By Atlanta Stud
Seth put on his Tecova Doc square toe boots and, with Jacob in the lead, hands secured in the Peerless cuffs, they hopped up in Seth’s hand me down Wrangler and Seth buckled up Jacob.
“Hey, toss me the sweatshirt on the back seat so I can cover up my hands so nobody sees the cuffs.”
“Hah, nothing doing, buddy. I doubt anyone will see them anyway with the doors and windows on this ‘old thing. Sit back and enjoy the ride. I’ll take the cuffs off once we get to the Army Navy store.”
The smaller two-lane state highways didn’t bother Jacob much, it was when they hit 35 South, the four-lane divided, that he got nervous. Someone in a pickup or a trucker in a rig would surely see the cuffs if they glanced over, so he pulled the sleeves of his long sleeve t-shirt over as much as he could to hide the metal.
It was almost lunch time when they arrived at the store and the building was much bigger than Jacob thought it would be. Seth unlocked the cuffs and locked them on the grab handle inside the Wrangler before going in. Jacob took in the old surplus and new gear throughout the store and Seth found his new desert tan military boots that he’s been wanting. They finally made it to the glass display where the various cuffs were and saw the Smith and Wesson leg shackles and that box Seth saw earlier that had ‘transport restraint’ on the box. They checked out the leg shackles and placed them on the counter and Seth asked what was in the box marked transport. The clerk handed them the box, he said it was cuffs and leg shackles connected together by a chain about 30 or so inches long. Seth opened the box and pulled out the nearly three pounds of steel, holding it up by the cuffs so that the leg shackles dangled below, held by the connecting chain.
“Wow, those are pretty cool, Seth.”
Seth asked the clerk if it was ok to lock them on to see what they were like, to which the clerk said yes.
“Let’s see how these look on you, Jacob.”
Jacob was all in. He wanted to get locked in them the second he saw Seth holding them up out of the box. Putting his wrists out, Seth locked on the cuffs and then bent down so he could lock the leg shackles around Jacob’s desert tan boots. Jacob tugged on the connecting chain and walked a few steps back and forth all the time glad he was cuffed in front so he could hide, as best he could, his boner. The clerk stepped back over to the register to ring up a sale as they checked out the transport set.
“Hey, I’ll be right back. I want to ask the clerk something and pay for my boots.” Seth said, leaving Jacob by the counter still locked.
A few minutes later Seth returned. “OK, all set, let’s go.”
Jacob rolled his eyes. “Uh, you may want to take these off first. I don’t think they’d appreciate me leaving with these.”
“Oh no, you’re all set, buddy. Bought and paid for. See? It’s on the receipt. So, let’s go. No need to take them off, you look so comfy.”
“Come on, Seth, don’t make me walk out of here in these, please don’t.”
“We need to get lunch, so let’s go.” Seth said as he led Jacob out by grabbing his arm. “Obviously we can’t do dine in, so we’ll go through the drive through and eat in the parking lot.”
The men finally made it back to Seth’s house close to dinner time.
“Well, you’ve been a good sport, so I suppose I should let you out. You could stay here the night if you want. I can keep you chained up in the basement in the transport shackles, LOL.”
Just then Seth started looking at Jacob with an evil grin on his face while scratching his day-old stubble. Picturing Jacob in the transport shackles with a heavy chain locked from the leg shackles to the metal post sounded like a good idea, but maybe too soon. He unlocked Jacob from the steel and they knocked out a few farm chores before tossing a frozen pizza in the oven and watching an old western on TV and calling it a night. Seth in his bed and Jacob on the couch. The transport set had been left on the floor not far from the couch and Jacob, still curious, quietly picked them up and locked on the leg shackles around his white socked feet and snapped on the handcuffs. Before he knew it, he was sound asleep.
“Well, well, well. Just what do we have here?” Seth said as he walked into the family room after climbing out of bed. “Guess someone couldn’t get enough, huh?”
“Oh shit, I just was going to put them on for a few minutes. Guess I fell asleep,” Jacob said as he started to sit up and scan his eyes on the floor for the keys.
“Looking for these are you?”
To be continued …

Ahhh the suspense! Can’t wait for the next chapter!
Hell yeah!!