Guy’s Real Bondage Experience – Part 02

Losing Control

By JakBond

Guy tensed against the chain pulling him forward, this was so humiliating! He was just simply shuffling in his restricted hobbled state into the flat! He braced himself against the tug on his balls and stopped moving forwards. But the gentle tugging was relentless, and he found himself forced to keep shuffling forwards. For fuck’s sake, thought Guy, and just sat down on his haunches, determined to regain control of his situation.

Guy’s brain was spinning – He’d just handed himself over to a man he didn’t know, and despite all his very real attempts to find a way out from the restraints, he was helpless. He wanted out, he wanted to get back in control, but… and this was the crazy part he felt so horny. But he wanted back in control! Yet he was also very aware he’d just let Paul edge his horny dick for the last 30 minutes and had been thrusting hard against that teasing hand.

Guy knew he was being taken like this, this trussed and helpless prisoner, to Paul’s playroom. A room he’d studied all the pictures of, admiring all the helpless guys retrained in it – and he knew once in it he was going to be strapped until he couldn’t move. Not that he had much of a chance even now, and this was the ‘light & simply’ start Paul had come up with! Yet again, Guy strained against the elbow & wrist restraints, trying to get his mitted hands to his chained balls but it was useless.

Breathing deeply, he crouched there on the floor still processing what was happening to him and how he was feeling. He couldn’t explain his reactions fully either: he did, he really did, want to get free but he had not said a single word to Paul, not that Paul had even spoken to him, yet, but still he’d not verbalised at all his demands to get free. This was really odd in itself because his brain was screaming “let me out” and all he was doing was struggling and making some odd noises – he didn’t growl but he was growling at times! Crouching there on the floor he felt very helpless and that was creating a very deep & horny feeling inside of him, something he’d not felt before. For fuck’s sake! And in frustration Guy banged his mitted hands on the floor and again let out a slight growl of frustration.

Paul was enjoying the sight of a very frustrated Guy. He could see the fight in him, the resistance, and he knew the best thing was to just let Guy process it a bit. Of course the restraints and the situation were having their impact but the longer this went on the more real it would be. He had no intention of letting Guy free before the end of the agreed time, and while he could easily see the mental struggle going on in Guy’s head, he could also see Guy was not panicking, not at all. Paul knew that he’d soon have Guy trussed and suspended in his playroom; they discussed this a lot and Guy had made it clear about his desire to lose total control of his body & situation. Paul got again hard, he’d known from the chat that Guy was very horny while chatting, and reality was a very different thing, but that said, he also knew that Guy was horny exactly because deep down he did want to lose control. Ah, the confusing joy of bondage, smiled Paul.

It was going to be very interesting, as it always was with new subs, if Guy maintained this resistance and fight or just collapsed and became very submissive and if he did retain this resistance, would it turn to deep and horny frustration OR anger or… well, this was the fun of restraining men and seeing where the journey took them. But the session hadn’t really started yet, this was just the warm-up.

Paul gave a gentle tug on the chain locked to Guy’s balls and this was met immediately by the padded mitts hitting the floor in frustration. Paul crouched down next to Guy and took hold of his dick, which immediately responded, growing hard as he stroked it. “You’re helpless Guy, this is what you wanted”, said Paul and this was just answered by Guy moving against his restraints. “You can not stop this, you can not control this. This is what you signed up for, and for the next hours, you belong to me”. Again an answering growl, and some more struggling against the chains. But no words, no begging or pleading, no threats. Oh this was going to be a great session! Paul stood up, taking the chain again in his hands and slowly but forcefully pulled upwards and forwards and watched the effects as Guy simply had no other choice but to ‘stand’ back up, in his humiliating and hobbled situation, bent forward by the collar to his short ankle hobble, his mitted arms totally helpless behind him.

Guy could do nothing but shuffle forward. Sure he could lie on the floor, but he was painfully aware of the fact he could just be pulled by his helpless balls! He’d never felt so helpless to prevent something happening to him in his life. And yet, there was that feeling of hornyness! The warm wooden flooring under Guy’s feet gave way to cool rubber and he knew he was now in the playroom. Moved into the playroom, the tug on the balls changed as the chain was threaded through a ring on the floor and he could hear the rattle of the chain as his balls were pulled to the floor ring, forcing him first to his haunches and then onto his knees. Guy didn’t really hear the click of the padlock, but he felt the chain tighten, locking his balls firmly to the floor. Guy felt the chain connecting his ankles to the collar being removed but immediately he was being pulled down by the collar to the floor ring and he felt another lock close on that chain. Finally his handcuffed wrists being pulled up behind him and locked in place to a chain from the ceiling.

Guy’s brain was again spinning, very cognisant of what he’d discussed in detail with Paul about his desire to lose total control. He’d tried to stop his collar being pulled down and his wrists locked up behind him, but it had been useless. Guy pulled with all his strength against the chains, but it was hopeless. The hobbled and crouched walk had been hard work and he was breathing heavily under the hood. Not being able to see anything was making any attempt at resisting Paul even less effective, not that he’d have had much of a chance anyway. Guy just kept exploring his bounds, trying to find away to even start to get any part of him free, adjusting his body against the chains. Well he had asked for this, wanted this, but…!

Paul admired the helpless Guy and took two wide leather belts from the wall. Guy was sitting on the backs of his heals and it was easy to pass the first belt under his right shin, stroking the thighs and the body of Guy before he then buckled the belt tightly, right up against the groin, pinning the lower leg tightly to the thigh. Paul put a small lock though the belt, ensuring it couldn’t be taken off. Guy hadn’t been aware of what was happening with his right leg until the belt had cinched tight, but there was no way he was going to let his left leg be strapped like that! Twisting and lifting his body against the chains, he managed to straighten his left leg out behind him: there was no way Guy was going to let his left leg get strapped! Paul really loved this, the whole process of defeating his sub.

There was no way he was going to fight against the strength of Guy’s leg, but he didn’t have to. He took hold of Guy’s exposed balls and just squeezed. He heard Guy’s intake of breath, but just gently increased the pressure, uttering one word “Leg!”. Guy just growled back “No!” – his first verbalisation of the meeting and desperately tried to get his balls away from Paul’s grasp. It was useless. Paul increased the pressure and Guy was growling and saying “No!” louder and louder. Paul for the 2nd time said “Leg!” and increased the squeeze, watching how the straightened leg started to bend and Paul slowly but surely moved it back under his body. Immediately releasing the balls, he strapped the left leg tight, locking the belt. Paul took the balls & gently massaged them – he’d squeezed them quite tight, but they were ok. Guy was straining his leg muscles hard against the frogtie belts, & Paul smiled deeply – He’d just made the biggest most powerful muscle group of Guy totally helpless & useless. It was a very powerful bondage position. Reaching forward he found Guy’s semi-hard dick and started to edge him.

He’d earned the reward after the struggle into the playroom and the resistance so far. Soon Guy was rock hard and despite his struggling & growling noises, very close to cumming. After 15 minutes, every time Paul touched Guy’s dick it only took a few strokes before he was about to shoot his load. He was perfectly on edge.

Paul moved beside Guy: “Does anything hurt?”. Guy just shook his head once. Paul was impressed that he’d now had his elbows restrained behind him for about an hour. Taking his heavy leather armbinder he closed it around Guy’s arms, pulling the mitted hands within it and closing the wrist belt. Next he crossed the chest belts, holding the armbinder firmly in place and he could then safely remove the handcuffs, still connecting Guy’s arms to the ceiling chain. It was such a relief for Guy to get his arms released and also the collar was unchained from the floor and he sat upright, adjusting himself. He felt Paul add a wide soft padded belt, like a figure of 8 around his upper arms and then release the upper arms cuffs – moving his arms a little it felt great, and Paul also gave the upper cuff marks a gentle rub, helping the blood flow back to the skin. The armbinder was soon fully laced up and tightened correctly with the chest straps adjusted & all the belts locked in place. Finally, his balls were unlocked from the floor.

Guy couldn’t believe how easy it had been for Paul to get him like this. He’d seen all the pictures of the men like this, and he’s always thought they must have allowed it to happen. He’d done everything he could to stop it and yet here he was! The armbinder was soft and padded, a heavy double lined leather prison for his arms. The frogtie belts held his legs tightly and he could do NOTHING. Guy immediately started to explore the armbinder, but it soon became clear how utterly helpless his arms were, yet despite this he kept working his arms against their prison, working the leather and trying to leverage his whole body. Fuck he was helpless!

Paul now worked very quickly, taking the 12 long leather straps hanging from the metal bondage frame what surrounded the playroom. He put them around Guy, adjusting them and then started to tighten them. Soon Guy was held in the correct position, despite his struggling, and it was just a matter of pulling each belt in the right order until Guy was suspended 1.5m off the floor at about a 45° angle from the top of the bondage frame. The body was well supported with no strain on his back or arms but he could not move 1cm – Guy’s frogtied legs were held wide apart in a Y shape, the body was held at the 45° angle and the arms were fixed in place, encased in the armbinder. Three leather belts fixed Guy’s head & finally Paul chained the ball weight back down to the floor ring below.

By this time Guy was really struggling and straining to get free. He could hardly move, despite his wildest efforts, and he began to fight & strain as hard as he could. He’d never been so immobile in his life, so exposed & helpless and all the images he’s seen of guys trussed up like that in Paul’s playroom were filling his head. He had to get out of this, he couldn’t be controlled like this and he just strained and struggled & bucked his whole body as hard as he could. Again he felt Paul’s hand close around his dick, which just grew hard. For fuck’s sake NO!!! Screamed Guy’s brain. “Take your hands off my dick NOW!” demanded Guy.

But Paul just ignored him, his hand gently, but firmly stroking, modulating over the whole length of his dick. Guy was going crazy, the sensations going through his dick were more intense than anything he’d ever experienced. He could feel himself getting closer and closer to cumming but he had no control anymore. Paul kept stopping whenever Guy was close, sometimes just leaving the dick alone for 2 secs and again stroking it, sometimes leaving the dick for 5-10 secs, but each time stopping before Guy could cum. By this point Guy was just getting louder it was too much for him, he couldn’t even thrust his dick against Paul’s hands and he desperately wanted to cum but also to get free. He couldn’t believe how helpless and controlled he was.

Paul just kept working the dick, he was so horny to have Guy so horny himself, so totally on edge and out of all control. He kept working the dick, Guy getting louder and louder, and now he kept going, he could sense the change in Guy as he went passed the point he normally stopped. Guy was now making an animal sound & finally he orgasmed, in an intense release. As soon as he felt the orgasm Paul removed his hand, watching Guys hopeless attempts at getting further stimulation into his dick to complete the orgasm. Guy let out a massive howl of frustration, the ruined orgasm was EVIL! His helpless dick was just hanging there dripping and there was NOTHING he could do.

Paul left Guy about 5 minutes like this to calm down before he removed the straps holding the hood in place. Unlocking and unlacing the hood, he pulled it off Guy’s head, wiping the sweat off his head. Guy blinked in the light, he’d been hooded already for nearly 3 hours and found himself staring into the mirrored wall in front of him. He took in the bondage frame, the playroom, the many leather restraints holding him perfectly in place, his chained balls! Finally he saw Paul, standing behind him, grinning. “Hi Guy”, said Paul smiling. “I hope you enjoyed that…”. Guy was exhausted, frustrated, horny (still!), wanting to get free but he felt himself smiling back at Paul, “That was amazing! Really, oh, man, that was so intense!”. Paul walked in front of Guy and put a straw in his mouth, letting Guy greedily culp the isotonic drink. “Anything hurting you? Inquired Paul. Guy just again shook his head. He wanted out from the restraints and yet at the same time, he felt so hugged and controlled by them. Again there was that feeling deep down of being very horny, and he couldn’t believe the strapped guy in the mirror was him!

Paul took a large leather gag off the wall and moved in front of Guy. “You’re getting a bit loud, boy, and we’ve not even started yet”. Guy started to talk but the gag was pushed firmly into his mouth, filling it deeply as it was buckled tight. Guy’s eyes followed Paul as he took a heavy leather muzzle off the wall and approached him. Guy started to thrash his head around, but it was useless and soon the muzzle was being tightened and locked firmly in place. Paul connected the muzzle at the sides to the leather straps fixing the head pretty well in place. Guy couldn’t see what was happening behind him, when he suddenly felt a cold metal ball, a well lubricated cold metal ball, being very gently pushed into his arse. “NOOOOOO!” shouted Guy into the gag, which did a superb job of turning it into “mmmmmp!!!” and he tried to thrash around as he felt the anal hook being locked to the muzzle, the chain pulling his head back.

This was too much for Guy, it was everything he’d dreamed about, but he wasn’t a submissive person! He’d dreamed and wanked about this type of bondage for years, but this was too much seeing himself like that in the mirror! He had to get free and just started once more to strain & struggle against the restraints. Seeing himself, HIM, like that in the mirror just made it worse and then he noticed that Paul was stood beside him, rock hard, playing with himself. Guy just exploded in anger at the situation, thrashing & shouting into the gag. We watched how this just turned Paul on and Guy had never felt so controlled & helpless in his life. He’s eyes were blazing, and he was snorting like an animal as Paul took again hold of his dick. “MMMMMMMPPPHH!!!” roared Guy as he felt his own dick growing hard – his dick was betraying him.

Again Paul started to edge Guy, stroking and teasing his hard, helpless dick. The noises of the creaking leather, the pathetic noises coming from the gaged mouth were just perfect. Paul was in his element. The gag was filling Guy’s mouth fully and the muzzle held it all so tightly in place he was breathing heavily through his nose. Paul was endlessly edging Guy’s dick, stopping and starting and driving him wild. After a good 45 minutes, Paul could feel Guy going slightly softer – no one could maintain this level of energy that long. It was time to make Guy feel more helpless… Paul moved in front of Guy and took hold of his nose, letting Guy breathe out, he gently squeezed the nose shut, cutting off any air supply for Guy. Guy‘s eyes were shooting daggers now at Paul, but he remained calm, he wasn’t going to give Paul the satisfaction… but it was no good, he needed air. Suddenly he had to breathe but he couldn’t and started to thrash against his restraints.

Paul let go of his nose and let Guy take deep, deep breaths, desperately purging the CO2 from his lungs. After 30 secs, Paul again closed the nose and again it was a battle of wills that Paul easily won. This went on for some time and Guy was getting more and more frustrated. He felt totally controlled. Paul wasn’t making him panic, but he was pushing him very hard with the breath control. Each time it was harder to resist, and he could feel his body tiring and his brain getting more desperate.

Eventually Paul could see he’s got Guy where he wanted, the eyes were less ablaze, he was exhausted from all the fighting and struggling. It was also, nearly time to end the session. Fuck this had been so much fun. Such a strong willed sub was just too much fun… Paul went over to his toy box, and returned with a pair of nipple claws. Guy’s eyes widened and again he started to buck the 1cm that was possible against the restraints. The claws closed around Guy’s nipples and he screwed up his eyes. OH MY GOD – that HURT – that was breathtakingly painful! It wasn’t a deep pain, like getting your balls hit, but it was a sharp intense pain. He had to stop it, they had to come OFF! NOW!

He strained his body against the restraints, but he couldn’t get any relief. The pain was so sharp, it was making him breathe faster and faster. He felt the tears welling up in his eyes, it was that painful. Guy was now breathing very, very fast, desperately looking for a way out, anything to stop the pain. Once again Paul’s hand returned to his dick which AGAIN grew rock hard. This was too much now for Guy and he was almost whimpering as his dick was stroked and then it just continued and wouldn’t stop. He let out the deepest groan of his life as he had a massive orgasm, that racked his body. Guy was shaking physically as he orgasmed and felt the orgasm travel through every part of his body.

Paul quickly cleaned up the mess on the floor and standing up looked into Guy’s helpless, defeated eyes. That had been SUPERB. He removed the nipple clamps, receive a soft scream through the gag in return, and gently rubbed the nipples to get the blood flowing fully through them again. Paul then lowered Guy to the floor, undoing the 12, heavy straps, and taking off the armbinder. Guy was lying there exhausted, and was hardly aware of the heavy handcuffs being added to his wrists, once the armbinder was removed. He felt the ankle hobble being added and finally the frogtie belts were released, and he could straighten his legs.

Lying there on the floor on his side, Guy let the feeling rush over him. It had been the most intense experience of his life, he’d never been so helpless! Well, he was still bloody helpless! But he didn’t care, he just lay there, on his side, recovering and enjoying the feeling. Wow wow wow. That had been superb. Paul gave Guy a leather pillow for his head and sat down beside him. Stroking Guy’s helpless body, rubbing all the areas where there were marks from the restraints etc. “I REALLY enjoyed that, you’re such a sexy helpless man.” said Paul. Guy just grunted a little, since he was still gagged. After a further 10 minuets, Paul sat Guy upright against the playroom wall, unlocked the muzzle & took out the gag. Paul sat beside Guy and they had a long discussion about how it had felt, what had worked and not, but it was clear: both were deeply happy.

Reaching a final time for his keys, Paul said “well, time is time, we’re already 30 minutes over with our chat. I always hate letting guys like you free, it’s so much fun. I could keep you the whole weekend like this.” Guy was looking at Paul in a slightly funny way, and just said softly “want to try?”. Paul had unlocked the heavy cuffs, he was just about to take off Guy’s mitts, which were still locked together. “Are you serious? Really?”. “Well….” said Guy as Paul undid the padlock holding the mitts together and took off the ankle restraints. “Look, Guy, if you agree to now spend the weekend restrained, let me be very clear: You will not end it, you will not escape. You will be totally controlled for the next two days, this isn’t a game you can control OR stop” said Paul as he undid the ankle hobble.

Guy was basically free, but his hands were still in locked mitts. Guy didn’t say anything; he couldn’t bring himself to say what was running through his head. “Right, you’re basically free…” Guy just smiled, looking at his mitted hands. “Go to the toilet and have a little break. When you come back out, we make this very simple: Hold your hands out in front of you, and I will take off the mitts. Come out of the toilet and put your hands behind you, I will lock them in the heavy handcuffs. But, I’m not joking, Guy, you do that and you will NOT get free for the next 2 days. Understood?”. Guy just nodded and padded off to the toilet.

Paul cleaned up the leather straps, and hung up the muzzle when he heard Guy returning. He had the keys in his hands and the heavy handcuffs in his hands. Guy was looking straight at him as he returned and Paul just smiled, totally curious but hopeful, waiting to see what Guy would do…

© JakBond 2022. Posted here with permission.

To see videos of these guys and many others, go to Serious Male Bondage

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