Metal’s Chastity Challenge for 2013

Metal's chastity challenge

Hey guys,

Who wants to spend part of 2013 locked in chastity? I’m looking for men who are willing to lock themselves up just like Chuck — aka “Kuffed” — did today.

My idea is to get a bunch of guys locked with a numbered lock, starting on January 1, then having everyone send in a picture every other week or so. We can think of a special prize to the guy who goes the longest without breaking his seal.

If you are interested in participating, send me a picture with a sign in it, listing your screen name and the words “Metal’s Chastity Challenge” and today’s date, just like Chuck did.

NOTE: You must have your own device and your own plastic numbered lock!

2 thoughts on “Metal’s Chastity Challenge for 2013”

  1. I would love to participate in this, but I do not own my own device. I will, however, put in “extra time” for a guy who’e willing to provide me with a device. I once offered Metal the rate of 1 week per $10 cost. That rate is still an option to me.

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