Tag Archives: Steellock

The Trucker – Part 07

By Steellock

The Trucker turned to the camera and laughed. ‘That got Matt squirming!’ he joked. ‘We got some lovely noises coming from inside that thick rubber hood, you could just imagine what was going through his mind as the fingers moved over his body and the needles started piercing his extremities! Needless to say, Matt had agreed to piercing with his Master Jim a while ago, he just did not know when or how it would happen, certainly not that it would be watched by so many friends around the country and world. Could you see yourself here in my cab, your body completely at my disposal? We have one more little experience for the big fucker before he gets a break. We will drop my friend The Piercer off so he can get back to work then set things up. Let’s have some guesses from you all in the comments on what Matt’s next little nightmare / dream may be.’

Gus pulled the truck into a rest area and stopped next to a car. It was waiting to take The Piercer back up the highway to his home and shop.

Continue reading The Trucker – Part 07

The Trucker – Part 06

By Tigerkey, edited and approved by Steellock

Note: This is a continuation of a story by Steellock. This chapter is by Tigerkey. To start at the very beginning, click here.

I keep dreaming of the different things that might happen to me in the hands of Jim, Jess and of course the Trucker while I can smell the leather around me. Having my mind going nonstop and not knowing what they might have in store for me, I wake up. I feel different as in not able to move and thinking Oh shit what’s happened to me, my arms and legs won’t move. But I didn’t know when I passed out that one of the thing’s I’d spoken to Jess about was being put on display on Matt’s bench in the window in some Segufix, but just the wrists and ankles.

He and Jim had helped this come to life and they had some nice pictures for keepsakes for me and the Trucker, and of course some for Jim to show how different sized people can fit into the gear he sells in the shop. So, in the end I come around and am not sure where I am until I realise that I’m being held by someone or something I start to move my head.

Continue reading The Trucker – Part 06

The Man That Changed Me – Part 05

By Tigerkey

We spent a few months doing this, staying at each other’s place and in the end I asked Rob if he wanted more from me, as in sex and play? To which, of course, he said he did but only when I was ready.  So after an evening where we had chatted more about this I said to him that I truly wanted more but I had a fantasy about him, and that it was weird. He asked if I wanted to tell him about it and I said OK. It was to do with the paper he had given me about the commitment and said WELL it goes like this…

I was looking at him with the paper in my hands and I so wanted to find out what would happen but he had only given me 5 minutes to decide. Then I thought of one thing and asked ‘IF I do this, does it mean I have no say in anything that happens to me and you control EVERYTHING IN MY LIFE, WITH ME HAVING NO SAY?’ He said, ‘No, but you will do as I tell you most of the time but I’m not going into detail on anything until you are MINE, ALL MINE.

Continue reading The Man That Changed Me – Part 05

The Man That Changed Me – Part 01

By Tigerkey

I have always been in ways interested in kink, but I never knew anything other than the stories that you can read online, and never knew how these stories could ever become real; so I went online to try and find a way to find out for real.

So here I was, chatting to people that never seemed real, or interested in anything other than chat, so they could wank off just by the chat etc. So, I gave up mostly then. There was a guy I had been told was honest and looking for a playmate. I messaged him, not sure what to say or how to start things off.  So, I sent a ‘Hi’ and said that a couple of guys on here suggested I ask if he was interested in chatting to someone that hadn’t got a clue, and was interested in trying new things. So we started chatting about what sort of things that I had tried, or thought about trying out. I gave him a brief on what I had and hadn’t, that sort of thing.

Continue reading The Man That Changed Me – Part 01

The Trucker – Part 05

By Steellock

As Gus focussed on the driving and Matt focussed on coping with the continual sensations of his butt and nipples being stimulated and his balls being stretched, the Trucker was able to read a few more comments and plot his next move…

Back in Jim’s store Jess was released from his restraint in the cage and he was briefed on his role that evening. He had to meet a new, shy sub in the local café, help him to calm down a bit and to bring him into the store. Jess was dressed in his usual outfit of tight jeans, secured with a thick leather belt over a pair of boots. He had a bulldog harness that showed off his chest, smooth, with a nice pair of pecs. Not the great mountain that Matt had, but he displayed a great body! The locals in the area were used to Jim, Jess and the store and he trotted down to the café as he was, his boots thumping on the pavement.

Continue reading The Trucker – Part 05

The Trucker – Part 04

By Steellock

The Trucker sat in the diner eating his burger. He was watching the comments on his channel feed. Ideas from the audience were coming through, and one of them had caught his attention. A guy has noticed that Matt’s laces in his heavy black Grinder boots are yellow and is suggesting that the Trucker use the feeding spigot on the front of his hood to pipe in a good supply of piss! Gus saw the comment too and reminded the Trucker that they had done something similar before…

While they were chatting the Trucker mentioned that he had been in contact with Jim over the last day or so and he had been alerted to a new, and very inexperienced, sub who had been asking about him. Turns out he is completely captivated by the Trucker having seen him in the shop during Jim’s recent demo session and is wanting to swear eternal worship and kiss his boots! Just what the Trucker had been looking for. Jim had managed to get the boy into the shop, and they were planning on using Jess to help him take the biggest step of his life and be ready to meet his idol!

Continue reading The Trucker – Part 04

The Trucker – Part 03

By Tigerkey, edited and approved by Steellock

Note: This is a continuation of a story by Steellock. This chapter is by Tigerkey. To start at the very beginning, click here.

Dreaming of the Trucker

A brief intro into me: I am an adult male sub who has always been interested in a sub/Dom relationship, to give up total control to a top/Dom who will take over my life.  In hopes of this I have been looking into it and looking on the internet for some information to know how things work. In doing so I came across Jim’s online shop, so I started looking more and more on his site and found that he has Matt, a sub, into bondage and the things that they get into, but the shy loner that I am, I don’t have it in me to go into the shop just yet.

So here I am reading everything that I can to find out what I’m looking for, and to fantasise about and wank off to, each and every night too. I came across Jim’s latest showing of the new and improved E-stim set up, which shows Matt in all his wonderful and impressive size, and I dream I had his muscular body and his strength.

Continue reading The Trucker – Part 03

The Trucker – Part 02

By Steellock

The Trucker was dressed in leather jeans and jacket with heavy boots. A tall, well-built guy with a full beard and a shaved head, he obviously knew Jim and greeted him with a bear hug and they moved through into the back of the shop to chat. As he walked through the shop his eyes were on Matt as he moved around doing various chores.

What he saw was a 6ft heavily muscled ex. Marine wearing a sleeveless Levi jacket and bleacher jeans with shortened, calf length legs that showed off his 20 hole black Grinder boots with yellow laces. His head was, as usual, locked into a Sci Fi hood, padlocks on the straps and neck collar. Matt had talked with Jim after the previous Friday and shared his love of the look the Skinhead had worn that night in the shop and how much he wanted to try it out. Jim had agreed and ordered in the Bleacher jeans and jacket. He agreed with Matt – he looked stunning in them.

Continue reading The Trucker – Part 02