Tag Archives: Anaconda in a Cage

New Product Announcement – The Collar

By Anaconda in a Cage

Note: This story was originally posted to metabods.com. It is being shared here with permission.

Celebrimbor LLC is now offering an entirely new product for any man wishing to indulge himself. Each finely crafted hardened gold alloy collar features an inscription across the front of the collar and a keyhole located at the back. The 5mm thick, 10mm tall, collar is made from an indestructible gold alloy, and continually resizes itself to fit snugly on the wearer’s neck.

The collar and basic gold keys are available for purchase now.  The optional keys are made of indestructible gold, but each key is made from a different alloy to give them each a different color. On delivery, all of the collars look the same, but they adapt to the wearer once locked on. The gold keys lock or unlock the collar, but the optional color coded keys activate and deactivate special features. A second special feature will not activate if another special feature is already in use.

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