Tag Archives: peril play

A Metalbond reader wants to be tied under a pendulum

As in Edgar Allan Poe’s ‘Pit and the Pendulum’

Does anyone else fantasize about this?

Bondagecaptive from Recon does — big time. He wants to know if someone would be willing to actually build such a contraption. Holy fuck!

“What I’d like to get across is basically a plan on how to construct the pendulum,” bondagecaptive writes. “How to make it swing and lower by itself, either by a power source or its own motion. I’d like it to lower as little as possible to prolong the experience, and be able to use it by myself. Also what kind of parts I would need and how to connect them. I’d like to use the least expensive parts available and have some kind of plan as to how to put it all together. Also, this is just for roleplay fantasy, no actual razor-sharp edge on the blade. Not into being hurt. All I’m looking for is someone with knowledge of the mechanics of how to do it. Am willing to take any ideas.”

You can check out this guy’s profile on Recon (bondagecaptive) to learn more.


Here are some pictures of the pendulum:

MetalbondNYC_Pendulum_03 MetalbondNYC_Pendulum_04

frank_pendulum[1] (2) MetalbondNYC_Pendulum_05 MetalbondNYC_Pendulum_06


Also you can see a video clip here.

And listen to a complete reading of the Poe classic here.