9 thoughts on “Heavy metal collar and serious chain manacles”

  1. I don’t know about the collar and would be interested in the maker/source myself, but the manacles look like the old IronMasters type with the pop-up integral lock. IronMasters went out of business after the owner died, and I’ve never seen any others exactly like them. Several far-east companies advertise restraints with pop-up locks, but the cuffs are smaller and not as thick. They seem to be aimed at the het Male-dom/fem-sub market as the cuffs seem to be sized for women.

  2. OMG! I just spent half an hour drooling — mouth and cock! — over the heavy metal restraints on the Parus website. (By the way, you can select an English version; some of the links others have left are for the German version.) These are what I’ve been dreaming about for decades. I want them, I want them!

    Does anyone have experience buying from this company? They seem very professional and above-board, and I really like that they seem aimed at gay men rather than the pansexual market (or maybe there’s another site that is more hetero?). Would you give a credit-card number to these folks?

  3. Domesrically, Dungeon Delights mkes shackles from 1/4 in. stock for wrists, ankles and neck. The locks are not integrated as well as the German Product. They will do custom workd and I hav e custom wrist shackles from thhem with an effective puzzle lock which the weaer cannot release.

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