By Rubrpig
As usual, the author is in Wescos, nipple clamps, body harness, locked posture collar. It is also still locked in a chastity belt, and it has been locked up for 3 years.
Aaron wandered around his apartment as he was feeling puzzled and anxious, but he could not put a finger onto why he was feeling that way. He went into the spare bedroom where he stored his leathers and boots. The gear he wore the previous night was on the bed where he put it after getting home from the bar the previous night. He grabbed the leather cleaner and wiped down his Langlitz breeches and jacket and hung them up. Then he cleaned his long-sleeved uniform shirt and tie, then his heavy leather jock. Finishing by wiping down with a rag soaked with boot grease, he put his Wescos away.
Still puzzled by what he was feeling he wandered into the living room and grabbed his laptop. Logging into a couple of sites including BLUF and RECON. He noticed that he had a message from a leather Sir that he had been chatting with on BLUF for a couple of years. He read the message, and it was the same message that this guy had been sending for some time, that he was a pretender as a SIR and that he should be true to himself and admit that he was not a SIR but a slave. He sat there and thought about the message and then noticed that the sender was on-line, so he replied to the message.
The two men began chatting back and forth with the leather SIR putting pressure on Aaron to admit that he was a slave. The more pressure the more Aaron began to think that this guy was right. So, as a trial, he typed a message starting with the phrase, SIR, YES SIR! And was surprised by how easy it was to type that phrase and he realized that somehow it felt right. The reply came back almost immediately, the leather SIR telling him that he was pleased that Aaron finally admitted that he was a slave. Aaron replied that he had to agree as it felt right when he sent the message.
The Leather Sir told Aaron that they needed to move to a video chat so they could see each other. Aaron agreed and the two men agreed to connect on WhatsApp. Aaron logged in and found a new message as he had provided his cell number to the Sir. He opened the message and then clicked on the icon for a video call and waited while the call connected. The call connected and Aaron was able to see the Sir. Aaron greeted him by saying Hi, but the Sir responded by yelling at Aaron. Aaron was told to be respectful and to properly address a Superior. Aaron nodded and realized that this was real, but it still felt right.
Aaron stammered an apology and promised to do better. The Sir nodded and told Aaron that slaves should not be sitting in a chair wearing clothes when with a Sir. Aaron stood up and stripped off the T-shirt and jeans that he was wearing. As he had not put on anything else he was quickly naked. He picked up the laptop and moved it to a table where he could kneel and still easily type and use the laptop. He got down on his knees as the Sir watched and waited. The Sir asked Aaron if he was still certain now that he was on his knees as he should be and Aaron replied that it felt right.
The Sir then asked Aaron if he was now prepared to make the needed changes to show that he was a slave and was meant to be one. Aaron swallowed and nodded his agreement. The Sir told him that he was to go back into the BLUF site and update his profile and name on the site. Aaron nodded and went back onto the site and began making the changes. He finished and clicked save and his profile updated and was now live to all the BLUF members. He reported to the Sir that the updates were done, and the Sir responded that he was going to check. A few minutes later the Sir responded that the changes are approved and now Aaron needed to delete his current Recon profile and create a new one to reflect that he was a slave. He also had to include his previous site name in the profile and admit that he had been pretending.
Aaron nodded and after a while with the Sir watching, he had completed his new profile and provided the name to the Sir. The Sir nodded and told Aaron to wait while it was checked out and approved. The Sir again told Aaron that it was approved.
Aaron sat waiting and watching the Sir. The Sir then asked Aaron if he was now ready to follow and obey orders. Aaron nodded and was told to speak. Aaron said, “Sir, I am ready to obey Sir. The Sir replied that Aaron had screwed up again and reminded Aaron that he was a slave, and words like I and Me were banned. He was told that he needed to get used to referring to himself as it or this slave. Aaron nodded and quietly said, Sir, this slave apologizes for offending Sir. The Sir nodded and told Aaron that he was no longer allowed to use his name except when at work and that he needed to get used to thinking about himself as a slave.
The slave that had been Aaron, nodded and waited for further orders. The Sir asked the slave if it still had the Carrara chastity belt that it had bought to use when it was pretending. The slave nodded, then the Sir told it to get it and get back fast. The slave stood and ran for the closet and scrambled to get the heavy belt. It ran back and knelt with the heavy belt in its hands. The Sir nodded and then smiled, which made the slave nervous. The Sir sat up and told the slave to put the belt on and lock it.
The slave nodded and asked to stand up as it would be easier for it to put on the belt. The Sir nodded and the slave disassembled the belt. It noticed that it was rock hard and asked permission from the Sir for permission to get some ice so it could soften its cock. The Sir nodded as he was getting a very clear picture of the slave’s dripping cock. The slave ran to the kitchen and grabbed some ice and a towel and ran back. it put the ice pack on its cock, and it quickly shrank enough that it could slip the cock tube over its cock. With the tube in place, it began to assemble the belt and put on the back plate and slipped the stud on the tube into the slot on the back plate. Taking the waist belt, it adjusted the length and fitted it around its waist then clipped the ends to the studs for it on the back plate. The plastic-coated cables were hanging down from the bottom of the back plate, so it picked them up and clipped the cable into place, so they were attached to the locking clips on the back of the belt. The last thing was that it swung the front cage up and closed the belt and then it snapped the lock closed.
The Sir smiled and told the slave that the keys were to be put in a safe place, but it was not allowed to touch them again without permission. The slave nodded and told the Sir politely that it would obey.
The Sir then told the slave that it was to now consider it a slave to BLUF and that it would obey any member of BLUF as it was a slave. The slave nodded and stood quietly. The SIR then asked the slave if it had a padlocked chain collar and a heavy lockable leather collar. The slave nodded and the Sir told it to get them. The slave ran for the pieces and felt the heavy belt move on its body and its cock tried to get hard in the tube of the belt, which just caused the slave pain. The slave grunted and got a chain collar and padlock and the heavy leather collar and ran back to the laptop.
The Sir nodded and told the slave to put on the chain collar and padlock it. The slave obeyed and quickly locked the collar around its neck. It was then told that the keys were to be put with the keys to the belt and not touched. The Sir told the slave that the collar was permanent and when at work, the collar shouldn’t be that noticeable. The slave nodded and then the Sir told the slave that the heavy leather collar was to be worn only when it was at home or when it was allowed to go to the bar. In addition, if it was serving in person a Sir it was to provide the keys if requested to the Sir. The slave nodded.
Finally, the Sir told the slave that when it was at work, it would be allowed to dress in its work clothes. However, as soon as the slave returned to its home, it was to strip and put on full BLUF gear. It was to wear full leather whether it was a leather uniform or its Langlitz leathers. It was also to be appropriately booted so when it was in Langlitz it was to be in Wescos and when in a uniform, it was to be in Dehners. It was not to remove the leathers except when it was to get ready in the morning so it could leave for work. It was to sleep in the leather and boots. In addition, it was to be always hooded and the hood should be locked on by the heavy leather collar. The slave nodded and told the Sir that it would obey. The Sir then told the slave that it was to wear a tie as well. The slave was then ordered to remove the hood and leather collar only when it needed to run errands outside of its home. When outside of its home, it was to wear its Langlitz jacket, tight short leather gloves.
The slave nodded and told the Sir that it would obey. The Sir then told the slave to go and get the gear and get dressed so the Sir could watch. The slave nodded and ran to get the gear. It took a leather LAPD cycle cop uniform, dehners, Sam Browne, gloves, tie and ran back. Put the gear down, pulled on the breeches, then socks. It pulled on the Dehners and stood up. It took the long-sleeved uniform shirt with the LAPD patches on the arms and pulled it on. Then put on the Sam Browne, then the tie. It put on the heavy leather hood and laced it tight, then it picked up the wide heavy leather collar and buckled it on and padlocked it. Then it pulled on its gloves and stood facing the laptop. The Sir nodded and told the slave that the key to this collar should be kept on its keys, so the collar was easily removed as needed. The slave nodded and remained standing staring straight ahead.
The Sir nodded and asked the slave how it was feeling, and would it obey its now standing orders to be in full BLUF leather when not at work. The slave knelt quickly, its leathers creaking softly and told the Sir that it would obey.
The Sir nodded and told the slave that it was to take pictures of itself in its leather and that it also was to take a picture of it wearing nothing but the belt. That specific image was to be taken the next morning as it was getting ready for work. The slave nodded and told the Sir that it would take it in two days when it next worked as it was on a long weekend. It then politely asked the Sir if it was to be allowed to change its leather daily or just when it was getting back into leather after work. The Sir replied that it was to remain in what leather it had chosen when getting dressed after work and that it was only to change leather when it was getting back from work. The slave nodded and told the Sir it would obey.
The Sir then told the slave that it had 2 hours to get the pictures of it in leather and hooded posted to BLUF and Recon as it would be checking, then it signed off.
The slave knelt and lowered its head and was in shock at how fast things had changed for it. It moved to shut off the app on its laptop and grabbed its phone. It began taking pictures of itself in its leather and boots. Then when it was satisfied with the images, he logged in on its phone and posted the images to the 2 sites as ordered. It then knelt then sat not even thinking about using the furniture. It just felt right to be on the floor. It noticed that it had several messages on BLUF and one on RECON. It read the messages and realized that men on the sites were questioning the change and was it true. The slave replied respectfully assuring them it was now a slave and would serve them if they desired.
One Sir on BLUF messaged it and asked it if it was a slave for BLUF and it replied that it was. The Sir told it that it was to meet him at the Eagle that night and it should be prepared for service. The slave acknowledged the orders, and it signed off.
Later that night as it douched itself and got dressed in its heavy Langlitz gear and Wescos, it headed to the Eagle and to begin its service as a slave to BLUF.
Metal would like to thank the author, Rubrpig, for this story!
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