The Man That Changed Me – Part 03

By Tigerkey

After some trouble getting used to being held close like this, I ended up falling asleep and dreamed what would this be like, and did I want this sort of relationship with him? It did feel great to have someone who just wanted to be with me and wanted to spend their time and energy on me in this way.  So, this is how it feels to be close and held. I think I could get used to this, but what about the sub/play side of things?

I was woken up by being kissed on the cheek and Sir asked how I had slept and that he had enjoyed waking up with me in his arms. I said this was so strange but nice as well and I would like/love to do this again, if he wanted me. He didn’t answer, but he did bear hug me for a good while before saying that this was going to happen a lot more if I wanted it to, but as always, he had rules!  So I asked what they were and he said that we were going for a shower again as he loved washing me and me washing him, then breakfast before he got any hornier. We laughed as I could feel that bat pulsating in my butt crack. After doing morning stuff and the shower we went down. The coffee maker was waiting for us, and Sir made some breakfast for both of us.

We sat down and ate the breakfast and I loved it, all fresh and thanked Sir. Then I got up and took everything to the sink without being asked to do so, rinsed the plates off and made us a fresh cup of coffee.  As I put Sir’s cup down, I felt happy for this nice morning so I gave him a kiss on the mouth. For some reason it felt right to say thank you to him and that I felt safe in doing this on my own.  He looked shocked at first, then kissed me back, but harder. As we broke again. he looked at me and ask why the kiss? I said I just wanted to thank him for everything.  He told me to sit down but this time next to him, so I did and over two more cups of coffee we chatted for hours about everything I had asked the night before and I said I WOULD LOVE TO TAKE THING’S A BIT SLOWER, but I would like to explore things a lot more with him. That’s when he said that if we did this that there were two things that “MUST HAPPEN TO KEEP ME SAFE”.  So, I asked what they were, and he went through some things I didn’t know about, until he explain them to me.

First thing he wanted to do was to have me wearing boots, either 14- or 16-hole boots. They would need to be green leather with black laces, which were his colours and I would need to wear his collar when we went to the club.  From now on but only in the club, so that NOBODY else touched me in the ways that he hoped to do in there, if I was ok with that. I said I would try and see but would be willing to wear his collar, and it would make me feel safer.

The next thing he said was way outside my thinking, which was a pair of chastity shorts. I would need to wear them as there were so many horny men at the club, as well as others, Masters, and other LGBT members.

He was wondering whether I would like to go shopping for a pair of nice boots and a couple of other things with him, then come as his sub to tonight’s event so he could show me off and, so to speak, tell everyone “You are MINE”.  I was shocked and didn’t know how to answer for a few minutes. I said I was scared to go to something like this but I’d like to find out, however I can’t afford the boots you are asking me to wear as I don’t get paid for another week or so!

With that he chuckled and said if I was willing to be his sub that he would buy some of the things I’d need to wear in his colours and said that one of his friends owned and ran a shop where we could buy everything this afternoon.  I said that was OK, but I want to buy some of the things when I’m paid. Sir said of course it was and if we were going to get ready in time for the night then we needed to get moving.

A few minutes later we were on the road to a place where his friend was waiting for us, as Sir had called as he drove the truck.  20 minutes later we walked into the shop and the owner came over and gave Sir a man hug and then looked over at me, standing there.  AND who do we have here buddy?  I said that my name was Marcus and it’s a nice to meet you.  He laughed and said ‘OK so you don’t know me then and are you new to this Marcus? I replied, “YES SIR” and was told to call him Jim, nothing else!  ‘Hello Jim, thank you for having us at short notice’. He said, ‘It’s nothing, I’ve known this OLD FOOL for years and I’m just glad he has found someone that he wants in his colours!’ I looked shocked and he said that Sir had only had one sub long term, but that ended VERY BADLY, and he had been trying to help him find a new one for years, but nothing had come along until now; so he was proud to help.

He let us get to the shopping and said that if there was anything we need that isn’t on the shop floor and not in stock, he will order it and have it to us in a few days, depending on what it is. I asked SIR, since he knew everything he wanted, is it ok if he took control and told Jim what we needed? Sir just hugged me and said of course it was and thanked me for trusting him.  I blushed at this, not being used to this. We went off to the boots for a dark green pair and a black pair, both with black laces, and also a chest harness, a new black and green collar, and a new pair of chastity shorts complete with new padlocks and keys which Sir took and winked at me.  Sir asked me what else do you like the look of, and I could see some jeans and t-shirt’s, so I went over and looked at them. There was a green pair like the boots and black ones. I didn’t know what to get and looked behind me. Sir said to get a pair of each and a belt of each colour for them. The same with the t-shirt’s.  I took them over to the check out and ask Jim if I could speak to him alone for a moment, and asked Sir if that’s ok? He looked puzzled but nodded.

Jim and I walked over out of earshot and I asked him if there is something I could buy Sir that was to his liking but not that expensive, as I didn’t have much money until I got paid in the next week or so.  Jim looked at me, and then at his friend standing there, and then said ‘I’ve got something I think he will like’ and showed me a strip of leather. I looked at Jim and ask what is it?  He said that as I was going to his friend’s club and was going to be in chastity shorts then Sir will need to have a key on hand, so that you can use the loo etc.  This has a hidden pocket for a key and he showed it to me and said that no one would know he had it apart from the two of us.  It was also in his colours but with a different arrangement of the colours. Instead of being mostly black with green edgings it was mainly green with black edging. Also, as I was willing to buy something for my Sir/Master he said that I could have it at half price as long as I promised to come back again to buy something else when I could afford too.

I said that now I knew where to come for anything we may need to get, I would make sure to come back often. I shook Jim’s hand and thanked him for his help and understanding.  While we were doing this Jim’s shop help sorted out all the things Sir was buying and Jim sorted out what I had bought, but didn’t show his friend and said to him that his Boi wanted to give this to you when you get back home.  Sir looked at me and said that we better get going as he didn’t want to be left for too long not knowing what it was.  We said our goodbyes and left the shop and drove back and I could tell that Sir wasn’t too happy to be left out of what I had brought for him. I lend over and kissed his cheek.  He looked sideways at me and I said that it was only something small but I hoped he liked it and as I didn’t want to say the wrong thing in the shop, that’s why I wanted to give it to him back at his house!

With that I think he understood me enough to wait until getting home (home that’s strange, I never thought of that). We parked in the driveway and went in.  Then I asked Sir what the right way was for me to give him something today, as this was all new to me. He said to kneel.  Then I asked if I could kiss his boot after I handed it to him. He told me that I should then kiss both his boots this time and once again when he had thanked me for whatever I got for him. Then to wait for any other instructions. I got on my knees and did as he asked, then handed the gift over to him and watched him open it and look inside the box.  What is this here Marcus, and why did you buy this of all things?  I explained that Jim had said that you would need something like this tonight as we are going to the club and Sir looked at it, then realised what it was and SMILED.  How thoughtful and in my colour too, thank you. You know what to do now, then I want you to stand up for me. So I did as asked.  I got the BIGGEST HUG AND KISS EVER SO FAR from Sir and asked if that meant I was not in trouble and he said no, but I had made him proud and with the fact that this was all so new and the way that I had handled it was great, asking the right questions at the right time. With that we went and got ready, as Sir needed to be at the club in an hour. He told me it was going to be a long night and it would be best if I stayed here again for the night, but he would make sure I was up in time to get home to change and get to work.

I said that I wouldn’t be going into the office tomorrow as I had texted my boss and set up working from home on my current project, but I did need to be logged in on time to the work’s network so it recorded my hours correctly.  He was shocked, and asked when I had done that, I said it was in the truck on the way back here. He said he liked the way I was thinking, let’s get changed and while we were doing this Sir asked me something shocking. Could I bring a bag of my clothes with me next time I was coming over so maybe we could spend a few days together and not just weekends? To which I said I could but why?  He said that there was times he just want to have me here as Marcus and not just his SUB. So I said ok, but how many days did he want me to bring with me?  He said to bring a week’s worth over and then maybe just take the dirty home and replace those each time. I said OK but that I would need to be at home for a few days this week and would do that for him when I was at my flat.

To be continued …

2 thoughts on “The Man That Changed Me – Part 03”

  1. I really, really like this story, and I am very much looking forward to reading more of it!!

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