Tag Archives: full leather

Happy Birthday Boss – Part 03

By Unknown

Square One

This was not happening to me. I couldn’t believe I’d been released by the biker only to find myself at the hands of my own men; and no sign of being able to toss off before they all returned for their fun. I kicked and struggled trying to loosen the pegs holding my feet, but when I had been returned, the biker had checked everything and spread-eagled me tighter than when I had been left the first time. And then Dave had retightened the paracord to my balls before disappearing again. So I was in a worse situation than before my abduction if that was possible.

This time I couldn’t rub the blindfold off because of the hood and anyway there was probably no key dangling above me. I tried moving my pelvis to see if the pull on my balls would be enough to at least give me an erection. It was, but only with much effort. My sore dick rose again and began to rub against the rough cotton of my shorts. It was painful but behind the pain was the chance of an orgasm and that was all I wanted now. Eventually I felt some precum begin to leak from my cock.

Continue reading Happy Birthday Boss – Part 03

7 Days in Berlin – Part 10

By Takeo

Day 3 – Thursday June 13th – Playful afternoon

Franz probably deliberately left the alarm clock on the table. I have always loved being tied up for long periods of time, several hours at a time. But I cannot tell which is more difficult: having no notion of the time passing or, on the contrary, having a clock at sight. In the first case, I am constantly asking myself: how long have I been in this position? How much time is left? But in this situation, my brain quickly goes into subspace and wanders, letting time lengthen or shrink as my thoughts wander. On the contrary, with the clock in front of me, time seems to pass more slowly, with the time on the clock reminding us of the reality of things every time.

We have been attached to each other for nearly an hour now. Tom is surprisingly calm, given that he does not seem to have any bondage experience. It has to be said that the position is easy and, above all, pleasurable. The hardest part will be holding the standing position for 4 hours, but for now it is manageable, both for Tom and for me.

Continue reading 7 Days in Berlin – Part 10