The Man That Changed Me – Part 02

By Tigerkey

I fell asleep in the sack, and he gently shook me awake and said it was time to come out. I said, in a sad tone, ‘OK’. He laughed and I got let out. He could see I was still in sub space and asked if I needed anything? I asked for a hug, not sure why.  He put an arm around me, and I just felt safe and needed to be held. After I could think again I said I that I needed to sleep, so he moved the sack to the side and covered me and I slept with a smile plastered to my face.

The next morning, he asked how do I feel? I told him the truth, that I wanted a lot more of that and was shocked when he said I could, but if I moved in with him he could do more and more. I said that I was going to have to think about it and wanted to find out, with a clear head, where I wanted to be. He said that was OK. He said that he had always wanted a sub for long term and not just trying out things.

So I drove home and over the week all the spare time I had was taken up and I couldn’t think of anything else, and when Friday came around I had my mind made up and sent the message. I wasn’t sure what would change from this. I sent “SIR I WOULD LIKE TO TRY AND BE THE SUB YOU WANT, BUT I’M SCARED”.  About an hour or so later he just sent a message back telling me to me be at his door at 7pm sharp, and to bring basic weekend things with me; not that I would need much!  So there it was. I went over, and was about to knock on the door when it opened and he said “About time too, come in and strip”. I did as he asked and said, “Sir what am I to wear?” feeling afraid. He said “I just want to see how you would do following my orders”.  I stood there naked for a few minutes, and he asked me what I thought about chastity. I said that I had only read about it, and he asked if I wanted to try it? I said yes, and he look angrily at me, and I thought “OH shit, I’ve said something wrong”. Then I thought about it and said, “Yes please Sir, I’d like to try it with you, if you will let me”, and I couldn’t think if I had said it right or not until I saw his smile come back. He had a leather looking thing in his hand which, while I was not looking at him and trying to think how to address him and ask for the chastity device, he had already got ready, but out of my sight. Before I could say anything else he had also got ready the hood I had worn the previous week and said, “The hood first, then you need to trust me. Do you BOI?”

I said with a shaky voice “YES SIR I TRUST YOU AND WILL DO WHAT YOU TELL ME TO!!”. So, as last week he put the hood on but this time with the gag already in. He put that in my mouth and had the hood on in minutes.  I stood there looking at him and tried to talk, which I couldn’t, and he smiled at me, rubbed my head and said that I was a good Boi and now I was his. Then he put the blindfold on and all I could do was stand there waiting for the next thing to happen. Which was, I found out later, a leather jockstrap. He locked it onto me and said time to get me in the sack and it was play time. I was led upstairs and into the bedroom, but this time just for his fun he slapped my butt and laughed.  I was made to lay down on the bed and told to get into the sack. After about 10 minutes I was strapped in and unable to move, then he said “This time you’re in there all night, no way to get out. So have fun with that, good night MY BOI!”. There I was, happy, and wanting nothing else but to be HIS Boi toy.

The next morning it was still early when he came into the room and asked me how my night was, and I said, ‘Sir I loved it’ and then asked what time it was, as I needed to use the toilet. He said that it was 7am and he was going to let me out so I could shower and do whatever I needed to do. I said, ‘THANK YOU SIR’.  ‘Good Boi’ he replied, ‘now hold on while I get you out’. With a groan I said OK, not really wanting to get out! 10 minutes later I was glad to stand up; he took the jockstrap off and told me to go do my business, but to tell him when I was ready to shower as he was going to wash me clean, and that I’d be doing the same to him. We had the showers and washed each other, and then I asked what’s going to happen for the day as I didn’t know what to say or what I would be doing with him. He asked me about ball stretchers, and I played right into his hands when he told me about them over coffee. He said that if I wanted to try it, I’d be in it until he said different, or not at all!

So, with that I said I’d be happy to try it and, before I could say anything else, he took hold of my hand and took me back to the bedroom and had me lay on the bed. He got a metal ball stretcher out and put it around my small balls. I didn’t know that he had one, or when he measured me, but later I found out that the first time I was in the sleepsack, while I was asleep, he had played with the boys, as he called them, and got the size he needed. He told me, about a month later, that he had asked his friend to make them and rush the order to him, which took about the week that I took to make my mind up, as he was sure that I’d say yes to him. Which of course I did.

When he was happy that my balls fitted how he wanted them to be he rubbed something buttery into them, to make me wriggle. He said that they looked lovely, and I’d be staying in the stretcher 24/7. He would be the only one that was allowed to take it OFF from now on.  He said that, at all times, I’d be in some sort of chastity and ringed up like now, which is how he wanted me! But he said the balls will be, more often than not, as they are now; stretched tight in their sac. I asked what about work and everything? To which he said, ‘You work, eat, sleep, and of course be play in them all the time from now on’. Unless I don’t want to be his Boi any more. I said I did, but this is going very quickly, and was told that’s what he wants. Other things will happen in time that he has something that he needs me to read and talk about downstairs. So, we went to the living room, and he asked me to read the paper he handed to me which turned out to be a letter of commitment, to him.

I was shocked with everything that had happened in the last week, but he said that this is not something he would force me into.  I think that my jaw hit the floor, as I saw he wasn’t playing, and this was going to be a big commitment to him as his willing /sometimes not so willing, sub boi / partner and in a gay relationship.  He said he was not going to talk further on anything until I was his and the only way I would be his was to sign and agree, and he said I would need to think about it some and then give him the answer he hoped for.

With that he said that we were going out for the day and have a date night to get to know each other. I would call him ‘mate’ when others are close by, otherwise I was to call him Sir and that was how things need to be for NOW.  As we went out, he said he was going to drive as he had already booked somewhere to go to and knew the way. So I got into his pickup and off we went down to the coast and I could see that we were going to have seafood.  It was a nice, quiet place and we took a seat outside as it was a nice day and we talked about life, what we hoped for in that life and the interest’s we had.  I went on about me, then I asked him all the same sort of things. This went on for a few hours until we had to leave as the place wanted to close for the night. We said our thanks to the owners and left.

After we got into the pickup again, he asked if I wanted to go to a club to meet a few of his friends in the kinky life, to which I replied that I would like to, but are we dressed OK? He said that yes, it’s not always leather and the like, we do meet and have chats.  I said OK, but where am I going to sleep for the night as it was getting late already, and I couldn’t get home without my car. He said that I could stay with him for the night if I wanted to be with him. It would be nice to snuggle up to someone for a change if that’s OK as he only had one bed?  I said it was a bit sooner than I was thinking but said as long as its sleep and snuggling that’s ok as I’m still unsure where this will go. As he put the truck into drive he put his hand on my leg and said that was OK for the night, but he would like to do more in time.  As we drove to this club, I was not sure what was going to happen and thinking what was I doing with this man and I looked at his happy face. That’s when I thought he was nice but that he knows what he wants, and goes for it; but why does he want me, some one that doesn’t even know what he is doing?

We pull up to a pub, or is it a club? I’m not sure but it could be both and we got out. As I went to go to the front door, he told me to come with him and we went to the side door and down some steps and when we got there he got a member’s card out.  He held it to a scanner and the door opened. He told me it was a members only club down here and he was a VIP member so that’s why he had the card.  We went in and, as the door closed, a big hunky man shook Sir’s hand and welcomed us there and said that his table was ready. I was surprised by this, as I was about a lot of things today and last night.  We sat down and he explained that he, and a group of friends, had founded this place and now his best friend owned this and the pub upstairs. They had come up with a safe place to be gay or whatever people were looking for or just hook ups etc!

Then we got a drink and a couple of groups of older guys, and younger guys like me came over and we stayed like this for a few hours. The TOPS and Bois like me spoke to each other and they even said that they knew where I was in my mind, as this had happened to them, and to just make sure that it was what I wanted. I didn’t know what to say as this was all new to me, and they all said how lucky I was to get my Sir.  I asked them why and they said that Sir was the best and everyone wanted to throw themselves at his feet and kiss his boots. But no one had been up to his standards, and that’s why I was so lucky.  I made a point to ask Sir why this was the case later that night and to see what he was thinking, and why he had chosen me over all the others?  We ended up leaving not long after that and went back to Sir’s house. As we got in he ask if I could go start the shower as it was a warm night and wanted to be fresh for bed. I asked if we could spend a bit of time talking after the shower as I wanted to ask a few more personal questions after I found out a few things at the club. He said yes, we could, but to hurry up and do as he asked, so I went upstairs and stripped as I’m sure he wanted me to wash him.

As I got down to my briefs Sir came up to me and, with a slap to the butt he said he could get used to seeing that butt more often! Then we showered and got into his bed, and I had to say it was very comfortable.  I just had to ask Sir why he picked me over all the others that he could have gotten from the club?  I just don’t understand why, or what they meant by you being the best there is around, and what made me so special to you, and just so many WHYS?  When this had all poured out he said that it was too much to answer tonight and it would be best to answer almost all the things I wanted to know in the morning over coffee and breakfast.  But the reason I want you MY BOI, IS SIMPLE. Looking me straight in the eyes he said that it was because I am new, and different from all the others and that I looked cute and handsome when I was embarrassed, like now LOLS!  “I want to start afresh with someone that doesn’t just want to please the Master I am” and that he wanted to mold someone into what he dreamed of but as more than a submissive, and that he had been missing having a lover too.  With that said, and him being so close to me with our noses nearly touching, he just kissed me on the lips, and I was so shocked that I let it happen. Then I realised that I like that a lot and wanted more; so that’s when I kissed back. After a few minutes of this we broke apart to breathe and my head was swimming around as I’d never been kissed with such passion before.

“WOW, OH WOW thank you Sir” I said, and he replied that it was time to get to sleep. With that he turned the light off and came closer to me and said that he was always the bigger spoon, so I should turn over and back up to him.  I was in a dreamy state, so I did just that. I could feel the heat from his body and his arm came over my side and I said that this was really great and thank you for a lovely evening and I tried to get to sleep.  Which was easier said than done with what felt like a baseball bat resting up close to your ass, but he said don’t worry, I’m not going to do anything that you don’t want to do, but it’s the way that having me close like this got him horny.  I said thanks and I think he said it was a compliment as no other sub had ever got him this hard just by kissing him, but I would be safe for tonight at least, and we just laughed and said goodnight to each other. I wondered why he liked me so much.

To be continued …

male bondage stories

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