Strike 3! – Part 01

By Chain slave

Ok. How the hell did I get myself into this situation. I ask myself as I went in with my eyes wide open and basically was the victim of my own doing.

We all have these elaborate fantasies that cant really happen in the real world but if you allow it to happen dont run crying for help, its often too late and there is no way to reverse whats already happened. Whats done is done.

I met like minded guys on X, some were more extreme than others and often guys would say, but that cant happen while others said thats a bit over the top and not likely. Then there was one guy that said be careful out there and be careful what you say or wish for. What you going to do if it happens.

Naturally I got into long conversations with him about what was possible and impossible. What I liked and wild fantasies and fears but it always came back to permanent forced slavery. He could always find a way to explain that everything was possible.

DMs flowed back and forth until one day he suggested I take a break and come over to Germany for a holiday. He explained that he did not have fancy accommodation but that he lived in central Berlin and that he could take a week off while I was there and show me around. I thought long and hard about his offer, I was due leave and frankly needed a holiday so I booked a ticket and sent him the dates. He replied and said he had told a couple of his mates about me and I would be looked after the whole time, though most if his mates were not your boy next door type, but rather, the wont be able to introduce him to the family type.

Then 2 weeks before my departure I received an odd message from Hans where he said. For the ease of fitting in he had sent me a pacel and he would call me when he received confirmation that I had received it. Then 4 days later the package arrived, will never forget it, it was a Friday the 13th just as I arrived home from work, thinking, only 1 more week till I depart. I signed for the package and went inside. I stripped of my work gear and went to open the package. My phone gave a notification tone, there was a message. I instinctively looked and it was from Hans asking me for my phone number. I replied and the phone rang. It was from him, a video call. Hesitantly I answered. It was the first time we had seen each other. To top it all I was standing there in my boxers.

We formally greeted and commented on what we thought each other would look like and the surroundings of our homes. He was much more muscular than I had thought and his shirt was tight but fitted him well. He obviously lived in an apartment as I could see he had an elevated view of the city. He looked after his body and went to gym regularly. Lets just say he was fucking huge.

He commented that I was exactly as he had thought, also a gym guy with a bigger than average build. Though he had asked what size clothing I wore when we first started chatting and that I had often mentioned that i was in the gym when I was replying to his DMs. He would always urge me to focus and answer later, but in hindsight, he was gathering info and would always ask what I was doing and the weight I was using for my routines.

He asked if I had opened the package and I replied I had not. He was excited and told me to prop my phone up he wanted to see my reaction. I should have picked up then already that it put more as an order than a request and in my excitement I obeyed. Strike 1

I tore off the wrapping and opened the box. On top there was a black T shirt with print on the back and front. He told me to try it on, eagerly I complied. It was a little tight but fitted well. Next was a pair of jeans. Without him having to ask i tried them on. I struggled but he urged me on, telling me they should fit tight as they are made that way. They are bleachers and also had a zip at the back. I managed to get them on. Next in the box was another box. I removed it and opened it. It was honestly something I had always wanted, 14 hole boots. He was genuinely excited and explained he had already laced them for me and that I must please try them on. There was no need to ask as I was already pulling them on. I made the laces as tight as I could, tucked them in and rolled the bleachers up so that they came up to where the boots started. I moved away from the phone so that he could get a full length view of me. I could see his approval by his broad grin. Strike 2.

There is more he urged. I was stomping around in my boots and went back to the box on the counter. There was a small box in the bottom. I took it out and opened it. Between all the packaging was a solid looking steel chastity device. He urged me on to try it on, reminding me that I had said I would love to be locked and become a really ruthless mans slave one day, I may as well try it on for a couole of minutes while we chat. I relented and took my PA ring out. I was quite proud of my piercing and had stretched up to a 7mm already. I struggled a bit to get my balls through the base ring. I eventually managed and pushed my dick into the tube. I saw the locking mechanism was simple you slide the two parts together and it locks. I pushed them together and it closed perfectly. It was a bit tight but very comfortable. He kept the energy up and told me to check the box there was more to it.

I looked and found a lock for my piercing. He once again urged me to try get it through. It was not going through, he pushed me to saying I wanted to go up to 8mm so he had bought an 8mm one for me. He looked really dejected so I pushed harder and it slowly went through. Hans seemed to go quiet as his eyes met mine on the screen as he slowly said. “Now close it, lock it on, I want to hear the click.” Without registering what was happening and without thinking I pushed the lock closed and heard the click, sealing my own fate. Strike 3! It was as if the small click was a gunshot going off for me as I started searching in the box for the keys to the device and the lock. I was shocked back to reality by Hans barking at me through phone. Explaining that he now owned me and that from this moment on I would do everything he ordered me to do and that I was to address him as Sir at all times. I stared at the screen watching him dangle my keys infront of the camera. All he said was “you asked for a ruthless Master.” My reply fell from my lips “Sir yes Sir.”

He told me that for the next week I must be dressed as I was now every evening and waiting for his video call. I answered “Sir yes Sir” then he dropped the call.

Metal would like to thank the author, Chain slave, for this story!

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8 thoughts on “Strike 3! – Part 01”

  1. Hell yeah, this is fucking HOT!!

    What an excellent first story to read after being gone for so long! 😛😛🤤🤤😈

  2. Thank you all for the kind words. I feel I need to apologize as English is not my first language (It’d 4th) so I struggle to write and may seem disjointed at times. 2nd part should be up soon.

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