My web developer told me that the long list of links to external sites in the sidebar to the right is slowing this site down.
So I went through the list of “More Bondage Sites” and moved a bunch of these links over to the “Blogroll” list, which is only visible if you click on the Links page and scroll down the sidebar on the right on that page.
The sites I bumped to the Blogroll fall into a several different categories:
- Sites that have not been updated in ages
- Sites that are not linking back to me
- Sites that are linking to me but have not changed their reciprocal link from my old Thumblogger page to my new URL, which is:
Thumblogger went down on April 18 and is most likely gone forever. So anyone who clicks from another site on a non-updated link for Metalbond with Thumblogger in the URL will get nowhere.
For those of you who have your own sites who already are linking back to me, thank you very much!
(If any of you who got bumped to the blogroll get a chance to update your link for me with my correct URL and you want back on my main page, please let me know so I can move you back.)
As always, you can get in touch with me by using the contact form in the upper right of the About page.