Human Cattle – Part 10

By Pickle

The fluid that was being pumped into my mask by the aliens who had captured me continued to surge down my throat and into my lungs. Remarkably, it became a pleasant warming sensation.  Actually comforting.  In my brain I knew I should be drowning but this “therapy” seemed to be improving my breath capacity and feeling of general well-being.

The alien let me know my lungs and throat were being renewed and changed in such a way that would enable me to survive another little adventure they had in store for me.  The fluid continued to surge into the mask, and now throughout my entire system in a non-stop ebb and flow.  Time meant nothing anymore.  I had no idea how long they kept this up.  I no longer cared though, since it had the sensation of being massaged from the inside out.  I was completely relaxed and was feeling totally euphoric.  I no longer gave a flyin’ fuck that my control was no longer my own.

The aliens left me there restrained and on my own for a while.  How long?  I had no way of judging.  When they returned they stopped the procedure and removed the mask, telling me I would no longer need the tubes they had previously installed in order to breathe or obtain sustenance.  I would now absorb both the needed oxygen and food directly from the gel in which I was soon to be suspended.

The beings released me from the treatment table and gently lifted me with their boney fingers, carrying me out of the glowing room, seeming to float along with them.  I was taken into a space of complete darkness.  Then the brightest light I’d ever witnessed.  I instinctively closed my eyes against the glare.  When I felt the intense brilliance dim down I opened my eyes again, and saw I was being guided into a hallway with clear capsules on either side.

As we approached the first set of these transparent pill-like modules I saw there were men suspended within them, contained in some sort of gelatinous slightly cloudy substance.  The only tube in sight was attached to each of their penises.  Their eyes were closed as though asleep, but I could see their bodies were in constant spasms.

As we passed their containers and moved on down the corridor, I was able to look more closely at the next two guys in their jelly-like suspensions and could see semen flowing through the tubes attached to their cocks.  I realized these guys were ejaculating continuously.

Oh my God!  Is the human body capable of sustaining this forced draining?  For how long before a man’s heart or other organs give out?  I knew I was being floated along to be placed in one of these clear “coffins” as well and wondered how long I’d be kept on the ship this time around.  I no longer had any doubts that I’d been “taken” before on that strange night.  I no longer even had any idea of how long ago that had been.  My mind was numbed from the solution that had been forced through the mask and into my anatomy.

We continued along what had at first seemed to be a corridor, but I now realized there were rows upon rows of these capsules behind the ones I could clearly see, in a gigantic, never-ending room.  We passed several more men who were encased in these pods … all spasming … all producing … “honeydew” for these “ants!”

Our forward motion through the aisle slowed, and I saw my buddy Steve in the pod to my right. Jerking!  Spasming!  Convulsing!  As the others had been in the previous capsules.  I looked to my left, and there was my friend Mike in that tube.  The guy I’d had to suck off when I lost the poker game.

I looked beyond Mike’s container and saw another farmer buddy of mine, trapped in the same situation.  The capsule next to Steve’s was empty, and I knew this one beside my best buddy had been reserved for me.  We’d reached our destination and terror engulfed my brain, but hard as I tried, I couldn’t move.  My brain was telling me to struggle, to put up the fight of my life, but these Beings had total control of my body.  I was paralyzed completely.  I felt one, or possibly both of the aliens impart into my mind, that I would soon have no worries.  No thoughts of my own.  Only constant, insurmountable, orgasmic pleasure.

The transparent tube next to Steve’s container began to lower to a horizontal position, and part of it lifted off.  I was reminded of the way a Venus Fly Trap plant opens and then surrounds its trapped prey.  The thing just floated in mid-air.  The lower portion began to fill with the mucilaginous fluid, and I was lifted and placed on my back, and pushed down into it.

A tube was then connected to the inner tube in my urethra, that had been made part of my body on my prior abduction.  The top of the pod lifted over me and closed onto the lower portion. It became one solid piece of whatever material it was constructed of, as soon as the sections met.  The gel then began to flow in around me, and I panicked.

The creatures assured me the procedure they had prepared me with earlier would allow me to breathe and function normally in my tube, although I would be lowered into a REM-like state.  I saw one of the aliens transform into “Steve” once more.  “He” waved his hand down from the top of the tube toward my chest, and I feel my eyelids involuntarily close.  Then the “goo” flowed in, completely surrounding and encasing my body.

Blackness!  Total and complete blackness!

I’d never experienced a darkness this deep.  No wait!  I had.  This is like the sleep anesthetic provides.  Just absence.  No sense of anything.  Nothingness!

Then …

I felt my entire body jerk …

INTENSE pleasure!  Almost too much to bear.  Oh God!  Mind-blowing sexual rapture.  I feel my cum leaving my body.  I’m having the most forceful, most intense orgasm I’ve ever felt.  It’s too much sensual pleasure!  Too much sexual pleasure!  Mind-shattering.  Mind-numbing. Teeth rattling ejaculation! It’s too much. It’s the most incredible feeling I’ve ever had and the worst in the same instant.  My brain just wants it to stop, but it doesn’t.  I’ve had some pretty amazing orgasms in the past but they happen and then stop.  Allowing my body to relax and enjoy the sweetness of the incredible biological function we are blessed to have.  THIS isn’t stopping.  I’m stuck at the height of the feeling of ejaculation.  There’s NO lovely relaxation on the other side of that involuntary tensing of muscles and shooting out the “pickle juice.”  THIS is torture, and I have no clue how long I’ll be undergoing the milking this time around.  Holy shit!  They’re making us into fucking human cattle!

My teeth stop rattling from the intensity of the feeling of being sucked dry by the most powerful Dyson ever, and I wake up hanging gut-down, spread-eagled on a wooden frame in my barn gym.  I’d seen this frame online and had intended to order the plans to build it but was just saving up for them and for the materials.  I immediately recognized it as the Russia workout system that was becoming popular.  It had been developed by ancient Russian armies and athletes as both a workout system and chiropractic method.  I hadn’t built this system yet.  Only dreamed of adding it to my gym.

It consisted of four 6-by-6’s bolted to the floor, spaced about twelve feet from the ones at my head to the ones at my feet.  It seemed to be about nine feet across.  The posts were connected halfway up and also at the top by 4-by-4’s running between them, stabilizing the entire structure.  There were pulleys and winches on each corner, and stacks of heavy-looking weight plates placed in the floor by each post.

The difference to the system I’d seen used online was THIS one had an added “attraction.”  There was what looked like about a 40-inch deep pool under me, and that pool was filled with thick mud.

As I lifted my head I saw Steve at the corner to my right.  Mike was on the corner to my left wrist.  I dropped my ,head and looking under the length of my body was another farmer neighbour, Tim, at my right ankle, and Jake another buddy who helped Tim out on his farm, at my left ankle post.

I was kind of loosely hanging there with my wrists and ankles tethered to ropes that went through the pulleys in the corners.  My upper body was hanging lower than my arms and legs.  I was in a stretch but not a tight one.  Just felt kinda good.  Like getting your spine opened up a bit when a guy goes back-to-back with ya, lacing your elbows into each other and then he leans forward, taking you off the ground and cracking your back.  Yeah, just felt like that.  Nothing to see here.  Nothing to worry about.

I look back up toward Steve, and I see that now familiar evil smirk coming over his ugly face.  He was actually extremely handsome, but man, I was thinking of him as “ugly” for sure at this point.

He gestures a “c’mon” motion to the other three guys, and says, “Hey fellas, let’s help ourselves to some of Pick’s beer, fellas.  He a generous guy.  He won’t mind.”  And they start to leave.

“Sorry, Dill, can’t include you in this just now.  Why don’t you just hang there and ponder yer shirttails for a bit?”  They all guffaw at his comment and head out through the barn door.  Leaving me hanging there in a belly-down X.

I hadn’t thought about it till Steve mentioned my shirttails, but once the guys left I realized I was dressed in jeans, work boots, and an army green shirt with epaulettes and cut-off sleeves.  The last time I’d worn it, its sleeves were intact, so I figured Steve had been to work with his army knife again.

As I hung there my head just naturally dropped, so I was in fact, just kinda staring at my shirttails, which were hanging down under me. Nothing else to do, really.  I could hear my buddies laughing it up outside the barn as they were drinking my beer.   Every now and then I heard them say my name, then sometimes some discussion following that, and sometimes some masculine laughter after I heard my name mentioned.  I knew they were coming up with more shit to put me through.  Making their plans.  Talking about how they were going to “get me good!”  I knew there was no escape.  I wasn’t getting out of this till they decided to release me.

End of Part 10

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