By mclioncub
Sunday morning rolled around and I prepped myself prior to leaving for Sirs’ house. As with every weekly visit, I am required to ensure that my cock & balls are shaved clean, my underarms and body hair is removed. As usual, I also had to clean up my mohawk. Sir likes the look of my mohawk so I am required to keep it at all times. Once I cleaned up and ate some breakfast, I packed the car and headed out to Sirs’ house.
When I arrived, I was let in and I headed to the front room to put up my toy bag and prep myself for the day. As normal, I stripped down and then put my boots back on. That is my required uniform, naked, booted and in chastity. The chastity device is always secured on me at all times unless Sir chooses otherwise. In most instances, Sir will have me remove the device if He has plans for my cock and balls. In addition, if Sir does allow me to cum, it is always followed with some form of punishment. Sometimes mild but other times more intense. It all depends on what is on the agenda. Once I finished, I headed to the living room and took my kneeling position with legs spread apart and my hands interlocked behind my head.