matt then went on to explain that when he is off the island, his partner might want to remove parts or the whole belt.  He needed to know how to take it off and put it back on.  He was reminded that the belt needed to be on him properly when he returned to the island.  Matt then tapped a control that unlocked his jumpsuit and told Jeff to take it off.  Matt then told Jeff to put the shock collar on.  He said that while the belt was off, he would be confined to this room via the geofence option.  David would have the same confinement as he would have David do the same things so Jeff could see what David was doing to help him follow along.  Matt proceeded to unlock the front section and have them remove and replace that component.  The catheter could not safely be removed and put back, so there was no release for that.  He pointed out that there is a configuration option to determine full catheter or urethra tube.  The urethra tube can be removed and reinserted safely.  When Jeff had that down, he had them remove and replace the rear sections.  He showed them how it was self-lubricating and contained enough lubricant to last for putting the belt on about 25 to 30 times.  Then he had them remove and replace the full belt either with or without the front and rear components attached.

When he had covered all options, he had Jeff and David standing naked in front of him.  He asked if they were up for some friendly competition.  Jeff asked what he meant by that.  Matt said that if they agreed, they would compete to see who could put the belt back on the fastest.  Since David has more experience, Jeff would get a 10 second lead.  As added incentive, the collars would be set to give a pulse every 10 seconds starting from very mild and gradually building up.  The winner will get 2 minutes of pleasure.  The loser will get 30 seconds of punishment.  Jeff was a bit nervous about taking the bet.  Matt told Jeff that he thought he could win.  David offered to up the deal.  Said he could have a 15 second lead and that if he lost then, with Matt’s permission, he could have control of his belt all day tomorrow where he could control him and issue punishments throughout the day.  Matt agreed on condition that punishments were not disruptive to the program for tomorrow.  With some hesitation, Jeff agreed.

Matt had them stand in a line facing away, then he put the belt pieces about 3 feet behind them.  Jeff’s pieces were lined up in the order in which he would have to put them on.  David’s pieces were piled together.  Matt said he would set the collars to start pulsing at the same time.  Matt would start at the first pulse and Jeff could start five seconds after the second pulse.  On the next pulse, David would count five seconds, then start.  Matt started the collars.  On the first pulse, Jeff turned around.  He paused for a moment when he saw how the belt pieces were stacked.  Matt prompted him on and encouraged him to hurry.  He just about had the main belt in place when he felt the second pulse.  By the time David counted his five seconds and turned around, the main belt was in place.  David sorted his pieces out and had the main belt on as they got the next pulse.  David’s pulse was higher than Jeff’s, so it caused him to flinch a bit.  David was working on the front section getting that properly in place.  Matt and even David were encouraging him.  David was catching up.  At one point while Jeff wasn’t looking, Matt caught David’s eye and pointed to a control on the pad.  Matt nodded to acknowledge he was OK with it.  Matt finished the front piece and was just starting the back piece as Jeff finished the front and was getting the back piece for his belt.  As Jeff grabbed the piece, the plug started inflating.  Jeff, with a knowing smile, looked at Matt and said, “Hey Matt, the plug just inflated.  Could you let the air out?”  With a sly smile, Matt replies, “Is that the proper way to ask.”  Still smiling at their banter, David stood at attention with his head slightly bowed and said, “Alpha Matt.  The plug on my belt is inflated.  Please deflate it, Alpha Matt.”  Matt said, “Sure, now where is that control.”  He “accidentally” hit a control that caused a rather strong zap in David’s belt then commented, “Oops, I think this is the one.”  The plug started deflating.  Jeff now had a good lead.  David worked on getting his in.  Jeff had his in but forgot to connect the catheter tube.  David almost had his in, but noticed that Jeff missed something, so he fiddled with it a bit longer.  Matt told him he was missing something.  Jeff checked then saw the connection he missed.  David got the back piece in just as Jeff took care of the missing connection.  David finished about two seconds behind him.  They both congratulated Jeff for doing a good job.

When the contest was over, he told them both to lie on their backs and put their hands in the side locking position.  Once they were there, he set Jeff’s belt to a very pleasurable setting.  In no time, Jeff was moaning with pleasure.  Then he set David’s belt to a punishment setting, causing a different kind of sound to come from David.  When the 30 seconds were up, David just laid there and watched as Jeff continued to enjoy the pleasure the belt was giving him.  Once his two minutes were up, Matt unlocked their wrists and said they could get up.

Matt said the only other thing was to teach him how to use a bathroom when he was off the island.  He said it was best to do that after he went through the uniform removal.  David took him through the door.  They retrieved their cards from the lockers, got onto the trolley.  David’s ribbon and Jeff’s jumpsuit were removed.  Their next stop was for a quick diagnosis of the belts.  All was in good working order, so they were sent to the next station where only Jeff’s collar was removed.  Then shower, locker room, and exit where Matt was there to meet them.

They went into the bathroom.  It was a room with a single toilet, urinal, and sink.  Matt asked Jeff to take off his shorts.  Then he showed him the attachment for using a regular toilet.   This was the attachment that had been added to his belt, but not to David’s belt.  When uncoiled, it had two tubes coming out of a small device.  The device connected the same way that the waste evacuation devices connect.  This was one part of the belt that he could control himself.  Since he no longer had a collar on, Matt showed him how he could log into the device with either his card or username.  He told Matt that it was recommended that he flush a public toilet before use, but not necessary at home.  He told him to attach the device, then sit so that both tubes are in the water, then activate the process.  The portable unit was much less efficient that the full-size units.  It took almost three times as long to process.  When he was done, he detached the device, dried the ends of the tubes with a piece of toilet paper then put it back in the holder.  The waste evacuation stations also help to charge the belt, so he showed him how to use the portable charger.  There was a cord that plugged into the belt on one side and into a USB outlet on the other.  When he is working, the belt would stay sufficiently charged.  When he had more than one day off, he should charge for about an hour a day or overnight.  He was now all set and fully trained on the belt.

They walked him to the ferry and waited with him a few minutes until it was time to board.  He was really excited all the way back.  He could not wait to see Steve that night.  When he got off the boat, he was pleasantly surprised to see Steve there waiting for him.  He got off the ferry and almost as soon as he got through the gate, he felt the plug inflate slightly and a light pleasant sensation of electro both in the plug and the penis tube.  He was already excited to see Steve and now even more excited.  They embraced and kissed each other.  Then Steve said he thought it would be nice to go out for dinner to celebrate his first day in this belt.  They walked to their cars.  Before getting into the cars, Steve pulled out the app.  He inflated the plug another 5% and increased the power on the vibrators and electro a little.  Steve asked if that would be too distracting to drive safely.  Jeff said it was fine, so they got into their cars.  Jeff followed Steve’s car to the restaurant.

At the restaurant, they had a pleasant dinner together.  Every so often Steve would adjust the settings on his belt.  Nothing too intense, just a reminder for Jeff that Steve was in control.  They enjoyed the dinner and being together, but after the meal they were both anxious to get home.  They got home and as soon as they stepped in the door, Steve said, “Strip!”

Jeff paused for a moment then started removing his clothes.  Naked, except for the belt and ankle cuffs, Steve started examining him, then examining the belt.  He placed Jeff’s hands in the wrist cuffs then moved his wrists to the side locking position.  Jeff did not resist or protest.  He then led Jeff into the bedroom and had him lay on the bed.  He then locked his ankles together.   Steve asked, “How do you like it?”  Jeff replied, “I thought I would be scared and uncomfortable, but I love you and I trust you.  I feel safe with you.”  Steve was happy that he felt that way.  “That’s good.  I love you too.  I liked having control over your chastity device.  Now this device gives me even more control than I ever imagined.  But you are more important to me than this.  I want to experiment and have fun with this, but only if you do too.”  “I think we can have some fun with this.”  Steve was very horny and desperately wanted release.  Jeff was too, but there was nothing he could do about it unless Steve let him.  Steve suggested that Jeff help him get some relief then they would experiment with the belt and see some of the things it could do.

After undressing, Steve said he thought it might be fun to make sure that Jeff couldn’t cum until later, so he extended the spikes, but only 25% for now.  Jeff did not complain, so he took that as a yes.  He released the locks on Jeff’s cuffs.  It did not take long for Jeff to get Steve to the most incredible orgasm he could ever remember.  Then they cuddled for a while, giving Steve a chance to recover before they experimented with the belt.  Steve found some rope and used it with the rings on his cuffs to tie him spread-eagled to the bed.  He then tried different things usually at a relatively low setting.  A few times he gave him a bit of a zap.  He enjoyed watching Jeff squirm when he did that.  After having some fun, he set the device to give him pleasure.  After keeping him on the edge for a long time, he turned off the setting that would prevent him from being able to cum.  Steve was incredibly horny again.  He was stroking himself while watching Jeff.  After a few more minutes, Jeff had an incredible orgasm.  That put Steve over the edge again and he shot another load.  Steve took the app then slowly turned down all the settings before turning them off.  Then he untied the ropes.  The two of them cuddled for a while, then showered and went to bed.  They slept well that night.

To be continued…

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