Chastity Agreement

By Leatherboston

I am about to enter into a chastity agreement with a friend who is willing to be my key-holder and be strict and adhere to the conditions I list in a chastity agreement. See draft agreement. Just curious if you or your readers have any suggestions for additional stipulations for the contract? I want it to be realistic but also challenging.



This is an agreement dated __________ and between ______ , herein referred to as the caged male and ______, herein referred to as the key-holder. This is a consensual agreement between two adults of sound mind and body for chastity control and key-holder services. Both parties enter into this agreement freely and openly, and without coercion of any kind.

The contract will enter into force immediately on the date signed by both parties and will remain in effect for thirty days, self-renewing period, plus any earned penalty days.   After which time the contract will be satisfied and the key-holder will let the caged male go free. The caged male agrees to be locked in a chastity device for said contract period plus any penalty days earned during the contract period.

The caged male agrees to the following conditions during the contract period:

  • The caged male agrees to wear the chastity device for the duration of the contract and any earned penalty days.   The cage male will not attempt to remove the device during the contract and penalty periods.
  • The caged male agrees to be open and honest with the key-holder even if this honesty may cause penalty days to be imposed.
  • The caged male will log 400,000 steps on its Fitbit during the contract period at a pace determined by the caged male. At the end of the contract period, the caged male will prove to the key-holder that he has reached his step goal by providing a Fitbit step log to the key-holder. The caged male agrees to a self-renewing penalty if the step goal is not achieved.   Self-renewing means this contract will automatically extend for another 30 days if the step goal is not achieved.   The step goal is reset and the caged mail will have 30 days to satisfy the step goal.   The self-renewing clause will continue until the 30 day step goal is achieved. The caged male will accept, without complaint, the self-renewing period. Any complaints, excuses, begging may cause additional penalty days beyond the new 30 day self-renewing period.   If the caged male fails to charge his Fitbit or forgets to wear his Fitbit during the contract period, it is the fault of the caged male and no special consideration will be given by the key-holder.
  • The caged male will weigh-in at the beginning of the contract period.   The caged male agrees to lose 1 pound per week during the contract period for a total of 4 pounds weight loss.   The caged male will weigh in at the end of 30 days. For each pound or portion thereof not achieved at the end of the contract period will be 1 week penalty.   The penalty period will be added to the end of the contract period.   If the contract self-renews due to failure to meet step count, the weight loss penalty period will be added to the end of the self-renewing period.   For example, if the caged male loses 3.25 pounds, there will be 1 week penalty added to the contract period.   The caged male will continue to weigh in at the end of the penalty period and until goal is reached, additional penalty weeks will be added until goal is reached.
  • The caged male agrees to be monitored and tracked via GPS tracking.   The caged male agrees to react, without hesitation or delay, any special instructions from the key-holder including but not limited to waiting at a certain location until released by the key-holder, riding the subway or a bus line until released by the key-holder or any other instructions issued by the key-holder. The caged male will be monitored by GPS and any deviation within a certain feet range will be cause for additional penalty days determined by the key-holder.
  • The caged male agrees to update and provide a detailed calendar to the key-holder.   Any free times on the calendar can be utilized by the key-holder for special requests.   These requests may include but not limited to: errands, chores, sexual services, being lent out or any other request demanded by the key-holder.   Failure to complete a special request may add penalty days to the contract to be determined by the key-holder.
  • The caged male will not beg or ask for release or complain about any special request or task during the contract and penalty period.   The key-holder will have sole discretion to add penalty days for any request to be released during the contract period.   The number of days added will be determined by the key-holder and the caged male will accept without question.
  • The caged male can express frustration and horniness to the key-holder during the contract and penalty period but excessive whining could be considered insubordination to the key-holder and the key-holder at his whim, may add penalty days for such behavior. The caged male will accept the penalty days and correct his behavior or additional penalty days may be assigned.
  • Upon fulfilling contract and penalty days, the caged male will need to complete one challenge task prior to the key-holder unlocking the caged male.   The caged male enters this contract not knowing what the challenge task will be.   The key-holder and the caged male will discuss potential challenge tasks throughout the contract period but the ultimate decision on what the challenge task will be is decided by the Key-holder.   The cage male enters this contract fully aware he does not know what the challenge task will be and accepts this chastity contract condition. Examples of end of contract challenge tasks are but not limited to are: 5 hours of isolation and bondage, house cleaning, painting, a donation to the charity of the Key-holder’s choice, body shaving, being sent to a rubber master (that the caged male knows) for severe gimp and piss training or being lent out to a stranger as a slave for a day.
  • The caged male has the option to opt out of the final challenge task or remaining penalty days by electing to play Chastity Bingo on   Chastity Bingo will be played in the strict mode and the period will be in weeks.   Once this option is selected, the key-holder will discontinue all contact with the locked male until the final bingo period expires, then the caged male will be unlocked.   Caged Male will be left alone to suffer this final period…the key-holder will not respond to emails, texts or calls unless it is an emergency.


The Key-Holder agrees to the following during the contract period:

  • The key-holder agrees that a key for the chastity device will be held in a combination key-box safe and this key-box will be held by the caged male.   The key-holder will be the sole party with the combination and the combination may be changed at the key-holder’s whim.
  • The key-holder agrees to release the combination in an emergency, medical or travel situation as described below in the emergency unlocking clause.
  • The Key-holder agrees to enforce this chastity agreement/contract with the caged male. The key-holder will not give in, negotiate, or engage in any discussion that impacts the terms of this contract.   The caged male enters into this contract freely and the Key-holder agrees it must retain keys until contract obligations are complete. No exceptions here.
  • The Key-holder agrees to issue penalty days of his choosing based on the severity of the circumstance. Penalty days can be determined by the key-holder’s whim, a roll of the dice, or playing chastity bingo on locked men website (all parties agree that if chastity bingo is played, it is days not weeks locked that are added to this contract period).
  • While the caged male is locked, the Key-holder agrees to make all reasonable efforts to be accessible to the caged male, and easily reached via phone or email. He further agrees to respond as soon as is reasonably possible to any phone or email message from the caged male, if a response is requested or required, provided the message is pertinent, valid, and important, and provided the caged male is not abusing his contact privileges.
  • Emergency Unlocking: The Key-holder agrees to unlock the caged male and remove the device in all due haste for emergency reasons.  Emergency reasons are defined as circumstances in which the Caged Male experiences serious illness, injury, or impaired physiological functioning, either of the whole body, or more specifically of the penis, testicles, scrotum, or general groin area, and independent of whether or not the caged male seeks professional medical care or advice. The caged male will resume wearing the device once both he and the Key-holder are satisfied that he has satisfactorily recovered from the emergency condition.
  • In the event of the caged male needing to travel and pass through security checkpoints that may include metal detectors, the Key-holder agrees to remove the device for travel purposes. Proof of travel (airline ticket) must be shown to the Key-holder.
  • The Key-holder will honor the caged male request to be locked by not releasing the caged male for any request other than medical or travel.   Should the cage male ask to be released, try to break its contract obligations or try to trick the Key-holder to unlock, the Key-holder will hold firm and issue penalty days for such behavior.
  • Should the caged male experience chaffing, redness, or pain of any sort during the contract period, it will be the sole discretion of the Key-holder to release the caged male or direct the caged male to a remedy.


By affixing their signatures below, the parties to this contract accept and agree to be bound by all of the provisions and stipulations contained therein, and also accept and agree that said provisions are non-negotiable.


Caged Male Name (Print)


Caged Male Signature Date


Keyholder Name (Print)


Keyholder Signature Date



Metal would like to thank Leatherboston for this! If anyone has a suggestion for how this contract might be enhanced, please leave him comment!



6 thoughts on “Chastity Agreement”

  1. be tied up daily for facefucking and cocksucking, feeding on keyholders cum and piss, and cum or piss not being swallowed will result in immediate addition of days to the penalty days being added.

  2. I’d like to try this service I lock myself up on some weekends but way different when someone else has the keys I can’t wait to find out how that feels

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