By BondageChallengeGames
The trucker had snagged a good one. A pornstar famed for his big cock, huge loads, and ability to cum multiple times in a row. He’d be perfect. The trucker had driven out to Vegas, where the pornstar was currently working. After some internet searches and stalking, he’d found the apartment he was staying at and walked up to the door with a large package under his arm. He sat the package down.
The trucker knocked on the door, it was early in the morning. He knocked again. Then again. Finally, a tired and clearly frustrated man opened the door. The pornstar had wrapped himself up in a blanket to meet this unexpected early visitor. The trucker, dressed in a UPS outfit, held a clipboard up to the pornstar.
“I need you to sign this”
“What?..” The groggy man stared in disbelief, “It’s fucking, 5 in the morning dude, why-”
Before the pornstar could finish, the trucker used his other hand to shove a rag in the pornstar’s face.
When he woke up, the pornstar found himself in the back of a dark uhaul.
Unable to see, the pornstar only knew how fucked he was when he tried, and failed, to move. His arms were bound above him, his legs were cuffed together with cold metal. Something was in his mouth. He tried to push it out, but something forced it in. Beyond the darkness of the truck, the pornstar’s eyes were covered by a blindfold he couldn’t manage to shake off.
The trucker had locked this prey in a cage while inside the pornstar’s apartment. He’d cuffed his wrists and ankles for good measure – not that he thought the pornstar would have been able to get out of the locked cage anyway. He’d gagged him a balled up sock and locking head harness. He’d stripped the stud down to briefs and socks.
Then, covering the cage in a blanket, he’d wheeled it out on a dolly and put it in the back of a uhaul, securing it in such a way that the cage wouldn’t move around and hurt the poor pornstar.
The trucker began his 12 hour long drive back home, his prize secure for long haul transport. At every gas station and truck stop he wondered if any of the other passer-thrus would believe him if he said he had a pornstar caged up in his truck. Maybe he could even charge people to get a look and take pictures of his caged animal.
Obviously that was too dangerous, his original plan would be much safer.
The pornstar had first tried to break free when he realized his predicament. After about an hour he gave up. His struggles were renewed however, when he was brought into the trucker’s house. The trucker set his cage on the floor of his bedroom. He unzipped his jeans and whipped his dick out. The sight of the captured man thrashing and trying to get free got the trucker hard in no time. He stood beside the cage and jacked off, shooting his load through the bars and onto the caged pornstar’s chest, which only made the prisoner struggle and yell into the gag more.
The trucker smiled, cleaned himself up, and got the room ready.
“I’m gonna make some money off you, boy” he said, as he set up a camera at ground level, pointed directly at the man in the cage.
The trucker plugged in an electro unit, a fun device he’d acquired that delivered painful -but not dangerous- shocks. He attached the electrodes to the caged pornstar’s thighs. The pornstar screamed into his gag when the strange man touched him for the first time. Oh how his prey struggled. The trucker found himself getting hard again at the sight of this powerful man brought low and helpless.
Hopefully his viewers would enjoy this as much as he was.
The trucker began streaming live video of the caged pornstar. He set up the stream so that anytime someone donated money, the pornstar would be given a painful electric shock.
Oh how his prey wailed. Tensing and fighting every time some sadistic viewer paid for his suffering. All through the night and into the next day, the caged pornstar would find himself close to sleep, only to be shocked awake and renewed in another unsuccessful attempt to break free.
A psychologist would have probably had many thoughts about the situation. This twisted inversion of the milgram study where people willingly shock a hopeless victim over and over.
But the trucker was not a psychologist. He was a simple hunter, happy to watch his prize dance for his profit and amusement.
The pornstar got no sleep that night. By noon the next day, after hours caged and electrocuted, the man was on the verge of breaking. His muscles were sore from being cramped in a tight space and involuntarily contracting with every shock. He was tired, scared, and hungry. He didn’t know where he was, who had taken him, or what they were going to do with him.
And then, with as little warning as they had begun, the shocks stopped. The trucker ripped off the electrodes, turned off the camera, and loaded the cage and his captive into his uhaul. He drove him home, in his cage, then brought the covered cage into the house.
“Well, I’m gonna leave now.” The Trucker said, “don’t worry, I’ll call someone to come unlock you once I’m a state away.”
And sure enough, a few hours later, the cops arrived, found the door unlocked, and found the hunk cuffed in the cage.
With the help of bolt cutters, they got him free. He told them everything, which was unfortunately not close to enough to even begin a search for this man. He had no name, no location, no license plate. The police informed him it was unlikely his kidnapper would ever be found.
His one lead, the livestream of him being electrocuted, was pulled from the internet – no way to find the original poster. Unfortunately saved clips of his torture had been re-uploaded many times by fans. He wondered just how many people had seen the video.
He got his answer the next day at work.
His director walked him to the room he’d be filming in. They made small talk, as usual, but as they reached the door, the director turned to the pornstar and said in a very serious tone.
“I don’t know how or why you filmed yourself caged and electrocuted,” the director said, “But a lot of people have seen that video, and a lot of people want a sequel.”
The director opened the door. Inside the room was a cage, some restraints, a camera, and a electroshock device.
The End
Great ending, thanks for the story!
I am wondering if the ‘trucker’ will make another appearance… and who his next victim will be.