The Man That Changed Me – Part 05

By Tigerkey

We spent a few months doing this, staying at each other’s place and in the end I asked Rob if he wanted more from me, as in sex and play? To which, of course, he said he did but only when I was ready.  So after an evening where we had chatted more about this I said to him that I truly wanted more but I had a fantasy about him, and that it was weird. He asked if I wanted to tell him about it and I said OK. It was to do with the paper he had given me about the commitment and said WELL it goes like this…

I was looking at him with the paper in my hands and I so wanted to find out what would happen but he had only given me 5 minutes to decide. Then I thought of one thing and asked ‘IF I do this, does it mean I have no say in anything that happens to me and you control EVERYTHING IN MY LIFE, WITH ME HAVING NO SAY?’ He said, ‘No, but you will do as I tell you most of the time but I’m not going into detail on anything until you are MINE, ALL MINE.

Then, with a scared and shocked look on my face, I had asked for the pen to sign, I was not sure what was making me want to do this, but I had nothing else that made me this happy. I signed the paperwork and handed it back to my Master/Sir, I didn’t even know his name yet. As he got to his feet and went to the table to sign it himself he said, ‘That’s all for now Boi, we are going for a walk, but there is something you need before going. I ask what’s that and he said I’ll be right back and went to his bedroom and came back with a pair of boots in my size and said he loves seeing a handsome cute Boi in boots, and I should get used to it because I’ll be wearing boots a lot from now on. He showed me how I was to wear them and do them up with my jeans on as I wouldn’t be able to put the boots on and then put jeans on over the top.

So once the boots were on, we went for a walk in a quiet park where he told me that over the next week I’m to tell my boss I was going to be moving to somewhere else, but I’d still be working as I was going to be giving my flat up in the next month. I was going to be coming out as gay and living with an older man as his gay life partner. All this would start from tomorrow. I was also told that I had to tell my landlord the same day that I was going to be giving the flat up etc. At the end of each day I was to give Sir a full report over the phone. He said if you have trouble with anything to tell him and he would help or take control of it.

So, over the next month Sir came over to help me pack everything up and went through all I had and said that a lot of the things I had would need to be given away or sold as he had a lot of the same things, and we didn’t need two of everything.  I did as he told me, and three weeks into the month I had all my things at his and we cleaned the flat and at the end of that week we had a meeting with the landlord and handed the keys over.  I was scared at the meeting as Sir had put me into the chastity jock and ball stretcher that held everything in place, but to make sure I wouldn’t back out at the last minute he also padlocked the jock in place and left the keys at his place, saying that if I ever want to be out of it then to do what he said for the day, without ANY TROUBLE OR BACK TALKING TO HIM. Which I wouldn’t/couldn’t do with the keys at his, and to make it doubly sure he also had me in boots with a padlock in the laces so I wouldn’t even be able to get out of them either without his help or a knife to cut the laces.

He also said if the laces got cut, I would get spanked so hard I would have trouble sitting down to eat my supper tonight and to make a point for me to think on he slapped my arse hard, to know he meant it. He said unless you just want to be spanked anyway! Laughing we walked to his car and off we went to the meeting and all the journey he had his hand on my leg saying he is so happy I’m his boi toy / toy boy now and forever. Soon we were outside my flat, signed all the paper work and was wished all the best. We left, going back to my new home and a life where I didn’t know what would be coming next or when.

When we got back and the front door was closed, I just stood there. Sir came up to me and hugged me saying get used to hugs as you’ll be getting a lot of them from now on and that when not playing to call him Rob, but when playing, or when he wants to be called Sir, he will tell me. At the same time, he told me that we are going out for a meal.  I said I would like that but do I call you by name or as Sir now, and he laughed and said outside today I’m Rob but inside this house for the rest of the day I am Sir. I told Sir I need the toilet and I dropped my jeans enough for him to unlock just one side of the jock and was told that’s all that gets unlocked until we shower in the morning. I said of course Sir and thank you I’ll be right back. With that we went and had a lovely meal and it was the first night I was allowed to sleep next to Sir/Rob and the first time I felt safe. I had someone to sleep with that cared enough to hold me close and we slept until our alarm went off in the early hours, time for a shower and work.

As I finish my fantasy, I could see that Rob was shocked but that this was a new and welcome dream. He said that if I wanted it to become real life, he would be more than happy to make it come true.  He got up from the sofa and gave me a hug and pulled me in very close so I could feel his hard-on and I chuckled and said, ‘Did I do that?’  He said that it was all my fault and then he slapped my butt and we broke down laughing, then I asked him if we could go to see Jim tomorrow? Why do you want to see Jim, he asked and I said I wanted Jim to witness me signing your offer/paperwork as I want this fantasy to come true, Master Rob.  With that I was told we needed to change, and he was going to call Jim to make sure that he was ok with doing this in about an hour, not the following day! Jim said it was fine with him.  I said, “WOW you aren’t going to think about it?”. ‘HELL NO, get your ass upstairs and we are going to do everything you wanted to do, just going to see Jim first.

I asked how he wanted me to dress Master, and he told me to wear my boots and then to stand with my jeans down to my ankles so he could strap me up fully like I wanted!  I did as I was told, waiting for MY MASTER TO STRAP ME IN, LOLS, and then we went to the shop and got Jim to witness and record the agreement.  We left the shop and Master told me to come to him and when I did he kissed me with hot passion and said “THANK YOU FOR BECOMING MINE FULL TIME MARCUS, I THINK THAT WE ARE GOING TO HAVE A LOT OF FUN TOGETHER” I said “I do hope so as there is one other dream I had last night, but you will have to wait until we are at home before I tell you”. That got me a slap on both ass cheeks for teasing him.  We went for a walk and we chatted. He kept asking about the dream and I said it was time to go home, then laughed as I ran to his truck. He rushed after me and we got in and drove back.  We couldn’t have been home for more than 30 seconds before he told me to tell him my other dream as it was driving him crazy, and if I didn’t do it right now I’d get a spanking for real!  I said that I would take the spanking just to see what it was or how hard I would be spanked. Twenty minutes later, with a now reddening butt I got my answer and now had to tell him or that another thirty minutes of harder spanking was going to happen!

So, I said, “I give up Master” and he let me sit down, a bit sore but I could handle that I hoped. OK I was dreaming that we had a nice meal out at the seafood place we went for our first meal together and when we came back home I had asked him to take my anal cherry, and really make me his.  All of this after I was fully moved in and settled into OUR home together and please be gentle for at least the first time, as I hadn’t had anything back there before. He sat there open mouthed.  I asked him if he was trying to catch flies! It took a couple of minutes before he could speak to me and said that we have a lot to get on with and he would be honoured to be all that I dreamed of.  So, we set plans on the next month and ended up with a late meal as we were too busy chatting and planning to see the time.

Let’s see what this new life and relationship will bring both of us. I’m thinking I will need to ask Rob to start helping me do some anal training to be able to enjoy my first real cock!  I know it will hurt, but it’s not going to as much if I have time to do some training to be ready for his thick, nine inch cock. It’s not going to be easy for a first timer like me but I’m putting my trust in Master/Rob to make it easier, I hope.

The End

Metal would like to thank Tigerkey for this story! Thak s also to Steellock for his guidance of Tigerkey!

male bondage fantasy

One thought on “The Man That Changed Me – Part 05”

  1. Loving seeing Tigerkeys work up and live on the site, for a new writer it’s a great feeling…

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