My Rockview Mental Institution Stay – Part 3: Progressive Bondage

By Straitjacketkwf2

Except for attachments on the wall for standup restraint there was a special bed with dozens of attachment points, a grey vinyl prison mattress two padded cuffs for the wrist and two padded cuffs for the ankles. I lay down on the bed’s mattress with my head resting on the prison vinyl pillow. Both orderlies working in tandem quickly placed the padded leather cuffs around my wrist and locked them closed after adjusting for size. They were already secured to the sides of the bed. My ankles were next. I felt my legs being forced apart, my ankles being placed in the padded cuffs and locked in place. I was in bondage. A locking leather strap was threaded between the wrist cuffs and over my stomach, pulling my arms inward towards my body. No side-to-side movement of the wrists was possible. The same procedure was done with the ankle cuffs, and my limbs were frozen in place. Four point restraint.

A three-inch-wide strap was threaded under my left arm, over my chest and under my right arm, and both sides were secured to anchor points on the side. A second three-inch-wide canvas belt pulled taught over my legs between my crotch and knees. Six point restraint.

Doctor showed me a white sensory deprivation leather hood, lined in leather as he loosened the cords that would lace the contraption very tightly around my head. He lifted my head from the pillow and started to position the hood over my head being very careful to line up the small nose holes and the large garment hole over the mouth. They started to lace the hood closed starting at the top and working their way down. I could feel and hear the laces being threaded through the small holes on the hood as it was pulled tight before the next set of holes were threaded. I could feel it conforming to my face almost as a second skin. I sensed the extra padding over the ears, eyes and mouth as they pressed against my head. When doctor finished the lacing, all light was cut off and I could hear each breadth. Surprisingly, breathing was easy but speech required effort. Three leather straps were pulled through metal holders: I felt a collar tighten around my neck, another one pull the padding closer my eyes and a third ran under my chin to the top of my head limiting jaw movement. Four more points of restraint.

I felt and heard something being pulled over my body, starting from my feet and working up to my neck. Rope was being weaved through the metal holders on the side of the bed and over my body. As the rope was being threaded I could feel it press against me. Mr. Bind asked if I liked being tied up by the rope. I had to admit I did. Too many points of restraint to count.

unknown-3With each step, movement became more restrictive and I had lost the ability to move except my toes and fingers. This was progressive bondage. The muffled sound of a camera shutter was heard as the orderlies documented their work. Each time that I was placed in a different type of restraint my bondage was recorded. I heard the door to the observation room close and the bolt lock find its home before being padlocked closed. The orderlies could monitor my condition through the bars of the observation window. When I was taken to the observation room it was still daylight. It was dark when I was released about three hours later, a process that took over ten minutes to untie the ropes, remove the hood and unlock the hospital restraints. I had been confined to the institution for less than 24 hours, had been kept under constant control the entire time and there was no weakness that I could find for escape. I was screwed, royally.

At no time was I allowed to be by myself unless I was restrained or under lock and key. I was not wearing restraints but I was still dressed in the orange and white stripe jail uniform with SCDC in large black letters on the back of the pull over shirt. Even if I had been able to get through the locked doors I would have not gotten far in the isolated desert that is home to MCP and RMI. Daytime temperatures were moderate, but at night the thermometer dropped precipitately and the thin material of the jail uniform would offer no protection.

Dinner that evening was a simple affair: chicken cut up in bite-sized portions with noodles in a cheese sauce and served in a soup bowl. As a safely precaution, I was given a plastic spoon for my meal. We had water and a choice of chocolate chip cookies or vanilla cream cookies. I had one of each. After dinner I was escorted back to my hospital room and strapped back into the canvas straitjacket and the Humane padded leather hobbles. Doctor and Mr. Bind said their director wanted photographic documentation of my stay and we went back to the padded cell for pictures. I was not gagged for this session, and it only lasted about an hour. But Doctor made a point of showing me the black leather Mr S Puffy hood that I would be wearing the next day.


Let Me Entertain You


My first experience with the white hood was not, to put it mildly, enjoyable. RMI was being successful in playing with my mind. Mr. Bind has been making “how to” instructional movies for internet distribution for quite some time. He thought, correctly, that I would be interested in watching some of the movies. At the table in the Day Room Mr. Bind set up his computer; I sat tightly bound up in the canvas straitjacket between Mr. Bind on the right and Doctor on the left and watched over ten videos on several subjects including proper restraint techniques. You could say I was a captive audience. About 11 p.m.


The Second Night


It was time to prepare me for confinement in my hospital room for the night. Mr. Bind was on call for a second night in a row, second of my stay. He wanted a solid’s night sleep and he consulted with Doctor for a solution to meet my need for nocturnal relief. Doctor came up with the solution — an easy solution for the staff, a difficult one for me: an adult disposable diaper. It was common practice in the mental hospitals of the decades of the 1940s and 1950s for patients in restraints overnight to wear diapers. I had even seen photographs of a patient in a diaper and straitjacket next to a hospital bed. But the thought never occurred to me I would be such a patient. Back in my hospital room Doctor and Mr. Bind worked quickly to remove the straitjacket. Doctor assured me that the modern disposable diaper was designed handle a large amount of liquid and keep the patient comfortable and dry. In reality I had no choice; under the rules of the Institution I had to be restrained overnight, there were no exceptions. It was made very clear that Mr. Bind and Doctor did not want to be disturbed during the night. The decision had been made and there was no appeal.

The very idea of pissing in a diaper frightened me. I was handed the all-white diaper and Doctor instructed me how to put it on. He closed the door behind him and allowed me a few moments of privacy to put the diaper in place. I lay down on the bed and proceeded to tape it closed. I stood up and could feel the bulk of the absorbent padding between my legs that went from front to back. The outside was a smooth plastic and I was able to easily pull my prison pants up to cover the diaper. The door opened just as I had finished re-dressing. Mr. Bind had the Humane Ankle Hobbles and a locking leather strap in his hand. Without waiting for direction I laid back on the bed as he quickly secured the locking padded cuffs in place. He circled the leather strap over the triple reinforced strap between the cuffs and around the metal rail at the foot of the bed. I could slide my feet side to side but could not pull them away from the bed. Both Doctor and Mr. Bind checked the security of the restraints and were satisfied that I would not escape.

The lights were turned out and the door pulled closed automatically locking. I was secured for my second night. I slept for a few hours and woke up having to relieve myself. That dreaded moment had arrived. I found I could not pee lying down on my back. I slid the leather strap along the bed rail and was able, just barely, to stand up with my ankles and legs tethered to the bed. Then came the flood. In horror I could feel the warmth of my liquid surround my privates and then … the wetness disappeared. I was dry! The diaper was not. I could feel the mushy heat between my legs as the weight of my water sagged the diaper south. I stood there frozen in the dark. Eventually I realized the crystals had absorbed the liquid completely. I slowly sat down then slowly lay down, fearful that the liquid would leak. I slid the retaining strap back to the middle of the rail and breathed a sigh of relief. The heat dissipated between my legs as I positioned myself on my left side and quickly fell asleep. I woke up with the morning sun coming through the barred windows of my room. Morning ritual, like clockwork, asserted itself. I had morning wood and needed to relieve myself. I quickly moved to a standing position and let loose a fine stream. The diaper did its job just as during the night, but the weight between my legs increased the sagging. Thankfully the prison pants helped keep the diaper in place. Very carefully I moved back to laying down on the bed. The wet warmness covered a larger area and I was uncomfortable by the increased bulk of the diaper.


Day Two


The door opened and Mr. Bind asked, somewhat sarcastically, if I had survived the night. Yes, but I wanted to shower, now. He unlocked the two ankle cuffs and I quickly headed to the bathroom. I found a plastic bag like you get at the supermarket and pulled off my prison pants and peeled off the heavy diaper, placing it in the bag and tying it off. I had survived the humiliation of using a diaper. After my morning shower, breakfast that second morning was juice, hot oatmeal with a bottle of cold water to drink. I was allowed to assist the staff in clearing the table and wash the dishes, dressed as I had been since my arrival in the white and orange jail uniform with white socks.


To be continued …



3 thoughts on “My Rockview Mental Institution Stay – Part 3: Progressive Bondage”

  1. I’ve actually been in the same situation in Maine where I was in the state mental hospital. For yelling and acting out they strapped me down put a catheter in me and told me if I yelled I would be quieted. I struggled to get free but couldn’t move so I screamed until a nurse came in with a roll of tape and taped my mouth shut. They left me like that for 24 hours and was restrained many times in the six months I was there.

  2. I went to Maine state mental hospital and after being injected with Thorazine they transferred me to a table where I was put in restraints wrist,ankles and chest. I began to struggle and yell so they used more leather straps on knees and forehead. One nurse said if I yelled more I would be gagged so I yelled even louder the nurse took out some surgical tape and tapped my mouth shut. They left me there until a doctor came in with a nurse and they talked about me like:: he is violent and unwilling to obey so he’s to be restrained until further notice give him an enema and a catheter so he can remain restrained remove the tape replace it with a medical gag. They had me so restrained I couldn’t move and then because I tried to crack my neck a cervical brace was put around my neck. They left but the doctor came back and put breathing hoses in my nose and taped them in place.
    I was punished while I was there one day I thought I was being looked over for back problems but they strapped me to the table put a rubber wedge in my mouth then put electric probs on my temples and gave me shock therapy every week.

    1. Wait, was this a real hospital stay? That doesn’t sound fun and kinky at all… sorry what you had to go through.

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