Tag Archives: Macho Factory

My Pal Jock and the Public Safety Video

By Hunter Perez

It was Friday at one in the afternoon and I was in my kitchen making a pot of coffee when someone began knocking on my front door to the melody of “Kung Fu Fighting.” There was only one guy who make himself known in that manner.

“Come on in, Jock,” I declared as I opened the door.

Jock raced in with a great smile on his face, wrapped his large muscular arms around me and hoisted me high. “Bingo, baby, I just got my first contract for my new video production business. And it’s a government contract, too, so I’ll be making a ton of money.”

Jock swung me around in a bear hug, perhaps not realizing the depth of his strength. “Jock, you’re squeezing the air out of my lungs. Put me down and I’ll make you some coffee.”

Jock released me and after a few deep breaths I felt better. He sat at the kitchen table, happier than I had seen him in the longest time.

Continue reading My Pal Jock and the Public Safety Video

The Man That Changed Me – Part 02

By Tigerkey

I fell asleep in the sack, and he gently shook me awake and said it was time to come out. I said, in a sad tone, ‘OK’. He laughed and I got let out. He could see I was still in sub space and asked if I needed anything? I asked for a hug, not sure why.  He put an arm around me, and I just felt safe and needed to be held. After I could think again I said I that I needed to sleep, so he moved the sack to the side and covered me and I slept with a smile plastered to my face.

The next morning, he asked how do I feel? I told him the truth, that I wanted a lot more of that and was shocked when he said I could, but if I moved in with him he could do more and more. I said that I was going to have to think about it and wanted to find out, with a clear head, where I wanted to be. He said that was OK. He said that he had always wanted a sub for long term and not just trying out things.

Continue reading The Man That Changed Me – Part 02

Dear Mr. Cop – Part 03

By Hunter Perez

John needed a plan where he could introduce himself to his neighbor without overtly addressing the pleas in the letters he received. He decided to fall back on a routine that he carried out for years – each summer, he would share the heirloom tomatoes that he grew in his backyard with his immediate neighbors. He figured this would not attract any unusual attention from the elderly folks who lived around him, as they became used to that annual routine and, thus, would not think it odd that he would suddenly choose to visit with the object with attention.

However, time and weather were not his allies. It rained heavily during the days he was off from work, which kept his blond neighbor inside and out of sight – but when the weather was bright and sunny, John was stuck doing double shifts that brought him home exhausted in the early hours of the day.

Continue reading Dear Mr. Cop – Part 03

Nate – Part 06

By slavebladeboi

It was a long night for Nate once he returned home after supper with Mike. They had chatted into the small hours about their lives, their fantasies, and the down-to-earth facts that often get forgotten when you’re swept up in the heat of your desires. Nate’s brain was swirling with images of the recent past and expectations of an exciting future. He couldn’t wait to return the next morning and dive into whatever Mike had thought up for him. But he did, eventually, fall into a deep and dreamless sleep.

He was awakened, later than he intended, by a text message from Mike. “Sorry, Nate. The guy I’m working with on a new project has gone sick and I’ve got to cover for him. We’ll get back to where we left off when we can. Cheers. Mike.” Nate sat up. He felt like a concrete block had just been strapped to his back, and he bent over, simply staring at the screen. All the energy had been knocked out of him in the few seconds it took him to read that simple message. He got out of bed and looked across the street through the slats of the blinds. He wouldn’t be standing there wanking today, all his motivation and inclination had drained away.

The rest of the day followed the same lethargic pattern. He considered the list he had made of the jobs to do around the house, plus any assignments he had to finish before college started again.

Continue reading Nate – Part 06

Interrogation Game: Chapter 5 – The Gift

By BondageChallengeGames

Tom pulled into the driveway after a long day of work. Not a particularly exhausting day, he’d mostly been on the computer, just a long and boring one. As he walked toward his front door though, he found himself getting a second wind.

He was very excited to hear about Kyle and Andrew’s game.

He knew the outcome of course. Having changed the code to something Kyle wouldn’t know meant Kyle had no way of winning. He would be tortured for an hour. The real question was what had happened after the hour was over.

Tom had a few guesses:

1) Kyle actually managed to go the whole hour without giving in. In this case Andrew and Kyle wouldn’t even know about his betrayal.

Continue reading Interrogation Game: Chapter 5 – The Gift

A Left Turn at Albuquerque – Part 02

By Hunter Perez

I opted not to block Nicky on social media. Instead, I responded that I would contact him once I had more details on my Albuquerque trip. I quietly resolved not to engage him in further conversation – while I had no bad feelings to him, I was also not eager to pick up where we left off ten years earlier.

The next morning, there was a message from Nicky on my social media page. “Good morning!” he wrote. “I hope today will be a happy and productive day for you. Take care of yourself! Nicky.” He added a couple of smiley emojis at the end of the message. I did not respond.

The following morning, there was another message. “Good morning! It will be a good day for you, enjoy it! Nicky.” A few more smiley emojis were part of that message. Again, I did not respond.

Continue reading A Left Turn at Albuquerque – Part 02

Another Weekend – Part 2

By slavebladeboi

I swayed a bit in my chains. It was dark, as Boss had turned off the lights when he left and I was somewhat out of it at that point. I was, however, slowly realising that I was standing on my feet as well, and not just my toes. I hadn’t noticed Boss releasing the ratchet a couple of inches, which he must have done whilst rubbing life back into my shoulders.

The plug was still pumped up hard inside me, and the slight swaying gave me that horny gut sensation when it touched my prostate. Some comfort then. The wrist restraints were a decent pair, and my hands were never in danger of getting numb, I could probably stay in that position for hours and simply just get tired arms. But it never came to that. He’d regroup and come back fighting!

And suddenly there he was. Can’t have been more than ten or so minutes when the door flew open and he slammed it behind him. Always a sign that he’d got his energy back. Great. Wish I had. He undid my gag and held up a bottle of water.

Continue reading Another Weekend – Part 2