Tag Archives: hoods

The Hood by boyryan54

By boyryan54

There was the familiar quiet jangle of chains. I sighed out of frustration. I quieted my breathing and tried to focus on any sounds, tricky considering the latex hood I was wearing, but the house sounded quiet. I shifted around, and there was “clang” from my left ankle shackle hitting a bar on the cage. I got very still, again listening for a sound for a few minutes.  Nothing. I sighed again, but this time, I sighed out of relief. I didn’t seem to have awoken anyone. This time I very slowly shifted around, pulled up a thin blanket, and curled up in a ball on the cage floor to fall back asleep.

I woke to the sound of water running through the walls. Someone was up! But was it Master or Alpha? No way I could tell. I hoped it was Master, but my gut told me it was Alpha. Master getting up meant that I might be released soon, but Alpha got up earlier for work, so rationally Alpha was showering. After a few mins, I heard the floor boards creak, someone walked past the playroom door, and disappeared. A little while later, heard the front door sensor chirp as it was opened and closed again. Alpha clearly left for work. No idea how much longer Master would sleep in. “Wonder if he was awake now, maybe watching it on the nanny cam”, I asked myself. But no way I would be able to tell.

It’s been two days now. Two infuriating days where I have been kept in this latex hood. Two days of wearing a latex hood, open mouth, two small nose holes, and no eye sight.

Continue reading The Hood by boyryan54

The Man That Changed Me – Part 01

By Tigerkey

I have always been in ways interested in kink, but I never knew anything other than the stories that you can read online, and never knew how these stories could ever become real; so I went online to try and find a way to find out for real.

So here I was, chatting to people that never seemed real, or interested in anything other than chat, so they could wank off just by the chat etc. So, I gave up mostly then. There was a guy I had been told was honest and looking for a playmate. I messaged him, not sure what to say or how to start things off.  So, I sent a ‘Hi’ and said that a couple of guys on here suggested I ask if he was interested in chatting to someone that hadn’t got a clue, and was interested in trying new things. So we started chatting about what sort of things that I had tried, or thought about trying out. I gave him a brief on what I had and hadn’t, that sort of thing.

Continue reading The Man That Changed Me – Part 01

Serious Male Bondage visits Switzerland

Here are a few images from a trip by the men of Serious Male Bondage to Switzerland! Shown here is SFDom topping HeavyRubberSlave in a 4mm ultra-heavy sleepsack.

SFDom topping HeavyRubberSlave

See the VIDEOS at Serious Male Bondage

Title of this video: SWITZERLAND IN DECEMBER – PART 1 AND 2

Note: This was shot at the studio of BlackStore.com, and the 4mm sleepsack can be purchased from the BlackStore.com site.

male bondage studs