The Convict – Part 19

By Joshua Ryan

Documents Relating to Convict 353308, Rossetti, Jason Scott

Inmate, Southern Regional Longterm Correctional Facility


Document 8






351699 Cleveland

Inmate, SRLCF



Mrs. Heather Johnston

1112 Detroit Street

Milestone IN



Approved for Transmission




Dear Sis,

I’m sorry you’re not able to come out to see me this year, but I understand. I think it’s great that you and Frank are buying that cabin at Pleasant Lake.

You asked whether me and my cellie are still getting along. You bet. It’s funny, you know, because he was a college kid who was also a Business Executive before he was put in stir, but as you probably predicted Ive been showing him the ropes. Actually, I was worried because I was celling alone and who knows what would happen when they put some other con in with me, but J is exactly the cellie I wanted. Do you know what I mean? :-) I think you do.

I forgot how much I already told you about all this.

Jase and I liked the book about how planets were discovered especially Neptune but it’s funny how they figure these things, isn’t it? I mean, Jase and I were laughing about how you’ve got this planet, going along, doing whatever it does, and suddenly, boom! you got people millions of miles away figuring out exactly where the planet has to spend its time for the rest of eternity. Busted! — right? But I like the fact that they knew it was there, before they really knew it was there if you understand. (Sort of like Jase and me I think.)

Please tell Josh and Susie hello from their uncle Jake. I hope they’re doing OK and Josh gets to go on that scouting thing.



Convict # 351699


Document 9


August 21, 2019



Joseph Madison

3529 E. North St.

St. James, CE



353308 Rossetti


Southern Regional Longterm Correctional Facility

12538 N. Meridian Road

Durant CE


Dear Jason,

I’m sorry I wasn’t able to get out to Durant last month. Richard and I — you remember Richard, the guy in my office? — we went out to Santa Fe New Mexico. I wish you’d been with us. You would’ve got a kick out of all the stuff we saw out there. Sorta expensive but you can’t just waste your vacation; you gotta travel when you get a chance. We bought a bunch of Indian pots and things, and Richard said that now we had a pot to piss in. Pretty funny, eh? I think I told you that Richard is living with me now.

Anyway, we had fun, and Richard says to send a big hello! to you. See ya soon.





Document 10


October 21, 2019



Joseph Madison

3529 E. North St.

St. James, CE



353308 Rossetti


Southern Regional Longterm Correctional Facility

12538 N. Meridian Road

Durant CE



I’m sorry I didn’t make it on Saturday, I really meant to. I just forgot, there was a big party at the Gay Center, for the new Counseling Addition. I think I told you that Richard is now a part-time Counselor! Its something that comes out of his own Recovery. Richard and I both think it’s very important that the GLBT (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered) community starts becoming more aware of the Counseling Resources that are available to each one of them, personally. I know that I never understood my own Addictive Behavior until Richard introduced me to the Twenty-Phase Program and Dr. Ray’s recorded Messages. (I’m sure I told you about Dr. Ray!) So you see why I had to go to the Celebration rather than heading out there to see you.

Jason I hope you don’t mind me saying this, but you are a very Closed-Off Personality (COP), there is a lot of stuff inside you that is keeping you from being all the good things you could be. As Dr. Ray says, “It’s not WHERE you are, it’s WHO you are.” So my wish for you is for you to stop thinking so much about Where you are — like, living in the Durant Unit, and your “cellmate,” and all those other things that are “going on with you” and “happening” to you (but does anything really just “happen to us”?) — which is all youre able to talk about whenever I’m able to come out to visit you — and start thinking more about Who you are and the wonderful Person that is buried deep inside and more about your Feminine side too, which is there whether you want to admit it or not you know.

I’m really, really looking forward to seeing you next time, when we can really discuss all this! Which will be December, you know, because November is full of Thanksgiving and everything.

Love and all the other good things in Life,




Document 11






351699 Cleveland

Inmate, SRLCF



Mrs. Heather Johnston

1112 Detroit Street

Milestone IN



Approved for Transmission




Dear Sis,

Thanks for your letter! I’m fine. I’m glad that Josh is doing so well in school. What do you think, maybe he can go to college.

And thanks for the book. Like I told you, I think the Roman Empire is my favorite part of history. Also, Jason and I needed something to read and I think we’ll both be interested in all those slaves and masters. :-)

Jase and I are still fine with each other. The other night he said, “I hope they never bust us up.” I said, “Well, you’re getting out in 20 years, maybe.” He said, “That’s not long enough.” I said, “You still have a chance to screw up and come down with all of it.” He said, “I’ll think about that!” Then he said some other things, too. So you see we’re OK. You’d like Jason. He’s a great guy.

I hope you can come to visit next year, the way you said. It’s been a long time. But if you can’t, don’t worry about it.

I hope you have a good Thanksgiving. Turkey?

They don’t do anything special here at Durant, but at least we don’t have to work on holidays. Not enough guards. :-)   Jase and I always have things to do, though.

Yeah, I’m sorry they won’t let you send us any cookies. But we’ve got everything we need. Really!



Convict #351699



Document 12


E-mail: Joseph Mansfield to Mindy Robbens, December 21, 2019, 5:11 p.m.


Subject: Jason


dear mindy

i hope you’re having a good time visiting your parents — ha ha ha. i just got back from seeing jason which as you can imagine was pretty weird, weirder than your parents even! :-)

seriously he’s changed so much i don’t think youd even recognize him its scary. when he walks in and sits down on the other side of that glass you’d think it was some marine corps guy, the way he walks and all.

then when he’s sitting across from you and you see those arms and shoulders — today they had the heat on in the visiting room and let me tell you it was hot, and jason had his sleeves roled way up practically to his shouldrs and all i can say is, he never looked like that when we were together, i would have been scared to sleep with a thing like that. just imagine, jason rossetti, he’s gigantic.

and today he was stranger than he ever was. he was talking about how he wanted to make a decision and it was the last decision that he’d ever have to make, so i was all scared and said don’t think that way, we’ll get you out eventually, and he looked at me like he couldn’t understand what i was even talking about. then he gave me a big smile and said, “you got it upside down, man.” so what did that mean?

doctor ray — of course jason never likes it when anybody mentions Mental Health (guess why???) but i try to mention it anyway — like I say, Dr. Ray talks about people like that, they take there own problems and they put them onto other people just like that, the way jason always did. it’s called Projection, and i didn’t know before how bad that could be or how Abused jason must have been when he was just a child but now i see it, he just denies how bad off he is and says that everybody else is wrong which is exactly what happens when people are Repressed and filled with Hatred for other people. but you know that.

and heres another thing, the way he talks has changed so much, everything i said he was laughing and grinning sarcasticly — not mean, just sarcastic, but one time he even said “thats just a load of shit man.” he never used to talk like that, that’s for sure!! actually i think its that “cellmate” hes got, that jake guy who is in for life as a common criminal and if you ask me has way too much influence on jason who used to be such a sweet guy as you know.

anyway, he was talking about this decision thing, whatever he meant by that, and he said, “this is an easy decision, i just have to do it the right way.” then i tried to get him to explain it and he wouldnt he just said, “thanks for worrying about me, joey,” and he wouldn’t say any more. so that was that. I think he was just being sarcastic again or something, cause what decisions does a convict have to make in the first place? i mean, all they have to do, they just have to LIVE there. it’s not like worrying about getting a better salry or something which i really wished i could now that Rich decided that he should quit that job and spend more time on Counseling

or maybe jason was just making conversation because what else do we have to talk about, cause he never seems to be interested in anything i have to say about my own life or anything and actually he always was really quiet which i thought was cute but now I’m not so sure. richard says i should drop him, cause he’s a Destructive Personality and refuses to get help but i can’t stand to do anything like that, at least not now. but it’s such a pain going out to that place on saturdays when i’ve got so many other things to do.

oh well. hey! gotta go. youll probably hear from me before christmas but in case you don’t, have a merry!

love and kisses




Document 13


December 24, 2019



Joseph Madison

3529 E. North St.

St. James, CE



353308 Rossetti


Southern Regional Longterm Correctional Facility

12538 N. Meridian Road

Durant CE


Dear Jason,

I’ve been thinking a lot about you since I saw you the last time. It just seems like we’ve reached the end of the road. You know how much work I’ve been doing the last year, trying to Recover from everything I’ve been through with my parents and you and all, but I don’t see any Recovery in your own future. From what i can see, youre perfectly happy to keep being who you are today! And you just laugh at everything and everybody who’s outside yourself.

Jason, I’m sorry its worked out this way, I just can’t stand to see what has happened to you, you are just like those other convicts as far as I can tell or that “cellmate” of yours. As far as I can see. So I’ve got to call it quits but if you ever decide to do some real psychological Work on yourself just let me know, cause you know you can always depend on me.

Jimmy and Mark and Mindy and especially Richard wanted me to make sure to say hello, and I know that they all want the Best for you too.

Love always,




Document 14







Convict 353308 Rossetti, Jason Scott


2300 hrs: disturbance, cell A292, convict 353308 attacking cellmate (351699), calling c.m. a “fuckin faggott,” also protesting Cell Assignment. Convict 353308 extracted from cell, whereupon convict struck Officer Nolan, wounding him in Private Parts.. Officer removed in ambulance, convict commited to Disciplinary Segregation (boxed).


Correctional Officer:


Note: Officer Nolan returned to duty 122519, no permanent injury



Document 15




Case Number:






Presiding Judge:

Hon. Louis I. Meyer



Convict 353308 Rossetti, Jason Scott


Abovereferenced convict, having been previously sentenced as a Class A Felon to a term of 20 years to life, and having by signed declaration pleaded guilty in this instance to an offense against the Code Governing the Conduct of Inmates in Penal Institutions (as incorporated in Laws for the Protection of Penal Institutions), malicious assault on a correctional officer in the performance of his duty, an offense carrying an automatic penalty, is hereby sentenced to life imprisonment at hard labor without possibility of parole.



Document 16







Convict 353308 Rossetti


Convict now returning to population after sentence to LWOP for assault on Correctional Officer in consequence his objection to cell assignment (ref. Disc Rep 122419-353308 Rossetti). Under these circumstances, last thing corrections staff should authorize is convict using offense to get own way. Strongly recommend former cell assignment, A292-Bunk 2, be reconfirmed and placed in Permanent-Plus Status (Non-Reviewable).


Correctional Officer:



[handwritten notation:] Gonzalez, what about attitude of cell partner? EFM


[handwritten notation:] He can handle it, sir. Gonzalez


Recommendation approved.

Edward F. Morton, Major



Document 17







Convict 353308 Rossetti


Referring Officer: Gonzalez


Convict returned to Cell Assignment A292, bunk 2 .





Document 18






351699 Cleveland

Inmate, SRLCF



Mrs. Heather Johnston

1112 Detroit Street

Milestone IN



Approved for Transmission




Dear Sis,

I haven’t written you for awhile. We had a strange thing happen. Jase got “out of control” on Christmas Eve and hit an officer. They sentenced him to life without parole, so we’re both real lifers now.

Jase was in the hole but they’ve brought him back — for good! He is now on Permanent Assignment with me, and the assignment is what they call “non-reviewable,” which really means for the rest of our natural lives. So its just like being married, only a lot more fun. :-) I’m sorry, I don’t mean to say anything bad about marriage.

Anyway, its pretty funny, isn’t it? It happened just the way that Jase and me were joking about.

Besides that, I hadn’t remembered what it was like to be celling alone. When Jase was in the hole, it seemed like I was just rattling around in this great big place. I guess I’m not very good by myself, am I? I used to be, but I’m not anymore.

Well, Jase is saying something, so I guess I better stop writing and deal with him. I’ll tell you more later.







Click to start at Part 1

The next story by this author is The Worc Program

Metal would like to thank the author, Joshua Ryan, for granting permission for this story to be posted here. This story is also available in the Cellblock Stories yahoo group. You can also see and read more from this author at his Prison Process Tumblr page.

Again, thanks to Joshua Ryan!



5 thoughts on “The Convict – Part 19”

  1. I was never sure what to think about this story. I mostly just feel really sorry that Jake and Jason have to spend their whole lives in prison. I think it’s the well-written character description at the early chapters that makes me care about the characters more than your standard story. Strangely enough, it seems to take away the fantasy element for me. But I couldn’t stop reading it, so I guess I’m enjoying it in a different way :)

  2. Thank you. You are a fantastic writer! Infact, I’m sure I’d make the same decision as Jason. Hope their story continues….

  3. Metal, thanks for posting this story.

    Joshua Ryan, you are a talented writer. I’m sure most guys on Metal’s site have vivid memories of their first stirrings caused (even when not clearly understood) by bondage, power exchange, prisons, restraints, and so on.

    Your story brought that sensation back to me in a big way. You patiently drew out the two main and then other ancillary characters. Your device of using letters and emails to get us inside the heads of other characters was brilliant.

    I’d love to read more from you. And I’d love more from this little slice of alternate reality.

    Specifically, it would be tremendous to have some ‘fill-in’ chapters. When Jase was first dumped into the cell, Jake stowed the reg book, telling the new convict, ‘I’ll be your rule book,’ or words to that effect. I would be amazing to read a bit more about the development of this power exchange. Does Jake make Jase scrub down the cell with rags? Hand wash the ‘cell boss’s’ underwear? Jake pushes Jase back a couple times saying, ‘I’ve waited a long time for this, and thought a lot about it.’ It would be incredibly hot reading a bit more about how Jase settles into his convict life as he develops an appreciation for his status as Jake’s prison bitch.

    Does Jase rebel a bit? Get whiny? Need to be smacked around by Jake?

    Does Jase get chained next to guys like College Boy who want to pay off the guards and force him to submit to them? Does Jake have to cajole guards into getting him and Jase chained next to or near one another?

    In one scene, the queen from the office sees (at least I think he sees) Jake smack Jase a bit to focus him while the two are on the chain gang.

    This world is so compelling. I hope you find time and heart to add to it as you see fit.

    No matter what, thank you, Joshua, for an outstanding experience. It’s rare that I think about characters and a fictional world long after reading. You’ve done that for me.

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