By Dr Mad Max
General Notice to Readers of Dr. Mad Max’s Procedures:
The Revised Dr. Mad Max Stories may include variations in images and story line from the original.
Dr. Mad Max is written as an entertainment to Bondagezine readers. Understand that the Dr. Mad Max stories allow a flow of bondage ideas that are captured in photos of real situations. However, the reader must understand that the story line depicts activity that is based on both fantasy and fiction.
Dr. Mad Max may or may not include tips and sensible processes for safe play in its writing. Ultimately for those who do want to attempt ideas or fantasies based on Dr. Mad Max stories, you are advised to know your limits of knowledge, and the risks you are prepared to take. Max Cita, Dr. Mad Max, and Caught-In-The-Act cannot be held responsible for injuries or damage sustained as a result of anyone attempting the fantasy ideas used in the scenarios or scenes described by Dr. Mad Max. Dr. Mad Max creates the scenes sharing experience with associates he has known for many years, and through that association has established limits on abilities and preferences that can only be achieved through a great deal of personal trust and experience.
Dr. Mad Max is about success and failure in pursuing erotic and sensual experiences. We have visited the ultimate erotic and sensual moments for us and our comments include some of the hazards and mistakes. We write for your pleasure and for your knowledge to demonstrate that safety, security and sanity are essential at all times.
Procedure 10
Last month Dr. Mad Max was ranting about this and that and read a bit more of his mud story. At the end of the story Dr. Mad Max was startled by a lot of noise in the main laboratory. Find out what it was all about now.
Dr. Mad Max could hear the whine of the motorized gurney being moved. Out of his office, cold muddy coffee in hand, he caught a glimpse of his Attendant disappearing into the rear hall near the garage door. Men were shouting orders, but they were muffled. The Dr. felt something interesting was about to happen to change the boredom of the early part of the day.
Baggy orange forms seemed to be hovering over a large brown package being lifted out of a van and onto the gurney. One orange form lumbered over to Dr. Mad Max.
“This is your thing now.” I am out of here. Said the orange suited blob. Now the other orange blob appeared and introduced himself to the Dr.
“Dr. Mad Max I presume? I am delivering you a package from Dr.Latoya. He says it is in your domain to examine this and do something with it. Dr. Latoya expects your usual examination and report will take about 10 days?” The orange blob was more cordial than the other and seemed more relaxed making his delivery to Dr. Mad Max.
“Jim do tell me more, as we this thing on the table in one of the small patient rooms.” Dr. Mad Max recognized Jim’s voice. Jim worked for an Anthropologist who was constantly digging up mummified remains and then asking Dr. Mad Max to assist in identifying the materials and methods of mummification used.
The package was placed on a stainless steel table, one of Dr. Mad Max’s new exam tables with railing and bars to provide protection for the items laid out on the table. “Why the hazmat suit Jim?” Dr. Mad Max found it curious that they had full encapsulation suits but made no attempt to have Dr. Mad Max and the Attendant do the same.
“Oh, Dr. Latoya though we should try them out and see if they were comfy to work in. . We had to get a driver. He is waiting outside. We told him if he came inside you might think he is to be a patient here and have him locked up. That scarred him.
With the package on the table, Jim went over to it and handed over the keys to Dr. Mad Max, the various locks that would most certainly be somewhere on the package.
Jim then pointed out the two bags were locked together and that the leather straps were locked as well.
Dr. Mad Max thanked Jim for the delivery and showed him out. The Attendant stayed behind to watch over the package.Dr. Mad Max slipped into the lunch room and heated up so more coffee, it had a gray gravy look and should have been thrown out, but Dr. Mad Max didn’t seem to care. It was hot.
Back in the patient room the Attendant had filled out a chart and handed it to the Dr. Should we unwrap this now? The Dr. agreed since it could be another one of Dr. Latoya’s humorous pranks. They began
The leather belts and bags were unlocked. The first bag was slipped off the heavy package. They were sure it was a mummy of some sort so treated the package with reverence and care not to disturb the contents. Underneath was a white bandaged mummy. Curious the bandage was wrapped in a herringbone pattern. Not the usual sort. It left no clue as to the contents other than the bandage was a one way stretch type and that it was pretty new.
With the remaining bag removed the mummy was was fully revealed to be wrapped in white stretch bandage from head to toe.
Carefully they started to unwrap the bandage from the head. The woven pattern of the bandage made removal more difficult. Once the woven bandage was removed there was another complete layer of bandage wrapped around the mummy.
Now somewhat curious about what his mummy is or was, Dr. Mad Max found a key that would undo the lock on the collar of the hood. Underneath was a rubber head.
Dr. Mad Max had a pretty good idea now, that this was a joke by Dr. Latoya. The mummy was most certainly a live one. Dr. Mad Max smiled and thought what a nice gift. This mummy would certainly be examined carefully and in detail. Who knows what new knowledge could be learned from the contents?
The Attendant continued unwrapping the bandages while Dr. Mad Max propped the head up on a padded board and roll of bandage. Listening carefully the Dr. did detect breathing sounds from within the black latex mask. By now the bandages had been rolled up. About a 150′ of bandage they guessed. The white cotton bag was strapped down with more belts that needed to be undone before the cotton bag could be opened. This was interrupted by a telephone ringing. Dr. Mad Max guessed it would be Latoya waiting to hear about the progress with the package.
It was easy to see now that the cotton bag was a Caught-In-The-Act bodybag with the detachable locking hood. The contents would be pretty hot, sweaty and happy in all the layers. The cotton bag was opened up. Yet another bag underneath, this time a latex one covering from head to toe.
The mummy was indeed alive, hot sweaty and seemed very horny with the large bulge in the bag.
The mummy was very hot, and sounds of heavy breathing were concerning the Dr. He asked the Attendant to bring some bottled air to refresh the mummy. In a matter of minutes the mummy seemed to cool down and restore a normal breathing rate. The Attendant then moved the mummy on its side and unzipped The Caught-in-The-Act mummy bag.
“It’s alive”
The Mummy stirred and was seemingly to move very slowly. With prior experience the Attendant and Dr. Mad Max knew that restraint would be necessary – just in case.
Out of the latex bodybag the mummy was placed in Martin’s Rigidcuff Metal Restraints. The heavy no way escape devices ensured that the mummy could not disappear.
The Dr. decided it was time to eat, the Mummy was going to remain on the autopsy table. Out he went, while the Attendant hooked up the room monitor and video camera. The new Blackberry worked well with the live bit stream video to observe the Mummy. It gave the Dr. freedom to move about without the Attendant in the room with the Mummy. It would be a couple of hours before they returned. During their absence they received a phone call with inquiries on the Mummy’s condition. A decision was made not to disturb the Mummy for some time. On the return later in the day, Dr. Mad Max removed one set of restraints to try the fiddle. It seemed to work, but did seem to stress the Mummy more than the head stock.
I am Dr. Mad Max
This story and related images are posted here with permission.