My Pal Jock Becomes a Bounty Hunter – Part 02

By Hunter Perez

“This can’t be happening!” I yelled as Jock unlocked his handcuffs and began to walk over to me. “I’m your best friend. You can’t arrest your best friend. And you shouldn’t even be arresting me. My case was dismissed five years ago.”

“Bingo, it’s better that I take you into custody instead of having you arrested by a stranger,” he replied in an unsmiling manner. “And my boss filled me in regarding your case. It wasn’t dismissed – it was only postponed. Please, we can leave for Pittsburgh now ahead of the rush hour traffic and get there in about five hours. I’d rather not have to transport you in restraints, but if you don’t cooperate I will have to restrain you.”

“I know I have the paperwork from that attorney in Pittsburgh,” I said, growing frantic. “It’s either in my closet or in my dresser. I can show you if you let me find it.”

“My agency has all of your paperwork at the Pittsburgh office,” Jock said, slowly pacing closer while holding his handcuffs in an open position. “Now, please, cooperate with me. You’re making this more difficult than it needs to be.”

Simon stood up from his place at the kitchen table and snapped his fingers. “Can I make a suggestion?” he asked with the most innocent expression imaginable. Jock and I looked at him quizzically and Simon grinned and continued, “I remember seeing something just like this on TV and it got solved very quickly. Jock, is that pepper spray or mace on your belt? Maybe if you sprayed Bingo with some of that, it will be easier for you take him away?”

“Whose side are you on?” I screamed at Simon. “Get out of here. And take that big lummox and his handcuffs with you. Neither of you are my friends. This can’t be happening.”

I turned around and started to walk into my bedroom, trying to remember what I did with my legal papers from five years ago. Suddenly, I felt like I was hit by a freight train. It was Jock tackling his six-foot-five wall-of-muscle body into my puny little five-foot-five frame, causing me to stumble forward and fall face down on my bed. Jock pressed his knees into my lower back and grabbed my arms, pulling them behind me and quickly securing them in his handcuffs. I began yelling and Jock pushed my face into the mattress.

“Simon, does Bingo still have that gag that looks like a horse bit?” he called out.

Simon hurried in and opened the top dresser drawer, pulling the object out. I began to curse out at Simon when Jock thrust the bit into my mouth and buckled it tightly behind my head. Jock then started to lift me from the bed, but I took my right foot and pounded it into his left heel. He yelled, pushed me back on the bed, then held my ankles together tightly. I heard clicks and felt metal manacles secured around my ankles.

“I’m going to need to hogtie him, Simon,” Jock announced. “I can’t take chances with him. Simon, please get dressed because I’ll need your help getting him into my van.”

Simon quickly put on his clothing while Jock yanked my manacled ankles back to my rear. I then felt my handcuffed wrists pulled back. Jock stepped away and looked down at me, but my wrists and ankles were stuck in place.

“The zip tie will hold you in place until we get to Pittsburgh,” Jock said to me, tousling my hair. “You’ll be safer this way, Bingo. I’m going to carry you down to the van. Simon will help me bring you down.”

Jock reached his muscular arms under my chest and groin and lifted me off the bed. As his forearm brushed against my crotch, I suddenly remembered that I was still locked in the chastity cage. I tried to ask to be put down and unlocked from the cage, but the bit was too tight in my mouth and my attempt at speech was muffled and unintelligible.

Simon opened my apartment door as Jock carried me out into the hallway. I was terrified that my neighbors would witness this ridiculous scene, but mercifully it was still very early and no one was out. Simon rang the elevator and we rode to the lobby level. Jock showed no strain in holding me while I was in a hogtied position – I had forgotten how strong he was.

Once in the lobby, Jock directed Simon to extract the keys from his pants pocket. Jock gave a slightly devilish grin as Simon’s hand slid into his tight pants and extracted the keys. Jock then carried me out into the parking lot and instructed Simon to open the rear cabin doors of a large grey van. The interior of the rear cabin was dark and dusty, with an old stained mattress and several tarps on the floor. Jock carefully lowered me face down on the mattress and covered me with a tarp, as if it was a blanket. I tried to look over my shoulder, but the van’s interior went dark as the doors slammed shut and I could hear the keys locking me in.

A few seconds later, I could hear the driver’s door opening in the van’s front cabin, followed by the engine being turned on. I looked up and saw a vent connecting both parts of the vehicle sliding open.

“Simon is so cute,” Jock called down to me. “He asked if there was a reward for helping bring you in.”

I tried to yell out, but the bit gagging my mouth silenced me.

“Save your voice, pal,” Jock continued. “I’ll let you know where we are along the way. And, seriously, I would have much rather have you up front with me, but you’re too much of a risk and I can’t take the chance. I hope you don’t hold this against me.”

The vehicle started moving and Jock turned on the van’s radio. He found a talk station, but all I could hear were shrill, tinny sounds.

“This can’t be happening to me,” I complained to myself. “My best friend has me gagged and hogtied and is driving me to jail in Pittsburgh. And my fuck buddy helped imprison me. How can this possibly get worse?”

To my horror, I began to feel my cock become engorged in the tight confines of my chastity cage, causing me to writhe under the heavy dusty tarp.

“It got worse,” I realized.

To be continued …

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