The Resort – Chapter 14

By TklBndg516


Over the years, the relationship between Master Ray and Master Steve grew.  They became good friends.  Master Ray was a mentor and coach to Master Steve as he acquired partial ownership in The Resort.  There was a quality in Master Steve that Master Ray noticed from the beginning.  Master Ray helped him refine that to where he eventually became second only to Master Ray in his control over The Resort.

The friendship between Jeff, Brad, and David also continued to grow.  They would often spend time together when not on duty.  They would often be present when Master Ray and Master Jeff got together, but also on their own.

Jeff stayed in charge of the chastity program for several years.  As the program became more established, new enrollment was mostly from new slaves who had been at The Resort long enough to qualify.  Some joined as soon as they qualified, some took a little longer before joining, and there were some with situations where they were not able to join the program.  Eventually all the routine work was handled by Zack, Cheng, and Carlos.  Eventually a fourth slave joined the group as Jeff and Brad maintained a supervisory role with less involvement in the routine work.  Eventually Zack and Carlos moved on to other positions.  Eventually Cheng was promoted to alpha in charge of the group.

Jeff and Brad became more active as guest slaves and sometimes handling projects for Master Steve or Master Ray when they needed extra hands somewhere.  As guest slaves, they became familiar with all the guest areas and amenities.  Just as David had been a guide and mentor for them, they became a guide and mentor for other slaves.

After a couple of years, Matt got into a relationship with someone off the island.  His partner got transferred to a neighboring county, so they had to move too far away for Matt to travel to work.  He had to leave The Resort.  He found a good job close to his partner.  He still maintained his friendship with Steve, Jeff, Brad, and David.  Although Matt’s partner wasn’t into BDSM, he was fine being around it.  They would sometimes spend a weekend at The Resort.  Jeff would sometimes use his influence as a part owner to get room discounts and other benefits for Matt and his partner.

Steve, Jeff, and Brad had a very good life on the island.  They got to spend a lot of quality time together.  With Jeff and Brad working as guest slaves, they also got to spend enough time apart to better appreciate the time they had together.

Eventually Steve, Jeff, and Brad moved into a suite in the same building as Master Ray.  All the rooms were larger.  There was a hot tub and spa.  There was a dungeon/playroom with a good selection of bondage furniture, a slave vending machine, and a gear station.  There was a large office with access to the resident slave trolley.  They lived a very happy life there.

The End

Metal would like to thank the author, TklBndg516, for this story!

The Sodomy Squad

9 thoughts on “The Resort – Chapter 14”

  1. I want to say “THANK YOU!” to all of the people who have read this story, especially those who have left encouraging comments or reached out to me directly with words of encouragement.

  2. Lot of hard work there with enormous detail. Must have taken a lot of energy. I wasn’t sure if I’d get through it all but glad I did as there was something rather satisfying about the story as a whole.

  3. Extraordinary story – very well thought out and detailed to keep the reader’s interest. Thank you for all the work to create such a great story.

  4. Really good story.
    I sometimes wondered where it was going and whether it was necessary to read all the interaction details in order to make the most of the story. Well I did and it was! Thanks for the incredible effort put into it. It leaves an impression of having lived it.

  5. Excellent story, kept me hooked from the 1st paragraph and waiting in anticipation for the next installment. Well crafted around the narrative of the title and like others, wishing such a place with all the gadgets existed . Well done, one of the best.

  6. I like your writing style and the setting of this story. It is really superb.

    That said: I think there is something missing here… After spending quite a lot of time on setting up the details of how the belt and the whole automation system works you tend to ignore it completley – Matt got locked in a belt with higher fuctions and you never used it for example.
    After the second chapter you only use it in passing – like set to pleasurable setting – and thats it.

    In short: this story screams for a follow up, maybe from the viewpoint of someone who is a participant in the keyholder program and discovers his hidden side…

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