The Bamboo Cage


stories by CREUSSWe were settled in a remote island, far from our base…

This island was quite isolated, and a desert… Actually we were the only ones on this island, a group of 25 legionnaires, 3 NCOs and an Officer.

We were here to be protect a wide area of sea… Don’t ask details, it was “Secret Défense”…

Days were boring. We had 2 shifts of 12 hours…

A team of 3 was on duty at the top of the hills, where you can have a large view at sea…

Another team of 3 was patrolling up and down the island…

Others were either resting, either working on the settlement for food, laundry, etc…

When not on duty, we were able to go at sea, and swim… it was a paradise on earth for the sightseeing, but it was boring days after days…

On the main (and only) circular road, it was taking about five hours to make the circuit on foot. The island was roughly 3km across 5km… Not bigger…

Most of the island was wild, and quiet, except the base where the settlement was, and the watchtower…

Bamboo Cage POW fictionWhen not on duty, we were training, with long walks or runs, or exercises…

One day, I talked to the Lieutenant… I explained him the training was boring, and we could make it more “alive”…

He looked at me and told me to let him know what I had in mind…

I said it might be more realistic, and to use the resource of the countryside…

I said one could go and hide on the island, and others have to find him, and take him back to the barracks. Of course, the hidden one should not be allowed to move, to make it possible to be found…

He thought at it for a while and said he could organise such a trick… After all, it would change for a while….

A few days later, we went for a walk with one of the NCO and another soldier…

We were totally immerged in the forest, far from all paths… Walking here was quite hard, but it was really nice and different from usually.

We did get to a place where the Sergeant had probably thought before. He seemed to know what the place would have looked like in advance. It was on a narrow cape of the island, totally wild, outside of the circular road. All surrounded by the sea…

There, he made us prepare some traps. Quite easy traps, such as deep pits in the ground, hidden with vegetation, some balls made with wood and bushed, to push somebody and make him fall…

It took us hours there. Actually days, as we stood camping on the spot.

After a few days, everything ready. It was a good obstacle course, all around, but well hidden in the countryside.

Eventually, we made a sort of tiny cage. It was made of bamboo, and was able to accommodate one man inside, but he would be unable to move at all…

When everything was ready, the Sergeant told me the Lieutenant have enjoyed my idea very much. He decided I would be the first one to hide, and I will be pleased to be found…

He ordered me to strip naked, and with my battledress, some bamboos and bushes, we made a man shape of a mock soldier.

We did put it hidden in a sort of vegetal shelter, able to be seen, from close, but quite hidden from far.

Then we went to the seafront. It was low tide… we walked into the sea, behind some rocks that were hiding us the beach.

We had taken the bamboo cage with us, and we put it in the sea. With bamboo posts, we anchored it to the bottom of the sea, and we put some stones for the cage to keep stable.

The Sergeant took some adhesive tape from his bag, and blindfolded me with some rounds around my head. I was ordered to step into the cage. It was quite small, so I was half kneeling in the cage. He tied my hands in my back, and secured my elbows. He closed the cage, and stated to tie the panel of the door with more vegetal ties we used to make the cage before. When the cage was totally closed, he took some more bamboo sticks, and put them in the cage to restrict the space. Some sticks were placed around my neck, to make it totally still. He did the same with the whole length of the cage, and I was unable to move a toe after a while.

Then he made a sort of horse bit, with some bamboo, and forced it between my teeth. It was tightly bound behind my head, so I was totally gagged.

With two sticks of bamboo, he bound my cock and balls, creating straight away an erection.

Then he did cut some tiny needle size of bamboo, and pierced the head of my cock and my tits with it. Some more sticks were pushed under my nails.

Eventually, he forced a large bamboo stick in my arse, telling me it will grow for a while, quickly…

The other soldier brought back some seaweed he found around, and they covered the cage with it. I probably looked like an old tree lost in the sea, covered with lost seaweeds, when seen from the beach…

The Sergeant came and whispered to my ear, telling me he expected my situation was like I thought when I suggested the training… If not, shame on me…

He told me I was in a position some have been kept for weeks when caught by the Viet… and he did his best for me to feel like hell.

He then set fire to the tiny bamboo sticks pined in my cock, tits and under my nails.

The bamboo would soon be burnt, and the combustion would carry on under my skin, and will make me suffer for real…

Then they went…

I was left behind on my own, unsupervised, bound, locked in a cage, into the sea, with the tide still going down, bamboo pined in my flesh…

It was dreadful.

The bamboo burning was a nightmare, and the torture was intense… I was yelling in by gag, but could do nothing at all. I was stuck.

Eventually, I felt the tide going up, so shortly, the sea level will be a problem.

I was wondering how long I would stay here… Would they find me quickly?

I was in agony. The position made my body ache like hell within a couple of hours. The bamboos tightly around my neck were forcing me to be very cautious to carry on breathing, and forced me to remain calm and not to panic.

The fire was biting my fingers, and burning my cock and tits.

After hours under the burning sun, I was thirsty, and hungry, but I was given nothing. It was another problem….

About 7 hours after they left me behind, it was up tide, and I had water by my chin. I did not know how high it would go, just hoping he knew the level of the tide.

I felt the tide changing again…. The sea was going dawn again…

All my bamboo sticks in my flesh were not burning any longer, but the pain was the same, and the presence of the stick made it as bad as before.

It took them more than two days to find me. I was rather pleased, but soon I discovered, they had orders… Instead of getting me free from the cage, they took it with them to make their way back to the barracks.

They carried it lifting it as a big box, and six of my mates were doing it.

It took them about five hours to get back.

When they arrived to the settlement, the Lieutenant was here. He congratulated the rescue team for the job they did, and ordered them the cage to be put in the middle of the yard.

He ordered them to check all the ties of the cage and bars inside, and tighten them to make them stronger.

He came and checked my body from close. He saw the damages in my tits, cock and nails.

They went off my ears, and I could not understand what they were saying. Later I’ve told the Lieutenant explained he wanted to teach me a lesson. So I would be kept caged for two weeks. When caged I would be given some energy drinks at times, after they would have drill a pipe un my bamboo gag, to avoid removing it. Every day they would change the bamboo pins in my nails, tits and cock, and let the pins fire slowly… they would also insert a thin bamboo in my cock, and let it burn inside.

He also ordered the soldiers to free my feet from the knee to the foot, and bent them to offer the sole just outside of the cage. They did it and secure my ankles tight.

So the following weeks lasted as he said… The bamboo pins seemed to be bigger and bigger. My flesh was all burnt in the area. It was probably blistering, and may be some infection went through there…

Everyday, after they have changed my pins, they were inflicting bastinado. I was yelling in my gag.

I felt I was going insane.

Most of the day I was under a hot sunshine, when nights were wet and cold.

It was like hell.

One day they came and let me free.

I fell on the ground like a sack of potatoes. I was unable to stand up, or even stay sat by myself.

They get rid of all bamboo from the cage, then bamboo from the torments.

The nursing soldier came, and tried to clean all bruises and wounds. He spread antiseptics, and tried to cure it all.

They grabbed me and locked me in a room. I was in fever, and it took me ages to get better…

A few days later, the Lieutenant came to see me. He said he hoped I enjoyed myself… He told me he would be delighted to oblige when I will be back to good stamina…

I said I would be grateful to obey…

But it is another story…


To contact the author via his Recon profile, click here.

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One thought on “The Bamboo Cage”

  1. Great! Can’t wait for more in this style! What about a long and agonizing cock and nipple-torture while you or your hero is bound and gagged? Please spent us more!

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