Tag Archives: Property POV

My Trip to Paris – Chapter 11

By Joshua Ryan

Chapter 11: Welcome to Our Service Team

It’s humiliating to say this, but I’ll do it, because “humiliation” is something I was learning to like: I was enjoying my life in prison.  I was glad I’d told 8363 my story about being the prisoner of my former boyfriend and sub.  It was sort of like bragging.  He took it that way, and enjoyed it: “That is so humiliating!  You are definitely being humbled!”  I liked having things to say that were interesting to him, and that always was.  When we were forming up to be marched someplace, or when we were listening to one of those lectures we had to attend, he’d whisper to me, “This is your punishment for not respecting the Colonel.”  Always gave me a hardon.  Maybe that was just more of the brainwashing!  But it helped me learn more about prison, and being a prisoner.

If you’re a normie, everything about your life has to be taken seriously.  Every decision demonstrates whether you deserve respect or not.  You blew a business deal, you didn’t demand more salary, you didn’t join the right club, you didn’t vote for the right party, you didn’t go to the best resort, you didn’t get a totally hot boyfriend . . . you are in trouble.

Continue reading My Trip to Paris – Chapter 11

A New Hood for Peter

By CHP Dehners

It all started off as a thought composed from a thousand images and hundreds of conversations. A distillation of so many vibrations that all lead to the cock!

Tonight I’m going to install the hood that took years to make.  A second to design, one thought that lead me on the pursuit of perfection.  Riding down an escalator to the subway, the thought came and I saw the hood all at once.  My cock responded by growing hard in my jeans … I knew it was the one.

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