My adventures With Billy – Part 06

By Robmacz

The next morning I woke with a start. The cell door was being opened, and two officers were entering, carrying chains.  A lot of chains.

‘Okay Bevan, time to ship out.’

Jack was rubbing his eyes as he pulled back the blanket and got out of bed, just wearing his white t-shirt and his boxer shorts. ‘Come on, we haven’t got all day, get dressed.’

Jack pulled his orange pants and shirt on before putting on his socks and stepping into his slides.

‘Kneel on the chair,’ one of the officers ordered.

Jack did as he was told, and the second officer took a pair of shackles and snapped them around Jack’s ankles. Jack stood up and put his hands out in front. He didn’t need to be told, he knew the drill. The handcuffs went on and a black box was applied to make them rigid. Next came a belly chain around his waist, which was fed through the black box and then fastened with a padlock. Fuck he looked hot. I felt my dick go hard at the sight.

‘Take care man, maybe I’ll see you around sometime,’ he said as they led him out of the cell.  The door slammed shut and I was left alone with my hardon.

I had the cell to myself for the remainder of my short sentence. I only left for meal times and spent the rest of the time on my bunk, just thinking. I was hoping that Billy had seen my mugshot, and I couldn’t wait to see him again. But I still got a thrill every time the cell door slammed and I knew I was locked in like an animal. During the last night my dick was throbbing. I desperately wanted to jerk one out, but I knew that Billy would be wanting to suck me dry once I was released and I did not want to disappoint him.

The next morning the guards came to collect me early. I was slightly surprised, since my 72 hours weren’t up until 10:00 am. They handcuffed me and led me out of the cell and back out of the door of the block I had entered only three days before. I was then taken back to the processing suite where once again I was put in a holding cage. Only one other guy was in there, dressed in orange like me, with his hands cuffed too. I waited in there for what seemed like several hours, and every so often another prisoner would join us. Each time they were dressed exactly the same as me.

My name was eventually called by one of the guards and I was let out of the holding cell to a workstation where the guard completed a number of forms and asked me to sign some paperwork. This I did with my hands still cuffed in front of me. He then picked up a bag containing my clothes and took me to a cubical to get changed. On my way there I noticed a clock that was showing it was 12:20 pm. I had been waiting all that time.

The guard took off the cuffs and I entered the cubical and quickly got changed. I knew that Billy would be waiting for me and that he had probably been out front for a couple of hours. I quickly put on my old clothes.  I knew I would miss my orange scrubs.  But as I was changing I realised how bad I smelled. I would certainly need to get cleaned up when I got back to my place.

When I finally got outside, I could see Billy waiting for me in his car. I hurried over and got into the passenger seat.

‘I hope you haven’t been waiting long,’ I said.

‘No, I knew how long they would take you and that it wouldn’t be quick.’

He leaned over and kissed me. ‘Fuck you smell of jail,’ he said.

‘You’d better take me home for a shower then.’

‘Did I say I didn’t like it? Come on, let me take you to my place.’

As soon as we walked through the door of Billy’s apartment, he was pushing me up against the wall, his tongue in my mouth and his hands grabbing hold of my cock. Having denied myself for the whole time I was in jail, I was now ready to explode. Billy fumbled with my belt and undid the top button of my jeans.

‘Shall I help you with that?’ I asked.

‘I don’t think so,’ he replied as he took out his handcuffs. ‘I think criminals like you need to be restrained.’

He cuffed my hands behind my back and pulled down my jeans and boxers. He got to work on my dick, teasing it and almost bringing me to the point of cumming. Then he stopped and kissed me again. He did this several times before, in the end, I shot a huge load into his mouth. He lapped it up.

‘Mmmmm, that tasted good.’

‘Now, let me run you a bath, so you can relax,’ he said as he unlocked the cuffs from my wrists. ‘I stopped by your place and packed you an overnight bag; I hope you don’t mind. I thought you might want to spend the night and I can hardly let you go home in the clothes you wore for jail.’

I didn’t mind a bit. While I soaked in the bath Billy prepared a late lunch. I felt relaxed and contented. Mike had been right. What I needed was a man in my life, and Billy was certainly making me happy.

Billy had prepared a fish platter for lunch, and it was delicious, especially when accompanied by a bottle of Sancerre. The contrast from jail just a few hours ago could not have been greater. But now I could put that experience behind me. I was glad I’d done it, but I hoped my relationship with Billy could develop further.  And after all, he still had cuffs to play with.

We took a walk after lunch, and Billy wondered if I wanted to go out to dinner that evening. I said I would actually prefer a night in, and an early night at that. He smiled and we headed back to his place.

It was about 6:00 pm when there was a knock at the door. We were sitting on the sofa with a glass of wine, watching a film.

‘I don’t know who that can be,’ he said as he got up off the sofa.

From where I was sitting I could see him open the door, and I could hear the words that would change everything.

‘William Cooper, I have a warrant for your arrest on the charge of bribery and corruption in a public office. You have the right to remain silent and refuse to answer questions. Anything you say may be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to consult an attorney before speaking to the police and to have an attorney present during questioning now or in the future. I also have a warrant to search these premises.’

To be continued …

male bondage stories

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