More bondage fun with the pool boy

Pool boy David Webb is struggling against the bonds holding him to a ladder-backed chair. Blindfolded, he can’t see Jeremiah Cruze, dressed in a black jock, enter the room then lash his hairless chest and stomach with a bullwhip. At first, the blows merely sting, but then Jeremiah really lays into each lash, making the pool boy scream through his ball gag as his sexy torso is covered with whip marks. Minutes later, Jeremiah straddles the chair and shoves his cock down the captive’s throat. Shocked and terrified, David sucks away, his hard cock poking out of his Speedo.

Dream Boy Bondage

Dream Boy Bondage


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Title: David Webb: The Pool Boy – Chapter 2

bondage fun with the pool boy

Dream Boy Bondage

Two studs get edged and tormented by Sebastian and Van

First, hung stud Scott Cage is bound to the bondage frame, his clothes torn off as Branden Forrest teases his cock. Branden shoves his giant, uncut cock in Scott’s mouth as Van milks all the cum out of his cock and finishes him off with some post-orgasmic torment. Next Corbin Dallas is bound to the cross as he balances on wooden blocks. After his clothes are torn away, a blindfold is placed around his eyes as Sebastian teases him with his tongue.

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Male bondage

My Trip to Paris – Chapter 08

By Joshua Ryan

Chapter 8: At Last, I Have a Real Job

The factories were on the other side of the Parade Ground, beyond the Chow Hall and the Training Team—old-fashioned barns with peaked roofs.  They were the kind of things you always see down by the railroad, next to the abandoned tracks.  But there was no rust on them.  They’d been cleaned up, fixed up, and given a new coat of paint—that same sick shade of yellow.  Their windows had been fitted with new steel frames and a light brown tint, to keep the sun out, as well as a full coat of bars, to keep the workers in.  But now their doors were open, and long files of prisoners were marching through them.  The Paris State Penitentiary had brought full employment back to the neighborhood.

Factory 5, the Clothing Factory, was the largest one.  Under its high steel ceiling, ten lines of prisoners, 50 in each line, were sewing pieces of clothes together—collars to coats, buttons to shirts, pockets to rumps.  Every prisoner was seated at a sturdy plastic table with a plastic chair and two plastic baskets attached to it; every prisoner was facing a pale-yellow electric sewing machine, bolted to the table; every prisoner was taking materials from the basket on his left, sewing them together, and passing them to the basket on the right.

Continue reading My Trip to Paris – Chapter 08

Bondage pride

Horny men tormenting and gang fucking a hung stud helped kick off Pride weekend in SF, in this archived shoot at Bound In Public:


It was the night before San Francisco Pride weekend, and Bound In Public kicked things off on the upper floor, packed full of horny studs with Doug Acre as the main attraction. Doug was blindfolded while bound in rope as he was ordered to strip naked, all while being tormented with the electric zapper. Once he was down to his jock, Trenton Ducati bended him over and has everyone came up to tenderize his ass. It went on from there.

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My Trip to Paris – Chapter 07

By Joshua Ryan

Chapter 7:  Everyone’s Dream Is a House of His Own

The three months were over, and it was a Sunday—time to celebrate the end of Training Team.  The 16 convicts in my cell spent the day cleaning every inch of it, so we would leave it, as 7930 said, “much better than you found it.”  Sergeant Wong came to inspect the cell, found problems invisible to us, and made us spend two more hours on “tidying up.”  When he returned, the place had been re-cleaned, our bunks had been stripped, our gear had been piled on top of them, ready to travel, and we had dressed up in fresh uniforms, ready for our final inspection.  Several of us needed to straighten our shirts or hitch up our pants or screw our caps more firmly onto our heads, but finally, with shoulders squared and eyes gazing resolutely forward, we left our barracks and marched to the Parade Ground, where Colonel Bridger was waiting to review us.

I don’t understand why I was so shocked.  I knew he was running the place.  I no longer assumed that was a good thing.  I did hope I would never have to encounter him, that he would never see me in my convict suit with my number and picture clipped to my chest.  Wrong again.

Continue reading My Trip to Paris – Chapter 07