The Resort – Chapter 08

By TklBndg516

Weekend at The Resort, Day 2

Morning came and Steve was the first one out of bed.  That’s because the others were shackled and could not get out of bed until he released them.  Steve could have done that without getting out of bed, but he wanted to see them shackled.  He asked them how they slept.  Jeff and Brad said they woke up a few times during the night and had difficulty getting back to sleep, but that overall, they slept alright.  David said he slept well, but then David was used to being restrained at night.  Steve released them and said they should shower together before going to breakfast.

In the shower, David started soaping up Steve’s body and signaled the others that they should help.  Steve had three guys bathing his body.  The feel of their soapy hands felt so good.  They paid special attention to certain areas, like the nipples and penis.  They were very thorough in bathing him.  It felt wonderful.  When they were done bathing Steve, the rest of them showered quickly.  Steve was the only one who needed to get dressed.  Once Steve was dressed, they headed to breakfast.

As they were leaving the room, Steve asked David for suggestions on where to have breakfast.  David said there were a few sit-down places, a buffet, or a couple of fetish places that serve breakfast.  Steve was curious, so he asked about the fetish restaurants.  David told them that the leather and rubber themed places have a breakfast menu, but also a dress code.  The ones for pups and ABDL recommend a dress code but allow spectators.

He said there were a few other fetish places, but he did not know if they served breakfast.  Steve said he did not want to take the time to get something and change for the leather or rubber places.  He said the pup place might be interesting.  As the elevator door opened, Dave was giving him directions to get to the pup themed restaurant.

On the way there, David asked Steve if he would like them to go there in pup gear?  He said they can have the necessary gear sent to a gear station close to the restaurant and it would only take a couple of minutes to get into it.  Steve asked Jeff and Brad what they thought.  They said they were willing to try.  David showed Steve how to order the gear on the app.  There were several options.  David suggested the top-of-the-line gear, so that is what Steve ordered.  David explained a few options to Steve about how things could go for Breakfast.

When they got to the gear station, Steve put his bracelet at the controller.  A few moments later, it opened with the gear he had requested.  David helped the others get geared up.  First, they put on the knee pad.  Next, they put cuffs around their ankles.  The cuffs had a small box on them, which contained a retractable cord.  They pulled the end of the cords and attached them to the back of the belts.  Steve explained that the cords could be used to prevent a pup from being able to stand on two legs.  There was a standard and advanced mode.  The standard mode allowed the knees to bend at about a 90-degree angle, which is more comfortable.

The advanced mode brings the ankles in close, so the pup has no use of his feet at all.  He recommended that Steve only use the standard mode with the others, but that he was welcome to use the advanced mode with him, if he wanted.  They attached dog tails to the back of their belts.  Steve showed the others that there were controls in the paws that would allow them to activate a tail wag.  There were also controls on the dog mask that would cause it to make a barking or growling sound.  Steve had decided that they would be allowed to eat at the restaurant, so David suggested that Steve put the rest on them, so he got some practice.  Steve had Jeff put one hand into the paw.  Steve had to make a fist while doing so.  Steve pulled the wrist strap around and it locked in place.  Then he did the other paw on Jeff and put the paws on Brad.  David had to show him how to put the dog masks on them.  David demonstrated by putting the mask on Brad while Steve put the mask on Jeff.  The slit in the back allows the hood to be turned inside out.  Then the mouthpiece, an inflatable gag with a breathing tube, goes into the mouth.  The nose piece has quarter inch nubs that need to line up with the nostrils.  Then working out from the mouth and nose area, the hood wraps around the head.  The slit along the back then comes together and overlaps.  The overlap comes together seamlessly and locks the hood on until released.  The inside of the mask forms a snug fitting hood over the head.  The outside is shaped like a dog’s head.  The mouth is open slightly and it appears to have a tongue.  Only by looking closely into the mouth can you see the opening for the breathing tube.  The mask comes down around the neck and has what appears to be a dog collar around it.  On both the front and back are retractable cords that can be used as leashes.  Once Jeff and Brad were set, Steve put paws and mask on David.  He opened the app and tapped the control to inflate the gag on all three hoods before heading to the restaurant.

Steve allowed them to walk upright until they were about 15 feet from the entrance to the restaurant.  The front of the restaurant had a soft rubber-like padded area.  He ordered them to go on all fours.  Then he retracted the cords on the ankle cuffs to standard position for Jeff and Brad, but to the advanced position for David.  Brad had noticed two other handlers enter the restaurant with pups.  They were holding the leashes, so Brad did the same.  He led them into the restaurant.  As David had suggested earlier, he asked for a table for one with a cage for three.  The head waiter slave led them to a table with a large cage next to it.  The head waiter slave tapped a button on his pad, then held the cage door open.  Steve led the pups into the cage.  The head waiter slave closed the cage door and it locked shut.  The head waiter slave then pulled out the chair and held it while Steve sat down.  The head waiter slave handed Steve a menu and said that his waiter slave would be there shortly.

Steve looked at the menu.  He made his selection, then looked at the pup selections.  Some of the selections seemed like it was actual dog food, other selections seemed more like human food, prepared in a way to resemble dog food.  He knew that David would be fine with anything he ordered but thought it best to order something more “human” for Jeff and Brad.  The waiter slave came over and asked Steve if he wanted something to drink.  Steve asked for an orange juice and coffee.  The waiter then asked if he was ready to order or if he wanted more time to look at the menu.  Steve was ready to order.  For himself he ordered fried eggs over corned beef hash and some toast.  For the pups he placed one order for pup meal one and two orders of pup meal six.  He also ordered a tray of breakfast mix pup treats for three.

The cage that the pups were in had what looked like heavy duty fencing around the sides, except for a row which was about head height for the pups that had square openings about 4 inches wide and 6 inches high.  At the bottom were hinged flaps over openings, that were intended for putting food and water dishes into the cage.  After ordering breakfast, Steve checked the app.  David had made him aware of an option under pup mode that would issue a shock to their collar if they made any sound that was recognized as human speech, other than the words, “Permission to speak?”  He activated that setting for all three of them, deflated the gags, and unlocked the mouth part of their masks.  Steve told them not to talk, except for dog sounds when the mouth pieces were removed.  He reached through the holes, then removed the mouth part from David.  David gave a “woof”, which Steve took to mean “thank you.”  Jeff’s was removed next.  Jeff said, “Thank you, Sir.”  A moment later he received a shock to his collar.  Realizing his mistake, he let out a “Grrrr.”  When Brad’s mouthpiece was removed, he followed David’s example and responded, “Woof.”  Steve pet them each on the head, then sat down.

David started to get playful with the others.  He got some playful puppy activity going on between the three of them.  A few moments later, the waiter slave placed a tray on a stand near the table.  He placed the orange juice and coffee in front of Steve.  He then asked Steve if he should give the pup water bowls or leave them for Steve to do.  Steve said some help would be nice.  The waiter slave used his pad to unlock the flaps to put the water bowls in.  Steve took two of the bowls and the waiter slave took the third.  They put the bowls on the floor, lifted the respective flaps.  Slid the bowls in, then closed the flaps.  The flaps have a built-in delay before automatically re-locking in case more than one item needs to go in or out of the cage.  Ten seconds after they were closed, they locked themselves.  The waiter slave took the empty tray and the stand as he left.  Jeff and Brad looked at Steve with an expression of uncertainty.  David went over to a bowl, put his face down and started lapping up the water.  He gave a friendly bark to the others to encourage them to do the same.  They felt awkward about it but gave it a try.  After lapping up some of the water, they returned to some playful pup activity.

After a short while, the waiter slave returned.  After putting the tray on the stand, he placed Steve’s food in front of him.  He asked Steve if he wanted help with the food dishes for the dogs.  Steve looked at the dog bowls.  It was easy to tell which one was for David.  David’s bowl had something that looked very much like canned dog food.  However, it was prepared at The Resort.  So, while it looked and smelled like canned dog food, it was specifically made for human consumption.  The other two bowls contained sausage patties that were chopped and mixed with scrambled eggs.  While there was some resemblance to dog food, it looked and smelled like human food.  Steve pointed to the dish for David and told the waiter he could give that bowl to David, pointing out which one was David.  They put the food dishes into the cage in the same way the water dishes had been put in earlier.  The waiter slave then asked if he wanted the tray of pup treats on the table or in the cage.  Steve said to put it on the table.  Brad was about to start eating, then David gave him a low growl.  David was looking up at Steve, apparently waiting for permission to start eating.  The others followed his example.  Steve sat down and was about to start eating when he noticed them staring at him.  It took him a moment to realize why they were staring at him.  He looked at them and said, “Eat.”  They began to eat out of their dog bowls.  Steve started eating his meal.

When Steve finished his meal, he saw that the pups were also finished eating.  Brad happened to be nearest to him.  He reached in and petted Brad on the head and asked the group if they had been good pups.  They responded with happy woofs.  He then asked if they wanted a treat.  David started panting and the others followed his example.  The treat tray had three pieces each of toast, hash brown patties, and sausage patties, all shaped like dog biscuits.  He took a toast biscuit and held it out for Brad to take.  After Brad ate it, Steve said, “Good boy,” then called Jeff over.  He gave Jeff a toast biscuit, then did the same with David.  While David was still there, he gave him a sausage patty biscuit.  After they all got a sausage patty biscuit, he gave them each a hash brown biscuit.

Steve finished his coffee, then asked the pups if they were ready to go.  They replied with a woof.  Steve opened the app and tapped the control that would buzz the waiter slave, letting him know he was ready for the check.  A few moments later, the waiter slave brought the check.  He reviewed it.  Again, only his meal was on the check with a room discount.  He had it charged to the room.

Steve put the mouth pieces back on each of them, then used the app to unlock the cage and opened the door.  He took the three leashes, leading them out of the restaurant.  He noticed that David was going a bit slower than the others.  He used the app to adjust the ankle cuffs to standard position.  That made it easier for David to keep up.  They exited the restaurant, then headed towards the gear station.  When they reached the end of the padded area in front of the restaurant, Steve adjusted the cuffs so that they could all walk upright.  David needed a moment to adjust as he was in the advanced position for most of that time.

When they got to the gear station, another slave had just returned some gear.  When the slave turned and saw Steve coming behind him, he said, “Sir, I apologize if I caused you any delay.”  Steve replied that he needed to take some of this gear off them first anyway.  The slave asked if he needed any assistance.  Steve said that if he had a few minutes that would be great.  Steve explained that he was thinking of leaving the paws on but wanted to remove the rest of the pup gear.  The slave said he could take some time to help.  Steve unlocked the ankle cuffs, and the slave started to take them off and put them in the capsule.  While he was doing that, Steve removed the mask from Jeff.  He noticed that Jeff had some drool on his face.  He asked the slave where the nearest place where he could bring them to wash their face.  The slave said that it was common for slaves to have some drool after items with gags are removed, so there is a compartment in the gear station with wipes.  The slave showed Steve where it was and pulled a wipe out.  The slave asked if Steve would like him to wash his slave’s face.  Steve agreed.  The slave wiped Jeff’s face while Steve proceeded to remove the mask from Brad.  The slave had removed all the leg cuffs.  Steve unlocked the tails.  The slave wiped Brad’s face and removed the tails while Steve removed the mask from David.

The slave then went to wipe David’s face.  David recognized him, so when the slave finished, David said, “Thank you, slave Jack.”  Slave Jack replied, “You’re welcome slave David.”  Steve also thanked slave Jack and asked if he could give him a reward for helping.  David interjected, “If I may Master Steve, the best reward you could give this slave is a heavy flogging or some hard strokes with a paddle.”  Steve thought that slave jack was about to smile, but held it back, so he asked, “Is that true?”  Slave Jack replied, “Yes, Sir!  I am a pain pig and love being flogged and paddled, Sir.”  “Well, last night is the first time I ever used a flogger and I have never used a paddle.”  David said, “Sir, if you have an interest in learning to use a paddle, slave Jack would be a good person to teach you and to let you use him for practice.”  Steve thought for a moment, then said, “I don’t think I would want to paddle Jeff or Brad, but I am interested in learning new things here.  If you are available while I am here, I would be interested to learn.  Slave Jack pulled out his pad and checked his schedule for the day.  He said that he could make himself available for the next hour or any time after 4:00 this afternoon.  Steve didn’t have any specific plans for the morning, so he said, “Let’s do it now.”

There was a place nearby intended for impact play.  After using his pad to indicate that he would belong to Master Steve for the next hour, Jack told Steve how to get there.  On the way, Jack gave him some information about impact play.  Told him about areas that were good to hit and places to avoid.  He told him about signs to tell if the person can keep going or needs to stop.  When they arrived, Steve, Jeff, and Brad were bit overwhelmed with what they saw.  The room was filled with spanking benches, crosses, sofa, chairs, bondage tables.  On the wall were more impact tools than either of them could imagine.  Jeff and Brad were a bit nervous just being in that room.  Jack spent about 10 minutes showing them some of the implements and a brief description of the kind of effect each one has.  He suggested that Steve may like to start with an over-the-knee spanking to warm up.  Steve asked how that would work.  Jack said it would be best if he allowed the back portion of his belt to be removed for this.  Once that was done, he asked Steve to sit on either a chair or the sofa.  Jack positioned himself over Steve’s lap.  David offered to help coaching.  Steve spanked him, sometimes alternating from one cheek to the other on each stroke, sometimes concentrating on one side, then the other.  Sometimes he would pause to feel the target and rub his hands over.  Then David suggested putting him on one of the spanking benches.  Once Jack was strapped down, Steve got two paddles that Jack had said he particularly liked.  Steve was hesitant about using the paddles too hard.  But with David’s coaching and encouragement, he was able to go further than he first thought he could.  By the time he finished, Jack’s cheeks had some nice redness to them.  David said that after a heavy paddling like that, it is best to rinse it with either alcohol or peroxide to help prevent infection.  David went to a shelf and being still locked in the paws, used both paws to pick up a bottle and bring it to Steve.  He said he should open the bottle and just pour some over the affected area.  He did and was startled by the results.  Jack seemed to be in more pain than when he was being paddled.  His body tightened up, his fists clenched, and he was trying very hard not to scream.  It only lasted a short time, but that seemed very intense.  David said that the bottle he got was alcohol.  With peroxide, he wouldn’t feel anything like that.  Steve was still very concerned.  He asked Jack if he was alright.  Jack said he would be.  He started to let Jack out.  David told him that aftercare is important in a scene like this.  He said he should hug and comfort him once he is let out.  Steve and Jack held the hug for a few minutes.  Steve didn’t realize that spanking and paddling could be such a bonding experience.

Jack asked Steve if he wanted to try spanking or paddling any of his other slaves while he still had a little time left to help coach him.  Steve looked at Jeff and Brad.  He could tell they were nervous.  He decided not to even ask them.  He looked at David.  He thought about it, then said, “No, I think I have done enough paddling for today.  Although I probably should give David a proper ‘Thank you’ for his encouragement in getting me to try this.”  While saying that, he had his pad out.  As he finished saying the last sentence, he started the belt on a pattern where it would alternate between a rather hard ball slap then a shock on his cheeks at a rather high electro setting.  Jack smiled.  He thanked Steve for the paddling and the opportunity to teach him.  Then he asked if his belt should go back on now.  Steve was concerned and asked if he would be alright with the belt on.  Jack said he had the belt on over worse than that.  Steve told him to bring the belt pieces over, then Steve put them back in place.  Jack cleaned the equipment that had been used and put it away.  Once everything was done, Jack knelt in front of Steve, and asked if he could be dismissed.  Steve dismissed him.

The nervous looks he saw on Jeff and Brad had him a bit concerned.  He went over and gently grabbed them both into a group hug.  He held them for a few moments, then said he loved them.  He said he saw how nervous they looked.  He said he was glad that he got to experience it, but that he didn’t think he was up to doing something like that again.  Jeff said he loved him and thanked him for caring so much about him.  Jeff said that even though seeing that made him nervous, he trusted Steve and knew he would not do anything bad to him.  Brad expressed agreement with what Jeff said.

Jeff said, “How about we go relax at the pool before exploring some of the other things The Resort has to offer.  They all agreed.  When Jeff mentioned going back to the room first to change into a bathing suit, David told him that clothing was optional at the pool.  He said that if he did want to wear a bathing suit, that there were suits available for guests to use.  Steve said they could go to the pool, and he would see what he wanted to do.  When they got to the pool, he saw that only a few were wearing bathing suits.  Many of the slaves were wearing belts, including many of those who were not employees of The Resort.  He decided he did not need a bathing suit here.  There were lockers available, but it looked like there were only a few lockers.  Then he remembered what Jeff had told him about the lockers when they arrived at work.  He asked Jeff how to use the locker.  Jeff told him where to put his bracelet to open a locker.  He took his clothes off and put them in the locker.  He was about to take his card out of his pocket, but Jeff reminded him that the bracelet could do anything the card could do.  Then he thought about the pad but figured he could do without it while they were at the pool.  Then Steve realized that the slaves were all still in their paws.  David said that if he wanted them out of the paws, he could either leave them in the locker and return them later or send one of them to return them.  David used his pad to unlock the paws on all of them.  He removed Jeff’s paws.  He told Jeff to take the paws off David while he removed the paws from Brad.  He put them all in the locker, then closed it with his bracelet.

One of the pool slaves on duty that day was Jim.  They had met him as one of the guides during their orientation.  Jim had just delivered a drink to one of the guests and was heading in their direction.  Brad noticed him and called out, “Hey Jim.”  Jim recognized them and said hello back.  Then he had a confused look on his face as he said, “What are you guys doing here?”  Brad said that they were here with Steve.  Jim said he thought they hadn’t been there long enough to become slaves for guests.

Steve noticed that Brad and Jeff stopped to talk to someone.  Then he noticed that they started to seem uncomfortable.  He headed over towards them.  When he got there, he said, “Hey guys, how are things going?”  Jeff responded, “This is slave Jim.  He was one of the guides during our orientation.  Jim turned to Steve and said, “Hello Sir.  It is a pleasure to meet you.”  Not wanting to make a scene in front of a guest, Jim dropped the earlier conversation.  He told Steve that he was one of the pool slaves and said that if he needed anything he would be glad to serve.  Steve said they were about to go into the pool for a bit.  After they get out, it might be good to get some refreshments.  Jim asked if he also needed towels.  Steve said he did, so Jim said he would bring some over for them.  Steve thanked him, then they headed over towards the pool.


Jim thought it was suspicious that Jeff and Brad were there as Resort slaves.  Jeff and Brad had not been working at The Resort long enough to become guest slaves.  When he asked about it, they seemed nervous.  That just made him more suspicious.  He remembered being a guide at their orientation.  He was assigned to another slave in the orientation, but he did get to interact with the others.  He liked them all, including these two.  But something didn’t seem right.  He went to his alpha and asked to talk to him privately.  They went to an office, and he told him about Jeff and Brad.  His alpha agreed that it was unusual that slaves so new to The Resort would be guest slaves.  He used the office terminal to see what he could find out about them.  He only had limited access to the records of employees that were not under him.  It looked like they had been involved in an incident, but he could not access the details.  It also showed that they were trained and registered as novice guest slaves.  They were currently assigned to a guest.  The alpha told Jim that he would investigate further, but for now treat them as he would any other novice guest slaves who were assigned to a guest.


A notification popped up on Master Ray’s screen.  Someone was looking into the records for slaves Jeff and Brad.  It was coming from the alpha at the pool.  There were no reported incidents at the pool.  He did not know why the pool alpha would have reason to check their records.  He typed up a message to slave David asking how things were going and why the pool alpha might be looking into Jeff’s and Brad’s records.  He sent a shock to David’s belt that would indicate that he had a message waiting from Master Ray, but that it was not a priority message.  A few seconds later a message popped up on the screen that the signal was not received.  Of course, it wasn’t.  He must be in the water.

Another notification popped up.  It seems that the pool alpha is trying to dig further.  He tried another zap to David’s belt.  “Signal not received.”  He did not want to go there himself because of the questions that would raise.  He thought to himself, “Who is available who could discretely find out what is going on there?”


Steve was enjoying himself in the pool.  So were Jeff, Brad, and David.  It was fun and refreshing.  They tried some two-on-two water volleyball, but they were not doing well with that.  Instead, they tried keeping the ball in the air.  They did better at that, but more importantly, they had fun.  After that, they went to another section of the pool where they had some floating lounge chairs.  Some of them were tandem chairs, so Steve and Jeff got into one chair.  Brad and David got into another.

Steve noticed Jim nearby and asked him to bring them all lemonades.  David noticed that Jim seemed to be a bit off but did not say anything to the rest of the group.  Soon they were all sipping lemonade while relaxing in the floating lounge chairs.


A slave in a red maintenance jumpsuit came to the pool alpha’s office and knocked on the door.  The alpha invited him in.  He said he was Keith from IT maintenance and that they had received a fault alert from something in this area but could not find the source of the problem.  He asked the alpha if he was aware of any technological problems.  He said that everything was working fine as far as he could tell.  Keith asked the alpha if he could use the terminal to run a diagnostic that might help track down the problem.  The alpha said that he was in the middle of doing some research.  Keith said the diagnostic may not interfere, then asked what he was researching.  The alpha told him about the situation with Jeff and Brad.  Keith said the diagnostic might interfere with his connection to Personnel records.  He said that since there didn’t seem to be any obvious technology issues, that he would run a quick diagnosis on the local nodes, then head back.

Keith checked the local network nodes.  He knew there wasn’t any issue, but he went through the motions so that it would not look suspicious.  He saw David and the others in his group go over to the floating lounge chairs.  He did not see a discrete way to contact David, so he finished checking the nodes and went back to his office.  When he got to his desk, he sent a note to Master Ray explaining what he had learned.


Master Ray read the message from Keith.  It was helpful but he didn’t have the full picture yet.  It seems that Jeff and Brad met another slave who knew them.  He hadn’t thought of that possibility.  They would not run into any of the people they knew from laundry or the other recruits who were all in positions in the Slave Maintenance area.  Who did they meet?  Perhaps he would get more information from David.  He tried to buzz him one more time.  “Signal not received.”  He set it to buzz David every 20 minutes.  Eventually it would go through.


Steve and the others discussed plans for the rest of their day.  They would have lunch, then David would take them on a tour to visit some of the specialty areas of The Resort.  The leather and rubber themed restaurants both sounded interesting.  Steve and Jeff had been to a local leather bar.  They decided to try something new and have lunch at the rubber themed restaurant.  David said that The Resort had rubber gear that guests could use.  There was a slave vending machine nearby that could take them to be changed, then bring them back.  They could go through the vending machine while Steve changed in the guest area.

Steve’s pad was in the locker, so he took Jeff’s controller and used that to call Jim to bring them some towels.  As they exited the pool, Jim was there with towels for them.  Steve gave Jim a very pleasurable reward.  They dried off and headed to the locker.  David got a buzz.  He knew it meant there was a message for him from Master Ray.  While Steve retrieved his locker and got dressed, David checked the message and sent a reply to Master Ray.  Steve had them carry the paws they had on earlier as they left to head to the rubber-themed restaurant.

Leaving the pool area, David helped Steve go through the selections for what he wanted them to wear.  He decided if they were going to do this, they might as well go all the way.  He made his selections for them.  David showed him where he could see options for guests.  There was a slave vending machine near the rubber shop.  Steve dropped them off there, then headed towards the rubber shop.

Since they might have some wait time after they were changed, they decided to have David go first, followed by Jeff then Brad.  As David was getting into the capsule, Jeff and Brad put the paws into the gear station to send them back.  Soon they were all in capsules.  The capsules brought them directly to where they would go to get into uniforms.  When they arrived, they got onto a trolley.  The trolley took them to the laser measuring room, then a shower.  Next their belts were removed, then their collars.  Brad and Jeff were not expecting that, but later realized it made sense in order to get them into the rubber gear.  They were each put into a rubber suit that had attached feet, gloves, and hood.  Brad and Jeff later learned that their rubber suits had internal electro pads.  The suits were open around the crotch area.  The next stop had belts put back on them, though they had a few less features than their usual belts because of the rubber gear.  Rubber mitts were put on their hands.  The mitts forced them to make a fist inside, then were locked around the wrist and went partway up the forearms almost to the elbow.  Then a thicker rubber outfit was put on over that.  For Brad and Jeff, the outfit was a one-piece suit that had short legs and short sleeves.

For David, the outfit did not have sleeves.  His arms were folded inside the suit.  At this step the wrist restraints of the trolley retracted, and a support bar was put behind him with a strap that went around his upper body.  At the next station for all three of them, a thick, 6-inch-wide rubber belt was put around their waist.  The belt also had a rubber pouch to hold the controllers for their belts.  Jeff and Brad had a rubber harness put on them.  Thick rubber boots were put on them, a thick rubber collar, then a mask, which internally was like the dog mask, but on the outside had a smooth rubber surface with a short breathing tube sticking out.  The eyes of the mask could be open or closed to either allow sight or act as a blindfold.  Jeff and Brad had never been so restrained while on the trolley.  They were brought to a different exit than the usual one.  This exit had an attendant who helped them off the trolley and escorted them to the capsule for the slave vending machine.  They did not get to see each other as they were each loaded into a capsule before the next arrived.  The capsules were sent to the waiting area until Steve was ready to retrieve them.


When Steve entered the rubber shop, a customer service slave greeted him and asked how he could help.  Steve explained that he had never tried rubber but wanted something to wear to the rubber themed restaurant.  The slave asked him a few questions, then helped him pick an outfit.  He was taken to a fitting room.  There was a locker so he could store his clothes until he was ready to change back.  He undressed and stored everything except his pad while the slave got a few things for him to try on.

He put on a rubber suit that went to his neck, wrists, and ankles.  The crotch area had an opening where he could pull his cock and balls through.  It was a good fit and felt good to be in it.  The slave offered him a rubber piece that was shaped to go over his cock and balls.  He had difficulty putting that on himself, so the slave helped him.  Next was a cod piece that attached to the front.  The slave explained that it used the same locking method as gear used on slaves, but there was a place he could press that would unlock it.  Then he put on a belt that was about 2 inches wide.  The belt had a hanging pouch where he could store his pad.  The slave offered him three options for a chest harness.  One was the locking style, which had a seamless look.  The other was a buckle style.  The third had snap connectors.

He tried all three.  He liked them all, but in the end decided to go with the one with snaps.  He then put on rubber socks and boots.  The boots he chose had laces in the front that were only for show.  In the back, it had a slit that opened to make it easy to get on.  The slit closed with the seamless locking flap like the one used on the pup mask.  But unlike the pup mask these had a button to unlock them.  The slave suggested two sets of gloves.  One was a thinner material, which he could keep on which would allow him to use his hands and fingers.  Those gloves went to the wrists where they overlapped the sleeves by about two inches.  The second pair was a thick industrial style rubber glove.  They would have to come off for him to use his hands, but they looked good.  They went almost to his elbows.  They were snug enough around the wrists to stay on but opened wider over his arms.  Then to top things off, he wore a rubber cap.

The slave checked on the rental fee for the outfit.  He found that the room he was in included clothing rental at no charge.  The slave further explained that for his convenience he could return these items there or at any gear station at The Resort.  He could also retrieve his locker at any locker station.  Steve thanked him and gave him a pleasurable reward.  He then headed over to the slave vending machine to retrieve the others.


The note from David explained that they had met Jim, who was one of the guides during their orientation.  Jim was asking why they were guest slaves when they had not been at The Resort long enough.  They did not tell him how they ended up here.  David said that he thought it seemed to have Jim concerned.

Now Master Ray understood what had happened.  He had told them not to tell The Resort staff about them being here with Steve.  That must have put them in an awkward situation when Jim asked them about it.  He was impressed that they followed his orders, even though it must have been uncomfortable for them to do so.

Master Ray sent a message to the pool alpha and slave Jim.  “I understand that you were questioning why slaves Jeff and Brad were here as guest slaves when they had not been at The Resort long enough.  There were special circumstances, so I authorized them to be here.  They were under orders not to share that information with other slaves at The Resort.  I appreciate your diligence investigating this situation.”

Next Master Ray sent a message to Steve inviting them to join him for dinner at 7:00 that evening.  He suggested the leather themed restaurant, but that he could choose another restaurant if he preferred.


On his way to the slave vending machine, Steve noticed a message from Master Ray.  He responded that he would be glad to join him for dinner.  The leather restaurant was one that he wanted to visit anyway, so that would be wonderful.  He also said that he was looking forward to finally meeting him.

At the slave vending machine, he saw that all three were ready and waiting for him to retrieve them.  He retrieved Brad first.  Brad almost forgot protocol.  It was a moment after he exited that he realized this, then knelt, put his hands behind his back and bowed deeply.  Steve told him to get up, then he retrieved Jeff and finally David.  Jeff also forgot protocol, but he noticed Brad moving his head.  He realized it was an attempt to remind him of protocol, which he then followed.  Jeff and Brad were both surprised at how David was set up.  With the three slaves gagged, there was not much conversation.  Steve told them to follow him to the restaurant.

When they arrived at the restaurant, they noticed that the staff had uniforms that looked like the staff at other restaurants, however, their uniforms were rubber instead of cloth.  The head waiter slave brought them to a table and presented Steve with a menu.  He asked if he wanted menus for the slaves.  Pointing to Jeff and Brad, he told the waiter that they may have menus and he would order for the third.  He provided slave menus to Jeff and Brad.  He said the waiter slave would be there soon.

Moments later a waiter slave came to the table.  He had one glass with iced water and three cups with cold water, but no ice.  He asked Steve if he would like anything else to drink with lunch.  He said some iced tea would be nice, then asked the others if they wanted iced tea too.  As he expected, David shook his head no, but Jeff and Brad both shook their heads yes.  Steve turned to the waiter and asked for two more iced teas for them.  The waiter then asked if he wanted them to use the drinking tube.  Steve didn’t understand the question, so he asked the waiter what he meant.  The waiter slave explained that these hoods included a drinking tube.  While in rubber gear, it is important to stay hydrated.  A slave can drink without the need to remove the gear.  By positioning their tongue over the air intake to close it off, they could then suck in liquids.  Steve thought it sounded interesting, so he said he would like them to try it.

When the waiter returned, he put a large glass of iced tea in front of Steve and cups of iced tea in front of the slaves.  He then proceeded to put lids on the water cups.  The lids had a solid plastic tube that went to the bottom of the cup on the inside and came up about an inch on the outside.  There was a flexible rubber tube attached to the end of the plastic tube.  The waiter slave, then pulled something from the front of one of their masks.  Steve hadn’t noticed it before.  It was a small tube that was pressed in an indentation forming a circle around the mouth area.  He then connected that tube to the rubber tube attached to the cup.  Then he did the same for the other two.  David took a sip right away.  Jeff and Brad had some difficulty but managed to get some water.  The waiter asked if he was ready to order or if he needed more time.  He said he needed more time.

Steve looked at his menu, then decided what he would get.  Then he looked at the slave section of the menu.  He noticed that protein drink was an option.  There was a note that this could be consumed using a drinking tube for hooded slaves.  They listed the flavors as bland, vanilla, chocolate, banana, and mixed fruit.  Originally, he was going to go with a chicken nugget meal for David and have Jeff and Brad feed him.  Steve told Jeff and Brad that he could either get David something that they would need to help feed him or something that did not require their assistance.  He then asked if they had a preference?  They both indicated that they did not.  He then asked them if they had decided on what to get for lunch.  They indicated that they had decided.

Steve then unlocked the left mitt on both.  He assisted Brad in removing his, then told him to help Jeff.  He then told them to point to what they wanted to order.  Jeff pointed to the burger and the options for lettuce, tomato, and ketchup.  Brad pointed to the mac and cheese with tuna.  He then told them he was undecided between these two options for David.  He pointed to the chicken nugget mean, then the protein shake.  Pointing to the chicken nugget meal, he told them they would have to help feed him this one, but not the other.  He asked them what they thought he should get for David.  They thought about it, then Jeff pointed at the protein shake.  Brad did too.  Steve signaled the waiter slave that he was ready to order.

He told the waiter slave that he would have corned beef on rye with mustard and a side of onion rings.  Pointing to Jeff, he said that he will have a hamburger with lettuce, tomato, and ketchup.  The waiter slave asked if he wanted that with fries.  He saw Jeff nod his head, so he told the waiter yes.  Pointing to Brad, he said he would have mac and cheese with tuna.  He said that David would have a protein shake.  The waiter asked which flavor.  Steve looked at the options, then looked at Jeff and Brad and asked if they had any suggestions.  They both pointed to Vanilla.  He told the waiter to go with that.

He noticed that David was drinking his water, but Jeff and David were not.  He told Jeff and David that he wanted them to finish their water before the food arrived.  They began to drink some of the water.  Since none of them could talk, Steve commented to them about how good they looked in rubber.  Also, how much he liked seeing the other guests and the staff in rubber.  He asked if they liked being in rubber.  They all nodded yes.  He told them that there was a cock and ball sheath on him under the cod piece.  He also told them that the cod piece and the boots use a locking system like the stuff they are in, but on his there is a button that unlocks it.  Jeff and Brad were still having some difficulty drinking, but they were getting better at it.  He saw they were almost finished drinking from their cups, and he figured food be ready soon, so he unlocked the mitts on their other hand, then unlocked the masks.  He told them they could take them off.  A few moments later, the gloves and masks were out of the way.  They both wiped their faces with napkins, then said, “Thank you, Sir” to Steve.  Steve had removed one of the industrial gloves a few times to use his pad.  Now he had them both off and just in time to see the waiter slave coming with their food.

The waiter slave put the tray down on a stand, then placed Steve’s food in front of him.  Then he handed the respective meals to Brad and Jeff.  He then took the lid off the cup of water for David and replaced the water cup with the cup containing the protein drink.  The waiter slave asked Steve if he needed anything else.  Steve said he was good, so the waiter slave took the tray and stand as he left.

Jeff said that he would have been glad to help David with his meal, but he liked seeing David in that outfit.  He said he thought David would probably like being kept in the gear too.  Brad agreed and they noticed David nodding his head yes.  Brad added that he thought David would have picked bland unless told to pick something with more flavor.  He wanted to be nice to David and thought that Vanilla would be a good compromise.  Jeff said that was exactly what he was thinking too.  Steve was still eating when Jeff and Brad had finished their meals.  He told them to put the masks back on.  They both complied.  The masks were still connected to their water cups.  He told them to finish their water.  They did.  Then he told them to put the lids onto the cups of iced tea and finish that.  Steve finished his meal about the same time they finished their iced tea.  Brad had finished his protein drink and his water was already empty.  He told them to disconnect David’s tube and put it back in place.  It took them a minute to figure out how to do it, but they did.  He then told them to put their own tube back.  Once that was done, he told them to put the gloves back on.  They tried, but it was difficult to do it themselves.  Steve told Jeff to help Brad put his gloves on, then he helped Jeff put his gloves back on.

Steve signaled the waiter that he was ready for the check.  As usual, only his meal with a room discount was on the check.  He had it charged to the room and gave the waiter a pleasurable reward.  Once that was settled, he had his three rubber gimps follow him out of the restaurant.

Steve liked the way they looked.  He liked having them locked in rubber and gagged.  But it would be necessary for them to be able to talk during the tour.  Well, at least David would need to be able to talk.  Maybe the others wouldn’t need to talk right away.  He also wanted to make sure that they were alright.  So, he asked them if they liked being in these setups.  They all nodded yes.  He asked if they would be alright staying like this for a while longer.  They all nodded yes.  That made Steve happy.  And he was glad that they seemed happy too.  He told them that their plan was to explore some of the specialty areas of The Resort.  As he removed the mask from David, he said that David would need to speak in order to give the tour.  He said that he would offer them opportunities to ask questions occasionally, but otherwise their masks could stay on.

David said the nearest place is the play pit for those into dog/pup play.  They walked through that area.  There were a few pups and handlers around.  They had enclosed areas for the pups to play in.  There were lots of pup toys.  A few dog cages along one wall.  One dog was locked in a cage.  There were three dogs in one of the enclosed areas who seemed to be trying to get a dog toy from the others.  One handler seemed to be playing fetch with his pup.

The gunge area had a couple of vats filled with different kinds of slimy goo.  There were a few tables with restraints.  Near them they had racks of squeeze tubes with various items.  There were condiments like ketchup and mustard and others, ice cream/dessert toppings like chocolate and other flavored syrups, whipped cream., sticky things like maple syrup.  Those are only a few of the many things they saw.  There were two guys sitting or wallowing in one of the pits.  Another guy was restrained to a table covered in whip cream and chocolate syrup.  Two other guys were licking it off him.

They passed several themed areas where they did not go in but came close enough to see what was going on.  Through the windows of the sports bar, they could see that football gear seemed to be most popular.  There were also guys in gear for baseball, hockey, lacrosse, scuba, motocross, soccer, and a few other sports.  Even the slaves working at the sports bar had uniforms that resembled sports gear.  At the stables they could see a guest in a cart being pulled by two guys dressed in pony gear.  There were some ponies in the stable.  Another looked like he was being groomed.  David said that some of the ponies are guests, and some are slaves of The Resort.  It was the same with some of the pups.  That way guests who do not have ponies or pups can enjoy the experience with Resort slaves.  The ABDL area had oversized cribs, highchairs, and other baby furniture.  There were baby bottles, baby food, baby toys, all adult size.  They had changing tables and diapers.  The fisting area had slings, lube, gloves, and all of supplies needed.  The fire play area was clearly designed with safety in mind.  Fireproof walls, extinguishers, and other safety equipment were present.

One section of the room was intended specifically for wax play.  There were a variety of candles available.  The watersport section had an area for people who liked to get wet.  There were also drinking stations.  David said that the staff for this area have modified belts that collect their urine instead of going through the usual waste processing.  It gets tested before use then bottled.  There were also some urinal stations.  David told Steve that if he needed to pee, this was a good place to do it.  He was reluctant.  David tried to encourage him, and he could see that even though gagged, Jeff and Brad were trying to encourage him too.  So he went to a urinal that had a tube attaching to the mouth of a rubber encased bound man.  It took him a few moments to get the flow going.  He had to take the rubber sleeve off.

He had difficulty getting it back on, so he just put it in the codpiece for storage.  The prison themed restaurant is adjacent to a jail.  On the restaurant side some of the tables have chairs that resemble an electric chair.  Some of the people were wearing what looked like prisoner uniforms.  Many were orange or black and white striped.  Some were other colors.  Most were labeled with “Department of Corrections”, “Prisoner”, “Inmate”, “D.O.C.” and such.  The uniforms for most of the staff resembled prison uniforms.  Some of the staff had uniforms that looked like police or prison guard uniforms.  On the wall adjacent to the jail side of the building there were tables next to jail cells.

David explained that a guest could arrange to have someone in his group “arrested” at the door.  He would be taken out in cuffs, brought to jail.  Processed, searched, and issued a unform.  He would then be put into one of the cells adjacent to the restaurant.  They would eat at the small table in the cell while the rest of his group ate at the table adjacent to his cell.  The jail side also has some cells that are not adjacent to the restaurant.  Someone could be put through the prisoner intake process, then put into a cell for a few hours or even overnight.  They were not able to see much when they passed the leather bar and the leather themed restaurant.

They did see a few people going in or leaving in leather.  And they passed a few areas that allowed for private play.  They could not go into the ones that were in use.  They did see one and it looked very similar to the private play space they have in their room.  Then they passed a place that had a variety of metal shackles and various medieval looking restraints and contraptions.  Another place had lots of plastic wraps, duct tape in a variety of colors, and other types of materials for wrapping someone.  There was another place that looked like a mental asylum.  It had various medical restraints, straitjackets (the institutional kinds, not any leather ones), medical tables, and even padded cells.

Considering how they were dressed, David thought it was appropriate to finish the tour at the rubber-themed bar.  Steve put David’s mask back in place.  They sat down at a table.  A waiter slave came over and asked Steve if he wanted something to drink.  Steve ordered a beer for himself.  He knew slaves of The Resort are not allowed to drink alcohol, so he ordered fruit punch for them and said they would be using the drinking tubes.  Their drinks arrived.  The waiter slave gave Steve his beer, then connected the cups of fruit juice to the drinking tubes for the others.  They just sat there enjoying the sight of rubber clad men around them.

Some were fully covered in rubber, like his slaves were.  Some were mostly covered, like he was.  Some had more skin showing that rubber, wearing things like rubber shorts and a tank top or a rubber singlet.  They saw the rubber slide and slosh pit.  Steve thought some of the guys looked like little kids at a playground, but it also looked like they were having fun.  He asked if the others would like to try the slide and slosh pit.  David shrugs his shoulders, which he took to mean, “Whatever you want.”  He realized that coming from David, there would be a “Sir” in that.  Jeff nodded yes.  Brad was enthusiastically nodding yes.  He finished his beer and saw that the others had finished their drinks.  The drink was already charged to the room.  He disconnected the drinking tubes and put them back in place, then led them over to the slide.

Brad had gone ahead and was about to go up to the slide when he realized he should probably ask permission first.  He went and knelt in front of Steve and nodded his head towards the slide.  Steve told him he may go on the slide and that they all may go on the slide.  Then looking at David he asked if it was safe for David to go on the slide like that.  He kind of shrugged.  Steve realized it was not a simple yes or no answer, so he removed David’s mask.  David said that going down was fine, but he should have someone assist him going up the steps so that he doesn’t lose balance.  Steve put his mask back in place, then went with him to the bottom of the steps.  Steve told David to go up first, that he would go behind him to make sure he didn’t fall.  David seemed hesitant to walk in front of a Master, but that is what he was told to do, so he did it.  Brad was already on his way up for another ride.  Jeff was in the slosh pit, but away from the bottom of the slide.  He looked back to watch David.  David sat down and went down the slide.  He forgot how slippery it was.  He was glad that Jeff had waited and helped him up.  Steve came down the slide shortly after David did.  They each went down the slide three times.  Then Steve, Jeff and David sat in the slosh pit while Brad went down the slide at least five or six more times.  At one point Jeff realized that he could move David around and David could do nothing about it.  He started to spin David on his back until Steve came over and tried to spin Jeff like that.  Jeff’s hands may have been locked in mitts, but at least he had arms.  He was able to struggle a bit with Steve.  They felt like kids and were having fun.

After a while, Steve said it was time to go and try something else.  There was a rinsing station near the slosh pit.  An attendant helped to rinse them all off.  The rubber shop was next to the bar, so Steve went in and told the attendant slave that he was ready to get out of the gear, but he might want to wear it again before he leaves.  The attendant told him that there was no time limit for how long he could keep it.  If he wanted, he could just leave it in the room when he was ready to check out.  The attendant asked if he wanted to change there.  He said that he would wait until he got back to his room to change.  He then asked about the stuff in the locker.  He said the hotel has locker areas on each floor.  He could retrieve his locker there.  He knew that the slaves would have to go through the slave vending machine to get changed.

He brought them to the nearest slave vending machine.  On the way there, he used the pad to select what they should be wearing when he retrieved them.  There were a few hours before they would be going to dinner with Master Ray at the leather themed restaurant.  (He realized he didn’t tell them that yet.)  Still, he thought it would be nice to see them in leather.  When they arrived, he asked David if he was able to get into the vending machine on his own.  He nodded no.  Then he asked if Jeff and Brad would be able to give him the help that he needed the way they are now.  He nodded yes.  He waited to watch them get David in the capsule in case they had any difficulty.  Then decided to wait until the others were also in the capsules.  He really liked the slave vending machines.

He got back to his room.  He figured that the others would be in capsules soon and waiting for him.  He decided they could wait a bit.  He was about to take his gear off, then take a shower.  Then he realized he did not retrieve his locker yet.  He went to his locker and retrieved his clothes.  On the way back to his room, he decided to check his pad to see if they still being processed or if they were ready to be retrieved.  He saw they were all ready.  He was concerned about leaving Brad in there too long, so he decided to retrieve Brad first, but the others could wait.  Brad asked about the others and Steve explained that he only retrieved Brad at this point because he knows how Brad feels about being in the capsules too long.  He said the others would be fine a little longer.  Back in the room, he had Brad help him out of his gear.  There was a stand-up cage in the play space, so he locked Brad in there while he showered and got dressed.  He checked to see if Brad would be OK there while he retrieved the others.  He said he would be fine.

Steve retrieved the other two, then let Brad out of the cage.  They sat down in the living room to discuss what they would do for the rest of the afternoon.  Steve also took that opportunity to let them know that they were invited to have dinner with Master Ray at the leather themed restaurant.  Brad burst out with, “Oh wow!  I remember how excited everyone was when Master Ray came to our area when there was the incident with the laundry.  I can’t believe we are going to meet him and have dinner with him.”  Jeff was excited too.  But on the inside he was a little nervous.  From what the others in the laundry area said, he had the impression that he would be an intimidating person.  He did not seem that way with his correspondence with Steve.  Steve brought the conversation back to what they were going to do that afternoon.  He said he wanted them to pick something they would like to do.  They all looked around at each other and at Steve.  Steve asked again if anyone had any ideas.  Then Jeff spoke up that he had an idea.

Jeff told Steve he wanted to surprise him with something.  He asked if he could take charge of the other two for this.  Steve gave his approval.  Jeff already had control of Brad’s belt, so he asked David, with Steve’s approval, for control of his belt.  Once that was arranged, he asked Steve to go into the bedroom, change into chaps, boots and leather gloves, then wait for him.  Steve agreed to do as he asked.  Jeff then took the others into the play space.  There was a fence-like section in the play space.  He told David to stand with his back towards it.  The put a large gag and a thick hood on him.  Then he had Brad help him lace David to the fence-like section.  His body, legs, head and upper arms were secured so that he couldn’t move anything except his lower arms.  He had Brad stand in from of David and had David play with his nipples for a bit.  He then set David’s belt to inflate the plug to a medium size, set it to vibrate and activated the electro to a level that would keep him horny.  He could see that it was having a positive effect on the way he was playing with Brad’s nipples.  Then he put Brad in a leather straitjacket and a hood with a large opening around the mouth.  He put ankle cuffs on Brad, had him kneel, then attached the ankle cuffs so that they allowed some motion, but would force him to stay kneeling.  Brad was positioned so that he was facing David, about two feet away.  He set Brad’s belt to the same type of setting as David’s, but with an intensity level that was better suited for Brad.

He then took a blindfold with him and went to get Steve.  Steve was dressed and ready as he had been requested.  Jeff asked if he would be OK with a blindfold while he brought him in for his surprise.  There was some hesitation as it was unexpected.  He trusted Jeff.  Jeff put the blindfold on him and led him into the play space and positioned him in front of David.  He then moved David’s hands to Steve’s nipples.  David started playing with them.  He then positioned Brad closer so that Brad could suck Steve’s cock.  He had two steps stools that he placed on either side of Brad so he could step up and straddle Brad without interfering with what Brad was doing.  Then he leaned forward and hugged and kissed Steve.  Jeff and Steve were making out while David played with Steve’s nipples and Brad sucked his cock.  When Jeff felt like Steve was getting close, he would squeeze his legs around Brad causing him to stop for a moment.  Then he would loosen his legs and Brad would continue.  Steve had come close at least a half dozen times, maybe twice that.  As Steve was building up again, Jeff whispered in his ear, “Would you like to cum?”  Steve was in such ecstasy when he responded, “Uh huh.”  While still making out with Steve, Jeff reached for the controller.  He had it preset for Brad and David to turn up the pleasure for them.  He activated the new setting.  The new level of pleasure that Brad and David received caused them to try to give Steve more pleasure too.  It did not take long before Steve shot a load.  He practically collapsed in Jeff’s arms.  Jeff held him and let Brad continue so he would get the most from his orgasm.  Then he helped Steve over to a couch to sit and recover.  Jeff sat next to him cuddling for a few minutes.  He looked over at Brad and David.  They were doing alright, so he sat with Steve a little longer.  As Steve began to recover, he slowly lifted the blindfold off him.  Steve looked at him with a big smile and said, “That was wonderful.  Thank you… all of you.”

A few moments later, Steve got up to see what Jeff had done with David and Brad.  He was impressed with the setup.  Jeff set their belts to slowly lower the intensity until the vibrators and electro were off.  Jeff released Brad’s ankles, then helped him to sit on a stool.  Steve helped Jeff release David from the ropes.  Then they worked together to get Brad out of the straitjacket.  Steve pulled David and Brad into a group hug and thanked them.  Then he hugged Jeff and thanked him.

They had about an hour before they needed to get ready to meet Master Ray for dinner.  He asked David if the outfits he chose for them were appropriate.  They were each wearing chaps, leather boots, and a leather chest harness.  David said it was very appropriate.  Steve then asked for suggestions on what he should wear.  Steve had some leather gear.  He was still wearing the chaps.  He also had leather pants, vest, and boots.  He thought he would wear those with a black t-shirt.  David said that would be good, but if he wanted to step it up a bit, he could wear his pants and boots, then get a leather shirt and jacket from The Resort and a Muir cap to complete the look.  David helped him find these items on the app and arrange to have them delivered to the room in about an hour.  They had about that much time before they needed to get ready.  Steve said they should relax in the hot tub before getting ready.  He unlocked the leather gear that the others were in, then told them to take it off while he removed his gloves, chaps, and boots.

In the hot tub, Steve thanked them again.  David said it was all Jeff’s idea.  He had no idea what was going to happen.  Brad agreed and said to Jeff that he did a really good job.  David said he would make a good alpha slave.  Steve commented that he gave all of them pleasure, but he didn’t get any.  He said that he got all the pleasure he needed from giving Steve pleasure.  They sat in the hot tub and continued to talk and enjoy each other’s company until there was a knock at the door letting them know that the gear was there.  Steve asked Jeff for his controller.  He used it to unlock the door and asked the delivery slave to bring it in.  They got out of the hot tub and started drying off.  Steve looked out into the living room and said he would be there in a moment.  He began to wrap the towel around himself, then realized there was no need for modesty there.  The slave held out a pad for Steve to acknowledge receipt of the items.  Then Steve got his pad and gave the delivery slave a pleasurable reward.

As the delivery slave left, Steve started to get dressed and told the others to get back into their gear.  He had more to put on, so when they finished, he told them to put their cuffs on, then cross their wrists behind their backs and lock them there.  They all did as they were ordered.  As he came out, Brad said, “Wow, you look great Sir.”  The others agreed.  He looked at them and said that they also looked good.  He left their wrists cuffed, then led them to the leather themed restaurant.

Arriving at the restaurant, Steve was not sure how he was supposed to meet Master Ray.  He would not recognize him since they had not met in person yet.  He told the head waiter slave that they were planning to meet someone there, Master Ray.  The head waiter slave asked if he was Master Steve.  When he said that he was, the head waiter slave led them through the restaurant and through a door into a private dining room.  Upon entering, the head waiter slave said, “Master Ray, may I present Master Steve.”  Master Ray was seated at the table.  He got up with a big smile on his face, went over to Steve, shook his hand and said, “Welcome Master Steve.  It is a pleasure to finally meet you.”  He dismissed the head waiter slave, then invited Steve to come and sit with him.

Jeff and Brad were not sure if they should follow.  They both looked towards David and saw that he was standing there.  Other than his hands being locked behind his back, he almost looked like he was standing at attention.  They did the same.

Steve said it was very generous and unexpected for him to give them this weekend here.  He said that he felt he should do something after the trouble they got into because of his slave.  He added that he had other reasons, but he would get into that later.  He asked Steve if he wanted a drink and suggested that the pina colada was very good.  Steve said he would try it.  Master Ray waved over the waiter slave who came over and asked, “What can I get you, Sir.”  He told the waiter slave to get them two pina coladas, then dismissed him.  Master Ray asked how he liked things at The Resort.  Steve said it was an incredible place.  The facilities are amazing.  There was so much to see and do there.  The drinks were served, and they continued to talk about the things that Steve and his group did that weekend.

After hearing about Steve’s weekend, he gestured in the direction of the slaves and asked, “May I?”  Steve responded, “Certainly.”  Master Ray turned towards the slaves and said, “Come.”  David led the way.  They followed him and stood in front of Master Ray.  David knelt and the others followed his example.  Master Ray said, “You may join us at the table for dinner.  You are dismissed to take your seats.”  They all responded, “Thank you, Sir.”  They got up and sat at the seats that had been set for them.  The waiter slave put menus in front of Master Ray, Steve, then in front of Jeff, Brad, and David.  The menus presented to Jeff, Brad, and David were not the usual slave menus for that restaurant.  They had a subset of items from the guest menu.  When they were ready, the waiter slave took the orders from Master Ray, Steve, then the three slaves.

While waiting for the food to come out, Master Ray addressed slaves Jeff and Brad.  He asked them how things were going for them at their job.  They both expressed how much they liked working at The Resort.  They talked about the orientations, both when they started and for becoming guest slaves.  The meals were served, and they continued the conversation.  Steve did unlock their wrists to allow them to eat.  Master Ray asked Master Steve about his job then about how he and slave Jeff met and how slave Brad came to live with them.  They finished their meals and talked a little longer.  Master Ray asked slaves Jeff and Brad what they thought about their experience that weekend.  They talked about some of the things they did.  David made a point of mentioning the scene they had before coming to dinner where Jeff took charge of them.

You could feel the excitement coming from Master Steve and slaves Jeff and Brad when they talked about their experiences at The Resort.  Before departing, Master Ray said that he was impressed with the work that slaves Jeff and Brad were doing.  Their alphas have put in good reports of their work, especially when they worked together.  He asked Master Steve if he and the slaves could meet in his office tomorrow morning.  Master Steve said that would be fine.  Master Ray said they should enjoy their evening and take their time getting breakfast, then stop by any time.  Master Ray told Steve to message him when they were on their way.  He gave Master Steve directions to get to his office.  He said that it would not be appropriate for the slaves to enter with him.  He said he would authorize them to go in with slave David through the resident slave entrance.  They said their good-byes.  Steve had the slaves lock their wrists to the rear of their belts.  Steve and the slaves left the way they came in.  Master Ray left by another exit.

Since they were already dressed for it and it was adjacent to the restaurant, they went to the leather bar.  Steve noticed the public play area.  There were some stand-up cages.  Two of them were available, so he put David in one of them.  He put a heavy hood with a gag on him before locking the cage.  He then took some rope and tied Brad to the front of the cage.  He used a gag on Brad but allowed him to see.  He positioned a bondage chair in front of the cage facing Brad.  He had Jeff sit in the chair, then proceeded to strap his wrists, waist, chest, lower arm, upper arm, neck, thighs, and ankles.  He used a gag that was attached to the chair to further restrain his head.

There was a sign on the wall reminding people not to touch or interfere with a slave without permission from his Master.  It had a footnote to check the app for permissions for touching a slave.  Steve looked in the app and saw that the slaves being used in the public space were all listed.  His slaves and some of the others were set as “Do not touch.”  Other slaves were marked as “Available for” with a list of activities.  The list included things like touch, slap, kiss, nipple play, foot play, hair pulling, and more.  Most have additional information, such as parts of the body that may be touched or slapped or how hard someone may go for nipple play or hair pulling.  For slaves of The Resort who were assigned to guests, there were options for limited belt control, such as activating electro or vibrations in certain areas.  Steve set David as available for most activities with few limitations.  He quietly checked with Brad and Jeff to see if they were OK with strangers touching them.  When they agreed, he set them to activities that would mostly be pleasant, such as touch, gentle nipple play, pleasurable settings on their belts.  Steve played with Jeff a little more than Brad.  He did give David some attention, but not as much as the others got.

A few of the guys in the bar played with them.  Steve would glance over to them when others went to play with them.  It was a safe environment, so he was cautious but not concerned.  Most just came over and looked at them, maybe put their hands on them or a few nipple tweaks, then moved on.  A few gave them a bit more attention.  One guy gave Brad and David more attention than most of the others did.  He came over to them and started to feel up Brad.  He did some gentle nipple play, caressingly put his hand on the side of his face, made some adjustments to his belt’s setting, and did other things that were obviously pleasurable.  He addressed slave Brad and said things like, “You look like a good slave,” “Your Master must be very pleased with you,” and other such encouraging things.  After giving Brad a few minutes of attention, he then addressed slave David, while squeezing and pulling his nipples rather hard.

To David he said such things as “You must be a troublemaker the way your master has you hooded and lock in the cage like that.” “You look like you deserve to be punished.”  He made some adjustments to David’s belt, which seemed to be uncomfortable and occasionally zapped him.  After giving David attention for a few minutes, he changed his focus back to Brad where he was gentle again.  After shifting his focus back to David, he started asking David, “Is slave Brad a good slave?”  David, as best he could, nodded yes.  “Should I be nice to slave Brad?”  Again, he nodded yes.  “Don’t you think slave Brad should get some punishment?”  This time he nodded no.  After a few more similar questions, he went back to slave Brad.  He told him, “Slave David seems to think you are a good slave and I should be nice to you.  Do you think that slave David is a good slave?”  Brad nodded yes.  “Do you think I should be nice to slave David?”  Again, he nodded yes.  “Don’t you think I should keep punishing slave David?”

Brad seemed to hesitate on replying to that and eventually shrugged his shoulders.  “Should I stop punishing him and start being nice to him?”  Again, Brad hesitated.  Brad had a feeling that David liked getting the punishment.  “You don’t seem certain.  Don’t you think he wants the punishment to end?”  Brad shook his head no.  “Oh, so you think he likes being punished?”  Brad nodded yes.  He then reached around Brad and grabbed David’s nipples, pulling them hard as he asked David, “Do you like being punished?”  David’s head nodded yes.  That got the guy to turn the level up on the belt and play with him more roughly.  But he was still very nice when he played with Brad.

Steve was glad to see that Brad and David had gotten so much attention from someone else.  Steve and Jeff both loved Brad, but he was more like a brother, close brother, than a partner.  After the guy finished playing with Brad and David, Steve waited a little longer before checking their settings, then going over to them.  He turned their settings down about 20%, but otherwise left them set the way they were.  He went over and played with them for a few minutes.  He decided to let Brad out first.  He untied Brad but left the gag in place.  He let Brad help him get Jeff out of the bondage chair but left the gag on him too.  Then he let David out of the cage.  He removed the hood from David, then the gags from Brad then Jeff.  Once released, the three of them formed a group hug around Steve to thank him.

They might have stayed out another two or three hours, but they would be meeting with Master Ray after breakfast.  He thought they should be well rested for that meeting.  Steve decided to bring them back to the room.  Steve said they have some time before going to bed.  He told the three of them to go into the play space.  He said he wanted them to pick something for each of them to spend time in.  If any of them saw something they wanted to try, they should pick that, or the others could help them decide on something.  He said they have 10 minutes to make their decisions.  Steve went into the bedroom.  He was going to take his leathers off and get into something more relaxed, then changed his mind and decided to stay in the leathers until later.

He browsed through some of the restaurant options for breakfast.  The jail restaurant looked interesting, but they only served lunch and dinner.  The only other themed restaurant he saw that served breakfast was the ABDL restaurant.  There were non-themed sit-down restaurants and the buffet restaurant.  He had seen several guests that were clearly into ABDL play.  He didn’t know much about it and it didn’t have strong appeal.  He was open to trying new things.  Maybe one of the other restaurants would be a better option.  The 10 minutes were almost up, so he decided to wait until later to pick a restaurant for breakfast.

He came in to see what they picked.  He started by asking if any of them picked any items for themselves.  Jeff was the only one to respond, “I did, Sir.”  Steve was not surprised that he was the only one.  He chose a table that was roughly shaped like a body with the legs and arms spread slightly.  It had 4” leather straps for the waist and chest.  There were 3” leather straps for the ankles, just below the knee and the thigh, wrists, just below the elbow, and the upper arm, and a 2” strap for the neck.  He also chose a heavy leather hood with a gag and breathing tube.  He said that David suggested the mitts to go with this setup.  Steve said he was pleased with his pick.

He asked Brad who picked his setup.  He said they both helped.  They asked him some questions about what he would like.  He said that after standing so long in the leather bar, he wanted something where he could sit or lay down.  Jeff suggested a leather sleep sack with laced front and leather straps.  He thought it might get hot in there, so he was going use a hood with open eyes and open mouth, but David talked him into trying one with pinhole eyes and mouth.  He went with David’s suggestion.  Jeff suggested his sleep sack should be tied down to the table, so David suggested this table because of the hooks on the sides that can be used for attaching ropes.  Steve said he liked that setup.

It was no surprise that Jeff was the one who came up with the setup for David.  Start with a heavy leather straight jacket, then sit him in the box.  There were straps to go around the waist and chest, thighs and ankles to keep his body immobilized.  The lid split around an opening for the neck so that his head would be outside of the box.  There was also a thick neoprene hood with a large mouth opening.  David added that he chose that hood in case Master Steve wanted to sit on the box and use his mouth.  He said that if he did not want to use his mouth, that he suggested a heavier leather hood with a large gag.  Steve said to Jeff, “This is a good setup.  Since you thought of it, would you like to put him in it?”  Jeff replied with an excited, “Yes, Sir!”

Steve unlocked the leathers and had them strip down to their belts and collars.  Then while Jeff got David set up, Steve got Brad set up.  Steve put the hood on Brad.  Up close you could see the holes that it had over the eyes and mouth.  From just a few feet away it gave the appearance of being a solid hood.  He then helped Brad up on the table as Brad slid his feet into the sleep sack.  Jeff got David into the straitjacket, then got him seated in the box.  He tightened the straps around his waist and chest.  Steve helped Brad get his arms into the internal sleeves of the sleep sack then started lacing the sleep sack to a nice snug fit.

Jeff got the rest of the buckles fastened on David securing his legs.  He then started putting the front and top of the box back on.  Steve finished lacing the sleep sack and was starting on the belts when Jeff asked Steve which hood to use.  Steve told him to use the heavy hood with the gag.  Jeff got that done about the same time that Steve finished up with the belts on Brad.  Steve told Jeff to help him tie Brad’s sleep sack down.  They each took a side and quickly had the sleep sack secured so that Brad couldn’t even wiggle in the sleep sack.  Steve then got Jeff into the hood and mitts, helped him to lay down on the table, then got him strapped in.

To finish things off, Steve adjusted the settings on their belts.  He was getting proficient at using the controls, so he went to advanced settings where he was able to set up a pattern where the vibrators and the electro would start and increase the intensity and pleasure, hold it there for 30 seconds, then ramp down.  The plug would also inflate to a pleasurable size.  When it ramped down, the ball squeezer and ball slapper would activate, the plug would inflate to an uncomfortable size, the electro would intensify to an uncomfortable, then painful level.  That would hold for 20 seconds, then ramp down.  It would continue to alternate between the pleasure and pain cycles.  During the pleasure cycles, he might go to Jeff and run his hands over the straps and the exposed skin and perhaps play with his nipples.  Or he would go to Brad and run his hands over the sleep sack.  Only David’s head was exposed, so there was little he could with him.  He did go over and run his hands over the hood a few times, but mostly spent time between Jeff and Brad.  Sometimes he would sit and do other things.

When he felt it was about time to get ready for bed, he started with Brad.  He removed the ropes tying him to the table, released the straps, then undid the lacing.  He helped Brad out of the sleep sack but left the hood on for now.  He had Brad help him release David from the box.  They opened the box, opened the straps, then helped him out of the box.  Then they got him out of the straitjacket.  He then secured their wrists to the back of the belts.  He removed Brad’s hood, then David’s hood.  He brought them over to Jeff, one on each side.  A pain cycle was ramping up, so he waited until it started to go down, then had them suck on Jeff’s nipples while he undid the straps then removed the mitts and hood.  He helped Jeff up then locked his wrists to the back of the belt like the others.

Sending the others to wait for him by the shower, Steve went into the bedroom and took off his leathers.  After stripping down, he went to the shower to rinse off and had the slaves do the same.  After a quick rinse he got out and dried himself off.  Then he unlocked their wrists to they could dry themselves off.  He gave them a few minutes to get themselves ready for bed, then locked them in the cages under the bed.  David was in the middle cage with Jeff and Brad on either side.  Steve turned off their belts, then went to bed lying face down.  He let his arm hang over the side so he and Jeff could hold hands until they drifted off to sleep.

To be continued…

when Tyler leaned down to kiss him, he returned the gesture

3 thoughts on “The Resort – Chapter 08”

  1. Idyllic vacation resort. Great interaction between Steve and the slaves. This story has so many possibilities for other characters if the author ever wanted to write them in.

  2. Great place to be, safe, endless options, something new every day, level determined by the Master, elements of surprise.
    Story written with great precision and care, very “nice”.
    Would love to experience the full belt and have my partner in full control, including giving control to certain trusted others.
    The way in which this belt is used is just so creative – wonder how much of it can be implemented.

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