Discipline Technologies Florida Jail

By Scribe

I read all of the Discipline Technologies brochures. I love bondage, but my play was always short-term and less frequent than I wanted. The thought of long-term confinement really turned me on. My better judgment hesitated, but finally my dick convinced me to contact DT about joining their prison population.

I am single, retired, and well off enough that I could disappear for a while and pay for my incarceration. I emailed DT informing them of my interest. They wrote back saying all their cells were full. Both their main prison and slave factory and their satellite Prison by the Sea were filled to capacity and had long waiting lists. I couldn’t believe how many guys want to be confined and tormented and are willing to pay for the privilege.

The DT representative, however, wrote that they were ready to open a new, third prison. While the main facility was located in the Midwest and the Prison by the Sea was located on the West Coast, the new prison was built at an isolated location in Florida. The DT salesperson assured me that the new facility offered the long-term solitary confinement I was seeking. The cost was not inexpensive but was within what I could afford.

I agreed to be incarcerated and DT sent me a contract. It stated that I would be kept in solitary confinement for the duration of my sentence. There was no possibility of early release or parole. Once confinement began, there would be no way to contact DT for changes in the contract since all prisoners are held incommunicado. I would be subject to strict rules regarding my behavior and would be punished for any infractions. I would give up all my rights and surrender to their total control. The new prison was modeled after the punishment cells at the French Guiana prison colony in the early 1900s.

I was asked how long my sentence would be. I could choose to pay upfront or allow DT to charge my bank account monthly for an indeterminate time. As long as there was money in the account and DT received their payment, my confinement would continue. To avoid losing any interest on my account, I chose the indeterminate sentence. I paid for the first month up front but I only put two additional months of payments into my checking account. My better judgment prevailed and this way I figured my imprisonment would last only 90 days, the minimum DT required. I signed, witnessed, and notarized the contract.

My application was approved and I was told to purchase a plane ticket to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. I was met by a beefy guy wearing a prison guard uniform. I was led to an enclosed van. Inside I was strapped to a metal chair bolted to the floor. The restraints secured my ankles, thighs, waist, and chest. A leather hood with only pinhole nose openings was locked around my neck. The Florida sun was hot and the back of the van was not air-conditioned. Sweat soon started dripping down my face and arms. While uncomfortable, I remained hard thinking of the incarceration and discipline to come. The ride was long, at least two hours. The road became bumpy, and the van traveled slowly over the rough terrain. We finally came to a halt and I was unstrapped and pulled from the van. Handcuffs were applied behind my back.

After walking a few steps, the hood was removed. I guess the guards wanted me to see the prison and appreciate what awaited me. The area looked swampy, tropical, hot, and buggy. I was immediately bit by hungry mosquitos.  The building in front of me appeared to be a large old barn. I guess the company purchased an abandoned farm in the middle of nowhere. I was pushed inside the barn. The interior was all newly constructed. It looked like there were 50 cells built back to back in the center of the building. There were 50 solid steel doors each with the warning, “open only with special permission.” The only opening was a food slot bolted shut. Over the top of cells was a walkway where the guards could look down into the cages. The place smelled of body odor and urine. I began to have second thoughts.

My clothes were torn off. Two guards searched me making sure I didn’t have anything hidden, sticking a gloved finger up my ass and down my throat. My dick was measured and a metal cock cage was fitted and locked. I was told prisoners are never allowed to pleasure themselves. The cage included a locked metal pouch for my balls preventing me from touching any part of my genitals.

I was then taken to the warden. He stated that there were only two rules in the prison. The first is absolute silence. Any attempt to talk to another prisoner or a guard or “telephone” another prisoner by knocking on the wall would be severely punished. Any pleas, complaints, or requests to the guards would be punished. The prison doesn’t care if you are unhappy or uncomfortable with your accommodations. The prison and cells are designed to be punishing and uncomfortable. The second rule is I could sit or lie down and sleep at night, but in the daytime, I had to stand or pace in the cell. Guards would monitor behavior and enforce these rules 24/7.

I was led to a cell, number 31. I was told 31 would be my new name if anyone talked to me, which was unlikely. The cell was about 8 feet long by 4 feet wide. The walls were all poured concrete as was the floor. The walls were thick, preventing communication with the prisoner in the next cell. The floor sloped to the center where there was a drain. The door was solid steel with two locks on the outside. The ceiling, about 8 feet high, was open but covered with heavy metal bars. This allowed the guards to observe the prisoners from the walkway above the cells.

The door closed and I heard the two locks engage. I was naked in the cell except for the cock cage. There was nothing in the cell, no bed, no chair, no toilet. I would have to sleep on the floor and pee and shit into the drain. While it was bright daylight outside, very little light penetrated the cell. At night lights high up on the ceiling cast long shadows into the cell. This allowed the guards to observe the prisoners 24/7. When the guard appeared, he seemed huge and intimidating above my head with his shadow cast into the cell. I was an animal trapped in a pit.

The only diversion, besides the guards passing above me, was when the food slot was unbolted twice a day. In the morning I got bread and water. The bread was so stale and hard, I had to soak it in the water to eat it. In the afternoon I got a bowl of what looked like food scraps put through a blender. I soon became perpetually hungry and thirsty. Obviously, my monthly payments were not spent on quality food service.

The entire prison was strangely silent even when filled to capacity. It was hard to make or hear any noise. My bare feet made no sound against the concrete floor. Pounding my fist against the concrete walls made little noise. The guards wore slippers so I couldn’t tell where they were until they loomed over my cell. The food and water bowls, the only objects allowed in the cell, were plastic preventing any noise from tossing them or pounding them together.

I grew tired of standing and pacing all day. I could lean against the wall, but that did not provide much relief. I decided to see what would happen if I sat or stretched out on the floor during the day. When the guard came to my cell he shouted get up asshole. He had a long pole with what must be a cattle prod or electric taser on the end. He slid the pole through the bars and gave me a painful shock. I screamed and scrambled back upright. I guess I would have to try and remain standing during the long days.

It was summer in Florida and the cell was stifling hot. Even at night the heat and humidity were oppressive. There was no air movement at the bottom of the cage. I soon found I had lots of company eager to visit me in my cell. First the mosquitos started biting. During the day I kept swatting them but there was a never ending swarm. At night, I would try to sleep but would constantly wake up itching. There were other bugs as well. Spiders, centipedes, and cockroaches would drop from the ceiling and crawl up from the drain. If I tried to swat them, some of the bugs would bite. I learned to just let them crawl over me. As I sweated and the cell and my body got dirtier, fleas and lice invaded. They would get into the hair on my scalp, my armpits and my pubic hair. They crawled into my ass and the tube of my cock cage and the metal pouch containing my balls. The itching was driving me crazy. I couldn’t scratch my cock or balls or even brush the bugs away because of the locked cage. I never realized how much my balls could itch. Any restful sleep at night was a joke.

I finally had enough. I shouted up to the guard to bring me some water to bathe. I noticed as soon as I made a sound, a small red light glowed at the top of my cell. I realized this allowed the guard to know which prisoner spoke even if the guard was at the other end of the walkway. Two or more inmates couldn’t talk at the same time to try and confuse the guard. The voice-activated monitors ensured that each prisoner would be disciplined for talking.

I was quickly told to shut the fuck up. After a couple of minutes, the cell door opened. Two guards rushed in and started pummeling me with their nightsticks. After I was subdued, they tightly buckled a gag around my head. A large plug filled my mouth and a padlock kept it in place. I was told for the first offense, I would wear the gag for a day. They wouldn’t bother feeding or watering me that day. The next time I talked I would wear a hood, straightjacket, and gag for a week.

I couldn’t believe the severity of their rules. I couldn’t ask a guard for food or water or anything else. There was no way to relieve the silence and boredom. Every once in a while I would hear a complaint or cry from another prisoner, quickly followed by sounds of a beating, cursing, and then silence.

Finally, the guards turned on the water. They probably got sick of our smell. The cleaning consisted of a fire hose trained down on us at full force. The cold water hit me by surprise. The guard seemed to enjoy pushing me back and forth between the walls and floor. I ended up bruised and coughing but at least I was relieved from the bugs for a while.

The days and nights passed slowly. There were no diversions in the cell. I tried to pull the damn cock cage off, but the design kept it securely fixed. The pressure from the short and narrow tube kept me constantly horny. The ventilation holes were too small to stroke my dick or balls. I couldn’t get an erection or jack off even when I pressed my cock against the floor.

Different guards constantly patrolled the walkway 24/7. There was never a time when I could try and talk to another prisoner. I was never able to sit or lie down during the day without getting prodded and shocked by the guard’s electrified pole. There was no way to get away from the stink and the bugs until the guard trained the water hose on me.

One night, after finally getting to sleep on the concrete floor, I was suddenly awakened by something splashing in my face and mouth. I sat up and saw three guards with their dicks out peeing on me through the ceiling bars! They covered my body with their foul liquid. Some even got into my cock cage and balls. I knew if I swore at them, they would eagerly beat me. So while I was filled with rage, I kept silent. They laughed and walked away.  My cage smelled like a toilet. I was covered in urine which dried and became sticky. It seemed like it was weeks and weeks before a guard turned on the hose to clean me and the cell. From then on, I would get an occasional “golden shower.”

I noticed a change in the weather. The nights seemed a little cooler and the days were less humid. I figured the summer was about over and I would be released soon, my 90 days over. I was ready to get out of there. Suddenly, a horrible realization hit me. I remembered that I signed up for overdraft protection on my checking account. If the account became overdrawn, money would be automatically transferred from my savings account. I had forgotten this feature since I had never used it. I realized that DT could keep charging my account beyond the 90 days. I had substantial savings that could pay for many years in the cell.

I panicked and shouted to the guard that a mistake had been made and I had to talk to the warden. The guard told me to shut up. No prisoner could speak to the warden for any reason and I would be punished for failing to keep silent. The door banged open and two guards started wailing on me. They pulled a rubber straightjacket and hood on me and strapped it tightly. They said I would wear the rubber for a week. The gag would be briefly removed for meals. If I attempted to speak, the gag would go back in and I wouldn’t eat or drink until the next feeding.

The hood and straightjacket were sadistically designed to punish, to make the wearer want to obey any rule to get the thing off. The straps were heavy elastic rubber which could be pulled tight and then ratcheted even tighter. The collar joining the jacket to the hood was stiff and tall forcing my head back. The silicone gag in the hood enclosed my lips, teeth, and tongue preventing any speech and any ability to breath through my mouth. A strap clamped my mouth shut around the gag. Nose tubes were threaded up my nostrils to the back of my throat causing me to gag. The flexible nose tubes were narrow making it difficult to get enough air.

Even with the slightly cooler weather, the rubber soon became hot and sticky. I found it difficult to breathe and move around. At least I could writhe on the floor without getting prodded. I got thirsty but I still had to communicate that a mistake had been made. When the food came and the guard removed the gag, I tried to explain about the automatic deposits and not wanting to spend more than 3 months in the cell, but the guard just shoved the gag back into my mouth and said my punishment was extended two extra days for talking. I decided I had to stay silent for the 9 days to get fed and get the horrible hood and straightjacket removed.

A couple of weeks after being freed from the rubber I heard the guard talking to someone on the overhead walkway. The other man was asking questions about some of the prisoners. I figured this must be the warden. Now was the chance to explain my terrible mistake and demand release from the prison. I shouted, Sir, Sir, and started explaining my situation. The warden stated, 31, you cannot change your contract. You chose an indeterminate sentence and you will remain in our care until we are no longer paid. He then told the guard to punish me for talking. The guard said this was not the first time 31 had broken the rules. The warden then said let’s try the new punishment for repeat offenders we discussed. Make sure he gets the full treatment and tell me the results. I’m certain he will never want to speak again.

Several minutes later, three guards came into the cell. Two guards held me down while a third applied a sticky liquid all over my body. It looked like honey. He used a squeeze bottle to inject the liquid into my ass, my cock and ball cage, my ears, nose, and mouth. They then applied the horrid rubber straightjacket and hood after coating the inside and gag with the sticky liquid. They tightly strapped and locked everything on. The gag was even longer and triggered my gag reflex.

I struggled for a while trying to cope with the straightjacket and hood. I began to feel a few bugs crawl around my body and into the straightjacket. Soon there were a lot more bugs. They felt like ants. I fell to the floor and rolled around hoping to crush the bugs. This got them mad and they started biting me. Shit, they put fire ants in my cell! The ants crawled into my ass and into the cock and ball cage biting wherever they crawled. They got into my nose and ears. They crawled under my gag and into my mouth. I couldn’t crush enough of them by rolling around. My arms and hands were useless trapped in the straightjacket. I tried to scream for help, but not much sound came out from under the gag and hood.

After many miserable hours, the guards trained the water hose on me. They repeated the warning that if I said anything when the gag came off, I wouldn’t eat. They fed and watered me and strapped the gag back on. This time I would spend two weeks in the straightjacket and hood. The water killed a lot of the ants but I could still feel some crawling and biting.

I’ve learned I can’t do anything to end my confinement. I can’t talk, beg, or scream without suffering extreme discipline. The days and months pass slowly. The cell door never opens. I can only hope my money runs out or the prison goes bankrupt. There seems to be no shortage of prisoners, however. I hear cell doors opening and closing. I hear inmates cursing guards and guards beating prisoners. The jail seems to be filled to capacity. They apparently have no problem finding sadists since the guards always seem eager to discipline the prisoners. DT must be making a lot of money at our expense. I keep staring at these four concrete walls and the guards passing above, a caged animal in its pit.

I finally lost it. I started screaming at the top of my lungs. I guess I was going crazy. The guards couldn’t stop me. I made a lot of noise even through the gag. I heard the warden say, put 31 in an isolation cell. We cannot allow all this noise and our usual punishments aren’t working.

Two guards opened the cell and started beating me with their nightsticks. I was dragged to another cell hidden in the back of the building. The cell door had no visible locks and was disguised to look like part of a solid wall. This cell had heavy rubber padding inside. The padding covered the floor, walls, and ceiling. There was no walkway above. Even the inside of the cell door was completely covered. The padding was so thick and slippery that I had a hard time keeping my balance standing or walking. I fell to my knees and the door was slammed shut and the internal locks engaged. The cell was absolutely dark. No light was visible even around the door. The cell smelled strongly of rubber.

I felt my way around the cell. There was a small drain in the corner and two tubes coming out of the wall. I put my mouth over each tube and found one had water and the other some kind of nutritional drink. The room was absolutely quiet. I couldn’t hear anything outside the cell and I was sure no one could hear me with all the heavy padding and the lack of any openings in the thick walls. After a while, I could hear a faint hum from some kind of ventilation system providing air to the cell.

I could no longer keep track of time. There were no days or nights. The cell was always pitch black. I couldn’t even remember where the door was. All the walls felt the same. I had no idea how long I slept or how many hours I was awake. There were no meals delivered. The food and water tanks must have been silently filled from time to time. I came to miss the passing guards. No one ever came to my cell. The door never opened. A water jet would open and wash me and my waste down the drain with cold water. This made me shiver and made the rubber padding even more slippery. I suspect even the water was turned on randomly so I couldn’t use it to mark time. This cell was smaller than the other. I couldn’t stretch out to sleep. I had to curl up on the floor. At least the rubber padding was more comfortable than the concrete. I was free of the gags and straightjackets. I could make as much noise as I wanted. I begged and pleaded to get out or at least have someone to talk to. I promised to be good and not make any noise in the regular cells if I would only be released. But no one could hear me. No one could answer my pleas.

I have no idea how long I’ll be in this prison. I don’t know if I have been in this blackout cell for months or years. Maybe someone will remember me and try to find me. But then I remembered I was in a hidden, secret cell. Maybe someone will feel compassion and release me. I don’t know. I started screaming again.

The End.

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3 thoughts on “Discipline Technologies Florida Jail”

  1. Again, another great Discipline Technologies method of incarceration. Reaching back to the prison colony setup is amazing. While I would make sure my sentence and payments would have a definite stopping point (do none of these guys figure that out?) the addition of heavy shackles to my naked body would be a request although I recognize the “silence” would be broken with that. Another punishment could be taken from the movie Papillon where he is in a shackled hogtie attempting to eat from a dog bowl.

    My mind wonders….

    Great installment.

    Who has the ability to make these happen (for a real defined period of time)?

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