New Product Announcement – The Collar

By Anaconda in a Cage

Celebrimbor LLC is now offering an entirely new product for any man wishing to indulge himself. Each finely crafted hardened gold alloy collar features an inscription across the front of the collar and a keyhole located at the back. The 5mm thick, 10mm tall, collar is made from an indestructible gold alloy, and continually resizes itself to fit snugly on the wearer’s neck.

The collar and basic gold keys are available for purchase now.  The optional keys are made of indestructible gold, but each key is made from a different alloy to give them each a different color. On delivery, all of the collars look the same, but they adapt to the wearer once locked on. The gold keys lock or unlock the collar, but the optional color coded keys activate and deactivate special features. A second special feature will not activate if another special feature is already in use.

Place the collar on a man, turn a gold key in the lock, and remove the key. The collar will resize to a comfortably snug size for the man, and then lock shut. The inscription on the front of the collar, which originally says “The Collar,” will transform into the name of the wearer of the collar followed by “owned by” and the name of the keyholder that locks the collar. Of course, all keys available for the collars are unique to each collar and simply cannot be duplicated.  If the keyholder loses the two gold keys, the wearer will be wearing the collar for the rest of his life.  As this ownership may span decades, the collar will continue to adjust to a comfortable size for the man, but will never be removable without the paired gold keys. There is, of course, nothing to stop someone from purchasing their own collar thereby becoming both the wearer and the keyholder.

There are engraved gold timer keys for self-play, or for use by a keyholder. Once the collar has been locked, a colored feature key may optionally be used to enable the feature associated with that key. A timer key may then be used to keep the collar locked and the optional special feature to remain enabled for as long as the time engraved on the timer key. Timer keys are available for 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 1 year, and for a decade. There is no way to cancel the operation of a timer key once it has been activated.

The blue key is one of the most coveted keys by both wearers and keyholders. Once a man has been collared, its effect can be enabled by turning a blue key in the lock clockwise. The blue key was designed for male enhancement. The wearer’s body will transform into that of an Adonis. His face will become irresistible to both men and women, his body will grow to at least 220lbs, his height to at least 6’4”, his chest will swell to that of an Olympic rower, his biceps will rival those of an Olympic weightlifter, and his legs swell to those of an Olympic runner. His cock and balls will double in size. His ass will develop to that of an Olympic wrestler. His voice will become deep and entrancing to all those that hear it. The wearer will develop a zero latency between erections and the ability to cum as often as he likes. These effects will persist until the blue key is used again to deactivate the effect. To disable the effect of the blue key, place the key back into the lock and turn it counterclockwise. Obviously, some men will choose to purchase a collar for themselves and use the blue key to enhance their body for their own use. Other men will choose to collar their sub and make use of the sub’s body.

An orange key available to turn the body of the wearer into that of a twink. The wearer will assume the body of a 21-year-old young man, lose all of his body hair, lose any athletic musculature, and his genitals will reduce to half of their original size. As with all of the specialty keys, the orange key can be used to activate or deactivate its effect by turning it clockwise or counterclockwise, respectively.

The green key is coveted by keyholders that desire the collared wearer to become their boy toy, and wearers that are into chastity.  The green key produces the same desirable Adonis body as the blue key, but the wearer’s cock and balls will be absorbed into his body. As the wearer no longer possesses a cock, his precum will drain through his ass providing lubrication. The wearer’s pecs will also become insensitive to touch as there is simply no need for him to be able to pleasure himself that way either. The wearer’s throat will now automatically adjust to accommodate his keyholder’s cock whenever the keyholder fucks it, and the wearer’s ass will develop prehensile properties to grasp and stroke his owner’s cock to better provide pleasure. The wearer’s prostate will become hypersensitive to stimulation, but the wearer will only be able to ride an edge and cannot reach an orgasm no matter what he does.

With a turquoise key, any man fucking the wearer instantly gains the blue key enhancements and keeps them for one week. This effect is provided to provide pleasure to the wearer and incentive to the man fucking him.

With a yellow key the wearer maintains his original appearance, but acquires the effects of a green key while he is being fucked. The wearer resumes his original form and regains his genitals one day after he swallows a fresh load. The man fucking him can choose to withhold his load to leave the wearer neutered and dickless.

With a copper colored key, the wearer is tailored to be versatile. If he is bottoming, he acquires the effects of a green key. If he is topping, he acquires the effects of a blue key.

With a red key, the wearer develops the Adonis body of a blue key, but his collar inscription will say he is “OWNED AND OFF LIMITS.”  The red key only works in the hands of a keyholder. If the wearer has sex with anyone except his keyholder, both the wearer and the other man are punished. They acquire the twink bodies associated with the orange key, their cocks and balls retract into their bodies, and they become unable to orgasm. Both men remain diminished until the keyholder deactivates the red key effect on the wearer’s collar with the red key. If a timer is in effect, recovery can only happen once the timer completes.

With a white gold key, the wearer will lose the ability to speak, think, or do anything but try to sexually please his keyholder if the keyholder tells him “it’s all about me.” The wearer will become desperate to make his keyholder orgasm and cannot think about anything else but making his keyholder cum. The effect continues until the wearer swallows the keyholder’s cum.

With a purple key, any man fucking the wearer becomes all-consumingly obsessed with making the wearer orgasm if the wearer says “it’s all about me” until the wearer orgasms.


Verbal Play Mode:

The black key enables verbal play. The keyholder address the wearer with verbal commands and the wearer must comply.

The wearer will become insatiably horny and edge if his keyholder says “command edge.” While edging, the wearer will be unable to focus on anything but making himself orgasm, which he cannot quite achieve. The wearer will only be able to stop when his keyholder says “command stop” or “command cum and stop.”

The wearer will suck the keyholder’s cock if the keyholder says “command suck me” until the keyholder says “command stop.”

The wearer will fuck the keyholder if the keyholder says “command fuck me” until the keyholder says “command stop.”

The wearer feels like his dick is being enthusiastically sucked if the keyholder says “all day sucker” until the keyholder says “command stop.” If the wearer cums, the sucking feeling will continue until the keyholder says “command stop,” resulting in the pain of his cock being sucked while extremely sensitive.

The wearer will enter into a BDSM mode where he feels every action that the keyholder says after the keyholder says “command BDSM.” Available actions are “ass slap,” “paddle,” “ball tug,” “ball squeeze,” “hand job,” “nipple play,” and “kneed in the balls.” Each sensation is felt by the wearer at the level intended by the keyholder.   The BDSM play ends when the keyholder says “BDSM is over.”

Key Summary:

Gold Key – Locks and Unlocks the Collar.

Timer Keys – Locks the special effects and collar in place for a predetermined time.

Blue Key – Confers bulked up body on the wearer and adds genital enlargement.

Orange Key – Confers body of a Twink on the wearer including genital reduction.

Green Key – Confers bulked up body on the wearer but eliminates his genitals and his ability to orgasm.

Turquoise Key – Temporarily confers bulked up body and genital enlargement on any man fucking the wearer.

Yellow Key – Confers bulked up body on the wearer with genital elimination while he is being fucked. Wearer regains his genitals once he swallows a load.

Copper Key – Confers bulked up body on wearer. Wearer’s genitals enlarge if he is topping and are eliminated if he is bottoming.

Red Key – Punishes wearer and the other man if the wearer cheats on his keyholder.

White Gold Key – Forces wearer to focus solely on getting his keyholder off.

Purple Key – Forces any man fucking the wearer to focus solely on getting the wearer off.

Black Key – Makes wearer’s body subject to keyholder’s verbal commands.

Metal would like to thank the author, Anaconda in a Cage, for this story and welcome him to the Prison Library!

Brutal Tops

One thought on “New Product Announcement – The Collar”

  1. Very cool story, love the idea to use “Lord of the Rings” as a base and turn it into a bondage story. Excellent!

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