All posts by slavebladeboi


By slavebladeboi

Adam smelled the coffee brewing and very soon heard it coming, or rather heard his slave bringing it. The heavy steel chain between Ben’s ankles dragged slowly across the wooden floor as he brought the tray into the room.

Adam pointed to the table next to his recliner and carried on reading. It took several seconds for him to realise something wasn’t quite right. It wasn’t something he heard, it was something he didn’t hear. He didn’t hear the sound of the chain being dragged back to the kitchen.


I’m sorry Adam.

What? Something clutched at Adam’s stomach. For the past 9 months he’d been either Master or Sir, never Adam.

Continue reading Choices

Master and Slave – Part 2

By slavebladeboi

Next, I relaxed a bit. I couldn’t move apart from wriggling my fingers and blinking but I managed to relax, somehow. I was tied face down on the black leather covered bench. Upper arms, wrists, thighs and ankles were strapped tightly to the four legs whilst my lower back and neck were strapped to either end of the flat surface.

My master was standing behind me beginning to relax as well. His still erect cock deep inside me was very slowly starting to reduce in size. Seconds before he had let out a loud roar as he pumped his hot spunk so far into me I thought I’d almost be able to taste it. But now he gently ran his fingers along the welts he had made across me before strapping me down and thrusting into me with such a passion it was all those thick leather straps could do to keep me in position.

Continue reading Master and Slave – Part 2

Master and Slave – Part 1

By slavebladeboi

He had volunteered. He had specifically asked for no safe words. He wanted to be mine with no exceptions. We had discussed things till the early hours on several occasions but now he was mine, to train in any way I liked. We both wanted this more than anything else, to be Master and slave. To be joined by the strength of knowing just that. And now it was happening. There was no going back.

Dressing in the cosy warmth and comfort of my bedroom it was difficult to imagine just how different the scene two storeys beneath me was. I laced the elegant long black leather boots carefully and tied them with neat knots at the knee. The skin tight trousers fitted me perfectly, the extra expense of made to measure had been worth every penny. Slipping into them and feeling their soft yet restricting presence around my body never failed to create the first stirrings of what I knew from my past experience would be a large and long lasting erection. I drew the zip up carefully, feeling the once living fabric enclosing me in a wonderfully glossy black cocoon, the growing bulge in the leather at the crotch showed clearly the position of the shaft of my already semi erect cock. I never wore anything beneath the leather, preferring the wonderfully erotic feel of the taut polished black hide directly on my body.

Continue reading Master and Slave – Part 1

The Boxer’s Gloves: Two Points of View

By slavebladeboi

Part 1: The Boxer

It was only as I was passing the table in the hallway on my way down to the dungeon that I glanced down and noticed them. The slave was in the habit of buying me little presents from what remained of his allowance for running the Fireblade at the end of the month and on this occasion it had been a pair of black leather sparring gloves. I picked them up and looked at them. They had arrived in the post the previous morning and I often mused as to whether the postman wondered about the anonymous parcels that we received on a regular basis.

Continue reading The Boxer’s Gloves: Two Points of View

The House

By slavebladeboi

The casual passerby would see only a large but unremarkable detached house. Set within the quiet cul-de-sac only a few hundred meters from the beach, it appeared the apotheosis of mundane suburban life. The Master had chosen the property when their relationship had become permanent. Although the slave had no input in the decision he nevertheless realized that he was an integral part of it.

Continue reading The House

The Barn

By slavebladeboi

Part 1

He entered the building slowly, opening the door just a few inches at first. A dim diffused light made its way through the high window that was covered with dust from years past. He was sure this was the place, the place he had heard the noise come from only yesterday evening, that muffled scream which stretched out for several seconds then stopped abruptly.

The old barn was the only building across the fields, he must be right.

Continue reading The Barn

The Cell by slavebladeboi

By slavebladeboi

The bolt made no noise as I pulled it back. I didn’t expect it to considering how well oiled it was but still I was careful. I doubt if he’d have heard much even if his ears were not sealed with the plugs I had inserted, with them in place he was in complete isolation a far as sound was concerned. He probably felt a slight shift in the air temperature but that would have been all.

Continue reading The Cell by slavebladeboi