Rubbered Prisoner and the Controlling Master – Part 01

By Rubbered Prisoner

What is the Rubbered Prisoner?

The Rubbered Prisoner is a well-proportioned, muscular, 5-foot-10-inch, 25-year-old white male whose function in life is to earn enough money so he can be housed in an isolated small rural bricked facility where he can be tortured in rubber by the regimen of a distant individual except for 8 hours 30 minutes he is allowed to see through his eyes and type on a computer for a long-term substance living he has.

This is the job he has posting accounts receivables for a remote computerized client. At least 10 hours of the prisoner’s time (not necessarily continuous) must be where sleep is possible but not necessarily anything close to comfortable or continuous.

The Rubbered Prisoner is normally force fed once every day a mixture that, while sustains life, is tasteless and is not a pleasure to endure. He is given a one-gallon enema daily, which is normally a punishing formula designed by his current Master. In order not to waste precious suffering time, the enema is taken and held all through the 8-hour sleeping period plus up to 4 hours in the controller’s optional punishment period. Other than working hours, the prisoner may be locked into any stricter bondage as the current master desires for is punishment period and changed on his schedule from day-to-day or hour-to-hour. The Prisoner is released just before the 8 working period only. The work period may be randomly selected at anytime during the 24-hour day and the sleeping period may be split into up to three periods during the 24-hour day. The enema must be administered during the first daily sleep period and released after the last sleep period.

The ‘stricter bondage period’ the controlling master designs must be sent in writing to the keeper along with all the garments and torture devices he is to use to torment the Rubbered Prisoner. The only requirements are that the garments must contain a force-feeding gag, eyeholes and finger gloves for typing, and a double bardex enema port. The first layer must be rubber and of the measurements sent to you upon request. It is recommended, but not required that the controlling master send several different second layer (plus) outfits that will be used during the non-working hours to keep the Rubbered Prisoner’s ‘mind’ on his controlling master’s total life control.

The Rubbered Prisoner particularly hates 24/7 tit, chastity and ass control. While we can supply automatic electro control that keeps the Rubbered Prisoner near ejaculation consistently 24/7, you may wish to supply a chastity device that reminds him painfully when he even gets semi-hard. A variety of ass plugs for use while he is not holding an enema are not well received by the prisoner (but will be forcefully inserted by the keeper on your schedule), especially if they are large bored, long and/or variably sized. We have an auto fucking device with electronic computer monitoring to prevent ejaculation, but since he is used to it other ass control devices really tell him you have control of his ass.

Tit devices that can be slowly tightened over time will be well-managed by the keeper. Rubber suits with zips for tits, and several clamp and pump type tit devices can be used to be both painful punish and shape the slave’s tits to your desired shape and tenderness. The master of the moment can shape the prisoner’s tits, and a good deal of his pain level and suffering. Schedules that randomly break up the slave’s work, sleep and punishment time, seem to drive the slave to distraction.

The slave seems to have an unusually sensitive bladder, and he particularly hates the use of a non-free flowing catheter. Bladder releases of less than once every five hours with normal liquid feeding, and extensive enema holding are just below the pain level where he can complete his normal workflow on his job-related work. Since this is the only thing needed to keep the slave viable as something a master can control, there is no need to silence the gagged screams at other times due to a full bladder.

Although the slave does not like it, he has grown used to sleeping in contorted positions with sleep aids his masters think will keep him well aware of who owns his control for the current 10-week period of ownership. His keeper has particularly good skills in putting the rubbered prisoner in tight hogties that are tightened every two hours during the hogtie period. When the slave is put in his master’s single glove or straight jacket for rest the keeper pays the same kind of attention to detain as with hogties because the keeper knows that body heat and time loosen most devices that the rubber prisoner fights and struggles in. Whenever the device allows the nightly enema is administered or topped off after each suit tightening.

Attention is always given to the right way to follow the currents master’s orders so that such routine daily treatments such as feeding and administering the enema are done when the prisoner is most compromised and helpless to resist the full measure of the activity’s effect. The keeper assures the current master that they will see the maximum suffering when he receive the keeper’s videos of the slave’s following of the master’s orders.

These videos will completely document the highlights of the rubbered prisoner’s suffering. The continuous videos will be edited to remove repeated hours of the Prisoner’s boring continuous suffering, but the Master will get their money’s worth. The Master will have returned to them the equipment sent for use on the Rubbered Prisoner as soon as the Masters normal 10-week period of ownership has ended and a new master has supplied their equipment inventory for the keeper to use on the Rubbered Prisoner. The keeper of the Rubbered Prisoner hereby pledges same will not be allowed to escape or go without continuous daily training for the rest of his natural life.

As of this writing the Rubbered Prisoner has masters lined up through 1/1/2021. As is required, each Master for this period has already submitted their equipment for use on the Rubbered Prisoner, a detained plan for the slave’s daily punishment sessions and sleep positioning and the slave will suffer well. Masters may take control of the Rubbered Prisoner for multiple ten-week sessions, but the same equipment and master’s instructions must accompany each reservation for a 10-week session.

To increase the suffering of the Rubbered Prisoner, no session may be repeated consecutively. All masters will receive video disks for their session when equipment is returned. If a master reserves multiple sessions with the alternate use of specific equipment the videos will be returned after the last use of that particular set of equipment. Although it is hoped by the keeper that the Rubbered Prisoner is not for sale, trade or other use. The videos are for the personal use of the master and may not reproduced, copied or sold.

Requests for scheduling shall be placed via email. Once a date is scheduled and accepted, measurements will be supplied. If you want to be placed as a reserve master list should appointments suddenly become available, please be prepared to supply equipment and instructions on short notice.

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