By GratDelay
I stood up and stared down at Aaron. Now I could think straight, and get on with beating him to a pulp. I took another step forward… and fell to the ground screaming.
The jacking thing was going again! It was going full-speed, and focusing just on the head of my cock. I was still way too sensitive from cumming just a minute ago.
“Turn it off! Turn it off!” I screamed. I didn’t recognize my own voice, it was so high.
It kept going as I thrashed around, trying to get away from the awful feeling. It was pure torture.
Suddenly it stopped. I caught my breath, then cautiously looked up, afraid to move closer to Aaron. But he wasn’t there! I scrambled to my feet and looked around. Then I heard one of the doors to the hallway close. Fucking coward!
But he wasn’t really a coward, was he? He didn’t have to reveal himself to me at all. What was he playing at? Did he really think he could pass this off as just another prank?
My phone buzzed with a message from Aaron.
What a dick!
I headed to the other sports center building, where my team’s locker room and the equipment room were. As I crossed the courtyard, I could feel something shift in my cup. Whatever he was doing was transmitting vibrations to whatever was holding my junk. I flinched as the thing that had been wrapping my cock and balls for the last day or so moved again, but it wasn’t stroking or squeezing this time. Instead, it expanded away from me in every direction at once. Having my junk exposed to air again felt weird, but good.
I decided to hurry. I wanted to get to him before he could pull any more shit on me. Aaron still had me by the balls, literally. In fact, I flinched as I felt his hands grab me. Then something warm and wet — a towel?? Was he washing me? I staggered a bit. I was still very sensitive.
The door to the locker room was unlocked. I went down the short corridor and turned in. It was quiet without the team there, but it still stank of today’s practice. I went to the equipment room. Aaron had barricaded himself inside. The door was closed, and the hatch over the counter was open, but he had the pass-thru cage down to keep me from climbing through to his side.
I stared at him through the bars. He didn’t look like someone who was about to get his ass handed to him. That meant he was still holding me hostage. I was thoroughly pissed at him, but my cock gave a twinge when I saw him.
“So,” he said, “here’s how we’re going to do this.”
“FUCK you, Aaron. You’re going to do whatever to unlock this cup, and then I’m going to shove it up your ass.”
“See, this is why I have a plan. I don’t want anything shoved up my ass today.” He leered. “Not shaped like that.”
“You can’t fuck with me like you did and think you can get away with it.”
He held up his hand, “I’m sure you’ll try to get back at me, even though I’m just getting back at you. AND, I might point out, I did it without humiliating you in front of the whole team. Like you did to me in with those football players. But I will be disappointed in you if you try to get back at me with violence.”
“You’re lucky you didn’t humiliate me, or you’d be fucking dead!” Even as I tried to show him who was boss, I was flashing back to all the close calls, when the horniness almost made me lose it. I felt a twinge of fear just thinking about how bad it would have been if he had decided to publicly fuck with me; but then that just pissed me off some more. Anything could have gone wrong, and I’d have been the laughing stock of the team.
“It wasn’t luck, it was my plan!” Damn, I wanted to smash this cocky bastard’s face! I started to shout something, but he held his hand up and said, “Don’t you think you should save the threats until AFTER I let you go?”
Fuck, he was right! I needed to cool down and think straight, or he could keep fucking with me as long as he wanted. I didn’t shout, but I didn’t apologize. I’d be damned if I would make nice to him!
“OK? OK.” he said, “Now turn around and stick your hands through the cage.”
“What for?”
“So I can cuff your hands behind your back.”
“No fucking way!”
“I’m not letting you in here without protection. If you ever want to see your dick again, you’ll do what I say.”
This was fucked up. I knew I couldn’t trust him, and the fact that he thought he could walk way from this made me wonder what he thought he could hold over me.
But the fact was, he still had the upper hand. Trying to look like I wasn’t caving in, I caved in. I turned around and raised my hands up high enough to go over the counter. I had to back up and bend forward a bit to raise them high enough. I pushed my hands through the bars.
“No, both through the same gap, or you’d be stuck there.”
I rearranged things like he said, and heard a rattle and felt handcuffs snapping around both my wrists at the same time. I was about to step away from the counter, but then I felt him jam something between my arms. I tried to pull away, but whatever he had done pinned me to the spot. I craned my head around to see some sort of metal cross attached to the bars of the cage, with the handcuff hinges on the wrong side of the vertical part.
“Dude, what the fuck?? You said you didn’t want me stuck here.”
“It’s just for a second.” Aaron said, as he opened the door and walked up to me. He had a football helmet in his hands. I noticed that it didn’t have a face cage, but it did have one of those plastic visors for protecting the eyes. There was some sort of metal post sticking out of the top.
“What the fuck is that for?”
“For this.” He jammed it on my head. Football helmets are tight, so I swore when he nearly took off one of my ears. He shifted it around until it was in the right position, then he snapped on the chinstrap. Then he unsnapped it and adjusted the length for a better fit. Fucking equipment manager!
“What the hell does this have to do with unlocking a fucking cup?”
“Believe it or not, I’m setting up to give you a present. To make it up to you.” He smirked. “A bit.”
“I don’t think I want any more presents from you.”
“That’s because you don’t know what the present is. I bet you’ll like it so much that when we’re done, you’ll walk out of here without touching a hair on my head.”
Visions of blackmail video flashed through my head. I was sure I had made a big mistake letting him handcuff me. I had to get away from him. I strained at the bar holding me in place, but it wasn’t budging, and it hurt my wrists.
“Calm down dude! I’m letting you loose now anyway!” He went around to the other side and unlatched something. The bar lifted away, and I could move. I started to head towards the exit, but suddenly I was plunged into darkness. I skidded to a stop. “What?” was all I managed to say.
Aaron grabbed my arms from behind, making me jump. I hadn’t heard him following me. He turned me around and started pushing me back the way I came.
“It’s not really a football visor; it’s a VR display. I just opaqued it.”
I wanted to rip the helmet off, but the cuffs made that impossible. This whole thing kept getting more and more fucked up.
Aaron turned me to the right, so I knew we were going in to his equipment room. He moved me to the middle of the room, then I heard a chair being dragged over, the felt it pressed against my legs. “Sit” he said. What else could I do? I sat.
“Look, you need to calm down. I promise you you’re going to like this.”
“Just get on with it,” I said. I was sick of the whole thing and wanted it over.
He started moving things around in front of me. I wondered where in that room my junk was. That was about the most fucked-up thought I’d ever had. Something padded settled on each of my shoulders, pinning me to the chair. By the sound of it, these pads were attached to whatever he had put in front of me. Then I felt my dick flop to one side as I heard him fucking around with more equipment. Through the pads, I felt a vibration, like metal sliding along a rail. He grabbed the helmet strapped to my head and moved it a little to the right. I felt the metal thing on top of the helmet slot into something above. Then I couldn’t move my head at all. Football helmets hold your head like a vice, so if the helmet doesn’t move, your head doesn’t move.
Suddenly the air on my face felt closed in, and a strong smell hit me. It was like the locker room, but it didn’t smell like worn gear. It was pretty funky, but it also smelled familiar. It was getting stronger, fast.
Something touched my lips and my dick at the same time. I shouted and tried to flinch away. Whatever had touched me was skin! Was he trying to…
Then my awareness shifted, and I knew what it was.
It was me.
I had never thought that I would deliver someone a head in a box, especially not his own head. In both senses of the word.
It had occurred to me from the start, that if you could stick your junk through a warp tube, the first thing you would do is the thing that only the most flexible guys in the world could do: give yourself a blowjob. Which I promptly did, of course, as soon as I got the warp tubes.
It is even more wonderful than you think.
So this was the punchline of my joke on Toben. I had set up a whole contraption just to bring the box with his junk in it together with his head. And I had set it up so that he wouldn’t see it coming, literally. I was pretty proud of my ingenuity. The look on his face when his lips touched his own cock was even better than when my hand had first touched it the other day. Yeah, I had a bunch of micro-cameras set up in the box and the helmet, patched into a program on my tablet that rendered them all into a view of his face (and his junk of course) as if none of the equipment was there.
I should say the looks on his face, because he went from shock to disgust to realization in just a few seconds. Then he looked like he was having trouble making a decision. He tried to shift his head around; left and right, up and down, but he was wedged in there good. And his dick was resting against his lips. He grimaced as it started to grow. Clearly both heads had worked through the implications, and one was voting yes. I bet he wasn’t so sure, probably because he knew I was right there, watching. No doubt he assumed I was filming too, which I was.
I don’t know what made him choose, but he chose rightly. He was stuck there until he did the deed. He opened his mouth…
That’s when I turned his VR display back on.
The funky smell was me.
Me, after being unwashed for a few days, after sweating at practice and trying to get off, and getting jacked by that evil sleeve for a day and half. I was discovering that I was more familiar with my pits, and that my crotch had a different smell.
Apparently some part of my brain liked it, because I could feel my dick swelling against my face. My first thought was that this was a sick and humiliating thing for Aaron to do to me, but then I thought through what it would be like to be able to hold my own cock in my own mouth.
I also figured that Aaron wouldn’t just give up and let me out if I refused to go along.
Despite the mind-blowing load I had shot less than fifteen minutes before, I found this situation was making me horny all over again.
I was trapped in a chair, in the dark. My head was completely immobilized, stuck in a cloud of crotch smell. My dick was also stuck, mounted on the inside of a box, apparently. I was in the box with my dick. I couldn’t do anything, except open my mouth or keep it closed.
My body was deciding for me. As I tried to hold out, my dick was getting bigger and bigger. It slid up my cheek as it raised itself. It was like a porn movie, only I was both porn stars. That feeling you get inside was there, somewhere behind your groin; the one that makes needing to get off so different from a mere boner.
I opened my mouth.
It wasn’t as simple as that. I could barely move my head, and I couldn’t maneuver my dick at all. It was a close call, but by pushing my head hard to the left and opening my mouth as wide as possible, I got my cock head to squeeze past my lips, and I was in!
Something clicked through the helmet from above, and suddenly I could move my head forward and backward like it was on a rail. That made working my shaft easier. After just a couple of swipes of my tongue I thought, this is fucking awesome.
I choked a bit when light flared in my face. I also bit down. Owww. When my eyes adjusted, I was staring at some porn of a guy in a football helmet giving a blow job…
That fucker! I thought. Now I was watching me giving me a blow job. It was a trip, but it also reminded me that he was recording me. Was he going to blackmail me? I felt pissed and hurt at the same time just thinking he might do it. But the sight and the feeling of my mouth on my own cock were too hot for me to stop.
If you’re into both things, I guess getting a blow job while giving one is pretty great, but this was much better. I knew instantly exactly what felt good and what didn’t. I knew exactly how much pressure, how fast, where my tongue felt best. Being able to tell what worked best instantly turned me into the best cocksucker in the world.
This wasn’t like the mechanical pumping motion of the jacking sleeve thing Aaron had on me for a couple of days. It was warm and wet and variable and responsive, and it was under my control. It took me no time to get close to the edge again. It took a lot of willpower to back off and make it last.
One funny thing I wouldn’t have expected was feeling my own moaning through my dick. The whole thing was so hot I couldn’t be quiet about it. I slowed down for a while, sometimes just holding still with my cock resting on my tongue. It would have been difficult to pull my head back enough to spit my cock out, especially now that I was fully hard, so I was doing a balancing act of not over-stimulating and not choking myself. Fuck, it’s huge, I thought. I was also bucking in the chair, trying to thrust with my hips, but that had no effect on my cock.
The view definitely added to the hotness. It was like some sort of interactive porn, where my every move was matched on the screen, and everything thrust of the mouth on the hard veiny shaft in the show was matched by the sensations in my mouth and groin. The fact that it was all so hot made it harder for me to pace myself.
I was trying to draw things out for the usual reason, but I also didn’t know when I would ever get to do this again. Somehow I didn’t think Aaron would be lending me his warp tube, and I knew I couldn’t afford one. The fucker is right, I thought. This was a gift, and not more torment. Then I was lost in the sensation, just riding the waves of pleasure I was generating in myself.
I wish I could make this last, I was thinking, when suddenly my dick was yanked out of my mouth. The board or whatever it was hanging from slid away from me on its rail. I tried to thrust my head forward and catch it, but it was already out of reach.
“Fuuuck!” I said.
“Don’t want you to overheat.” Aaron’s voice came from inside the helmet, not from the room. I had no idea where he was, but I’m sure he was getting off on the show. Somehow that idea was hot too. I wonder if he would make me blow him before he lets me go. I saw my cock twitching a few inches away, felt the twinge of want down below.
Aaron’s toy reversed itself, and my dick was coming back. I felt relief as I opened my mouth eagerly.
But after he did this five times in a row, I was fighting to get out of that chair. He was doing it to me again. It felt so awesome, but I needed to cum. My moans turned to whines, and then finally I gave up my pride.
“Please, Aaron. Please let me cum.” I knew I shouldn’t have to beg to him, but there was no one else who could give me what I needed. My priorities had shifted.
It wasn’t just the heat of that moment. It was the whole week, now that I knew who had fucked with me. I knew he could take me, not in a fight, but like this.
His voice came in to the helmet again. “You got it, buddy. But let me just tell you something first. When we’re done, I’ll be giving you a thumb drive with the only copy of all the video from this week. There won’t even be a copy for me.” He sounded disappointed. “Remember that if you ever decide to try to get back at me.”
I knew I had heard that wrong. “You’ll show the video if I get back at you.”
“No. There is no copy of the video. It’s yours. I hope you watch it and get off on it as much as I did.”
“That doesn’t make…” I started, but then a dick head was pressed up against my lips again.
This time, he let me go all the way. I couldn’t scream and suck at the same time, which was a problem, because it was even more incredible than when I got off in the gym. My back arched and my legs shot out in front of me as waves of ecstasy shot through me and streams of my own cum pumped into my mouth. Normally I would swallow better, but my mouth and tongue had other priorities. Even as I was coming, my tongue knew exactly what to do, and how hard, to keep it going, going, going longer than was humanly possible.
Slowly it died down, and I was able to slump down in the chair, completely gone.
Toben looked like a dead man panting. I was pretty spent myself, having been working my own cock ever since I had latched his helmeted head into the box. That was so much more amazing than any porn I had ever watched. Not only did it look hot, but I knew I had made it happen.
He’s mine, I thought, but that was probably wishful thinking. Still, that was the gamble I was taking.
I stuffed my dick back into my pants and got to work. First I turned off the video in his helmet so he was blind again. I turned on the noise cancellation on the phones in the helmet too. Then I went to my tablet and sent the command that re-enabled the unlock buttons on his cup. Then it was a simple matter of squeezing the buttons on each side of the cup and tugging. Like a magic trick, his cock and balls appeared between his legs and disappeared from where they had been hanging on the side of the box for the last few days.
Toben stirred and groaned, sitting up in the chair while trying to wiggle his head. He tugged on the handcuffs.
I took the cup and the junkbox out of the equipment room and stuffed them in a free locker, in case he went on a rampage through the equipment room looking for them.
Then I removed the rig I had made to guide the junkbox and his helmet. He tilted his head in all directions, stretching his neck muscles. I was momentarily captivated by beads of sweat on his neck. Tentatively, he stood up. I reached up and unbuckled the helmet. He leaned forward so I could pull it off his head.
As he scrunched his eyes and blinked in the sudden light, I could see his hair was matted and drenched. Something about the way he stood was different from when he arrived. Maybe we all look like that after a great blow job.
Now was a moment of decision for me. Did I need to barricade myself in the equipment room before I unlocked the cuffs? Would that help, or would I just be trapped in there until I went out and faced him? Did he still plan on kicking my ass, or was my gamble going to pay off?
Remembering that I had decided from the start to make a gamble, I went all the way through with it. I pulled the thumb drive off of my tablet and stuck it in one of his pockets. Then I stepped around behind him and used my keys to unlock the cuffs. As rubbed his wrists, he turned to face me. His face was blank, giving no clues. My nuts tucked in a bit, but I stayed where I was, arms at my sides. My eyes were scanning him up and down: were his fists coming up? That’s when I noticed his pants. Oh shit!
He saw my eyes widen and my panicked look. He looked down to see what had freaked me out, and discovered a streak of my cum across both of his thighs.
Somehow I was sure that this would be enough to flip things against me. I’m dead, I thought.
Toben just snorted. He swiped some of it up with his hand. I flinched away as his hand came towards me, but he just wiped it across my shirt. He headed for the door.
As soon as he left the room, I breathed a sigh of relief. I had been right! I thought, He would just walk away.
Then I heard his voice through the pass-thru. “You were right.” I was right!
“Violence would be a disappointing kind of revenge.”
He walked away.
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Metal would like to thank the author, GratDelay, for this story! He is dedicating this story to Strappeddown for inspiration, and to Padlock86 for motivation.
If you enjoyed it so far please leave a comment in the comments section below. You can also find GratDelay on Recon.
Today’s story is sponsored by Jalif Studio
A first rate story, you can really feel the guy’s frustration, pity those things aren’t invented yet, you’d make a fortune.
Cannot wait for the next chapter!
Love it!
Really love this story. Thanks guys.
This is so hot. I want a lucky cup.