Tag Archives: love

My Pal Jock and the Night Before Christmas

By Hunter Perez

It was around four in the afternoon on Christmas Eve and I was in my apartment flicking the television remote control in search of something to watch. I planned to be alone for the holidays and, to be frank, I was enjoying my time to myself. Then my phone rang and I saw it was from Jock.

“Bingo, can you do me a great favor?” Jock said in a voice that sounded somewhat more tremulous than his normal tone. “Can you please drive me upstate this evening?”

“Can I drive you?” I asked, confused by the request. “You know I don’t have a car. What’s wrong with your car?”

“There’s nothing wrong with my car,” he responded. “I just got a call from the hospital – Dad was brought in with a heart attack. I was planning to drive up tomorrow morning to see him for Christmas, but I need to be there now. The news of his being in the hospital sort of shook me. With the way I feel I don’t feel comfortable doing that drive.”

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Éamonn’s and RJ’s Hallowe’en

By Nephilim

Note: The author’s personal website is here.

Tags : #gay #bondage #supernatural #domination #submission #role reversal #romance #anal #oral #leather

CW : ethnic slur (1), clichés (2).

Length : 11931 words

Éamonn looked at his napping bound boy. The lithe body pleased him a lot, obviously, especially when it was crisscrossed by ropes. The sand colored skin was emphasized by the blackness of the ties. And the electric blue hair added the needed touch of color. Éamonn knew he could bind his boy in leather or rubber, as had been suggested to him many times, but he found those materials way too covering. He wanted as much access to his sub’s body as possible. Even during sessions of sensory deprivation, he used ear plugs rather than headphones and just a strip of fabric over his boy’s slanted eyes. Éamonn admired him. He knew the boy shaved and waxed all hair below his eyes. The boy was a twink, knew it and played along. Next to him, his Master sometimes felt shaggy, bearish, unrefined, rough, unworthy of such a beautiful boy. But he also was what the boy liked and thus played along too. The Irish bearded and brawny fireman and his Japanese scholar hairless twink.

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Bound Fly Boy gives bondage — and love — to his rope bottom in ‘A Dozen Roses’

Bound Fly Boy gives bondage — and love — to his rope bottom in ‘A Dozen Roses’

At FROCK THE WORLD, David has been stripped nude and waits in a darkened concrete basement. He knows nothing about what awaits him tonight. As he enters, Bound Fly Boy caresses David and slides a white cotton rope across his chest. The rope wraps around David and begins binding him, limiting any mobility. Bound Fly Boy introduces a single white rose and strokes it against David’s smooth skin. The delicate petals barely touch David’s skin as the rose is dragged down his torso. David’s dick gets plump with excitement as each successive rose is woven between the tight ropes.

David has been stripped nude and waits in a darkened concrete basement

David’s dick gets plump with excitement as each successive rose is woven between the tight ropes

Bound Fly Boy caresses David and slides a white cotton rope across his chest


Site: frocktheworld.com

Title: A Dozen Roses

male bondage stories Frock the World

The rope wraps around David and begins binding him

The Man That Changed Me – Part 03

By Tigerkey

After some trouble getting used to being held close like this, I ended up falling asleep and dreamed what would this be like, and did I want this sort of relationship with him? It did feel great to have someone who just wanted to be with me and wanted to spend their time and energy on me in this way.  So, this is how it feels to be close and held. I think I could get used to this, but what about the sub/play side of things?

I was woken up by being kissed on the cheek and Sir asked how I had slept and that he had enjoyed waking up with me in his arms. I said this was so strange but nice as well and I would like/love to do this again, if he wanted me. He didn’t answer, but he did bear hug me for a good while before saying that this was going to happen a lot more if I wanted it to, but as always, he had rules!  So I asked what they were and he said that we were going for a shower again as he loved washing me and me washing him, then breakfast before he got any hornier. We laughed as I could feel that bat pulsating in my butt crack. After doing morning stuff and the shower we went down. The coffee maker was waiting for us, and Sir made some breakfast for both of us.

Continue reading The Man That Changed Me – Part 03

Ready Babe?

By Cutieboy90

It was the Pride dance and karaoke night at my favorite bar, and I had just ordered my second drink. I was standing by the dance floor, when a cute twink was pushed into me. Luckily for my suit, both of our drinks ended up splashing on him. We immediately fell in love, even before the apologies began. He said his name was Ben. He was a punk, rather slim, wearing mostly dark clothes, spiky dog collar, and sporting a faux-hawk. Not my usual kind of guy, but there are always exceptions. He liked my clean-cut look, my buff chest and arms, and how I was about three inches taller. He fit in my arms perfectly, like a puzzle piece. We’ve been dating since. He had once mentioned that he had never been tied up. I had casually responded that I would have to change that. He laughed, and said “Maybe.”

Well, we’d been dating for two months, he still hadn’t been tied up, and we still hadn’t had sex. So I decided to plan the first time for both.

Continue reading Ready Babe?

At Last

By Cutieboy90

“Oh fuck!” I’d finally hilted. I bite my lip, fighting the urge to make this pleasure quick. My cock throbs its frustration, squeezed into the silky softness of his tight ass.

I smile down at him, giving slow rolling thrusts as we acclimate to the tight fit we are. Kissing the sweat from his forehead, I caress his shoulder with one hand as I pant in heat. I feel his cock hard rubbing against my abs. His eyes tell me he’s ready for the ride I promised. I give his sweet mouth a sensual kiss, muffling his moans with my tongue as I pick up the pace.

It’s like the feeling you get as the roller coaster reaches the top of the track, or the airplane starts to take off. The anticipation is almost more exciting because you know exactly what’s about to happen, but you’re not there yet. Then you get faster and faster until you outrace time itself, even if for a moment.

Faster and faster, my heart pounds. Harder and harder, my cock drives. I break our kiss, only to growl in pleasure.

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