Human Cattle – Part 01

By Pickle

I live in farm country and my nearest neighbour and best bud, Steve, is a fella who rents my seaside cottage.  The small building, not much more than a shack really, is situated on a cliff overlooking about a thousand metres of a beautiful, private, white sand beach.

The beach has come to be known as “Pickle’s Cove” by the other locals who all know me by my nickname.  A cowpath leads from my farmyard down through fields that go all the way to the cliff.  It’s a good one kilometre walk down to the cottage, and I always enjoy the stroll.  Meadow grasses and wildflowers grow at the edge of the fields on either side of the lane, and during the day there are all kinds of insects buzzing, flying from flower to flower.  The combined smell of honey and vanilla from the clover, the scent of the salt air, and the feel of the sun beating down on me on the stroll is always wonderfully good for my soul.

Steve and I got together that evening to watch a ball game on TV, and I knew we’d be downing at least a few beers, so I decided to walk rather than take my ATV.  Steve and I always liked to make bets on the game, and we decided the loser tonight would spend a couple hours spread-eagled face-down in the sand, at the waterline, as the tide came in the next day.  I lost the bet!  We decided to break out the Scotch after the game finished and talk about my fate tomorrow and how we’d do it.

The deal was that the loser would be staked out tight enough to put a good stretch on him, with his head a few feet down from the high tide line, so he’d have to lift his head out above the incoming waves to breathe.  The loser, me, would definitely wind up spluttering for a while as the tide came in.  Kind of a natural waterboarding with salt water.  Being the loser, I sure as Hell wasn’t looking forward to it, but a bet’s a bet … right?

A few times during the game there were huge flashes of light outside, and the power flickered, but no thunder crashes were audible at all.  Steve and I just assumed it was heat lightning.  Even though the sky lit up way longer than normal when that occurs we didn’t think much about it.  Summer storms come and go, and they CAN be pretty spectacular!

The lightning occurred several more times while we were discussing my pending destiny on the beach.  We knew high tide was going to be a little after 2:45 pm, so we had to get me in place sometime before that … how long ahead was up to the winner of the bet.

As we chatted about my fate the light flashes increased in both length and intensity.  There was no rain, so it had to be heat lightning.  We agreed neither of us had ever seen the flashes last like this before.  Looking out the windows, we could see the chain of islands that were more than 8 km out in the strait.  As we watched they were lit longer and longer by the phenomena.

I decided as unsafe as it was to be going outside in a lightning storm like this, that since I had to be up early to milk the cows I was going to have to make a break for it.  Damn, I was wishing I’d driven the ATV this evening!  I was gonna have to run the distance tonight!

There were no flashes for the first few hundred metres of my run up the path.  I was hoping to be out in this lightning no longer than absolutely necessary, so I was really “booting it.”   Then it happened … another extended flash and the pelting rain began.  It was like someone had just dumped a huge bucket of water on the earth.  I was drenched to the hide in no more than a second.  My shirt and jeans were clinging to my skin.  I always kind like the feeling of my shirt clinging to my well-muscled torso but I friggin’ hate wet jeans!  I know that you get just as wet when you run as when you walk, but instinct kicked in and my legs went into even higher gear.  I was running so fast it felt like I was barely touching the ground.

Wait a minute … no … no way!   Had I fallen and hit my head on a rock or something?  I was a little drunk from the beer and Scotch, but not so drunk that I’d imagine this. That never happened to me no matter how pissed out of my gourd I got.  There’s always a first time though, right?

I felt my legs lift out from under me, and suddenly I was floating on my back and staring up at a huge spaceship looming above me.  From my position in mid-air, it seemed to be cigar-shaped, but it was so monstrous in size it was pretty hard to tell from my vantage point.  I could feel myself being pulled higher toward it … another flash … then … nothing!

I gradually came out of the black nothingness, but I felt like I was having an out-of-body experience.  I was floating at about kitchen counter height, in a large all-white room that seemed to glow all over.  This room had the appearance and feeling of being completely sterile.

There were five “tall greys” surrounding me.  They reminded me of some odd stick-like animation from a Tim Burton movie, but these weren’t animations, they were real!  They were real that is, unless I’d been struck by lightning and my mind had short-circuited and was producing some kind of creepy illusion. Am I dead?  Is this what death is like?

I felt like I was tripping from some drug that I hadn’t ingested.  I was fully aware that I was levitating on my back, as though on an operating table.  I was extremely conscious of five “faces” staring at me closely, scrutinizing my responses as they prodded and poked at me.  I couldn’t move!  … Couldn’t speak or scream!  I was completely helpless!

I was seeing normally out of my eyes, staring up at these alien beings, but simultaneously I was looking down on the scene from somewhere above.  I watched as one of the creatures used their long boney fingers to unbutton my light cotton sleeveless shirt and spread it open revealing my chest and abs. It then ran one of its six long digits from my Adam’s apple down between my pecs, following my treasure trail down the centre of my abs, stopping at my navel, where it paused and jabbed with enough force to make me expel a heavy breath.  It repeated this manoeuvre several times as if experimenting to see the reaction it would bring.  My navel is my “sweet spot,” so it wasn’t long before my cock sprang to life and grew to its full eight inches.

I’d built a pretty decent gym in an out-building on my farm over the course of the past few years.  I used the barn that was closest to my house, partly for convenience, and partly because it had a large wood stove at one end.  That meant I could keep it heated long enough for workouts in the Winter.   I considered chopping wood for the stove as part of my Autumn workout routine.  I had saved for a few years and purchased some decent machines, weights, etc. but I’d also built a pretty decent Ninja warrior-style course in the space.

I’d improved my upper body strength and build a lot since I put in my own private fitness centre, and I used it religiously this past Winter.  My gym, plus all the normal farm chores, lifting hay bales, shovelling manure, etc. had made my body even stronger than it had already been before, and had given me the nice combination of a working man’s, and a gym bunny’s physique.  Not to brag, but I was looking good enough to be on the cover of any fitness magazine, and better looking than a lot of those guys.  I’m of Nordic and Scottish descent and have light sandy-red, wavy hair, sky blue eyes, and a deep tan from hours of working, and playing outside.  In spite of the bit of “ginger” in me from my Scottish heritage for some reason buried deep in my genetics I was lucky enough that I didn’t burn to a crisp the second I went outside in the sunshine.  I’m a confident, happy, pretty laid-back, likeable guy’s guy with a goofy side and a great sense of humour.  I’m not afraid of poking fun at myself, quick to laugh, and love to make others laugh too.

Peering down on myself now, floating in mid-air under the watchful large eyes of these “greys,” I liked how I looked.  This Summer on top of all the regular routine in the gym, I was also swimming, and running in the sand every chance I got.  It paid off in huge legs, nice shoulders, and a really chiselled 8-pack that was showing off well, now that my wet shirt had been spread wide open.  I figured these large cousins of ET likely had assessed me to be a pretty decent male specimen of the human kind.

I felt the bizarre creatures “telling” me that they would not hurt me.  They didn’t speak but they somehow managed to convey everything directly to my brain.  When I first discovered I was unable to move, I thought it was from fear, but as I tried to struggle, the information came into my brain from one (or all) of the aliens, that my body was under their control, and would remain so, while I was aboard their ship.

Another one of the Greys opened the fly of my jeans.  I tensed since I was going commando these hot days.  The insect-like being pulled the opening wide and slid my jeans down off my hips enough to give it easy access to my goods.  It picked up my erect penis and examined it, lifting it up and s-l-o-w-l-y drawing four of its six lengthy fingers from my pubes out to the tip several times.  Somehow it managed to increase my normal erection size by a good couple inches more.

The alien made my penis as engorged and erect as I’d ever felt it, and once it was satisfied it had grown enough, the being put the tip of one of its boney fingers on my piss slit while holding it with its other hand.  I felt it push and then slide in a little.  Then back out.  Then back in a little further.  I’d never been sounded, but I’d seen it done and I wasn’t liking where this seemed to be going.  The being’s finger wasn’t much thicker than a pencil but I definitely didn’t want it sticking it into my urethra.  I had absolutely no say in what was happening though.  Strong as I am I couldn’t fight back!  Couldn’t do a fuckin’ thing!

The alien continued probing the first few inches or so of the inside of my cock, all the time slowly caressing my shaft with the four fingers on its other hand.  In spite of my terror the caressing felt good.  The poking in my piss slit felt like it was burning and splitting the end of my cock though, peeling it away like a banana.  I was glad I could see from my vantage point somewhere above my own body that my cock was still intact.

While this was going on, another of the creatures was squeezing and prodding my balls.  In my brain I somehow understood it was taking measurements of size, resistance to pressure, stages of discomfort, and how it was affecting me sexually, etc.

I was “seeing” fleeting glimpses of myself being restrained and felt-up by Amazons to see if I was good breeding material, staked-out in the desert my native Americans torturing me, restrained to a metal table in some prison setting being prepped for torture by presumable enemy captors with me as their PoW.  Just a few of the fantasies that regularly go through my head when I’m jerking off.  These beings were reading my thoughts and playing me!

After what seemed like hours of this one “dude” finger-fucking the end of my dick, a machine appeared seemingly out of nowhere.  It had a thin tube that was inserted into my pecker manually (well “alien-ually” actually) to the exact depth that the bizarre critter had poked its finger in.  After the tube sat there for a few seconds my brain “heard” the creature tell it to become part of the human.  The tube then took on a life of its own.  It slid all the way up the inside of my shaft and I felt it split … one part went into my bladder and the other into my vas deferens.  One of the aliens “told” me that it would become a permanent part of my anatomy and would not interfere with my human sexual encounters.  Comforting in an odd way, since it made me feel like there was at least some hope I would be released at some point.

Once the tube had invaded and had made itself “comfortable” in my organs, it detached itself from the machine, and inside my urethra withdrew itself to a few inches from the tip of my dick.  I had no idea what its purpose would be, but I was hoping I wouldn’t find out, full-knowing that sometime in the future I’d get clued-in, no doubt in an uncomfortable way.

The creatures continued to convey that I would not be harmed the whole time this invasive procedure was occurring.  I’ve got news for them … it hurt!  It hurt like fuck!  I had a very bad feeling their idea of pain and my own, were two entirely different things.  It felt to me as though the damned tube which was now part of my body had been coated in Ben Gay or ginger juice.  It might as well have been a piece of red hot wire they were inserting in my cock and further up into my body.  Now that the thing had separated from the machine, that feeling had calmed down.  I could still feel the tube in my body but it was no longer burning.  It felt similar to wearing contact lenses or socks.  You don’t notice them unless you think about them.

Next, one of the beings pushed its fingers between my lips and teeth and pried my mouth open.  The same machine that had delivered the tube for my penis sent out another larger tube now.  The alien received it with its other hand and fed it into my mouth and down my throat.  I gagged violently and coughed hard … my body’s way of trying to reject and repel this tubular sleeve.  As the other tube had done, this one too took on a life of its own and slid down into my stomach.  I could feel it becoming part of me, just as the other one had done.  Again, I was constantly reassured that I would not be harmed.  I had my doubts however!

When the mouth-to-stomach tube disconnected itself from the machine yet another tube was ejecting itself from the bizarre-looking piece of alien technology.  As I was floating there another of the creatures tilted my head back.  I felt a tube go up each nostril and then travel into each lung.  I had no idea what I was being prepped for but I knew it couldn’t be good.

Suddenly I was flipped over, gut down.  Again one of the aliens pushed my head down, stretching the back of my neck.  I could still watch this scene from above and I was beginning to wonder if I had actually been struck by lightning and died.  Is this what life after death is like?  Am I being tortured in Hell?  I don’t believe in the concepts of Heaven or Hell, but this experience was beginning to make me wonder.

While the one alien held my head down, pushing my chin toward my chest, I watched another tall Grey insert what looked like an inch-long wire into my neck at the base of my skull.  Telepathically they let me know that it would both enable them to read my thoughts and to track me.  Basically a “Find My Phone” but in this case, I was the phone.

While I was still facedown my jeans were pulled down off my hips further. Far enough to expose my asshole.  I heard that wicked machine “whirr” once more and watched in horror as another tube was slowly expelled from its innards. I had no doubt as to where it was going to be inserted.

Another of the bizarre-looking critters took hold of it and placed it to the entrance to my anus.  The machine then took over and pushed its way in, violating me in a way I’d never been in my 32 years of life.  I considered myself to be mostly straight but had sucked a few dicks in my life, and had had mine sucked by drunken buddies a few times as well.  I’d never really thought of it as sex … just a way of getting off.  I’d never actually been fucked, and I sure as Hell didn’t want this alien machine to be my first experience.

The first time I had put my mouth on a guy’s cock was at a poker party.  The kicker in the game was that the eventual winner would get to dare any one of the losers to do something of their choosing.  That night the winner chose me, and the dare was to suck him off and swallow his cum.  I was kind of disgusted and kind of curious simultaneously.  There were six of us in the game that night, so there I was … no choice but to do it or be considered a bad sport … a “Pussy!”  A boys-will-be-boys, humiliate-the-loser kind of thing.

The winner and I had a loud, drunken bunch of fellow farmer buddies cheering us on.

I remember the raucous taunting, and sometimes encouragement from them as I gave the guy the first blow job I’d ever given.  I knew what I liked, so I pretty much did to him things that I knew I liked myself.  It was humiliating … at first … but I found myself settling into it and enjoying pleasuring this guy.  Mike, the winner, was a few years older than me, really well built, and ruggedly handsome.  I had loved how he grabbed me by the hair and guided me onto his cock, then moved his hips, fucking my mouth and throat, and then pulled my head back and forth on his cock till I got horny enough to do it without his encouragement.  I remember being surprised by the hot masculinity of being controlled like that.

I completed the deed, took a bunch more kidding, slaps on the back, and a few playful gut punches from the guys, and then we just drank some more, and eventually the party broke up, and we each went to our respective homes.  We all had ATVs and rode home safely through the pastures, in spite of our drunken states.

Man, I must have slipped and hit my head on a rock or something.  My mind was all over the place.  Present.  Past.  Imagination.  Oh damn!  Now I’m back with these stick figures from Hell again!  I’d never even had a dildo up my ass before, so this current invasion of my hole was both a humiliating and a painful experience.  I felt like I was a PoW having every orifice of his body used against him in an interrogation.  The tube from the machine seemed to meld itself to my insides as the other tubes had already done in other areas of my body, and in spite of telepathic reassurances from the alien beings, I was becoming more frightened by the second.

With the implant in my skull they could now read me fully and they knew my terror.  The Grey who seemed to be the team leader “told” me that their race was beginning to die out and they had discovered by accident that ejaculate from human males extended their lives when ingested.  He (I could tell my captors were all male of their species) explained that they had been “farming” human males for hundreds of our Earth years, but most Earthlings didn’t seem to believe stories of men who had been brought into the starships, and so they were able to continue, more or less undetected and unchallenged by Earth’s military forces.

The Being said that this practice would continue until they arrived at a more satisfactory method of saving their race.  The praying mantis-like creature told me to think of it like ants farming aphids for their nectar.  This only served to freak me out more, and if my body hadn’t been placed in some kind of full paralysis I’d have been trying to kick the ass of every one of these oversized bugs!

They read my thoughts and told me that this would not go without benefit to me and the other humans they “farmed.”  They explained that they had scanned my DNA and that they had cleaned my genes of any possible human diseases that could attack throughout my lifespan, and that this would pass on to any possible progeny I might sire in the future.  They also said that the treatments I received from them would extend my life by a minimum of an extra fifty years.

I wasn’t convinced I believed them, and since my thoughts were now completely readable by these interplanetary beings, they knew my fear completely.  Mercifully one of the creatures put its claw-like fingers on my skull and temples.  It had some technique to make me pass out, and everything faded to black.

To be continued…

Metal would like to thank the author, Pickle, for this story and welcome him back to the Prison Library! If you enjoy, please leave a message for him in the comments!

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