I ordered Pigboy to lock himself in something (chastity, leg cuffs, handcuffs, etc.) overnight and then to look at EVERY SINGLE POSTING on this site from 2012, and to send me a list of his five favorite Metalbond blog posts from 2012 and what he liked most about these particular posts.
Pigboy wrote back with this list:
Dear Metal,
Here are my favorite Metalbond posts of 2012:
1. January 29, 2012
Cop & Dom, love this post sir because pigboy imagines himself servicing the cop licking his boots, his cup and very part of him sir. Can only imagine how he smells after a long day working sir!
2. April 8, 2012
Locker Room Tales — Never a Jock, love this post because I’m a pigboy and love sweaty football gear, I wish I was geared up in used sweaty gear and stuffed into a bag or locker sir, even add chastity and some type or electro sir!!!
3. June 12, 2012
Chained Men of the Day, pigboy loves the pic of the slave cleaning the floors sir! Would love to clean for sexy masters sir
4. July 27, 2012
Chair bondage, reminds pigboy of the scene in James Bond where his balls are exposed because there’s not seat top, would love to be in a simper situation sir having my balls fondled squeezed pulled tugged sir
5. September 30, 2012
Put It On — Part 2, pigboy is interested in trying a cb attachment with spikes sir! The story turns pigboy on a lot sir!
Thank you for the orders, Sir!