Tag Archives: Hunter Perez

My Pal Jock and the Raucous Party

By Hunter Perez

“Jock, will you please let me out of this?” I asked.

“Eventually, Bingo, but not right now,” he responded.

It was around eleven at night and we were in the basement den of Jock’s home. He was reclining on a couch, dressed in tight jeans and a black tank top that seemed to make his pale muscular upper torso glow. I was all in silver – or, to be more precise, I was trapped against a pillar while wrapped from ankles to shoulders in silvery duct tape.

“Look, I’m really sorry about what happened,” I said.

Jock chuckled and shook his head. “I’ve told you already, I’m not angry at you.”

I tried to push my arms against my duct tape imprisonment, but I was unable to move – the binding was too tight to allow even the slightest of wiggles.

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My Pal Jock and the Rainy Night – Part 02

By Hunter Perez

I squirmed on the bed, uncertain about what was going to happen next. Jock’s drunken gaze was indecipherable – I could not tell if he was laughing at my bondage or plotting about how to further humiliate me.

I tried not to show that I was afraid and thought to myself: “What would JimmyUSMC do if he was in my position?” I then unhappily realized the answer: He would probably be collecting a nice fee for his work. After all, JimmyUSMC gets bound up for a living – no wonder he’s always smiling while in chains – whereas I was involuntarily volunteered into a trap of handcuffs, rope and a ball gag.

After staring at me for what seemed like forever, Jock finally lumbered to the headboard and pulled at the chain connecting my handcuffs. He rubbed his fingers over the cuffs and scratched his fingernails lightly into my skin.

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My Pal Jock and the Rainy Night – Part 01

By Hunter Perez

I looked out of my apartment window at the thunderstorm soaking the neighborhood. It was a Saturday night and, for once, I was glad that I had no plans to go out. The weather forecast called for downpours into the following afternoon, so the warm comfort of my little one-bedroom sanctuary was more than satisfying.

I heated a frozen pizza, open a bottle of soda, plopped myself on my couch, switched on the TV and found an obscure cable channel that was running an endless series of old-time cartoons. Even though I saw those zany films a hundred million times, I could still laugh at Yosemite Sam getting a cannonball blasted into his face or Sylvester the Cat ingesting a dynamite stick.

Somewhere in the animation mayhem, I fell into a sound sleep. It was a beautiful slumber, until my peace was ended with a pounding on my front door that shook me awake. I glanced at my clock and found it was shortly after midnight. Confused and groggy, I stumbled from the couch to the door. I inquired about the source of the pounding and a loud voice beyond the door declared it was my pal Jock.

Continue reading My Pal Jock and the Rainy Night – Part 01

My Pal Jock and the Pillory

By Hunter Perez

I rode my bicycle up the driveway to my pal Jock’s home and found his garage was open. Parking the bicycle next to his Mercedes, I ventured into the garage and knocked on the door to the house.

“I’m downstairs, Bingo,” Jock yelled from the basement. “Come on down, I want to show you what I created.”

I came inside and found Jock at the bottom of the stairs to the basement. He was wearing a blue baseball cap that caused the ends of his reddish-blonde hair to curl in the most adorable manner, while his white t-shirt and black shorts hugged his tall muscular body.

“So, what do you want to show me?” I asked as I descended the stairs.

“You’re the first to see this,” he said in an excited voice. “It’s a prototype, but if it works I think I can make a fortune from it.”

I came into the basement and found a large wooden pillory at the center of the space. I pointed to the pillory and asked, “Are you building that for the Renaissance Fair?”

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My Pal Jock and the Chastity Belt

By Hunter Perez

My pal Jock is the most beautiful man in the world – or, at least I think so. He stands six-foot-five and has wavy reddish-blonde hair, blue eyes, pale skin and the body of a muscle god. His voice is deep and soothing, and he’s been successful at everything he’s done.

I’m the exact opposite of Jock in terms of presentation and pursuits. We also have very little in common regarding life experiences or interests. Still, we’re the best of friends. I sometimes feel that his devotion to me is because of an uncharacteristic action on my part – I saved his life the first time I met him. (It’s a long story, which I’ll share with you another time.)

And while I cherish him as a friend, I freely admit that my bond with him has a foundation in unrequited lust. He doesn’t feel that way about me, but I’m fine with that.

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Dear Mr. Cop – Part 04

By Hunter Perez

The morning sun illuminated the hotel suite, giving the space a bright golden hue. John looked at his wristwatch and saw it was a little before seven. He quietly crawled out of bed and quietly moved to the windows to draw the curtains and darken the room.

John left Lucas alone in the bed, but Lucas was unaware of this – he fell into a deep sleep a few hours earlier, with the slightest of smiles resting on his lips. John sat the edge of the bed and gazed at Lucas, his inner thoughts in combat between exhilaration and panic. The night with Lucas went far beyond the Mr. Right Now encounters he enjoyed in his weekend sojourns, and the last thing that he wanted was to lose the sensation he experienced. But his repeated thoughts of having Lucas as his personal prisoner continued to resonate. He feared being rejected if he broached the subject to Lucas, but he also reminded himself the subject was planted and cultivated in the letters addressed to “Mr. Cop” – the scenario was not of his creation, even though he wanted to see it through.

“I’ll lock you up and throw away the key,” John thought as he studied Lucas.

Continue reading Dear Mr. Cop – Part 04

Dear Mr. Cop – Part 03

By Hunter Perez

John needed a plan where he could introduce himself to his neighbor without overtly addressing the pleas in the letters he received. He decided to fall back on a routine that he carried out for years – each summer, he would share the heirloom tomatoes that he grew in his backyard with his immediate neighbors. He figured this would not attract any unusual attention from the elderly folks who lived around him, as they became used to that annual routine and, thus, would not think it odd that he would suddenly choose to visit with the object with attention.

However, time and weather were not his allies. It rained heavily during the days he was off from work, which kept his blond neighbor inside and out of sight – but when the weather was bright and sunny, John was stuck doing double shifts that brought him home exhausted in the early hours of the day.

Continue reading Dear Mr. Cop – Part 03

Dear Mr. Cop – Part 02

By Hunter Perez

The following day, John was asked to work a double shift because one of his fellow officers became ill. He didn’t get home until after midnight, but by then the lights were out at the home of his mysterious blond neighbor. The day after that, another officer became ill and John was pressed into another double shift. Again, he came home too late to catch a glimpse of the neighbor.

On that second night, another lemon yellow envelope addressed to “Mr. Cop” was among John’s mail. He tossed aside the magazines, catalogs and bills that accompanied the letter and tore open its envelope.

“Dear Mr. Cop,” the letter began. “Since I found the courage to contact you, I wanted to share my dreams about how our life together could unfold in a captor and captive relationship.”

Continue reading Dear Mr. Cop – Part 02