Bondage Fantasy World – Part 2

By Mister –X / Spartan

During the night I got very little sleep.  My shoulders were in constant pain from the position they were in.  Periodically guards would come to one of the cells, either to leave a prisoner off, then padlock his ankle cuffs, or to pick one up, removing the padlock so he could be marched away with that foot long chain attached to his ankle cuffs.  Some who were being taken away were not pleased at the prospect, so I figured they were being taken for punishment.  But some appeared to look forward to what they were going to get, so I didn’t know what was in store for them.  And all the time it was very hot.

I wondered when the food would be brought and when we would be emptied out.  I started hearing sounds of metal plates being slid on the floor, followed by a wait time.  My cell mate had heard the sounds and was positioned at the edge of his cot.  Soon two metal plates with food on them were slid by a guard through a small slot at the bottom of the cell.  My cell mate started slithering on his stomach on the floor over to it.  I figured I was supposed to do the same, even bound as I was.

My cell mate got close enough to the guard for him to remove the gag, and he started eating directly from the plate with his mouth.  Evidently the hand cuffs were not to be removed even for feeding.  It took some time but I was able to get up to the guard for him to do the same to me.  As he was removing it he said, “No speak.  Demerit if you speak.”

It was difficult for me to get my head near the food, hooked on to the pole as I was.  I had only begun to start eating when my cell mate was finished.  He quickly positioned himself to allow the guard to remove the belt covering it.  The guard did so and put a cup under his penis, and my cell mate started pissing into it.  When he was done, the guard put the belt back on and my cellmate started positioning himself so that his face was to the guard again.  The guard tilted up the cup for my cell mate to drink from, which he did.  When that was finished, my cell mate positioned himself so that his butt end was to the guard.  The guard removed the belt at the butt end, put the plate underneath, and waited for my cell mate to take a shit, which he did.  I watched all this going on while I was eating.

When my cell mate was finished the guard put the belt back on and my cellmate started slithering himself back to his cot.  By then I had finished eating, and started repeating what I had seen my cell mate do.  The guard was surprised and a little amused at finding my cock ring.  He tried pulling it before he realized that there were internal spikes in it.  I didn’t like to have to drink my piss, but I figured that was all the liquid I was going to get.  When the guard removed the belt covering my butt, he was surprised to find the butt plug.  He had trouble removing it, as well as trouble putting it back in after I’d taken a shit.  When the process was completed with me, I started maneuvering myself back to my cot as the guard closed the small slit and went to the next cell.  Bound as I was to that pole, I wasn’t able to get up onto the cot, so had to satisfy myself with lying on the floor.

Soon a guard came to take me elsewhere.  This guard unlocked the padlock on my ankles, put a blindfold back on, helped me to get upright and started marching me out of the cell to orders and down the corridor, through a couple of locked gates.   Eventually I was marched to another room.  I was stood in a specific spot, was ordered to attention, my ankles were padlocked, and my pole was attached to something.  This sounded like a medical waiting room.  There were others in the room, but not being able to see, I couldn’t tell who they were or how much gear they had on.  Finally, after waiting for an hour or so, I was released and marched into another room, where I again had my pole attached to something and my ankles padlocked.  There I heard someone speaking to me.

“Prisoner 08641, I am Doctor Hans Gustov” was told me by a guy with a German accent.  “I vill be ze person who vill be supervisink your treatment.  I must say, ve rarely get someone who voluntarily visses to be put zrough zis for a whole month.  You must have a deep-seated viss to be severely punished.  Maybe vun day I can find out vhat zere vas about your upbringink zat had put zis into your psyche.  I hope you are strong minded enough to be able to survive a month of zis viss your mental faculties still functionink.  Not many people are able to.”

Oh, terrific, I thought.  That’s just what I don’t need to hear.

“Ze rest of today, and ze next couple of days, I vill be testink your reactions to various treatments ve vill be givink you.  Zose vhich you dislike ze most are zose vhich ve vill start concentratink on givink you here durink ze rest of your stay.  Understand, our objective is to punish you.  Ve vill be able to tell vhen you are fakink and vhen you are not, so don’t try to fool us.  Ze fact zat you are doink zis voluntarily does not mean zat you vill be treated any differently zan ze maximum security prisoners who are at zis facility because zey have been sentenced here.  Ve have an excellent record in changink people from being rebellious to becomink acquiescent, enjoyink severe punishment and cravink more.  Ve intend to achieve ze same result viss you.  Ve intend to continue our excellent record, and ve vant you to vant to return for more.

Always remember zat you are to remain silent zrough your treatment.  Any sound vill earn you demerits, vhich vill result in punishment, somesink zat is to be avoided.”  He paused, and went on, “Zis is vhat I am required to tell you.  Personally, I vould like to see you earn demerits, because I personally administer many of zese little punishments, and I so enjoy seeink people suffer.  It is my reward for doink zis job.”  As he said the latter, you could hear the pleased sincerity come through in his voice.  It sent chills up my spine.  This doesn’t sound good.  I’ve already gotten two demerits.

“I’m glad to see zat you didn’t check ze box saying ‘no scars’.  Zis makes it so much easier.”

Uh oh.  I didn’t see that box.  This doesn’t sound good, either.

“Let’s get started.  Come viss me into my vork room.”  The ankle padlock was removed, the belt hook was detached, and I was marched into another room and apparently into another cell, as I heard both the door to the room and a metal door close.  I again had my pole attached and my ankle cuffs padlocked.  Apparently a noose was lowered down, since I felt it put around my neck under the top of the metal collar, and pulled up until I was pulled up as far as could be with my feet still on the floor.  Then I started having the gear removed from me.  The pole was first removed, then the metal collar.  The cuffs were the next to be taken off.  It felt great to get those off, and I started to let out a sigh.  I caught myself, though I wasn’t sure it was in time.  Hans heard, but said, “Pleasurable sighs are allowed.”

The removal of gear continued.  The padlock on my ankle cuffs was removed, and the ankle cuffs were removed.  Next to be removed were the blindfold and that massive gag.   I was in a room that was lined with mirrors.  A uniformed guard was there, but not the German guy.  I assumed the mirrors were one-way glass.

Other tight metal cuffs were screwed onto my hands behind my back and onto my ankles.  They looked like Darby cuffs.  The guard started applying various wires to various parts of my body.  I had to continue to maintain an erect posture with that noose around my neck.  While these were being applied, Hans said, “Alexander is ze guard who is helpink me.  Guards consider zis to be ze best assignment at zis facility, and all ze guards compete for ze honor of assistink me.  Alexander vill be here for most of zis month.”

When Alexander was named, he turned to me and nodded.  I tried to nod back, but wasn’t able to.  When all the wires were connected, Alexander stepped back and came to attention, heels clicking.  Hans said, “First I’ll check to see if zey are all connected properly.”

After a few minutes, during which I heard some whirring, Hans said, “Goot.  Zey are.  And I’ve got readinks of ze normal position.  It’s time to get started viss ze testink.  I’ll start viss ze one zat people have ze most trouble viss.  Alexander, pull ze noose rope up until he is standink on his tiptoes.”

I didn’t like to hear this.  I’ve had a noose around my neck before and been brought up on my tiptoes, but I knew that this wasn’t what most people would have a problem with.  It was when it was raised further that I was worried about.  I’d never had that done before.

Alexander did as instructed and stepped back, again coming to a snappy attention.  I heard some whirring from the machine, and assumed Hans was getting a record of my readings.  Then Hans said, “Alexander, pull him up further until his feet are about a foot off ze floor.  Leave him like zat until he loses consciousness.  He vill probably fake it, so I vill tell you vhen ze readinks say zat is.

As Alexander was pulling the rope, I thought, “oh crap, here goes”.  I felt the noose tighten and tighten around my neck.  I tried bowing my neck muscles as best I could.  I hoped that all the exercising I’d done would help my neck muscles support my weight.  My eyes soon started bugging out, my neck hurt, I started getting a headache, and I started feeling faint.  After that I didn’t remember any more.

I regained consciousness with a headache, a sore neck, and dry eyes which hurt.  At first I couldn’t remember where I was, but it all started coming back to me.  “Welcome back, prisoner 08641.  Zat was a very strong reaction.  Ve vill be doing zat a lot more in ze coming days.  But I need you to first rest so zat your readinks return to normal.”

For my first time being hung, I didn’t like it, and didn’t like hearing that it was going to be repeated a lot more in the coming days.  I wondered whether I should try to fake an overreaction to others that won’t be as dangerous, but then remembered his admonition that their machine readings don’t lie and they would know if I was faking.

After a while they started up some electro.  They would focus on one of the parts of my body where the wires had been attached, starting at a low pleasurable level for a couple of minutes, then increasing it for a couple of minutes, increasing it more, and so on until it had reached a truly punishing level.  It was all I could do to keep from making a sound.  Then it would stop, there would be a pause for my levels to return to normal, and it would start up again on another part of my body.  This went on for what seemed like a few hours, until the electro testing had finished.  When done, Hans said, “Very interestink.  But time for another rest for you to return to normal before ze next tests begin.”

He didn’t say what part of my body produced the strongest reaction, but I figured I would find that out in the coming days.  Next he ordered Alexander to put a plastic bag over my head with a thick rubber band around the neck, cutting off my air, except for what was in the bag.  After a minute or so, I passed out.  I’ve never minded having my breathing restricted, but I don’t like having it completely cut off.  I figured I probably reacted to that, and I’m probably going to be experiencing that again.

The tests continued on for a few more hours.  In my mind, when I’d have a chance to, I would mentally review the various items on the application to see what else was in store for me to be tested.  As the day wore on, the testing continued with some reactions stronger than others.  I’m sure that the alligator clamps on my sensitive tits was one of them, and figured I’d soon be wearing those or something similar.

Finally Hans said, “Enough.  Ve have tested you for most of ze objects that produce physical punishment.  Tomorrow ve finish the physical, zen test you for phobias.  Alexander, gag and cuff ze prisoner and march him back to his cell.  I need to prepare for zis evening’s fun, ze little punishments.”

Phobias, I thought.  What phobias do I have?  I couldn’t think of any.  But I’m sure that will become apparent with their testing.  After cuffs were put back on, this time the Darby cuffs, I was marched back to my cell and locked in.  I felt much better not having that rigid pole attached, and I was able to stretch out on the cot in a more comfortable position to get some sleep.  I tried going over in my mind what phobias existed, and which, if any, I might have.  I had remained silent through the whole day, which I thought was doing very well.  I accumulated no more demerits.

The next morning proceeded as the previous had done.  I was once again in that room with the mirrors, my neck in a noose and wires attached to my body.  The next physical test they did was for choking.  They put a garrote around my neck and started screwing it tighter and tighter, a little at a time, until I finally passed out.  I’d always had a fear of being strangled, so I figured that this produced a strong reaction as well.  After I regained consciousness, with a little extra time to “return to normal”, Alexander started physically punishing me.  He first tried a paddle, hitting different parts of my body.  Eventually he switched to a cane.  He drew blood, and I figured this was where the “scars allowed” part of the test would enter in.  I’d been physically punished before in my life, but I never liked it.  I probably reacted strongly to this.  Finally the physical parts of the test were finished.

The first phobia I was tested for was arachnophobia.  A tarantula was put on my body and started crawling up it.  It was shown to me before it was put on me.  I reacted, and I dare 99% of people not to, but I didn’t have a screaming fit like I figured some people would.

After my reactions had been noted, the tarantula removed, and I’d returned to normal again, a snake was shown to me and put on my body.  Again I reacted, and I dare 99% of people not to, but again I didn’t have a screaming fit like I figured some people would.  And so it went for the rest of the day.  At the end, Hans said, “You don’t appear to have any noticeable phobias.  Very unusual.  You might just be well adjusted enough to survive your stay here with your mental faculties intact.  But you reacted to a number of physical punishments, nothing out of ze ordinary.  Tomorrow ve test your humiliations.”

When I was back in my cell, back in my restraints, I wondered about how I would react to humiliations.  I’d been having to drink piss every morning and hadn’t reacted to that.  I couldn’t think of anything that would embarrass me to the extent of achieving a severe reaction.  All I could do was wait and see.  Again I was quite proud of having gone through the day while remaining silent.

The next morning proceeded as the previous had done.  I even got some decent sleep that night.  I was starting to fall into a pattern.  Hans said, “I vill start you viss ze humiliations that get ze most reaction.”

Alexander started dressing me in women’s clothing, lipstick and rouge applied, wig, and was shown in the mirror what I looked like.  I certainly looked like a woman, though not a very attractive one.  Alexander started laughing.  He couldn’t stop laughing.  I got embarrassed.  But I didn’t react strongly to this.

The next humiliation was for my chastitied penis to be tucked under my legs out of sight, and for a little bitty child’s penis to be put in its place.   I was again shown this in the mirror.  Again, Alexander started laughing, and couldn’t stop laughing.  I got embarrassed.  But I didn’t react strongly to this, either.

And so the day progressed.  One humiliation after another.  Alexander even fucked me in the ass, which wasn’t the first time in my life it had happened.  This was probably one of the percs for whichever guard is chosen for this duty.  But by the end of the day, I don’t think any of those reactions were strong enough to be considered something to try again in future days.

But the tests weren’t done yet.  I was marched, wires and all, back to the prison and put in a different cell, one where my cell mate was a big guy who looked at me like I was a piece of meat and he hadn’t eaten in several days.  He obviously wanted to fuck me.  I’m sure I reacted strongly to that.  Fortunately I was removed before anything happened.  Back in my regular cell that night, I started thinking about what other tests there would be, the items on the list that I hadn’t been tested for yet, and which ones I had so far reacted strongly to.  After having done that, I didn’t like the pattern of what I’d seen, and didn’t like the prospect of the rest of my stay being filled with those.  I was obviously going to have to deal with many of my biggest fears for the rest of my month’s stay.


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