I now have a Tumblr feed. God help me. I’m using the Tumblr to host screen shots of various gay male BDSM videos, and also to feature some random “hot guy” pictures, ones that I like but don’t necessarily fit with the bondage theme of this site.
If someone is good at Tumblr and can offer me a few tips, I would appreciate it if you would get in touch with me.
Hi Metal,
i saw Your blog there a few days ago, (even posted a link on my blog)
i may not know every thing about Thumblr but is willing to help if i can
I’m not a pro at tumblr, and I love the pics, but there is one pet peeve that I have that your feed shares: the automatic thing at the bottom. I’m not sure what it is called, but it adds another page of pics when you get to the bottom. That is fine when there is a couple of pages, but when you get to 10 or 12 it causes a huge sink in computer memory and starts to bog things down. I prefer tumblrs that just have a ‘next page’ link or something.
http://www.dirtyfilthyfucks.tumblr.com follow me back!