By ty dehner
The curve is so natural, the tightness of the pants covering his ass, as it meets the heels of his cleats. His weight falls as he squats, the black plastic on his legs and knees creaks with his movement. His fist pounds the leather-padded glove on his hand, then hides behind the black padding protecting his chest. The face hugged in leather and iron, watching the speeding object coming straight for him. He faces it, it is his job, he is a baseball catcher.
The baseball catcher is the one man on the team that makes my dick hard, and my blood flow. i’ve been watching them for most of my youth until i made it to the big leagues! Growing up in Wheeler County, Nebraska, i went to as many balls games as i could. If i arrived early, i would take my place close to the home plate, not to watch the batter, but to watch that catcher. In high school, as i discovered i was gay and started to venture into sex with other guys, i dreamed of doing with a baseball jock. Four weeks before graduation that happened and i never looked back. i knew then that i would be closer to these guys, yet i was never talented enough to make the team. And working in the fields of my parent farm didn’t help.
When it came time to head to college, i went into agriculture for some reason. Going to the big city of Omaha was a great experience. The chance to see minor league ball! i even found the gay bar. Between studying, watching games and going to the bar, i started to get an education in many aspects of life. On occasion i’d see one of those great looking guys take their place behind home plate, wondering if i might see them at the bar later. It never happened, but i did hook up with one stud that was a pitcher for a visiting team.
Blond hair under his cap, i wanted him. We talked for a while and eventually i got him to follow me to my small apartment near the campus. As luck would have it, he had his uniform in his trunk. So i told him to put it on and make it quick. i was beginning to feel a domination coming to me. Something that i had felt a few other times, but didn’t think nothing of it. When he stripped before me, then got into his uniform, i knew i wanted is ass and he was going to take it!
But he needed to work a bit for it. i grabbed him by the neck and lowered him to his knees. Guiding his head to my dirty cowboy boots, his tongue naturally came out and started to lick them. Damn, my dick was growing in my Wrangler’s. i love that he was worshipping me. i love the power he was giving me. As cradled my cock and balls in my hands, he made those boots shine with his spit. He before me was a minor league pitcher, licking my boots. If his team members could see him now.
But what he begged for next was beyond my imagination. He started begging me to tie him to the bed, to make him my slave. i had never thought of such a thing. i have seen the TV shows and movies, where a guy was tied and it got me going. But i never thought anyone would want it! Pitcher pulled some athletic tape from his bag and handed it to me. He laid on the bed, and i started to tape his feet together. i opened the zipper to his uniform pants, pulling his cock from behind his cup, he was hard! i took his hand and taped them to the headboard, then lowered my mouth on his dick. His moaning let me know that he wanted, as he thrust his hips to me.
That night ended in a blaze of his shooting his load and my fucking the ass off a pitcher! Learning myself that night, that making a guy helpless is what i needed to feel in control. The power i have over him, making him beg to please me, to see to my happiness was a feeling that i had never experienced. A feeling i needed again.
Over the four years i was in school, i got to tie up a few more guys, but never a baseball player. There was always something missing in the fun. But i grew and learned and got really good. After graduation i got a job on the team that takes care of the field maintenance for the Omaha team. i loved being on the field and at times, getting to know the players personally. Damn, if they weren’t all straight or married!
After the season came the call i would have never believed would happen to me. i got a call to move to the Major Leagues. A huge stadium in the city wanted me to come be on their maintenance team! i jumped at the chance. Coming to the city was a real eye opener for me. i really enjoyed meeting other gay men and becoming more of myself. Some teased me for the way i dressed, but i felt comfortable and that was what i wanted. i got in really good with the boss at the stadium and got several raises and promotions until is was third in charge. It was not unreasonable to assume that i would someday be in charge of the entire stadium operation. Mowing the lawn on a bright summer day, there was no job i would want than the one i had.
Toward the end of the first half of the season, a new catcher was brought to the club in a trade. Of course, with my interest in catchers, i wanted to know more about him. When i heard his name, it sounded familiar, so i checked some of my old programs from my minor league days. Sure enough there he was, Jarrod Lloyd. A catcher from the minor league team in the south. His picture was of course a few years old, but i would love to have him tied to first base.
So i watched him during their practice sessions. He did pretty good, and he had matured pretty damn good. i made it a habit of making it behind him once or twice when he when he was catching. Those legs of his had power, but i bet i could make them helpless with some rope or tape. On occasion we would catch a glance of each other, but never anything i could tell whether he was gay or wanted to kiss my boots.
The season hit the All-Star break and most of the players would be leaving town. That was when i decided i would fuck all convention and see if he would swing at my pitch. i know it was a holiday weekend and everyone on the matinee team wanted to not work that weekend. i made my boss a deal that i would come in for the day and take care of things, since i had no family. He liked the idea, trusted me and it was set. But i felt like i should have some reward, so i set out to get that catcher in the park and tied to home plate while i did my mowing.
Four days before, i found out that Jarrod drove a maroon Tahoe. i found it and left a note instructing him to meet me at the field on Saturday afternoon if he wanted to have some fun. Sliding it under his windshield wiper, i headed to my car. As i got in my car and drove out of the parking lot, it was then i noticed the thin rainbow striped on Jarrod’s roof rack. i couldn’t believe it, but i was pretty confident he would show.

Saturday i got to the park early, leaving the gate open for Jarred as i said i would in my note. Working in the garage, i cleaned up the machines and got them ready for mowing the field. i was in there for a good while, when i looked at my watch. It was 1, when i told Jarrod to be here. My heart was pound a bit as i headed to the door to the field. i came out into the sun and adjusted my site, fuck, there he was, just as i wanted. Behind home plate, in his full catchers gear, squatting, with he glove up, waiting. i made my way along the wall slowly, coming up behind him. His ass stretched the material in his gray pants, as it rested on his heels. i would bet he has never held that position before. i came up behind him, taking my work gloved hand and rubbing his ass. A hesitant moan came from behind his mask, with his glove lowering a bit. “Keep it up, rookie!” came the order from my mouth. He raised it, quickly. i liked that.
i straddled him and began taking my hands and rubbing his body, his back, his head. He was wavering a bit, so i ordered him to his knees. He turned to me and i pointed down before he could catch my eyes. i grabbed him by the neck and lowered him to my dirty work boots. He sniffed them through his mask. i reached for my dick, trapped in my Wranglers, wanting to release it. But not yet. This was going to go on for a while.
i took off his mask and his tongue went straight to the leather. i held in my hands this catcher, major league catcher. He was someone i would never believe to be on his knees before me, licking my boots in a 50,000-seat stadium. i loved that he was a husky guy, not normally found in the majors. He was over six foot and had to weigh in over 250, he didn’t run fast, but he could catch and hit, what our team wanted.
As he was working on the second boot, i knew i had to get to work, or i would never get finished. i had gotten to be good friends with one of the cops that worked off time here at the stadium. In getting to know him, i found he was into bondage and gave me lots of tips. He even gave me a pair of handcuffs for a fun evening he and i had with two other guys. Now it was time to use those cuffs. i took them out of my back pocket, knocked this guys glove off and in seconds had him cuffed with his hands behind his back. With my boot i lifted his head. At last our eyes met. Fuck, they were brown, beautiful and i knew i wanted him to full feel my power to over him. He has a slight smile to him, as he made his way to my crotch. My hand back handed him and he stopped. i grabbed him by the chest protector and dragged his ass to the infield. Pushing down on his stomach, i tied his feet together, then brought them to his cuffed hands. Then tightly i bound them down into a nice unpleasant hog tie. He was in the bright sunshine, moaning. i grabbed a jock that i had borrowed from one of the other players and slammed it in his mouth. Tapping it in to make sure he would lose it. i grabbed his glove, pushed it in his face and taped it to his head. He could now enjoy the smell of leather, since he has already tasted it.
As i walked away, i couldn’t believe me luck. In this stadium, i had this big league catcher hog tied in the infield sniffing his own glove with a dirty used jock in his mouth. i wanted to fuck him now. But the mowing came first.
i decided to make him sweat a bit, so i did the outfield first. i was sweating also, and took my time doing my great job as well as keeping cool with some water and soda. i occasionally walk over to catcher boy and kick him, to see if he was still with me. He’d moan or beg to be released. i would just return to my job.
He looked so good, i would’ve loved to get into the video room and splash him on the video wall! Wouldn’t those on the freeway love seeing that! After finishing up the outfield, i needed to move catcher boy. i got him loose, leaving the glove on his face and jock in his mouth. i dragged his ass to the foul pole and roped him standing up. For fun, i pulled his dick out from under his cup and tied it off to his ankles. It was hard and wet from all the freaking pre-cum. Then i want to mowing and maintaining the infield.
On my turn around, would get to watch him as i drove his direction. At times he would struggle, then give up. But his dick was always hard. i think i may have found me a true baseball slave. But in time i would learn more from him.
When i was done getting the field back in prime condition, it was time to enjoy the rest of the afternoon and evening! We had this entire stadium to ourselves. i released him from the bondage, removing the glove and gag, but keeping his hands cuffed. As we walked to home plate, he requested that he wanted a drink. i told him i would see to it shortly. i wanted him to experience something that would make him remember our time together, every time he caught a ball at home. i know he thought i was going to fuck him, but it wasn’t time yet.
When we got to home plate, i pushed him to his knees. i picked up his mask and put it on, taping it over and over until is was like a helmet on his head. i left an opening around his mouth, too valuable to keep closed. i unzipped my Wranglers, fishing my wet dick out. i had to get a bit soft, then i inserted it into the mask and his mouth. He was ready for it, but he wasn’t ready for the piss that started streaming out. He pulled away, i grabbed his head and slammed my dick back in, he pulled away again, so i just pissed all over his uniform and pads. He was swearing, but there wasn’t much he could do since he was cuffed and mine. “Catcher boy, you’re gonna think of this every time you come to the plate, kneeling to catch. You were on your knees, drinking my piss, covered in my piss in this stadium. Hope you can deal with your dick getting hard in your cup on game day!”
i knew his dick was hard, cause it was still in bondage outside his pants. Then he said words i never had heard, “Thank you, Sir.” i stopped and felt the feeling of joy in me. i did control him, he wanted to please me. i felt the boy needed a reward. So i slammed my dick back in his mask and let him suck it as best as he could. He could never get it all in his mouth, but he fucking worked at it like no tomorrow.
Here on home plate i was face fucking his catcher, as he was in bondage, stinking of piss before me. As i thought more of it, the harder i got and the stronger i slammed his face. Eventually, i think he had enough, so i pulled out, grabbed my sweat covered hankie and slammed it into the mouth then taped up the mask more.
i lead him off the field and into the team locker room. What a fine facility it was. Here he would experience is total submission to me, in the most intimate place a team has. i lead him to the whirlpool and stood him next to it. i grabbed his ankles and roped them tightly. Then removed the cuffs and did the same. Then without warning, i pushed him into the pool, he fell in yelling into the gag, struggled in his bondage. His uniform was soaked and weighted him down with all the pads and gear. He couldn’t see as he struggled, voicing his want for release into the gag. As he struggled, i got out of my work clothes and made my way into the water.
i righted him and he calmed down. i got freaking hard from watching that struggle. “Catcher boy, i think you are learning that i have total control over you, don’t i?” he nods his head vigorously. i removed his mask and tape, ripping out the hankie. Those words of “Thank you Sir!” were heard again. i stood, helping him put himself on his knees before me, letting him take my entire dick down his throat. He worked it with his tongue, slowly around the base, i could hardly keep my knees from buckling under me. My hands reached down and pulled his head closer as my dick went deeper into him. He never choked on it, keeping in warm, his tongue keeping the thrill alive. i looked down at this soaking wet catcher, sucking me off in the whirlpool in the clubhouse. My hands felt the wetness of his uniform, the soaked pads he wears on his chest. He started increasing his tempo of taking my dick up and down, in his mouth. i grabbed the back of his head, and pushed him further, faster and faster. i could feel the power of my cum wanting to burst the gates of my piss slit. But i didn’t want to shoot my load yet.
Just as i thought i couldn’t hold back no more, i pulled out. He yelled at me to not pull out, but i bent down and filled his mouth with my tongue. Still with his hands secured behind him, i could tell he wanted to embrace me. i lowered myself into the water and he floated beside me, i never releasing my kiss on him. We floated, together in the water, me holding my catcher boy in my arms.
Slowly, i undid his bondage and helped him out of his wet uniform and gear. i chuckled as i saw it thrown across the clubhouse. then he grabbed me and held me so tight. i knew there was a bond developing between us that i had never felt with another guy. His hand would make it’s way down to my dick, stroking it gently. i took my hand, sliding down his back to his ass, then his hole, inserting it. With a light pressure i pushed it in, his head pulled back with a slight sigh, “Oh yes Sir.” i knew that i was going to take the boy totally now.
i held him closer then took the roped and tied his hands behind him again. He didn’t hesitate or voice concern. Together we got out of the water, our naked bodies dripping. i marched him to the door of the clubhouse, he started to hesitate.
i pushed him through the door, down the hall and out to the dugout. Before us was the empty stadium, i could tell he was starting to not want to go further. But he was mine now and did what i wanted. i pushed him up the dugout steps onto the field. Our bare feet walked across the clay of the warning track, then to the grass. i really enjoyed the feeling of the cool fresh cut grass on my feet. My catcher boy was breathing heavily. “Relax boy, this is what you’ve been dreaming of,” i assured him.
My destination was simple, home plate. As we arrived, he looked around at the empty stadium, nodding his head down. i put my hand on his shoulder and he slowly fell to his knees. i took another piece of rope and secured his feet. i pushed his head to the group and lifted his ass. It was now time for him to feel my grand slam. His face lay on the plate, as i stepped forward rubbing my dick head on his ass crack. He sighed a bit, but his ass moved towards it. The sun had moved to put home plate in full sunlight. i slowly entered, warming up. Then it was time to take my pitch and i slammed my dick straight in. He yipped a bit, but took it well. “Thank you Sir!”
His ass was fairly tight and held my dick like a glove. The water from the whirlpool created a good lube as i slid in and out, over and over. i reminded him of where he was, home plate, in his home stadium. He will never be able to step up to the plate again without thinking of me. “Yes Sir!” he panted. i was conquering this Major League catcher, he was tied and helpless before me, with my dick firmly in his ass. Reminding him that he has totally submitted to me. My hands grabbed his hips and pulled his ass towards me. His face was sliding across the rubber of the base. i was reaching the point of no return. Two naked men on the baseball field, the American Pastime. Was it sex or baseball, today it was both. i looked down to see his sweat rolling off his forehead, dropping on to home plate. “Sir, i’m yours Sir,” with that statement, i went for the grand slam, i went deeper than i had all day. i was reaching the warning track, i knew i was close, was was going to make that home run! With all my power, i shot that load over his back, landing on his neck and on the plate. i thought for sure it would’ve hit the fence! He turned his face and started licking up my cum from the base. i gently rubbed his back, and lifted him, hugging and kissing him as i turned him around. His returning kiss was full of passion and desire. i couldn’t resist him.
i walked him out to the outfield, helped him to his knees and then on his side. i undid his bondage. i laid beside him, we took each other in our arms, holding, hugging, kissing. This was what being part of the team is all about. As the sun set behind the stands, we laid in the grass of our stadium until night feel. Tonight was going to be a double header.
Metal would like to thank ty dehner for sending this story, which originally appeared on the Ropedweb site.
Well written great bondage and control.
I wil never see baseball home plate de same. Super hot