Category Archives: Story

Happy Birthday Boss – Part 04

By Unknown

More Questions

I must have been held captive by Dave and his leather biker cousin for about three days by now. I don’t know for sure because I had no means of judging time other than the rhythm of ‘torture’ sessions and meals. Food was always the same. Cold compo bacon burgers, which I hate, cold baked beans and crumbled dry biscuits. I ate it all even though it was served in a dog bowl in my cage. I spent my time naked, in irons, locked in a small steel cage, on the floor of which was a padded mat. I couldn’t stretch out and I couldn’t stand, in fact I could barely kneel.

I remembered the US prisoners of war in Vietnam who had been kept in dog kennel sized boxes for months and even years. I felt a real sense of empathy with them. I also had a complicated steel cock cage on and my hands were enclosed in leather bags to prevent me playing with myself. So, thinking about it, even if I’d had a plate with knives and forks I couldn’t have used them. The dog bowl was slid into the cage through a horizontal slot at one end and was followed by another bowl of water. In fact I always had water but had to slide it just out of the cage when I slept to avoid knocking it over.

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Happy Birthday Boss – Part 03

By Unknown

Square One

This was not happening to me. I couldn’t believe I’d been released by the biker only to find myself at the hands of my own men; and no sign of being able to toss off before they all returned for their fun. I kicked and struggled trying to loosen the pegs holding my feet, but when I had been returned, the biker had checked everything and spread-eagled me tighter than when I had been left the first time. And then Dave had retightened the paracord to my balls before disappearing again. So I was in a worse situation than before my abduction if that was possible.

This time I couldn’t rub the blindfold off because of the hood and anyway there was probably no key dangling above me. I tried moving my pelvis to see if the pull on my balls would be enough to at least give me an erection. It was, but only with much effort. My sore dick rose again and began to rub against the rough cotton of my shorts. It was painful but behind the pain was the chance of an orgasm and that was all I wanted now. Eventually I felt some precum begin to leak from my cock.

Continue reading Happy Birthday Boss – Part 03

Happy Birthday Boss – Part 02

By Unknown

This story by Anonymous is from Jim Stewart’s Houdini Connections site, which remains online. I do not claim ownership of this story, nor do I know who originally wrote it.



He stared for a long time and when I had recovered enough to speak I very carefully asked what I needed to do to be released. The stranger looked down at my stiff cock and asked “Are you sure you really want to be released.” Whilst it was true I was loving every second of watching this leather man, I also knew I was here for a reason, and against my will, and that sooner or later I was going to find out why. So it might as well be sooner.

“What do you want?”

“Revenge and information.”

“Revenge? For what?

“For what you took away.”

“I don’t know you. How could I have taken something from you?”

“You don’t know me by name but we have met.”


Continue reading Happy Birthday Boss – Part 02

Happy Birthday Boss – Part 01

By Unknown

Note from Metal: This story by “Anonymous” is from the Houdini Connections website that was run by the great Jim Stewart, who passed away but whose home page remains online. I do not claim ownership of this story, nor do I know who originally wrote it.


Surprise Surprise!

“Happy Birthday boss!” said the rapidly receding voice of Colour Sergeant Norris, followed by a round of badly suppressed laughter from the rest of the team. And then I was alone. I lay still and tried to assess my position. Staked out, gagged, and blindfolded, in the middle of a wood in the training area I began to wonder how I was going to escape and then I laughed at the irony of my predicament. Being the boss of a unit dedicated to training soldiers in resistance to interrogation and torture here I was totally out of control, tied up, and vulnerable.

We had just finished an exercise to train marines from 42 Commando RM in basic practical resistance to interrogation. I had been at my most inventive this weekend and even though this was only my third exercise in control we had successfully broken a few wills and a few more egos. My assistant was CSgt Dave “Cuff” Norris and he and I established a good rapport. He knew what made marines tick and his own training as a marine ensured we made the exercise realistic and punishing for the trainees – themselves hardened experienced marines. Anyway the exercise drew to a close; everyone was debriefed and packed off home. I was in a bit of a hurry because as soon as we got back to camp my two weeks summer leave began and I didn’t want to waste a second.

Continue reading Happy Birthday Boss – Part 01

Size Doesn’t Matter – The Next Phase

By David Cody Ledon

I have been a cock/chastity slave now, for 6 months. My master, Thomas, and I had initially started dating after meeting for coffee. We had met on an online hookup site that had no connection to kink, S&M or bondage, and had gotten to know each other for several weeks while we had conventional, but very hot sex. I became his slave last July when he talked me into letting him tie me down one night, at which point he locked me in a chastity device and a shock collar and spent the rest of the weekend dominating and humiliating me.

Thomas is 28, 5’4, and 140 pounds. Like many guys his age, he can eat pretty much anything without it affecting his weight, although I suspect when he turns 30 that may change. It never occurred to me that a guy who is so young and so small would be such a nasty, merciless dom.

I’m a good bit older (52) and larger (6’0, 175 pounds) and reasonably nice looking. Thomas came after me, and while I was surprised by his interest, given our age difference, I was also very flattered. I ended up falling right into his trap.

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Size Doesn’t Matter

By David Cody Ledon

Note: This is a re-post of a story from 10 years ago that was published under the author name of pennagwm. Now, the original author, David Cody Ledon, has taken this tale and written a book-length story called An Error in Judgment, available on Amazon.

There are a lot of fantasies out there about being enslaved, having a hot, demanding master who can physically dominate you. But there’s reality to consider. If you’re locked up 24/7, unless your master is wealthy and somewhat obsessed, it’s not always viable in reality. What about health insurance? How do you stay fit? When do you get to go to the bathroom? How do you pay the bills? Reality intrudes on our fantasies.

My situation, on the other hand, combines fantasy and reality pretty effectively, and inescapably.

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My Pal Jock and the Photo Shoot

By Hunter Perez

“Jock, I feel ridiculous,” I complained.

“Bingo, you look incredible,” Jock responded with a grin. “Trust me on this.”

We were in the basement of Jock’s house. He was shirtless and shoeless, with a camera hanging by a strap around his neck while his lower body was encased in the tightest denim shorts imaginable — although, truth be told, they left nothing to the imagination. I was naked and standing in a spreadeagle position with my wrists and ankles bound to a wooden St. Andrew’s Cross fastened to a wall.

Now, you may be wondering how I got myself into such an unlikely situation. Well, Jock informed me that the was running a photo contest that invited readers to submit their best bondage pictures. The winning photo would receive a prize and Jock was confident we could snag that reward.

“But, Jock, this isn’t going to work,” I argued as he studied my cross-bound nudity through his camera lens. “You know what Metal publishes — I don’t look like any of those guys. Guys like JimmyUSMC, Derek Pain, and Connor Maguire are big, muscular, and handsome hunks. Come on, look at me. Ralphie says that I look like Barney Rubble.”

Jock lowered his camera and frowned at me. “You don’t look like Barney Rubble — and don’t listen to Ralphie. He knows how to push your buttons and you always fall for his insults.”

Continue reading My Pal Jock and the Photo Shoot

The Hood by boyryan54

By boyryan54

There was the familiar quiet jangle of chains. I sighed out of frustration. I quieted my breathing and tried to focus on any sounds, tricky considering the latex hood I was wearing, but the house sounded quiet. I shifted around, and there was “clang” from my left ankle shackle hitting a bar on the cage. I got very still, again listening for a sound for a few minutes.  Nothing. I sighed again, but this time, I sighed out of relief. I didn’t seem to have awoken anyone. This time I very slowly shifted around, pulled up a thin blanket, and curled up in a ball on the cage floor to fall back asleep.

I woke to the sound of water running through the walls. Someone was up! But was it Master or Alpha? No way I could tell. I hoped it was Master, but my gut told me it was Alpha. Master getting up meant that I might be released soon, but Alpha got up earlier for work, so rationally Alpha was showering. After a few mins, I heard the floor boards creak, someone walked past the playroom door, and disappeared. A little while later, heard the front door sensor chirp as it was opened and closed again. Alpha clearly left for work. No idea how much longer Master would sleep in. “Wonder if he was awake now, maybe watching it on the nanny cam”, I asked myself. But no way I would be able to tell.

It’s been two days now. Two infuriating days where I have been kept in this latex hood. Two days of wearing a latex hood, open mouth, two small nose holes, and no eye sight.

Continue reading The Hood by boyryan54