26 and 27

By surfbot

(Note: You will not understand the characters and their relationships unless you first read my story “Abductions R Us.”)

Wow! Here was 26 in all his naked glory, in my house, with his chastity key, and asking to stay the night! I could not have dreamed of a better offer. So after our erstwhile guards had left, we joyously went into the bedroom, removed our chastity devices, and had passionate sex.

Then a surprise: after a single orgasm he began putting his chastity device back on. “I thought you said you had been wearing it for over a month — is one enough? He replied, “You have never met a guy as submissive as me, and yes, one is enough.” Thinking about that for a few seconds, I held out my hand. “While you are in my house and locked, I’ll hold your key.” He hesitated, and I continued, “I’ll give it back to you when you leave.” He placed it in my hand, and I turned and put it in my clothes cabinet. He continued “Don’t worry, my holes are still available to you, as often as you want to use them,” and over the next hour I came in both.

My entire house is clothing-optional, so we got towels for chairs and sat and talked while I defrosted and cooked two steaks with all the trimmings, continuing through the evening. As before, I found 27 easy and enjoyable to talk with — wow did I learn a lot!

27’s real name is Johnny (never john or jonathan, just Jonny). And he was part of the role-play! He had hidden keys for handcuffs and both of our chains, in case the abductee (me) went crazy. For now he was living with Dan and Bob, our guards and “kidnappers.” He was a successful author, with two published novels and one play. Dan and Bob work backstage at the theater in town, building sets, moving scenery, and whatever else was needed; Johnny had met them when he came to attend the first performances of his play (he ended up filling in a minor role). They had been together for many years, and Bob was Dan’s slave; Johnny had never seen him without a full-coverage steel chastity belt. Johnny wore his chastity device (and nothing else) and essentially became Bob’s slave, and the three of them had some good times together.

When the pandemic shut down the theater, They brainstormed about how to maintain some income, and they hit upon the idea of the “Abductions R Us” website and role-play. Dan figured out the physical arrangements, he and Bob set up the room in their basement, and Johnny treated it as a mini-play, conceiving the basic plot, writing most of the lines, and preparing the website.

It was Johnny who came up with the notion of a testicle clamp and chain, because he fantasized about it on himself. Dan used the theater’s workshop to build half a dozen of them. Johnny was thrilled, and put his on immediately, locked by Bob to rings set into the walls around the house. He was still able to work on his laptop. When they had a client, Johnny was moved downstairs and the role-play went pretty much as I described it (Story: ‘Abductions R Us’). Coming to my house was the first time in several months that he had not been chained to a wall.

After so much talking we went to the bedroom for bed. Johnny said, “Wait while I put on my pajamas.” I wondered what PJs he would wear, as I had never seen him wear any clothes at all, including driving here and walking to my front door. He went to his duffel by the door, and when he came back I could see what he meant: he was wearing handcuffs and leg cuffs connected by a chain, with his hands in back. I took a closer look at the cuffs — the bow of each cuff had a hole with a machine screw and nut that limited their closing to his size, so he didn’t need to double-lock them. In addition, the ends of the ratchets were ground down so there were no sharp edges to scratch him or the furniture.

I laughed at his unusual “PJs,” and then told him to go stand in the corner while I made sure that all handcuff keys were on high shelves, out of his reach. I knew where mine were, so I brought his duffel onto the bed and inspected it: laptop, phone, chargers for each, a testicle clamp and chain, a padlock for it, a laser depilator, and a toothbrush. In the front pocket I found a  car key-fob, a hex wrench for the testicle clamp, and a keyring to match what he had handed me earlier: chastity key, handcuff key, padlock key. I put all the keys on top of a tall bookshelf in the hall.

We slept soundly, in the big bed, with my arms around him and his cuffed in back.

In the morning I awoke with Johnny sucking on my dick. This brought back memories of my late husband — good ones. I realized that Johnny and I would also be good together. At breakfast I had to feed him, as his hands were still cuffed in back (he obviously had a lot of practice with that). I told him that while my invitation was for one night only, I would gladly extend it however long he wanted. He said “Let’s try it for a week and see how it goes.” I agreed eagerly. He also said he had a commitment to join other role-plays over the next few weekends, and I agreed to take him there and back.

Johnny said “I have an offer for you, and a request. As I said, you have never met a guy as submissive as me. The offer is that my holes are available to you 24/7, including drinking all your piss. The request is to put the testicle clamp on me and chain me up in the bedroom for the duration, such that I can reach the bathroom. And release me from my PJs each morning, so you don’t need to feed me, and so I can work on my laptop during the day. But you will have to bring meals to me.”

“Wow! — Let me think about that for a few minutes. I’m taking today off, and Tuesday through Thursday I can work from home, but on Friday I have to go into the office..” He said this works out as he has to be at Dan’s for a role-play on Thursday evening. I got his keys and released his PJs, and replaced the keys.

After thinking for a few minutes I said, “OK, stand up and put your hands behind your back.” I then reapplied his PJs. “New rule: The only time your testicle-chain keys will be in the same room as you is when you are in your PJs like this, giving you no chance to fight me and escape.” I grabbed his balls and led him to the bedroom, applied his testicle clamp, and used the padlock to affix his chain to the foot of the bed, near the door to the bathroom. He was grinning the whole time, so I knew this was what he wanted. I removed his PJs and he pulled out his laptop and said he was working on a third novel, but would first tell Dan of our plans. So I left him to that, put his keys away, and went into my office to play around on the Internet for a while.

The next morning I realized that when I wasn’t here he could be in serious trouble if there was a fire or other disaster to the house. So I put one set of his keys, and the hex wrench, into a small pill bottle and glued it shut. I told him about it, and said whenever I left the house I would make sure it was within reach — he could smash it if necessary. I also realized I could be in serious trouble, too. So I removed all his restraints, including the chastity device. I then laid them out on the bed and made a video of him saying that he was under no compulsion to apply restraints, but did so because he enjoyed being in them. He then re-applied his chastity and restraints, handing the keys to me (off screen) and pointing out that the cuffs were customized for him. I promised to never put the video on the Internet, and would put it on a thumb drive in my safe deposit box at the bank.

Remember that I am a switch, and I desired some submissive time. But it was clear Johnny had no interest in fucking me. So after making preparations, on Wednesday evening I put his PJs on him, and then helped him drink a large water bottle. Then I moved his testicle chain to the head of the bed, too far for him to reach the bathroom. “I hope you know what you’re doing,” he said. I went to the kitchen where my preparations were ready. I had two water bottles frozen with a knotted string inside, sized so they would take about eight hours to melt. I then taped them to the bookshelf in the hall, tied my keys just outside the bottles, and brought their strings into the bedroom and tied them to the bed where I could reach them. I then drank a similar water bottle, so Johnny would know I had done so. Back in the kitchen where my preparations were ready, I applied my chastity and my testicle clamp and screwed it down. I then applied my home-made PJs, which used small padlocks instead of the welded rings Johnny’s used. I went back into the bedroom and locked my testicle chain next to Johnny’s. I told him neither of us could refuse to drink the other’s piss. He smiled.

“Oh shit, I forgot to turn off the light.” Neither of us could reach the light switch, so we spent the night with the lights on, alternating sleep and exchanging piss.

In the morning I tried pulling on the strings, and found that the ice had not yet melted. But about an hour later, and much piss, it had melted; I released myself and moved Johnny’s chain back to the foot of the bed — we were both glad to use a toilet and drink clean water.

That evening I drove Johnny back to Dan’s, with him naked and in PJs. I did not lock his testicle chain to the car, even though he wanted me to, so in an accident he could escape. As I had often driven naked, I was also naked, in chastity. I had replaced my chastity lock with a numbered anti-tamper tag, so he would know I had not removed it while he was gone.

When we got there, Johnny had me drive around back. When Dan and Bob answered the door I simply handed his testicle chain to Dan, who immediately handed it to Bob, who led Johnny inside. I also handed Bob Johnny’s duffel, pointing out that his keys were in the front pocket. Dan said “I see you are naked, wearing a chastity device, and with a number on your chest, You sure look like a slave to me.” I responded “No, today I am no slave. I’m naked and in chastity because I enjoy being that way, and the number is to remind me of a  great weekend.” Dan smiled and invited me inside.

Johnny was in their sitting room, chained to a ring in the wall and kneeling next to the chair where Dan would sit.. I told Dan that I was a nudist, and always put a towel down to sit upon — I’ll go back to my car to get one. Dan said to not bother and told Bob to get me one. When he got back, Dan said a single word, “Strip.” Bob immediately did so, and knelt next to Dan’s chair. I could see that Bob did indeed wear a full-coverage steel chastity belt.

Dan and I talked about this and that, including Johnny’s future, with the two slaves attentive but silent. I told Dan that as far as I was concerned, Johnny’s future was in his own hands. Dan was surprised that I would give a slave such autonomy. I replied that to me, Johnny was not a slave, but hopefully a friend, roommate, and lover. I told them that if Johnny asked me to, I would come pick him up Sunday evening, after the role-play was over. We would then negotiate how long he would stay with me. Dan said he had no claim on Johnny, and I could keep him as long as I wanted, He said Johnny was welcome there, but he would mildly prefer that Johnny lived elsewhere. I left on excellent terms with Dan, and thus with all of them.

On Saturday I received an email from Dan, inviting me to dinner Sunday evening, dress code: naked and in chastity. I enthusiastically accepted. Dan was clearly accommodating me.

Sunday evening the four of us had a marvelous dinner, served by Bob, with Johnny locked to the wall, but otherwise unrestrained and sitting at the table. Dan also wore a full-coverage steel chastity belt. Afterwards we had a long discussion about this and that, and Johnny’s future. I asked him point-blank whether he wanted to come home with me, and his eyes lit up: “Yes. Yes! YES!.” I then asked him how long he wanted to stay, and he answered “As long as you want me.” After agreeing to bring him back for each role-play ,I put him in his PJs, Bob released him from the wall, and we went home carrying several duffles containing his clothes and worldly possessions, including a box containing first editions of his books and play..

When we got home, I showed him the rings I had installed into the walls in the bedroom, kitchen, and family room. These are much more solid than merely locking him to the bed. After locking him to the bedroom ring by the bathroom door, I put his keys away on the high shelf, mine on a low shelf, put on my own PJs, and we went to bed. It is challenging to arrange the covers with your hands cuffed in back, but we managed. In the morning Johnny complained that he could not wake me up properly, as I was still wearing my chastity device. That was easily remedied.

That day I had taken off from work and told Johnny that we were going out together. I unlocked his chain from the wall and wrapped it around his waist several times, holding each turn in place with a small padlock. We then got dressed and went to a clinic downtown, ignoring his occasional clinking. We each had blood drawn for tests of HIV and all STDs. Three days later we got the results in the mail — both of us were clean.

We fell into a regular, loving routine, and for several weeks we continued with Johnny locked by the balls to a wall, except when I ferried him to and from Dan’s for a role-play. We found that we preferred to sleep with our arms intertwined, rather than in PJs. Whenever I went into the office he had his emergency keys, but with the screws of his tecticle clamp hammered down he would not be able to remove it. Unknown to him I purchased a rotary tool and bits so I could grind down the screws and remove it.

Several weeks later Johnny told me that he had progressed on his novel, and had to go see his literary agent, 150 miles away. He wanted to drive himself. He then told me the shocking story that his agent liked to fuck him whenever he visited. That would be sexual abuse, except that Johnny enjoyed it. He wanted to make sure I was OK with it — I definitely was not. So I purchased him an ass lock, which is a device that goes into one’s asshole, is then cranked open so it expands inside the sphincter, and then locks in place — it cannot be removed without the key. As these are rather uncomfortable, In solidarity with him I bought one for myself as well, and whenever I put one into him, I also put one into myself. Together we built up a tolerance to wearing them all day.

On the morning of his trip I told him to put on his PJs. I then proceeded to lock a brand-new GPS ankle monitor onto him. Unknown to him I had purchased and tested it myself for several days. He was delighted with this gift saying he had not expected to feel in bondage throughout his trip. I then ground down the screws of his testicle clamp and removed it, locked in both of our ass locks, and released his PJs. He put on some unaccustomed clothes and drove off to meet his agent, with a key to my house. Yes, I held the keys to his chastity and ass lock.

Just before Johnny left to drive home, he called me, said the discussion with his agent went very well, and he received a check for a larger advance than he expected. He said he wanted to stop at his bank to deposit it, and then invited me out to dinner, his treat. We agreed on one of the best restaurants in town.

During dinner Johnny mentioned that he would like to stop wearing his testicle clamp and PJs, if that was OK with me. I said it was fine with me, and it would be good to eat at a table in the kitchen rather than on trays in the bedroom.. I reminded him that he would have to wear both when I drove him to a role-play, and he agreed. Apparently a few hours of freedom after many weeks in bondage was attractive to him.

As dinner wound down, I asked him if he missed his agent fucking him, and he said “not at all! Indeed I want to feel your dick inside me.” I told him, “That can be arranged.” Then knowing it would be unusual for him, I continued “and I would like to feel yours inside me.” After thinking for a few seconds, he smiled shyly and responded “That can be arranged.”

Nick Moretti and Luke Riley

3 thoughts on “26 and 27”

  1. Love the way that trust builds up between them over the two stories. It’s a rather gentle tale of love and friendship. An excellent read.

  2. I really enjoyed reading this. I love the way 26 and 27 were so open-minded about exploring what worked for them and what didn’t. And I need a set of PJs like that. Simple elegance in a classic design never goes out of style!

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