By Straghtjacket
I read a story called Email Trap on METALBONDNYC. In spite of the ending I wanted to be the man in the story, but of course I didn’t want to suffer harm. I wanted the experience, and I wanted to repeat it.
I emailed the story to a couple of friends who are a couple. The top in the relationship is a thin, about 5’6” but muscular guy who can be a real sadistic bastard. His bottom will attest to that as I would, having experienced his devious ways. They live in a small industrial building in a rundown factory area that houses warehouses. They lease the building, so they haven’t put much into it. It already had a couple shower stalls and toilets as well as a big round factory hand washing sink. They built a kitchen on a wall on the other side of the bathroom. Luckily, the building came complete with a wall of heavy steel wire storage rooms that lock with chains and padlocks. They turned the largest one into a bedroom for themselves and left the others as is with a simple mattress and a small table.