By Stormbound
After Brad left, we sat there in silence for a few minutes, ‘Liam’ holding my stiffly mitted hand in his. As I sat there thinking about how I was already feeling pretty warm and a little sweaty in the heavy leather suit I started to feel another urge too. ‘Liam’ felt me squirm and asked me what was wrong.
With my other mitted hand I indicated towards my waist, and he immediately understood, saying “Ah, you have to go to the bathroom!”. I stiffly nodded my leather encased head in the affirmative.
‘Liam’ rubbed my back saying “Yeah, I guess Brad forgot to clean us out earlier, he usually does it during my bath but with two of us today I guess he forgot. The night orderly will let you go pretty soon before feeding you dinner so try and hold it until then. Trust me, you don’t want to know what happens if you mess your diaper.”
I groaned a little at that news to which ‘Liam’ shushed me reminding me that ‘Josh’ was supposed to stay quiet and not make noise. I nodded my understanding and settled in to resist the discomfort in my bladder and colon until the orderly arrived.