Look at Me, slave

By boyryan54

Boyryan54I am trembling. My shoulders and back are aching, and my knees screaming from the stress position. Hunched over in the cage, arms behind my back in a rubber arm binder, pulled up and attached to the top of the cage. The top of my muzzle is secured to the top front of the cage by what I am guessing is some rope, ensuring my body leans forward. My legs folded on themselves, secured with thick rubber belts over my rubbered body.

I have been mewing and mumbling into the gag in my mouth, but not sure how much is being heard due to the muzzle over my hooded head. The blindfold and ear plugs ensuring all my senses are heightened, and I moan as I feel a bead of sweat roll down by back between the rubber and my skin.

Time has stood still for a while now. I have no idea how long I have been like this, but know it hasn’t been long. This was not an endurance exercise and was designed to break me quickly. Is He here? Is He watching on the camera from the comfort of His bed?


I tense and jump from the sudden noise and scream into the gag from the pain caused by my body’s involuntary reaction. I hear some additional quiet noises as it sounds like the cage door is being swung open. I renew my mewing and pleading into the full mouth gag, pleading for anything for a break.

I feel His hands massage my thighs, then my chest, then a quick light touch of His finger tips, feeling the bars He installed in my nipples. He then holds my muzzled and rubber hooded head in his hands. I quiet down. He is here now. But I am still trembling from the stress, pain, and now overwhelmed by His touch.

I then sense His hands at the back of my head, and feel the blindfold loosen and fall, and I close my eyes to avoid the brightness. But I just see red light through my closed eye lids. I slowly open them, and my eyes take in Him.

The dim red light bouncing off the shine from His Muir cap is what I first notice as I quickly look down at the ground as I was trained to do. I notice He is in His full leathers, and He is kneeling inside the entrance of the cage, and I see His legs in His tight leather pants.

“Look at Me slave”

I raise my eyes slowly, and take in the view of Him in His formal leathers, the tight pants, the tight leather uniform short sleeve, Sam Browne belt hanging due to His hunched position, the slight scruff of His neck and mouth, and then my eyes settle on His dark, almost black eyes. I then realized at that moment that I had stopped my moaning and begging. We are just starting into each other’s eyes.

“Keep looking into My eyes, slave”

I do. I then see His hand movements in my peripheral vision, but can’t quite tell what they are doing. I then feel his hands undoing the cod piece of my catsuit, and then feel His hands massage my balls, and caress the chastity cage He keeps me in. I moan and close my eyes, and He gently slaps my cheek.

“Look into My eyes, slave”

I hope my eyes again. I am trembling worse than ever. I start I coherently begging into the gag.

“I decided to change in My formal leathers while you suffered in this position. I have decided will be a special day for us, slave. Today will be the day I take ownership of you, as I have decided you are ready”

I close my eyes, and quick flashes of the last year come across my mind: our first meet for coffee, the first time I kissed His boots; the first time He fed me ash from his gloved hand; when He taught me how to bootblack and care for His boots and leathers; when He took me to get my septum, PA, and nipple piercings; when He held me after a hard flogging session…

“Slave! Look at Me!”

The memories stopped as I looked back into His eyes. I then felt a hand around my hole, as His fingers felt around, feeling through the rubber suit looking for the butt plug, and I grunted as He found it and he pressed hard.

“You have been patient and have served me well. I have deprived you of release for a while now and I have also deprived you of My own cock. This was to ensure you were motivated by our connection, test your patience, and to be sure you are driven by submission, not by sex”

He continued to press and rub the plug base around causing my prostate to become stimulated. I moan into the gag again. I am trembling worse than ever. The pleasure of the plug, the pain in my knees, and ache in shoulders and arms. This is becoming too much. I try begging with my eyes, anything for mercy.

“Today that changes, slave”

I start moaning and yelling into the gag, eyes still locked with Him. His hand methodically stimulating my hole and prostate with the plug, my dick in pain from being in the tight cage, and I feel myself getting close. I close my eyes again.

“Look at Me”

He grabs and holds my chin in his other hand. I open my eyes and look in His eyes again. I am pleading and begging more than ever, becoming louder and louder. The plug stimulation bringing me closer and closer to release. Finally, after what seems like an eternity, I am sent over the edge of a massive anal orgasm, screaming into the gag, body wracked with sensations of pain and pleasure, dick aching from the confines of cage while it twitches its first release in months.

I collapse in a world of pain while my body breaks, sagging as much as the ropes and locks will allow, and He quickly unhooks the binder from the cage, and unties the rope holding my head up. I fall forward into His leather lap, as full body shakes takes hold of me. He takes His time undoing the muzzle, takes it off me, and then undoes the gag. I start mumbling incoherently, body relishing its release from pain, but as from excitement of what is about to happen next. He then undoes His belt, button, and lowers His zipper…

“Now it’s My turn slave”

Metal would like to thank the author, boyryan54, for this story!

male bdsm stories Macho Factory

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