The Man That Changed Me – Part 01

By Tigerkey

I have always been in ways interested in kink, but I never knew anything other than the stories that you can read online, and never knew how these stories could ever become real; so I went online to try and find a way to find out for real.

So here I was, chatting to people that never seemed real, or interested in anything other than chat, so they could wank off just by the chat etc. So, I gave up mostly then. There was a guy I had been told was honest and looking for a playmate. I messaged him, not sure what to say or how to start things off.  So, I sent a ‘Hi’ and said that a couple of guys on here suggested I ask if he was interested in chatting to someone that hadn’t got a clue, and was interested in trying new things. So we started chatting about what sort of things that I had tried, or thought about trying out. I gave him a brief on what I had and hadn’t, that sort of thing.

In the end I had a few ideas but knew next to nothing about them, and was open minded to try things that I’d never heard of. We kept chatting for a good long while, getting to know each other. Then he offered for me to come over to his house and try a few things if I wanted to, with the promise that I could say ‘Stop’ whenever I wasn’t sure that it felt right etc.  I was scared, as this was all new and I had never dreamed that I’d be able to try the things that I had read about or find someone to try things out with.  So, I went there, and we met and sat down and talked for a while, trying to relax as we were both nervous. After a while we went to his bedroom and he showed me a few things, like hoods. I said that I’d like to try a couple, but I was scared, and he understood what I meant.

Then got a hood and talked about it, then said to try it out for about a minute, then he would take it off again, just so I wasn’t pushed into wearing it for any length of time and freak out. Which I had let him know that could happen! Everything went well, and from the smile on my face he knew I was happy. He went on and tried a few more from there, on the fifth one he said that was it for the night and we could talk more; we swapped numbers and were happy to be able to be more open.

We spent weeks talking and I wanted more and more to try things he had. Over the time we talked he offered a full night of trying things out, and for him to push me more if I wanted to. So we planned a weekend night and I’d sleep in his spare bed when we weren’t playing. When I got there I said that I wanted to try another hood, which made him smile, and I was soon in happy sub space.  He asked me if I knew what a sleepsack was, and I said no, I hadn’t heard of it or what it was about. He said that he could show me if I wanted, and I said yes please.  He took me into the next room where the leather sack was and explained what it was and how it worked, what it was like and that if I wanted to try it he told me I couldn’t do it clothed, but boxers could be worn.  I asked if I could keep the hood on, as I wanted to keep it on for longer. He laughed and said it was fine, so I stripped down. He smiled, liking what he saw, and said ‘Nice body Boi’. Not sure what to say, and after reading what subs said I turned and said ‘Thank you’.  He patted my bum and said to lay down, and that he would tell me what he was doing, every step of the way.

I said I really liked the way he handled me and what he was doing, so after a while I was all strapped into the sleep sack, hooded. He asked how I felt, and I said it feels strange but nice and I asked what else he had in mind? He said that he had got a gag for that hood and the blindfold to goes with it. I asked how long could I stay like this once it was all done up, as I wanted to try the whole set up? He said, ‘I’ll give you an hour for your first time how’s that?’ I said that it sounds scary, but I was willing to try; so with that I was in there, all helpless and happy.  He came back and asked if I was ok, I said yes and loving it. Then he got an idea and said he wanted to try something. The next minute he opened the nip holes in the sack and played with my nipples.  I wriggled about but couldn’t stop him, then he stopped after some time and asked if I wanted out? I said NO so he said I could only have another hour before coming out. I said ‘Ok Sir’.

To be continued …

Metal would like to thank Tigerkey for this story, and Steellock for his guidance of Tigerkey in writing it.

gay bondage stories

3 thoughts on “The Man That Changed Me – Part 01”

  1. Really pleased for you and your partner, you are both great guys!

    Looking forward to the next part…

  2. Thoroughly enjoyed reading this first part and looking forward to reading more of this great work.

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