The Cell

By slaveobjectx

i was in my late 20s when this happened.

After some years of looking, i finally found a Master online who was seriously into caging and imprisoning slaves with a taste for metal bondage. As long as I can remember, i was fascinated by men in chains, behind bars, locked up. Chains and locks have a powerful psychological effect on me that rope bondage can not match. So i could not wait to hand myself over for a five-day, no-way-out, period of incarceration. i had not seen my Jailer/Master in advance but we had spent much time discussing my incarceration and ensuring that i trusted him totally.

So on Monday i went to a quiet deserted street under the railway arches in South London. He appeared on his motorcycle at exactly 10 p.m. Without a word i took the helmet he offered me, put it on, and got on behind him on the motorbike. The helmet had a blackened visor – as a result i could not see where we were going, only the street lights and the rear lights of cars penetrated the darkness. It felt like being kidnapped. Certainly already it led to a sense that I was not in control.

When we arrived at his house, i was led indoors, i kneeled down and the helmet was removed to be replaced instantly by a blindfold. Handcuffs went on with my hands behind my back and i was then led down into the basement. The cuffs were removed. Here i had to strip completely and he then fastened heavy manacles on my wrists, connected by a chain to fetters around my ankles. A very heavy metal slave collar was locked around my neck. On all fours i then crawled into the cell. i heard the door swing to and two locks were put on. A chain attached to my slave collar was then padlocked to the bars of the cell. A boot was pushed through the bars and i was ordered to lick it, then the other boot. A pull on my neck chain brought me up to crotch level and i sucked his cock and licked his balls through the bars of the cell.

Only then was the blindfold taken from my eyes and i was able to see my Master for the first time and also take stock of where i was imprisoned. He was a heavy set man in his late fifties, very heavily tattooed, not in any way handsome but powerfully masculine. The cell was about 6 feet wide, and 6 feet tall but only about 3 feet deep – thus i was able to lie down or stand but not really move about much. The cell was furnished with a thin mattress, a blanket, and a bucket in the corner for pissing in. I was then left for the night.

Strangely, i felt very relaxed and not at all apprehensive. Jail scenes are not for everyone and my Master had told me that many slaves he brings to the cell start crying out to be released within a quarter of an hour. i, on the other hand, seem to be a natural for such scenes. my Master asked me at one point, ‘What are you grinning at, slave?’ i didn’t even know that i was grinning, so wrapped up was i in the deep feelings of being imprisoned with total loss of control.

I didn’t sleep well. Though the fetters were a good fit – not too tight and not so loose that they slid up and down – the locks on them were a serious affair, sticking out from the restraints before the connecting chains started; and these i found would stick into me if i turned over, thus bringing me back to wakefulness. But this was a small price to pay for such an extraordinary feeling of what i can only describe as bliss! I felt like a prisoner but even more than that – for what prisoner is locked in heavyweight irons with a metal collar round his neck? – i felt like a slave.

Of course, my watch had been taken away from me when i handed over my clothes so i had no concept of time but this is one of the things i most like about such scenes. Time ceases to matter. i had thought that, without external stimulus, my mind would have nowhere to go but inwards – an experience i was looking forward to; in fact, rather than dwelling on the past or thinking about the future, even the future of serving this Master, i found that i was tremendously focused on the here and now. There was a feeling of luxuriant certainty about being locked up and chained which i never tired of contemplating over the period i was held prisoner.

my Master came again to me in the morning and the cock sucking and boot licking were repeated. i was then led out of the cell on all fours to eat my breakfast, some cereal and milk – in a dog bowl, marked ‘slave’ – followed by tea in a smaller bowl. Back then to the cell where i was presented with four pairs of boots and instructed to clean them thoroughly. This took hours to do properly. I was later to learn that it takes days to do properly.

When it was done i was led from the cell and chained face up on a padded bench. i was blindfolded again and first my leg shackles were removed to be replaced by leather restraints (which were then locked to the bench) and then the manacles came off, leather restraints went on and my arms were drawn up high above my head and chained to down-hanging chains. My Master then proceeded to shave my chest and armpits (i keep my cock and balls shaved myself). At one point i thought he was going to shave my head as well – he threatened to – but didn’t carry it out. i keep my head hair very short in any case and i would be unwilling to have it any shorter but in that position after the night i had spent he might have gone ahead and i wouldn’t have raised a protest. Quite unlike my usual practice – where i am fearful that something might be done that i ‘don’t like’ – i found myself incredibly calm and accepting throughout everything that happened to me.

Once shaved, my ankles were released only to be pulled up to the same level as my arms and fastened in that position. A long leather thong was passed many times tightly around my balls and tied to one of the chains hanging down. Nipple clamps were attached to my nipples and in turn tied to the chain. The slightest movement kept up intense feelings of pain on my nipples or balls. He left me for a while. It was uncomfortable but quite safe – i was secured and could come to no harm.

When he returned, i was released, the clamps came off though the thong around my balls stayed in place. Back to the cell, a sandwich and i was left on my own for what i imagine was a few hours. Then upstairs and into the cage. This was set up in the rear of a large living room, in a corner backed up against a large mirror. This i appreciated because i was able to see at last what i looked like in the chains and metal collar! The cage was about 4 feet long by three wide and 3 tall. i crawled in, the gate was locked, my chain from the slave collar padlocked to the bars and i was left on my own again. This was more difficult as obviously i could not stand up, nor move around very much at all. i couldn’t stretch out but every fifteen minutes or so i would change position so that i did not develop cramps. Later my Master told me that i had spent a total of ten hours in the cage which he said was the best for anyone he had come across as a first experience.

Much later that evening, still in the cage, a friend of my Master came to view me. With my Master’s approval i was ordered to serve him too. He was much more into verbal abuse and humiliation – he would hold my mouth open through the bars of the cage and spit into it or make me drink water from his hand like a dog. He was a fellow Irishman and we really hit it off together. Between servicing him and his cock, he produced a joint which he let me smoke while he chatted to me. This relaxed me even more if such a thing were possible!

Back down to the cell and chained in again for the night. The following day followed much the same pattern as the one before – cock sucking, nip work, some bondage, another long spell in the cage and then… his biggest challenge for me – to have no contact of any kind, no food, but plenty of water for a three-day period. In chains, in the cell, in total darkness. When a slave is locked up like this, there is the superficial excitement of the feeling of confinement plus a highly erotic awareness of being enslaved and in chains. But that feeling soon passes and boredom sets in. There comes a point where there really is nowhere to go but inwards and as time passed i learned that the brain is basically a library – all that the slave has ever learned and experienced is not forgotten but rather filed away; it can all be accessed again.

i found that i could recall the words of songs as well as the melodies. Lines in plays that i had appeared in as an actor over the years were suddenly vividly recalled; as were anthems I had sung as a cathedral chorister. i drifted in and out of sleep, with no notion of whether it was night or day. Of course there was boredom and restlessness but there was also a restful state where the feelings of loss of control became stronger than anything.

And suddenly, it was over! i was really sorry to have all the chains removed, feeling that i could easily have gone on for much longer as a prisoner. This was the first time we had had a scene together and he said he was determined to take everything fairly slowly. Yet he also said that i had clearly wanted to be taken further than most. He is not interested in guys who are looking for a one-off experience so that when we meet again we will build on what we had done and then again and again and so on.

All this might seem to have been an interesting psychological experience but it was more than that. i had never felt more submissive in my life. Had he insisted on a full body shave i would have been eager for it. In fact, all sorts of fantasies which I had previously repressed now bubbled to the surface. i wanted to be degraded, humiliated, transformed. I wanted to be marked as a slave whether by tattoos, piercings, branding. After this experience i thought of having a tattoo saying slave, of having a septum piercing with a large nose ring. I confessed all this to him which made him laugh as he said, ‘wait a month before you make any decisions!’ So i did. i did have a few modifications – both nipples pierced and a tattoo of a Chinese symbol.

I still long for a Master who will impose on me his vision of what a slave should look like.

PS – this was the first time i had ever been incarcerated. i went on to have many, much longer, much more demanding sessions. Sessions without interaction, without food, in total darkness.

Nothing in this life gives me a feeling of such calm as being weighted down with heavy chains, locked in a cell or cage and forced to serve a Master whenever he wants it and no matter what he wants his slave to do.


Metal would like to thank the author, slaveobjectx, for this story and welcome him to the Prison Library! He originally posted this story on the Nifty gay authoritarian page, and he has granted me permission to share it here.

male bondage stories Strip Search Hell

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